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Minutes 12/21/1971
A G. E N,D A PET ALUNA PLANNING COMMISSION DECEIDER 21, 1971 REGULAR fthETING 412,. FISCAL YEAR, COUNCIL CHANIBE S - 7: J 0 P.M., CITY' HALL PETALUMA 5VRINIA / C Daly �St/, ROLL CALL: Comm. �Balsha�Vv erini lyz chmel Waters A STAFF: William C. M061, il Richard D. -Ai Anderson, Assiztant- Planner. APPROVAL OF MINUTES FOR ,PE _QEP1BE 7, 1971 REPORT OF'SUBDIVIS! N AND .'ZONINO ORDINAtICt REVIEW , COMMITTEES CONTINUATION OF PUB'L' I' HEARING!_, 'TO., C.01N.,&. MAYNARD VICTOR Public: ,hearing to cons-'der use permit applica- USE - PERMIT tion filed by Maynard Victor- to allow a car- U32-71 wash operation;.aale of gas & petroleum products; and living quarters for a caretaker of the on-site businesses, at 421 Petaluma Blvd.. South. (Highway Commercial. Zone).., ADJOURNMENT PETALUM PLANNING COMMI`SBION MINUTES FOR DECEMBER 21, 1 9 7'l + Reg)41ar meeting ,of the Petaluma City, Planning ng Commiss'ion was held on b� emb 2.1,, 1971 at 7, 30:p.;mm, in the Council Chambers,. City 'Hall', Peta luma, California. PLANNING COMMIS - SION MEMBERS PRESENT: Comm. Balshaw Cerin , Daly, Waters. ABSENT Comm. Schmelz`�® BO71RD OF ZONING ADJUSTM MEMBERS, P R ES ENT ,: Co Gore, Hood AB Comm. Popp APPROVAL OF, MINUTES The minutes for the meeting of December 7, 1971 DECEMBER 7 , 1971 were approved aS suhm� tted. VICTOR MAYNARD Chairman Graters opened tale public hearing to con- USE PERMIT side . the use permit appli i o' filed by Maynard �332m71 Victor to allow- a carwash op eratio n, sale of gas &. petroleum produp -ts and living 'eluarters for care- taker of the ern -site businesses, at 421 Petaluma Boul bva.rd South. (Highway Commercial Zone) . 1 y }- Mt. McGi ern in reviewing the staff report, said a use permit to provide and sell gasoli gasoli . products as an accessory operation to a proposed automatic carwash was approved for the..�qhject site in March, 1971 Sate Design appr:ov al ..g, a remised site de- sign, proposed hy: need owner's , was granted in duly, 1971. The submitted �Peguest is the third proposal . for the site., Mr. McGivern gave a brief history of why Section 6-403k was added to the . Z.on' ing ordin- ance (Th'is secti n al, o s IY.v.I.nq quarters as a n. adjunct to a commercial use upon approval of a use permit.) Because of certain abatemeh , proceedings being carried by the City in 1568, it w - as nec- essary to relocate a restaurant btsiness including living quarters for the owneks, As a result Sec- tion 6 -403 of the Zoning Ordinance was amea�ded tc� provide for this use. The Planner- said this s ection Of the Zoning Ordinance was no designed to pro- v.ide for the lxVirig quarter business as requested day the a.pplica.nutd This use request would set a precedent whereby ether similar types of us'es with mix residential ,use would he 'Introduced that could be undesirable a incompatible in an areas. i _.2 _ Petaluma Planning Commi. ,ssdon Minutes D:ecembbt :21, 1 971 VICTOR MP,iVARD The pro posed new zoning ordinance does not provide USE P ERMIT for this type of us,e A. brief discussion U..32 -fit .followed regarding the pro" sed exits and entrances to the CONTINUED site but the layout of the site will be-cons.idered by the Board of Zoning Adjustments. The basic issue before the Commission being whether or not to per- mit the residential. use on the site. Dick L ie b, representing the, applicant addressed the "Commission and said the Erin ronmenta Design Plan proposes High Density Residential use for this area, Mr. McGivern replied. that although this is true, it does not pr ovide for an. intermixture of h ighway d commercial uses an resd,en.tial uses. Mr, day Call, an associa�'e fo. the applicant, add - ressed the Commission and -said the added resi- dentiAl use has been financially successful in ether lo cati o ns and has prev vandalism, rob- be etc® After ,further discussi.on,, a motion was made by Comm m Cerini and, seconded, by C omm. Daly, dire- ti'ng the applicant to submi_,t a recd *si:gn °6 the opera - t1on excluding the: living quarters© The m ®tion passed by the following vote: Ayes :. Comm,. Cerini, Daly, Wa ters. Noes: Comm. Bals•haw Absent: Comm. Dchme,lzm REPORT OF SUBDIVISION REV I'E n] COMMITTEE Mr McGivbtn said the Commi:ttee reviewing the new subdivision ordinance antic,pateg holding one more meeting before s ubmitt ing their recommenda- tions to the Consultant:sm , Subsequently a. n draft will be. presented to the Commission for their. review.., The P'lann.nq Director said the text involves new atandards and innovations in the design process. 'The Co i- flee is reviewing t,hes.e, ,standards for campliande with street requirements aid public improvement's to assure good development within the City of Petaluma. REPORT •O. ZONY-NG ORDINAN REVIEW COMMI TTEE , Mr. MdOivern gave a brie -f' synopsis of the, ,prec3sess made by the committee reviewing the new zoning ordinance text He stated, the, text contains new ;chap.te'rs dealing with administration, new zoning.- districts, combin- ing districts, planned unit development districts, etc , together with ways and me ans,. o f implementing the Environmental: Design. Plano Following submittal of the recommenda ions of this committee to the consultants, adeptiill forward a revised draft for the Commission's consideration and n. I Petaluma Planning Commission Minutes December 21, 1971 CONTINUATION OF PUBLIC HEARING TO,CONSIDER THE: 'ADOPTION OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN PLAN FOR THE CITY OF PETALUMA, - Chairman Waters informed the audience that the revised draft of the Environmental Design Plan, prepared by the Plannin I g Consultants, Williams & Mocine, was not received in time for the'Conmis review; however, both Mr. SEid Williams and Mr® Corwin Mocine were present to review the Plan and explain the accompanying map. The revised plan incorporates many of the recommendations of the six citizen committees. Mr. S-id,Williams addressed the audience and reviewed the work done by the firm to date. He, said a questionnaire was sent to the citizens in February, 1971 which asked a lot of searching questions as to the kind of community the citizens of- Petaluma wanted. The reconnaissance was followed by a two-dayconfer6nce with members of City Council, Planning*C6mmission, staff, citizens and County representatives in at- tendance., The City adopted an official Statemen t oft , :Development Policy as a result: of the conference and a Legislative Policy'Memorandum fol- lowed® The consultants began their assignments on.,the Subdivision and Zoning Ordinance® The Env * ir6nmental Design plan was V. prepared by the consultants and six citizens groups were actively - in in reviewing the Plan. Af ter 'Many mee'tin the citizens' redomm6ii�aations were forwarded to the consultants® Mr. Corwin Mocine, pointing to the Environmental Design Map, explained the consultants proposals for the Cit . He said the area was divided into 3 sections - Central &W6stern; Northern; and Eastern.' Some of the com- ment-'s made by Mr. Mocine .were as follows: At present there is'a3nq ^ K��!at deal more commercially z . dned land than is being used. The CentraL�"Bus-iness Districi_'-shod-id be "preserved and I I strengthened and expanded ., - across the river intensive study should be giveri.to the ceritral" including McNear and the railroad yards. !Industrial zoninq' not desirable for this area; commercial or residential uses seemto�:be more suitable® The northern area of the plan sh8uld be reserve_d.and protected for industria 1 uses. Further expansion of mobilehome parks in this area is'.-not desirabl e,., Mr. Mo'crnd recommended 4keater',vari n of or the eas' side. . & - . e 'o dwb,1 t Pla Unit developments sho ' J " oUld bd encoutage'd- ., one objective' is to maintain. a ba1.ahc'6d,grQwth bet " eh the - 64st;,and ;,wegt. we At this point Chaikman,,,Waters opened the public' hearing. Testimony was heard from the following,citizeiis: Mrs. jEast Washing- 4yp ! �james ob ' rezoning Wilsoh-�=Str 6et (between� t6n1and East D Streets) commercial to residential', Attorney john Lounibos also stated the,Plan should leave Wilson Street commer aliio 'retain commercial zoning on East W,ashington Street between 16 Wilson and•Edith. Mr. Lounibois said this area was changed from residential to commercial approximately 15'years ago, resultin ,g in the payment of higher taxes to the city by property,owners since t1lat time. _4 Planning December; CommissionMinutes ,21, 11971 Commissioner Ho-od,, Chairman of the Commercial Areas - Committee, said it Was_ committee s f eeling 4 buffer to . he of offices or light commercial us.e,$ Should be retained along East 'Washington Street. They further reco- nut6nded no site be a:pprOved for development of less than 20,000 sq. ft. The committee approved high density residential zoning behind the commer- cial :strip along East Washington Street. Pon,-W cite ;asked what was, intenddd for the Washington Square Shoppin' g Center,, Mr® Mocine said thila, area was proposed for a neiqhborhood shopping center, with. community commercial use proposed -for I the Petaluma Plaza Center. Commiasioner Hood responded that the Commercial,Committee felt the plan sho designate one specific center for expansion at East Washirg'ton And McDotw0-11 Marke-t. 'nd first shopping .center siie to move should deter- a mine- which one expand.s. .'Carol Sartori asked the Consultants what the project population is for the next -Ttve years. ,Mr,' Mocine answered that a population of 6,00 is expected. 'Clyde McCord stated Bast Washington Street,, between Wilson & Payran Street s:houYd T_e_iTa_I_n C-N (Neighborhood Commercial) Mr. Pit McGuire suggested. that more Planned Un" t Development should be propose d west .side of the community for a greater balance bet- ween the east and. west. The consultant answered that topography, avail- ability of sewer, etc, would limit PUD growth on the west side. Norm Rollins suggested that a restaurant -type us.e might be provided 'on the.horthsi-de of East Washington Street between Pavran and Ellis Streets. Mr. Mocine responded only is used as incidents' to the commercial use© Mr.. 'Dan 6 suggested that high density uses should be located near OA. rks,, et;7_., rather. than to be used as a tool for , stopping growth. L6u,i,se Ce'llini asked whether tae green colored des ictnation',on the map identified m park-s.. Mr. Mocine explained some were parks and others . I El sdh sites and open space., Comm John BAL§haw, Chairman of the Residehitiaj Committee, coM -a— ented ehs�ity should, be an average density,' obtained, by ptovid- in g a Variety of dwelling types, i.e. apartments, large lot ,singles, etc. The consulta-ht said a developer would have to s:chedule construction of dwelling units in accordance with the limitp.;ions of a quota estab- lished by' - policy. Mr., Robert, H. MoYer City Manager, in an;swer'to a question from Mrs."Caral Sartori j reqar '. ng e moratorium on building", said the gro' th wT=5� w u I nder''control by the beginning of the next fiscal year since no new surjuavislon -maps have been f in,aled. Mr. Meyer noted that no annexations • are foreseen in 1972-73 except perhaps for some land on the west side to maintain a balance of growth. PI anning Comm! sloe Minutes - k\ Decembiar 21, 1971 Chaikman informed the audience that In the future annexation of iamff w1IT by the availability of sewer', water, schools, etc. Commiissloner Hood brought -up the problem of truck trafiic in the downtown area. Mr', Meyer sa'id that since Lakeville Highway has been realigned, future. truck traffic will-be over Bridge and Hopper Streets to Lakeville Highway. 'The next Project will be the widening to Washington Street to Ke6 Street, (cutting back sidewal.ks, etc.) with signals at Keller & Liberty ttreets,, Commissioner Hood saj.d industrial areas should change to residential, oftic'e,., or corraper between Petaluma Boulevard South and the River, and in, the -triangle of Hcpper, Washington and the Norm Rollins quesitioned Uie specL I ark designation at McDowell and Caul f i e I d,' Mrs, ..Do_n_na Cook asked 1± asewer facility is not used to capacity, could iz properties further on. An affitmative answer was given by the consultants, 0 Mr'. reed .,.Schram asked about providing for an ".111storIcal Combining Dis- ri _E_ proposed that the City identify the older buildings r c having historical meaning, streets,, etc., on the zoning map and preserve thern as long as it is economically feasible to do so, $o h/.6 /7 /1 Co y J? ADJOURNMENT A motion was introduced by Comm- Cerini and seconded by Comm, Daly to adj,ourn the public hearing to December 28, 1971 to re" convene dt 7:30 p.m. The motion passe 5 C Fal At test- 1 1