HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 01/05/1971s A G E 'N DA °PETALUMA PLANNING COMMISSION I Jantuary ,5,• 19`71 REGULAR MEETING-#12, FISCAL• YEAR; COUNCIL CHAMBERS 7.:3:0 P.M. CITY HALL PETALUMA, CALIFORNIA ROLL CALL: Comm. Brunner_Cer ni fiood`Waters _Stanleyl. i. i • STAFF:, William C. McG%Vern:, Director of P_la'nning. Andy Anderson., Assis'tan:t,Planner. A_P.P.ROVAL OF MINUTES Approval of minute's for Dedember '10 an d. 15th., 19 TO . CORRESPONDENCE-. C & M, DELIVERY, Application* filed bM C' & .M :De'liver'y, ,Inc. for_ a INCro use perms't, to afllov a ' freight forwarding terminal USE PERMIT in a' C'-;H (:Highway -.Commer,c al )� . Zone' at 21 Bridge U171 Street,. PUBLIC HEARING. VALLEY GREEN #4" F nal.map. approval requested-for; Valley Green FINAL MAP Unit Four, subdivision filed by MMcGah .&'Ba_iley, located .west of. La Tercera,, School.. OET PUBLIC. HEARING TO ,REZONE -LAND. INCLUDED IN' YOUNG ,ANNEXAT•ION 70-2 (loc'a:t:ed on'. North McDov ,ell B_l,vd ..) 'SET PUBLIC HEARING FOR A REZ:ONI:NG.. RE0UrEST 'FILED BY 'Qantas Dev,. Co. TO. REZONE PORTIONS OF. A.P; 7-28:-.33 and 7-2<R-37, ,,FROM :AN R-1-6',0'0-0 ZONE TO A P,=M . (Prof.es,sional. Medical). ZONE. (Area 'located -to_ the-'roar' of the taasli ricjton Square•:ShOpaping Center and.McDowell School). -7" PETALUMA 'PLANNING QOMM1SSION ' January 15, 1971 'Regular, meeting of the -Petal,uma Planning. Commission Va.,s held can Januar, y 5, 1 - 571, at� 7:40 -o�clock' p.',m., "in 'the-CounciI Chambers.,,.. City Hall,. Petaluma, California. PRE SENT:. COMM.- Brunner:, Cerihi,, Hood, Waters,' Stanley. ABSENT: None. STAFF: William C11. Maoivern-, Director 'of Planning,. Andy A-ndet-,s,pn,, A*S,s,i st. ant ",!p lann"er, Hal Wood,, Ass,i-stant City. Engineer MINUTES FOR, The'minutez' -f or�' the meeting -of December 1011 DEC'.', 10,' 1970, were approved. as. submitted.. CORRESPONDENCE 1970, tod6gA Avenue/Pqtaluma Valley Ford Road 'Name Change Mr. McGivern cGivekn informed the Commis I sion-of the. fotthcoming Sonom.al Coun- ty Planning Commission' :meeting �8 behelld-.-on January 7, 1971,',at which they will continue -Lhel w ..public hearing, regarding. the Bodega Avenu6/PetalumA Valley Ford Nam6..,Chang.e proposal., Hillcr est Hospital Master, ,Plan Mr. MCIGivern the -- remindbd e Commiasion of the meeting scheduled for January 6 1971, at _'7 -.30 p -m,- to, hear the District present theii'hospit.al master plan f , or 'the,City,,Coun.q,il and Planning C6mmis"sion C M DELIVER Y Chairman Stanley opened .the 'public hearing° to con" - ,IT INC. USE, -PERM. S,� ider,the application f iled by C & 14 Delivery, Inc. for a use permit to allow a -freight forwarding ter mihal in a ;C -H. (Highway-.,C.6mmarc!A1.) Zone' at 21 -ide Street..,- The..sta-ff report"I presented by Br ' Mr r., Anderson,., sta-t6d the site irvQlV�es'. one parcel fronting on, "Bridge Street. And -a -portion of..a ipeco,nd Parcel adjacent,1to-. the,.south., with a .3,10 foot wide extendin !-to Bridge Street adjoining ,th'e*� first strip_g parcel access e ' a,9 erde ' �ht known .as Clark `Street'``. e ,aff, report -.recommended approval of-. the use The -s,t. i , peribit. subject to. four conditions, -ofapproval,. I Notetestimonyin opposition to the grantl,na of the: use permit. was heard. and -Chairman, Stanley 'closed the piib1i6 hearing. Mr,.. 0® J.Copeland., agent for C & M Delivery, Inc,:was present 'and"stated only bobtail trucks will be*. used,. The freight, is picked up in the Bay ArJaA, htouqh-t to'Pe-taluma, sorted, and lbaded-on the trucks again for distribution. -No, .fueling faqi,lit.ies will be on the site. f Planning- Commission Minutes IJ.,anuary .5, .1971 = The Coinmissi:on. discussed the desirability of paving :. ". the.Clakk.Str.eet.easement.e Mr. Copeland expressed will.ngness.to. cooperate in improving this roadway easement but. in of the fact :other. property , (owners would be -,using it, it was his opinion .it should, ',be a cooperative, effort. _ After further: dis- cussion.,. -'action..,on .the .use,`'pe'rr it request ;was -held over•, until January 19,,'allow Mr. Copeland •19�71,,._to time to.contact the:other..,.property owners to request their participation in,paving the roadway easement. VALLEY GREEN The. Commission lons,der:ed the final. map .of Valley UNIT FOUR Green,. unit roue, submitted-"b;y-'McGah & Bailey, -- FINAL MAP.- Mr•. MOG'ive,r.n read a letter -received, from the, City ,1-71 Engineer-. stating ..the ,,final map 'is substantially the same as the .-tentative, map;®., Mr..' McGivern further stated -the map, represents, the last unit ,of develop- merit.,and. comple les the -subdivision. Res® 1-71, recom- mending approvals of Valley Green Unit 'F6tir- Final ,Map to the City. Council, was . ntr-oduced by Comm. Waters,. _ seconded' by Comm. Hoots, and. passed unanimously. YOUNG ANNEXA- The': •.Commi,ssion� stet .February .2,. 1931, -as the date for. TION' 70-2; the .public hearing to. consider tYie.-zoning district for land's, included..in, the' Young Annexation 70-2, (Located on .Norah McDowell Blvd—) . QANTAS DEV. CO. The, Commission s'et Februar--y 17, 1971, as the. date for,- the public hearing to:,cons'Ider the rezoning re- que"st filed by Qantas .Devi. Co® -to rezone portions of 7-28-33 7'3'7 fr:om.:an R=1-,6,000 Zone to a P -*M°. (,P_rofessi•ona�.Medi cal) Zone..The area is located to, -the rear of the ,Washington Square Shopping Center and, "McDowell Sch'ool.s Mr. Robert ®'N il.,. representing,Qantas Development,. Corporation,. presented..a..cursory -review of the pro- posed hospital complex. -on. -.behalf of:.' the Roses Medical :Corporation .. Mr .a O"Neil .info.rmed t_ he ..Commission approximately- 20,.,acres will be set aside for the -hospital., the balance will be utilized for :medical . off i.ce.s.,':pharmac�es,: heliport, etc. Several questions regarding the p.roposal..were -ral:sed 'by the -Commission relating to doctor. participation, .application to "-the-Calif. Health.' Faci,1'.ti:es , tr'aff� c c.'rculati.on and. a.,feas%bili°ty study® .Mr ® O' lvefl.l. stated a:compre- hensive presentation will, -be made at the'for°thcomi ng = ' .. hearing .on this. matter®.He requested- the, Commission to :furnish. the applicant with- a_ list 'of' any items in. question prior. -to the hear, ing, ,so that all. such questions can.. be } answered without delay , . ., `These ° -2- ° Planning Commission.Minutes ,January, 5, 1971 matters. mil -1 be!' discussed...by-,the Commission on February 17,"1.971. Councilman. -.Brunner noted, that.. a .PT M zoning .dis- trict, as requested -.by -..the -applicants, would al- so -permit mutli j family. residential development ADJOURNMENT There: being no further busIhess to come .before the Commission, ;.the ..mee,ting was. adjourned to a study session. Al. ! i f r d I r ' t