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Minutes 02/17/1971
"PE MA PLANN�I_NG" CONSION �" FEBRUARY �17 197.1" MEETING #1,3, REGULAR, . .FI'w AL YEAR COUNCIL CHAMBERS C v 0 0' GLOCK" ;P :M.., CITY HAUL PETALUMA,, CALIFORNIA ROLL ' '° Comm. Brunner ` TCerini Hood' Waters _ "Stanle_y S,: # William TAPF C ,, McGivern.; Director o f Planning _ Richard D.., A.. Anderson, j Ass'i's,"tAn;t Planner.- APPROVAL OF.'MINUTES' Pot• "JANUARY 19 1,971 and FEBRUARY' `-2 "1;971 e , l � " .. , CORRES;PONDENCE AMENDMENT .TO on Acti on dellet °ion of Section. 5 307 " from Zoning oning' ZONING ORp'.INANCE Ordinance #662 N..C,S., (perta _nin'g to multi RES 5: -71 ; fam l'y dwelHng;s' in a A-M Dist --rfc ' VALhEY:.GREEN :CO, Action on" application filed' b;v Va le 'Green, Co., Y to rezone' Ago P e. 41,7=104 0 24 from an R- 1-10., 0'00 RES Z';`5 7R1 Zone to:' an, R - 1 -6 , OOQ Zone. (;area 'included in Cambridge - ;Squar.e Subd ".ivi:G•ion "located -on 'South McDw B oell ou!levard,.) j . GAST,rER MOBILEHOME Con�tinu'a ' �on of pubh:ic Bearing to cornsider appl- CO.R "P .R REZONING cation filed �by Caster Moblilehoire Corporation " to .." REfS Z .7l rezone the easterly side of . U. S.. 101 ,Freeway, . - south of Corona. Road "an J d immediately"ad ac-'ent to "the 'south of the Petaluma Estates -: Mobi`lehome . Park not, under c"onstr-uct�ion -, from an .M .L (Limited Industrial) i`Zone. to an R - -15 :Zone The site• is`.located b',etwe.en the Freeway -and the, Northw est- e n 'Pa.cll'iC. Rai.`l,road : " CASTER MO.B'ILEHOME Pub,li,c..hegtlirig to ' application. filed :by C'ORPORATI Casae'r Moh,i,l,'ehome Corpora -tion; for a use pe-rmit. USE - PERMIT to allow a ,moblehome" park in, a ;proposed R -M -1500 RES,., U7-71 Zone (.see pe ous Agenda 'It-em QANTAS DEUELOPMENT Publi 'hears c ,,nq to consider application filed by COMPANY. Qan't'a "s Development Co. to rez one A PO'RT.ION o "f REZONING 1 A.P, 4.7 ,2II - 37 and - 33 from an R 1 6,0010 Zone to. RE'S . Z8 1 7' - r a P6 -M (P ofe lI s oral- edic•a�l) Zone,. _ AY V' R..- AGUIRR'E Public'` hearing -.to. consider application fI led, by U,S`E PERMIT Ray Aguirre .. -f "or a `Use, permit iq ,allow an. ,au:toma- `RE'&, . U13 =7'1 - tic,, car; washj a'nd- ga dispensing o r- ,peatio_n in. a! a Cr =N Zone." at 433 `Eas't Washi�ngt'on Street. . CAPRI` CREEK ANb Public hearing 'tq consider' approval o_f pr,opos`ed'_ SHASTA .AVE'. CONDUIT alignment f.or Capri - Cro , R- and Shasta Avenue C,on -° ALIGNMENT - 1 ,dui.„ project's as su "bmi tt °ed by Sonom`a County Water RES . 7 -1 Agency.: : Februar 17 Regul meeting of . the Petaluma ,City -Rlarfnng 'Commission was held on,'Fe'bruary.' 17, 19,7 at 7:30 p,,.ln.. in the Council Chambers°,. City- .Ha' l,. •Petal California. ` Hood. mat ers.;•Stan�ley.. r Comm. _ABSENT Br unner, I STAFF,-, Richard D. A. Ande r Assi:stana P;l Mine' r... , APPROVAL OF-- MINUTES : The minut_ds for the. me_etrng of January `: - JANUARY. ,19 ; ":1'9 19 , .1;971, were. ap,p,rove'd ` as� : cor,rect CORRESPONDENCE -- - Notices. of the following public. hear in,gs. " were ; read .by 'Mr Anderson . - Sonoma County - Board of 'Supe:rvis'ors: Fe'bruar•y•,23 ; 1'9, 1 .at 2;:;©0.•p. -m g g- Bodeg;a_ Avenue ;Name .Change. - � Co . ns�de rat On Maria Coun ty' Planning .Comma s,sion ,. February- ruary- 2f3,. 971 at 9` OO a.. m Re ar•din D - raft of Marro, Y_:. _.. g 5 'Coun.t Housilig Pollicy ;Statement. AMENDMENT TO' The Commission .approved a ' re.solution ZONING ORDINANCE :, recommending .to the - City, .G6unc_'1, the RES: #5f -71 deletion Vf Section, 5- 30'7 which per -- miss multi= family dwe1, in the P.. -M District.; and -transferring, the .a's' - a cond ,tlonal use under Secti 0 The: 5 -4 4'. , mot ion was introduced by „ Comm. `Wate ;seconrde'd .by Comm: ,Hood•, and passed by all' �memb6rs T :I WESLEY BP.ILEY he Commission discussed the applica= LAND QQMP,ANY . t on filed. by 'Wesley ,B,ailey -Land Cbm- _ R &ZQNING!,. _ an t p. y o rezone the area iri n c uded i RE Z571' the .Cambridge Square Subdivisionifrom ` a'n R -l' =- 1,0;0.00 Zone t.o ;an P,R �1 -6, 0,0.0' Zone.;. Present on behalf 't ,appl '- .'of c, were Mr. Arthur tafrarichi attor -., p ant and Mr. ' Ron Simpkins , ,r.epresenting MacKay & Somps!',, En gln!eers.• The `Commis= whether the. moratorium onoreaoninssed: g imposed by the. City Council PAGE' 1 - Planning Commis;sdoi _ Minutes - Page Two February "17° .19 Z l - WESLEY!- - BAILEY'•, would affect this .;property:" . Mr. Lafran- . NAND COMPANY e'h1 pointediout the, Z,o-,ning.Ordinance,., RE';ZONING, :Sec,ti_on". 21-1-1,00'.. sped =f ' s the ,Commission RES : Z5 -7'1 must deter min& the z!on --ing district for' , (continued'), newl:y- annexed. territory within .45 days,.„ following • annexa , .ti�on to- ,tlie. City: The- Commission directed the : , staff . 'to . obtain a legal opinion, from the' City Attorney regardinq-the .fo,llowing' ques -..� bona:.. Would the .Council's moratorium on .r:ezonings 4apply "to. thus ap'pi,ication.? The . request, -was filed on December 21 . -' 111970. Had the, Commission processed._it. on January 5 , 1971,. the .moratorium _ would . not thave affected th' s...ap.plica- „ ti.on. (Due to a 'heavy`; ago da . for -the., ;5th of- January and January„ 1:9th, -this 1. item wa!s• scheduled for February.:2; ;1971. ). (2 Was the; - tentative map'; •for: C'ambri'dge Square,: approved by the Planning.Commi's - s',ion on March 1.8, ,19619, legal in view'- of' t-e f act the map, provided , fo'r . 6,-&0,0, square. fo.ot Tots, when in. -fact the zoning for .the. area . w,as. R-1_ • The Commission also" di'rect.ed :the staff .. _ to write a� let,fer to. the City Council asking if - the.mor•ator - -i,um ,ap,plies to _ = terri:tory aalr:eady �ahne_xed to , the . City..: (:but not _ yet studied, by the• , . Planning Comm -ss — " to ' determinf'e the appropriate zoni'ng.."in view of .Section 21= 11.00 -of the" . °Zoning Ord.imance) and to' those. areas not -:cons .dered, ,hot s',p'ots or. cominereial/ industrial . areas., The item was I held over. -until the second: . meeting . in March (March 16 . 1 1 _. CASTER MOBILEHOME' The • Commis'I zorr continued the u p., blic CORPORATION." hear n to g I coi sid�er the dpp�lication . REZONING RES'; Z4 -71 , filed ,by Caster Mabilehome.�.Corporatoii to approx-imatel 3'5 acres of . rezone . land;. located . between the, lr:e'eway;,;.and' the No,rthw'este.rn - Pacific Railroad,, " , and adjacent to the Petaluma Es;t°atesl Mod lehome• Park on North 'Mcbew - e - 11 PAG_ E'.''2 Plann ith g'.00mmiss.,or Minutes' - Page ,Three Pe "y 1 "7;� 19'71 CASTER FMOBT•LEHOME Boulevard -, from an•- "M -L (Limited .Indus, C0RPORATI,QN trial,).- Zone . to:: •ani R M -15 &O . Z:oh'e'•. Mr,; REZO1�TNG Donald E Ith,,, Vicd! President :of-•.Researc' ° RES.' Z4-71 and Development,f6r Caster` "Mobil'.ehome,. (continued) C'orp:or&tion, out lined,' c;orporat ion ''s ` plants , and µ policies'.. Mr.--smith." also " showed s1- `des of .7bther pa wks developed ' . . by': their: col "poratio'n.. Mr .' 'Smith ,also noted the. _fact ,mat th rezoning request' - was'. filed ,'pridx to, t`h'e. enac - Men:t'Vef .the.; moratorium .on rezoni•ngs . — He adknowledge.d that-11h, ap.ply_ng for -the .rezoning,, :and,. ult.:imate expansion,•, of '° "the :Petaluma E s- tates Mobtlehome Park, were viola -'„ t rig Condition,,..' #18 of the Use ".Permit issued for the Petaluma. Estsates Mobile -. ' t „ home. Park.. which specified no,•furth'er ex�pan.si -on, o'f . t_he. park would, be permitted: However, he questt.ioned� th 35 acres 'a n question w.as donsidered one o the "ho .t spot " - ' a reas in .•vlew' =o -f i" ; t.h&.:development of, several •mob lehome` . parksi in the 'area.: He. "- requested the application,be , referred to .ahe. City Attorney for `le.gal co ;urise ; l. The Com.- mission cont Au6d the. r* ,t - 'until the . second :meeting in., March, 157•1 : CASTER USE -PERMIT- - In view 'of -the Commissson's : action ,on. RES. U7 . the rezoning request filed' by,. appli- ; the c'an'ts', .'this . i "telll..was a1 qO' ca rried - ovex , - until the second. in March 197.1.,. ,. , QANTAS DEVE,LOPMEN,T Mr- Andersdn riead a letter, received CORPORATION from -,R W. - Q'Neel ;.. 'Presai den t _ `f Qantas RE 7 0N`TNG Devel°opmen ;t Corporation y ,re q,uesting withdrawal -:,of their r.d,zon-ing :appl-i Lion for .37- acres of . land. located be =.: :hirid the Safeway: Store . ",ori South- McDowe 11 " Bo ul evard. The Commission, acknowledged t_hiair: requests RAY.,AGU,IRRE Mr. Anderson. - read, a , l °ette :r received. USE - PERMIT . fr,om the apply cant regUesti ng his RES. U.13 : -71 ' application for a use. ;perma to .al'1ow:: an. automatic car' wash. at .433 East 'W6s_h- ington . St_reet be :•held. over- -to _the next ,. meeti--ng to .,allow time. to redesign th" e. - la ;yout improvemen':ts . The `Comnii ss�ion granted the request and - will, conside -r the application on March .2, 1971,. " P.AGE . 3 �•. -OF - Planning Commission Minutes .;- - Page -Four February -17, 1971.' CAPRI-'CREEK ALIGNMENT RES :7 -71 • HOUSING AUTHORITY .Chairman Stanl ey opened the public., hearing to conside "r .the Sonoma "County .> Water Agency's proposed alignment for the Capri-Creek project: ', No .opposit 1on-',, was voiced,from the audience, and Chairman- ''chosed the public 'hearing. ,A representative from the =Sonoma County Flood ,Control Agency reviewed, the .pro posal ..which Will consist. of an .open ditch extending from North- McDowell•- Boulevard. westerly °to the .Pe,taluma River: It was p'o>n.ted out that a f ive foot fence .will be_built,a "the. ditch - for . the -p'rotection,- of '�the :.public . , The Commission engaged in considerable_ discussion regarding_s'afety aspects of an open channel,,_, aceess."problems,._and appearance. The Commission ,appr:oved• the. proposed, alignment, With the "further .recommen:- . . dation , that laiidscap :ng..be .,provided as approved. iby the 'Director of -Plan- ning and .con,siderati,on be given to placing. the :praj,ect i;n conduit:..if poss,ib,le. The motion was._made by . Comm, Hood, seconded by .Comm- Ceririi, and ;pas.s_ed by all members present .. Chairman Stanley- opened ;the public hearing,to consider the proposed. Shasta . Aveniie,' Gondui:t "as ';submitted by the .Sonoma . unty-Mater Agency. There be.irig no. op:pos.ition to , the 1. alignment;i Chairman - Stanley closed the public-hearing.; A motion approv- ing said- alignment was in troduced ,by Comm. Waters; seconded by Comm. and passed . b,y all •members, present,. Chairman Stanley informed the Commi.s , sin _he had attended'• a meeting of the. Sonoma County Taxpayers Association:. The Housing Authority was discussed at this meeting. Chairman,•Stanley' was in favor.of.havi'ng someone.from. the County talk to the Commission re- garding varous. gove rnment- programs." PAGE 4.