HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlanning Commission Minutes 11/10/1970A. G E N ;D A P- ETALUMA PLANNING` COMMlS$'ION N'Q UEMB.ER 10., '1970 S;P tI;AL MEETING # "1; ISCAt YEAR COUN:CIC CHAMBERS 7 :30 0"CLOCK'Po:Ma - PETA`LUMA., CALIFORNIA R'O.LL CALL: Comm. Bias'nner, H haters - Perry - Stanl STAFF: William -Co Mc'Gi D�ir°e'ct. ®'of P 146ni ng Andy Andes soh, A : P . 1 .. anne - r' - NOTIC'E IS HEREBY' .GI °VEiV' th 'ti al Mbeting _. of the Petaluma City "P�la n,g Commission " -to "be he 1'd .on Tuesday, Nove.mbe.r° 10, 1970, "at them °;7:.30 0 6. f6r the fol ®wing pgrpose: CON51DERAT'LQ.V'OF THE P.E'TAL AREA ' PLAN PAUL ' R'.',' STNKLEY;; CHAIRMAN P'ETALU CI'TY PLANNING' COMMISSION Attest: - I - here6.y consentti to themh �f: the° Spepiai Meeting - of .i 1/10/7,0 - 4' 44 • Set w r 1334 WN281MMU OMAHAS V MM 2M38MAHD MM3 MY IA3211 11 OVIT211 QW, AIMPOITAM ;AMUjAT3q M.1 Isola OEA jJOR gntnpsfq MAK-91M nisvkaM .0 MUM 09AT2 Oynnall inglataQ naeiebiA XbnA to pntlesM fatunqj Uff - , ydnisA 1 Wj WHIP Y82AIN01 Co XobaguT so bfsd no uw"nO?azP,O3 gnpanary pto smufa",q gyn A idt m m.. q pin in ivavadi ip mer r oc Taemavv MAK W302 APA"AMU iNIT. " ' H T " - 1 rpow"Aw .n. L — NOIREIMM03 ORIMMAY ?PQ NORTH — 1 H f - .�F - 4 - 7-v;Fbi virf - -in'T 01 Sqzwow—yd r— I November., 10, 19.:7`0 Special meeting of the Petaluma City . Pl,arining. Commission was. .held on November 10 . ,197 0 ; in ; the Council Chambers of - '.the City Hall Petaluma,.California; at 7:30.0 "clock -p.m. The purpose of --the meeting was".to disc:u'ss .the - Peta- luma General .Plan: •t PRESENT Comm,. Hood,, Waters Perry," Stanley. ABSENT - Comm,. Brunner (Comm. ':Brunner ..was i . - the audience during, "part• of the, meet ;ng but .did, not vote. ) Comm,. a , .me'mb.er of the Boar_,d• -of.' Zoning - .Adjustments, was I a'1 so, . pre s,ent,% i STAFF •' William C. ; McGivern, D ,rector of Planning. Richard .D.- A. Anderson 1 , Ass.istdnt Planner::. Planning, Director Wi• l.am ''McGi- vern..;presented a -brief s.y- nopsis of'the history and.'background of the Petal -uma Area Gen -. era-, "Flan . which- was prepared' by, i i.virigston . and , BI - and adopted in 196.0. (An,e'arli Plan was adopted in 1948 by the .City.) MqGivern Ca ttialong with the'General P -lan;, the City ado . p g p mp l ovements' to run concurrently -with the General Plan.: Uario:us general - obligation bonds were.suggested- to -'subsidiz.e. the .'.proposed , capital, improvements. The Planning Dir ector .referred to - some - -of the pr:ojects accomplished; .,namely j con- struction of the Washington Street Btidge, establ shment'of the East Washingtn o",:Stre,et •Plan Lines, _prepared plans. for the Caulfield Lane - in Gverpass; ',addit�iens to the Fi-re and P61 Department �bu.ild- g , etc.,. He ,point`ed dut.•that many of .-the .priority .it-ms . have , s been.,promoted and implemented witch City - f.unding..' Mr. McGivern stated th*e Planning"`Commis.sion and .,staff have' - done their - part `in upholding the.integrity of the General Plan.;''and•'whe possible worked within its !.framework: , Comm,: Waters stated thel General. Plan, is the, groundwork, . and q- ideline'.Tor the -type of commu,n ty Petaluma wants,..) He listed thg.necessit Y o;f.revis.ing the General Plan'- inclu e� d'the follow= irr S'et up a _housing el.emen:t a transporta;tion e'lement., 'update-,-. the subdivision :,and "zoning,, ordinances .a planned., unit developmentsordinanc.e and'a ..rive'rl,.front:ordinance*. i Mr. McGivern noted the : need • for an open space , program and a vital .recre'ati�onal elemen_t.1 He informed the Commission that the Std_;te Division of Highways is undertaking a I special tran.spor -. t atudy•for'all of Sonoma County.., The Gener;al.Plan - area. of Petaluma, is, broken :down,into•various. transportation zones New arterial and secondary'routes.are established or'-,being planned PAGE 1 Petaluma City --Planning Commi'ssion Minutes November 10 1,9 7 O, In conjunction. with, this study 'the City set -type of land Uses and plan.,the denLSjit IL;s-]dIesired- . al-on4. arterial And seconda st-reets-' and are to i4to consideration in the study. The following- pe at the meeting,. commented as follows: i. Mrs. -Sa:rtori ekpressed.1 concern over annexing. more. land during'the'..ti Cit'y updating the General Plan. Mr, John Bal 1680. Ke'arne.Y. a cessation oT, annexation until th 'Plan is completed.. Mr. McGivern --informed t hem - tb ou l h Cncil could -7 ,impose con trols on si�vbddvision-s or, annexatiahsp howqver, such controls would have be--studied cind pre I pared. The Commi d1scussed:tfie, fact that the present industrial . zoningz des1gpqa to. bring - ih; , has not been ver i successful - and perhaps_ some o i , the :a reas, industry I aside. for 'in-. dustria,1, should be. 'set---dside.fbr residentiai_uses.'i' After ,fu-rlther.-discuss,ion.,,the Commission 'voted to direct the.:-sta-ff to fbrward•a le�tter'to the City lt -Council requesting that due , ­ I , y 'to the evident - -cha-n4e dn -the chara,,cter and pl-anning ,philosophy of the City - w i�-h 'the time lapse p e eriod I of - •t4' e General Vlan,- srious,�, con . sideration.,shoqld be, gi,�en 'to.,compt ' ,a lee restudy of the-. General . Plan. It is-evidbpt. both pre direction of '-the City -can be 'achiev'ed ''with.. an updated plan for its "-eventually ,destiny and proper development. The Commis.sion further recommended that , the ri.onal -.-' 'o s n and other program be developed unbl�Lsedl',p6fes0 . speciali'sts..to conduct a. survey The motion was int'r0ducedby Cbmm.:Perry and s Waters. era1 --Plan, affect the dation. Comm:. Popp stated that i ' during the formation of the_Gen- in comingl-bef�r'�the Com'fnission that- Plan was a ' , referred to the con recommen ADJOURNMENT: Attest: There , being no, ,furth'erbusiness -to ., come ' before -the comml-ssiO4,, .meeting ,was,adj'ourned.