HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 03/16/1965March 16, 5 Regular meeting of the Petaluma City Planning Commission held on March, 16,,, 1965 I'al 't 7:30 O'clock p.m. In the Council Chambers,, City �Ha Peialumi'a California. PRESENT Comm. G nl' ans, Richards, Sta ey, Ga'.tewood. ABSENT Comm. Popp STAFF: Robert Byrd, Director of Plann -ing George Miller, Assistant City Engineer f CORRESPONDENCE Mr. Byrd read a letter received cation.:fbr a use permlt'be:fore car wash, In a C-H Zone locate from Mr. Shand withdrawing the appli- the Commission to allow a coin operated at 209, 213 Pet. Blvd. So. (File U7 NT OF STREET PLAN LINES FOR WASHINGTON STREET-BODEOA AVE 7 The Rlanner informed the 'Commission that action on the above mentioned item dou'lld not be . c6mp at' this time , d .me the fact that the at- torney retained by the city for this project had not completed the legfslatAon. Cha.irman Gatewood opened the public hearing. George Mil- le'r, Assistant City -Engineer, presented th plans for the realignment and plan lines for Washington-Bo Avenue,,re I a I I gn ment. Mr. Edouard Ro- bert, speaking as ari-indIVi,dual, requested that the Commission make 1 1 : ' '� ' eration of the tenants the sions as quick yas possible in consid e and ir owners located In this area. Mr.. Robert also requested an assur- ance from the Commission that ample time will be given the tenants and owners in order to retoc�kt.,e:. Comm. Gans personally assured Mr. Robert vb4 thaced t ampe time will, b ,e gi. ohn Boxey mer, 225 High Street, pposition tp because, in'hls 6P.Jnlon, the plan would 1 create a,_areater hazard and would not help the traffic flow to the coast. Also, It would bring less tax money.for the city. Mr. Byrd stated t!,hat the propose ' d plan was 'not intended for coast traffic but rather t!o eliminate tr:affl fr6m,the downtown area. A mo- t" Ion was l Gant'i,made byComm.i seconded by Comm Richards and ,passed :by all memb ers present t continue the hearing until the next meeting.. , 0 1 RUTH.MAIfELD, USE PERMIT, FILE U9-65 C qf-tlffi�n Gatewood openeld, the public hearing' to consider the, use permt'.t a " "' pp filed byl! Majfe'ld t:o a1low.,a nursing home In an R-1"600Q Z one located at 32 Brafiching Way, Mt. b `i-d read a letter from C:. 'Phil- : lips, who resides ad ed nursing home, .i he acent''to the propoz had no objection,to'the nursing home. -Mrs. Maifeld' gave a'detailed'r report­of the operat.1 iftv:olved., stre,st'ing the fact that the , elderly.­ re s I de nts� w6u ',not, 1ft any way. be cbnslderedl� a detrlment'toISny com- munity.�" 'iMr. he' I II ' had te ust a sold g a a home e n mentioned that j i-on Way t a'client and it , was his opinion" that the people involved might object to this use. Mr. Mogel, also a real'tor (in:strumenta.1 in the lot for Mrs. Ma.ifield) objected to Mr° lZosterls statement, pointing put that there would be one lot between the two devel6pmen andco.u'ld s.ee noilreasoh why these elderly people would Interfer with any neLghbors' Commissioner Gans told the Commission that he had received a call frQM Mrs. Rose - bloom, a resident In the area, that she was In favor of the -o pe r at i on, No other objections were voiced. Res. U9-65., granting II' PI I'll, 4 March. 16 1965 Planning Commission Minutes it the use lipermit, was "Int:roduceed, by' Cibmm. :seconded by Comm. use 11 was , 11' - 11 .1 . 1 . I , R ichard-si and' p6s�sed by aIll member'slipres , ent . BOB ACOANE, REZONING APPLICATION PUBLIC 'HEARING, FILE Z6-r6 Chairman Gatewood, opened the public hearing to consider the rezoning application filed by' Bob ."Ac,orne to-rezone the northerly one-half of Assessors Parcels 81;-06&-" and 8-066-' from,'a' Community Commercial Zone to Service Comme Zone. (The reason for the request being to allow a car wash on the site). The Pl : gave a detaile d report (made part of the permanent. file). The Planner stated that the per- missible uses under the Service Commercial Zone are less compatible with.Community Commercial uses than the uses allowed under the Highway Commerl I I Zone (t I hA consideration' since the adjoining area 'a is primarily zoned Community Commercial) and,, therefore., recommended that the' request be modified changing*It to a Highway Commercial Zone. Dick Lieb. representing the applicant., stated that they had no objection to this Imodification., Bob Acorne wars also in the audience. Commissioner Gan,s que',§tfoned Mr. Lteb "Tegarding t n �'he 'umber of exits and their loca- it16n . l M,r . Lieb infbrm6d,�� Commission that, the called for entering'��the operation from Second Street having exits from Second, rtD' , 1 and ;perhaps even Pet. Blvd. So. The Planner Informed the Commis- sion that the circulation 'plan would have to be approved by the City Engineer. Mr. Lieb also­ind,icated that the three older residences now on the site will be removed, providing space for parking. Res. 26­65, ' to the Clt,yClbuncil the modified rezoning as indicated by the.Planner, was introduced by Comm. Gans,,seconded by Comm. Stanley and passed by -all members present. PtTALUMA .CHRIST IAN CHURCH USE PERMIT-, FILE uio,.65 ChairmaI�!Gatewood opeiied th public hearing t-,o,,consider use,permit ap- plic.atfo ' filed by Petad"uma.Christfan::Church to allow construction of a c h°u r c h an R-1-10"000 Zone located' at 1150 Schuman Lane. Mr. Byrd Informed the Commission that the propoi.Sed site lies between the Bue- nos Noches and Terra Vlsi I ta Knolls Subd1vtsions. Mr. Fredrick J. Masteller, pastor of t 'h-I church,, was present. Mr. Bill Foster, repre- sent Ing, ' the app I itant.., was also present and the Commission asked him questib'n�'6 regarding the p'eti'tion signed by several residents" stating they h objections to the use., were *a-11 residing on Paula Lane and none on Schuman. Mr, Foster stated t 'he had contacted all the hl owners on. Schuman, but', although they would rather see cust.omed built houses on Schuman Lane., In view oflthe?fact -that tract homes are being , t b !1hey.,Ai4d no j to the church ections cons t r uc t I on. Donald built 1�11 " `1 ob , I �11, I" u dnbs Noches &ubdivisi6n, reiterated that he had Goodnight,,' ow '�bf not been� an . d .1 that hi's homes were customed .1 'designed. A le I ngth- y d iscussion followed relative to public -improvements to the site. Since nQ:objections were voiced, Res. U10-65, approving the Use Permit with the!.'cond1'tfo that .if the public fmprove'me'nt:s are not completed prior td,i,constructJon of the church, the church will be requ i reel tio make :saTd improv m uch as cur, sidewalks and sreet� along th�'e'ir frontage., was Introduced b Gil Gans 'seconded by t Comm,., Stanley and passed by all members present. L 'ESTER, 'zULLIVAN., VARIANCE.APPLICATLON,, FILE V5-65 (see , next ag NI W 1, -2- Ma�,r ch 1 6 9 ,1 1965' Planning Coft-�'is Minutes he Commi,ssion considered variance app:lIca'tIon filed by Lester Sullivan to. 'allow �100% coverage in, a C Zone t be located at 210 Edith Street. In his report, made part of, ':the pe-�Man�en� 1 t- r e c,o r,d' -q the Planner stated that the surroupcli�ng deve lopment has iso'lated the portion of the prop- e rt Y on which the applicant ', hic t. Intends to expand' the, building and no fur- ✓ l ! c then use could be made of this property unless the variance application Is granted, There were no objections voiced. Mr. Sullivan was present. Res..V5 granting the variance, with the condition that the appli- cant shall continue the concrete block construction utilized in the present building, was Introduced by Comm., Gans, seconded by Comm. Rich- ards,, and : passed by all members present. VIILL1AM k 1ANCE. 6 6J9 Street. NPOA KEDI VARIANCE,, FILE v7-65, 615-5th Street. The Com'mi.ssion considered the above variances at the same time since the requests were of an IdentIcal nature - namely to allow 0 ft. sideyard setbacks If or addition to their garages. The! extension to said garages be : ing.ne necessary, to actommodat e' the present-d',ay:� liength of - cars. No ob- V/ c. jections were voiced. Res" grant 1rig 'the variance, with the con- diti-on that said extension have a one-hour fire protected rating, was introduced by Comm. Richard, seconded by Comm. Gans, and passed by all members p resent. Res.-V7-65, granting-the variance with the same con- dition as stated In V-6 was, introduced by Comm, Richards, seconded by Comm. Gafis and passed by all members present. lAwl" FINAL MAP,, .FILE 8-6 Ge-orge.Miller, Assistant. City Engineer, presented a favorable report o frm thelEncineer. Said report being made .part of the permanent file Re se s 8-65f, ' approving s,a,Id*fInal map, was introduced by Comm. Stanley, seconded Comm. Richards,, and passed unanimously by all members pre- sent. COMM I S p ICRD e(sked that cons ider.at4ont, be given to all aspects of land ii*te oeration w"I'th, regard to economic and social needs of the community. I r� ADJOURNMENT T There, be I rig no further business - to come before the Commission,.,the meeting was s adjourned. 41�