HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 02/05/1966� 1 L 1_ 5, j. - ` Regular! meeting ' g, Qf t he Ci P'l ann in g Comm ` 'h • e� ' 5$ on . Apr I 1966 at 1:30 o P.M. In. the Council Chamlhe,r:s,,� City Hall, Petaluma ta I I fo rkn I a. PRESENT- Comm. Gatiewbod, Popp, Styles :. AB:SE Stanleyd STAF Robert E. Byrd Director of, Planning Gary Graham,, Planning Technician APPROVAL OF MINUTE - the minutes for the meeting of March 15, 1966 were,.. approved as submitted,, QORRE,SPONDENCE (Sonoma County Referrals) 1. Gu y use pe�rmlt to allow antlq� y Smyth ue and used furniture sa:Iet 'Within building lactated at 985 Bocie,g,a Avenue. . 1 The Commission voted to recommend appr of the permit with the following conditions (1) the p 4.t I. ng, area should he fenced and hard-surf aced and (2) the appl 1cant, be required' to tj', e'!. into the ci-'. tyl.s sani,tary sewer system at such time as it may be made available ` � applicant t this area., The Commission further noted' that .� ' shoul.d' he informed of the, fact -that Bodega, Ave.. Is planned widening 'to. ..four lanes and that -no' P�ermaftent structure shou1d•; wIth�'Lft 43 ft. of the center 1 1ne of the street,. a 3. -Edw',ard N. carrar, use. ,permit to allow plant mix and peat moss ('sto =: P1.1 Ing and m:tx-frig top soil, peat, mo and fertilizer at 28!- Thompson" Lane). The Commis.s,fon voted to recommend appr-ova 1, of the r It w I t h the following cond1ti,ons: ('I) the proposed opexation,• b' e, I _s , c re; . ef1*-01,o sio as to block the, view from the main traveled 'roadway "adjatent . the site and the operation should be c on the rear prop- . _�" ert'y as indicated on the site plan and any odors or fume p . ` 4 ­'Voquc e d, by' this open 'ation must be ,confined to the boundaries of j tlhe -`t1"te as detected by the! human senses.. Clifford E. Hammond,, use permit to aIlow dismantling & repair of washing - machines and refrigerators= at 89 Th:ompson-Lan.e. I 'The Commission rqQommended that the appl•icati,on be de, nied" ' on thew basis that this, operat,ibn is not coTqpat1,ble with the existing land; uls&.. or zon-ing and that the site has ver-y p acd ;arid is rns ficlent In area to provide sufficient parking fac4.1`,Tt: !4 MODIF.ICATION TO ZONING ORDTNANQE, SEC. 11­204, Res,. 6 `6, 3.71 , Vice-Ch airman Popp opened they public hearing regarding- ' modific ation. for i'bw s:.-� "There shall be no e' t an a' h Se 11-204 to read ass fol' 01- f., of cle.a between the bott,6t, of an overhanql f -- ground 1eVe1_.,* g sign a . id -g _ :except ; a m1nimum "Verttcal. cl-earance, of 4 ft," The-- Pl.annePlanner. iftdi­ czat that under marquee , s i gns-cannot be c­,onst:rlucte.d on' the covered' 'wa--tkway und.er t,he e7l'stiAg ordinance and this type gn it f o r d I r e c t 1 on o f 's-h,o.pp r s on the. wa,lkwa- No ob jzct I onz we,r e volic e:d. ' y Re,&, 156,6 .recommending to the City, Council the above ment,lorne Ca.i1bnAo the Zonivng Ordfnanc wa fntroduteA by Comm. Gatewood,, S., onde.d by Comm,, Styles and passed'. Plahning Commissio >. Minutes April 1966. ROLAND Cl LSON, US PERM 1T, FILE U7-66 "J'Ice-Chall.rman Popp opened the pub-Lic hes,ring regarding use perm'it ap- plication filed by Roland Ca to allow" buTldlng materials sales J, lot in an M-L Zone act, 786 Wilson Street. Ai favorable report was pre' -_ s;ented by Mr. Byrd (made part, of the permanent f - Ile), There were, no , objectio'T.J�s voiced, Re=ls... U7­66., 'approvin.g the use permit, was Int-ro-' &uced by' Comm,. Styles, seconded by Comm. Gatewood and passed. ON SITE DESIGN T Comm�isslon reviewed the site desig.-n for th e proposed use of build- l?,n mate, & s'ales yard to be loc:ated, at, 786 W e� Llson Stret. Several minor re ,,0 nrriendations were made by the Planner �elatfve to hard sur- fa.cOng a port, ion of fflie property and The owner of the prop- erty., Mr6'so Bone, was p A mo'Ljon, approvirij the site design as re by the Planner we _ int,rodtc�ed by Comm. Styles, seconded by.L1 Comm. Gatewood and 'passed unandmously, .djx - ROSE, USE PERMIT_, PILE 1 18-66 Vfc.e-Chalrman Popp opened the ptib1 is hearing regarding,, use permit ap- plfc filed by Ji,r�, R to c,onduclt a used ' car sales lot In a C-H, Zone at 213 Pet, Blvd, &o. The Rlanngr pres:ente a favorable report, mad'e part 7 of the r� Mr. Byrd a1so read a petition signed by .1 s ave pro *e,rt.y 6winet-s and les.s,ees of pr,ppe,rty IA. the block request- p Inb thatIthe permit- be granted. There were .no object. ions voiced. Res. 'C8-66 -�rrri was introduced by Comm. 5-atewood, gran th , ie; us�e pe.- .9 teconded I by Comm. Styles and' Va s se d ,SITE DESITCN APPROVAL FOR USED CAR LOT, 'Blvd. No ��A motion was mada by -Comm. Gatawood, ,, seconded by Comm. Styles, and . passed, 'approving the site plan fob= the used car lot as presented. PIONEER SHELL CO., USE-. PERMIT,, FILE U9-66 Vice Popp open d' t,h,e. public hearing regard.ing use permit ap pl ic,aticin f I led by the Plonee Shell Co. t,o at low. the development of a concrete ready; mi.x p3i,ant' on their site at i.00 East `D" Street. .Mr.. Byrd pre,sznted a qomp.rehensl°;,re staff' report "(said report being made part of 'the. permanent f ile)' recoMftiending approval based upon :compli,ande with the conditions stated in his repott.. Atltorney John Lounl'bo�s was preserit ';on behal.f of the Applicant a . nd requested that. t he u:,se permit be g:ranted.1' Mr. Beek, the. :appllcant., .'was pr and agreed to the condl- .-tions outlined in the Planner s repoO.. There: ware no obj�e,ctions voiced. ;,Res. u9 -66,, g,rantlng the use permit with the conditions as stated In the Ptansarqs r rt introduced Inr.aduced by Comm. Styles, s`eco,ndedl n. l by Comm-. GateWood and passed. SI PION The Planner recotnmehded. approva.1 o� the sl,te cept for minor modifications ' to thel parking - site design revIeW, was Introduced ;by CGMTn' 6atewood" and passed unanl.inously. OPERATION OF design as presented ex-- af-e-a. A motion, granting Styles, se&onde,d by Comm. pl-Ann-1-4 Ammlselons Minute,, A001 I i966 FILE V�, VfRNQN_2i,JO VARIANCE , Then. Cr)mnilssfan reviewed the Variance qpqllcation filed by Vernon Smith to alloi 200 sq ft. overcovepage and 11 ftc sideyard setback for new construdtion of a carport at 9 Abster Straet. In his report the Plan- nap stated that due to tha lot av hing only a,100 sq. ft vr U . the ance was , A lifled. Ths'Platner further Pecormended a 0 ft� sideyard be grantyd t h the condition that the wall adfacent to the sideyard be of hr. Q'Ite Pesistive constraction, Res, V1206, granting the variance, was int by Comm, entewood, seconded by Co= Styles and passed Ou as tlo 2,ned n by the Planner. LA FRf-N�H I -REED, VAR 1 t'LNCE y > FILE V13-66 The C-om I Onion reviewed tha a vrlan6n app! ation f ic i2ed by Mr. LaFranchi an Ili Me& to allow 2 addlAohal dwelling units or 22 total units to A noastracted at Howard A Stanley Streets, In his report Mr. Byrd tinted that a transitlonal We permit had been `bra nted for the site to al Am 4onstruction of multiple dwAling unAs and recommended approval of the two additional units because the land area of the site will he sub sand t ially reduced by the Washington Street Realignmint Project which cuts thieugh the northwesterly quafter of the property. Res. V13 granting the variance, was introduced by CAm. Styles, seconded by Cumm. Qatewood and nasaed. ME -66 The Plaber read a Avorabla report Qom tye City Engineer. Res- 14-66, app-Mvilh the final map of Maludy Masps SqWAsion, was introduced by t seganded fy Comm. Styles and Passed. SITE REJIGN The Coro .p! Jssinn approved t site design fat the following proposed con- A U&I n with the onditi o ons Of any) as utlined in the P a r' lnnes rep r t o f w c or eacO Van Bebber Eros. v �('29 Pet. - lVd. So. :tai court Bra,! & World nr� - 1 3800 High%vay Sch 2 uck8b I et B Ed g - 231 Kent ucRy St , y 3 6 Atle Pence Co. - 1000 Caulfield Lane c 5 73? Anta Rosa Feed Co. �� 19 Copeland Street 6 -P,T) j oup.T�urtF nT There blind` no forther business tc ccme before the Commission, the mesting Was xQburnqd,, a LILL1 r - n,. n