HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 10/03/1972A G E N" D A PETALUMA PLANNING COMMISSION OCTOBER 3, REGULAR MEETING 7:30 P,M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL PETALUMA, ROLL CALL: Commi Bal — Daly Hood' Popp , STAFF: William Cu McGivern, Director of Planning. Richard D., Anderson, Assistant Planner. APPROVAL OF MINUTES CORRESPONDENCE SITE DESIGN & VARIANCE COMMITTEE REPORTS 1 972 CALIFORNIA Schmelz -- WaLers 0 Variances: 1, Donald V,, DeCosta - 613 "1" Street- 2. Jerome & Harry Jacobson - 6 Brookside Way :ZONING ORDINANCE Pu Hearing to consider modification to Zoning -MODIFICATION Ordinance 662 NiC,S_ by adding SHOPPING CENTERS and RES, 12-72 SHOPPING CENTER RETAIL SALES USES as a permitted use to Section 6­301 (a) in the C-N - (Neighborhood Comatetdial) District: Section 6-302 (a) in the C-(. (Cortimunity Commercial District; Section 6-303 (a1 in tho C-H (Nighway commercial) District; and S6c.tion 6-304 (a). in the C-S (Service Commercial) Di s t-riC.t. NEW ZONING ORDINANCE REST 13-72 1 Public Hearing to donsider of a new - introduction ,zoning Ordinance to. replace Zoning Ordinanc'e GfG2 N. Cs,S2 ?A,,QLUCC!.,, FIOWE & Public Hearing on Application fi led :by Paulucci, Howe DeMARTINI and DeMaftini to rezone a site from R-M-150.0 (MuLdLi- REZ'ONING forma ly Residential)-D-istrict to C-N (Neic lh-borhood Z -15-72 CommerCial) Di st._­ict at PT8 — rii-Ilis Street, 5 Alma Court, and 7 Alma Court., AP Nos. 7-022-12; -21; -25c OANTAS DEVELOPMENT Public Hearing or, Application filed by Qantas Co. Development Co. to rezone approximately 38 acres from REZONING R-1-6000 (one' fartiLly r'esidential) Dilstrict to PCD Z' -16-72 (Planned Community) Di,s%trict on the southeasterly side of t ^jLashinqton Square Shopping Center and McDowell Park, extending easterly along Washington Cr6ek to McGregor k 7 Avenue, AP Nos,n 7­280-33; -40; - 42; -43a O ADJOURNMENT M I N, U _T E S PETALUMA CITY PLANNING COMMISSION' OCTOBER 3, 1972 REGULAR MEETING CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL PETALUMA,,. CALIFORNIA PRESENT: Comm. Bond, Daly, Hood., Pdpo. ABSENT: Comm. Balshaw, Schmelz STAFF William, C_.. McG.i.Arern.,..Pir'bctor�'.6f..'P.'ldh,ning Richard D., A.. Anderson Atsidtant Planner REV. BOND NEWLY Chairmdn.Wai6rs the Rev. G. ELECTED COMMISSIONER: Roland -Bond "-,'as a newly appointed C6mmission0r. ELECTION OF OFFICERS: Acc(orling to,._,;the-..rules..and regulations ..of. the 'P.lAhning._.Commissi6n,,, the election of - .officiars,.is_t0 take place the first .meeting in-October.. 'However, due to the ­ab'9dn'dd'_ regular commissioners, it was decided ..to; hold this-election at the n&xt.,meetin(j on October 17, 1972. APPROVAL OF MIVUT9Si. The minu.te's,of.Septdmber 19, 1972 were approved with-the, following exception. Oh_paq6: 7., . :with .regard to the- Qantas De- :_ velopment.' Rezoning,, first paragraph, the portion 1h_;parenthesib..was deleted. CORRESPONDENCE: .-Letter.of-,,Sdptembor;.20.,.19 the Petaluma City 9chool District. regarding the. public- hearing on October 17, 1972 on the e ih..thd Fair- grounds,.U..S,.,101:.and Lakeville, areas was read, by Mr......Mcdivern The Petaluma ,,',School str ; 'ict has two parcels of proper- D ty in these! ar.eas,, one on - 526 Jef St. whic-h,serves as a maintenance yard-and will continue.to,do so. The other parcel consists, .of acres of land located between - Lhe'. , .proposdd._Edith and Val lajj o Sts. off . Jef tekson.- . The .planned use* f or 'this Property, is the' development',of' a,'cont inua- 'tion high,sdho some 150 students. They asked that in the possible rezoning of either of the,..ab6ve, areas their use of these properties be taken into consideration. Petaluma City Planning Commiss-iori " Minu.tes October 3, 197`2 Letter of ,Sep te mber 27; 1972 from. , the Citi, Aga�i'nst� the Coastal .Initiative Co,- Chairmen, regarding - the. controversial measure on ballot_ on Pro- position. jft.,. 0 ,Was read by Mr. McGivern. „ They, :.solidited support in the opposition of proposition No. 20 because of the adverse effects in terms of public recrer- ational opportunities, local property taixes, planned ,publio projects, employ- ment and traditional concepts of property rights which they feel this proposition would result in. VARIANCE COMMITTEE 1. Donald V'.*'DeCoatd' ­ 613 " "I" Street:. Mr. Anderson read the Variance Committee Report. Comm,,, Hood made'a motion to approve'the report as written and Comm. Popp seconded AYES 5 NOES 0 2 Jerome & Harry Jacobsen - 6 Brookside Way Mr,. ,.And6rson . read the Variance —Committee Report o Ling conditions Comm. Hood. mace. , a ,motion to approve the report as wrrittah and Comm. Popp seconded it. AYES 5 NOES 0 ZONING ORDINANCE The scheduled Public Hearing was to MO DIFICATION consider modification to Zoni�q O rdinance RES. 12 --72: 662 N.C.S. by adding e � Shoping'� Centers ar 3 Shopping'Center Retai;l`Sales Uses as a permitted use to Sect 6 - 30.1(a) in the C -N District; Section 64i302 (a) ,in t he C -C District; Section 6 -303 (a ) in the C--H j, District ;, and Section 6, 304 (a) in the C -S Di'str,ictm Mr. Mc Givern stated that. the game material was being'e:tructured in the new zoning ordin�nc.e now under study the P1'ann ng Commis -i and it would seem at this time the efforts of the Public Nearing would be duplicated. He therefore recommended that this zoning modification be deleted from the agenda and the chapters ref . the 'new ordinance dealing with shopping centers added as permitted uses in commer cial areas be carefully reviewed. OA Petaluma City Planning Com6i sson.Minutes , October 3, 1972 j Comm, Popp moved that the modification be removed fr.om,. the agenda and be 'included in,. the' ,Public Hearing on the ..new zoning .ordinance consideration, Comm. :Hood. , seconded the''motionm AYES 5 NOES 0 PAULUCCI, HOWL Mr. 'Andef bft &V6 the staff report which DEMARTINI REZONING gave 'the Jcecommdhdati6n 'that the rezoning Z°15 -72: from a R_ *M'_15010 , District to a C-N District ''be disapproved 'in' view of the conflict with the General Plan, the Environmental Design Plan and the adjacent uses. Chair man r state,d. that ' in February it ' is require�dtd 'completely review they Environ- mental Design P'l'an and the General `Plan and make recommendations for.re'toning to the .City ,Council He f elt th-st would be the ,proper time to possibly review the entire block. Corncob Daly referred to the Envir - onmental Impact Study and mentioned that the requirements were were no.t clearly outlined on -this as yet. Mr;. McCivern, stated that this was a re,oen -t re3 quirement coming down from .both State.kand Federal levels and he felt .that. Mr Robert, City Attorney, would have, to of fer.'his .opinion as to how far reaching these ,requirements will be. Chairman Waters opened the Public Hearing and Richard Li.eb from 'Lieb & Quaresma tools ,the floor. M]r: Lieb stated that it was 'because of the Environmental impact Study that ,he ,and. ,,his three clients we repre- sented this evening. A. recent visit to a ,.' :. Jackmin -They -Box establishment in Santa Rosa :. ._.,had, ,shown .him .what nearby residents of the proposed Petaluma drive -in (approved by the :Planning,'Commission) would. have to contend w He stated that there was a consider- able amount of traffic with resulting smoke. and :fumes from automobiles Mr, Lieb feels, as do:his clients, that this atmosphere is not conducive to residential types living and requested that the application for rezoning of these three pace 1 1s still be ceanaidered e Mr... Lieb stated that on.: the original EDP r 3 Petaluma City Planning ,.Commis.aion..,,Minutes. October 3, 1972 this a-rea...wa_s indicated, as R -N -1500 ' and -had, then been brought into the ,commercial.... zoning . due to pressures by the .property:..owners . Mr, Lieb then asked these, three parcels of be brought ,.' brought into.this.study. ;Leases have not been signed up for_the; proposed shops and no financial commitment exists at this time... He also...'Eftated that they did not .intend, to contest:or .appeal, the' staff report- recommendation,, they only wanted ;to. 'be,:. included ...in..,..the,.:upcoming EDP study. . Mr..Howe .of 5 films "Co rt took the floor and reiterated the effect of the Food maker'proposa'l on Mrs. DeMartini, who had bought her"home three months ago with no „knowledge'.of this:rezon.ng and intended to make it her permanent home. At this ,time she felt she would not care to ,continue..to live in this once desirable area, if it was to be rezoned. Mr. Paulucci of 198 Ellis St,. took the .floor. He stated that Mr. Anderson had remarked that "there would be a driveway entering.,the Foodmaker property from Ellis St. and had mentioned that this was n_ot,a :commercial street,. Mr. Paulucci inquired how .many, feet were -necessary for',.a commercial, street. Mr. Anderson .stated;. that-it ,was ..n6t_only the cross sectional,width of_the street but also the type-of-traffic normally traveling ... .the, street, Eris St,. continuing on to; Washington ,on.. over.,'to. Madison St. has residences ad,joining..it and also a school. T he t that These wess in:.•concrert with- each other . :. compatible with commercial traffic.. Mr. Anderson stated that , between the school, children and the residential uses it could create hazard; "treet width desirable for a commercial area where ''heavy traffic is involved;,. as on Washington St., is normally four moving lanes of.traffic and two parking lanes. If, -Ellis St..is to be a commercial carry - ing street,, then two, very wide moving lanes should be provided plus parking 4 Petaluma City P'lanning.p6mmi October 3, 1972 lane-s,.,..Mr,., Anderson did not. feel that Ellis. St wav quite wide enough' to accommodate.commercial or high volume ..traffic. Mr... also stated his desire, to. considered in the EDP study,. in. February. Mr.. Howe...again... took 'the,.floor and stated . n th ' ' umber, of commuters parked-on th•• ..ea-st"' side of Ellis St. near the :Washington St,...`intdrsdct * ion and a number :of residents parked on 'the street, there 'was. stil.1 ­ a considerable amount of ko,QM'L".Ieft for-moving traffic.. Ah.unidentified from the .,;,audience . inquired....As.to the proposed .4.!7* on. ,Ellis a - nd Washington and..."indicatdd .'there wou _l&,be traffic " problems.,.res.u�lting.-therefrom.' Chairman Watdrs_ hb.., could not answer that question aa,',all,.wevere considering was the,...,r,6 zoning. The ..Public,.,,Hearing,.:wa-s..closed. C6mm made:. the,.. motion that the rezon- i ng. request.. be.• tabled - .at...this time. Comm. .,Bond_s6cdnde&it,, AYES. 5 NOES 0 Mr. Lieb 'asked if thi.§ could in- clude that. #,his: area''be reviewed and ,Chairman:.,Wdters aaid`tAat it could not _as this _.heazinq was only f or rezoning; .however.., this. area ..would. be reviewed. He ..stated.­ that, a. Public Hearing would be held on, all of .,the xe,commenda ti on's on the EDP and this .would be ,ona,_of them. He f urther advised Mr',. Lidb"..-to-biB there to present .his case. ',CoiTb.'.Popp.made the motion that the entire ,bouhdary,6fAlma°Cburt, Ellis St., E. Washington St.., and E, Payran be included in the update of,. the ,EDP which will take place in - Comm*-. Daily, seconded the motion. AYES 5 NOES 0 5 Petaluma, City .Planning Cormmistfoh Minutes October 3, 1972 • QANTAS DEVELOPMENT CO. REZONING,Z16-72: recom- 'm'e'ndx`ng,.!':approval to. A.4. PCD District, in view. with the surround- ing:.46vdlopment'. and, the fact that future plahb6d,'.devd1bpmqht ..dons i4a'ration is .design "t as. Ure',a,dolhpatible and desir- ;s able'.'-final, dev6_16priieht,,_ Mr. McGivern -submitt6d,.the plan to the Coiimissioners _'tbmm� H66&.,.,adid, that it appeared .we were dealing with two different zonings, resi- de'ntial and.offibe commercial, and n 08t o - 6d"'if, ,this' was permitted on the EDP f or " this 'particular parcel.. . Also: if ed t,:; a dential. could we still it..,show I i 'a resi co consider it. Mr M cGivern thAt,the EDP showed,. 'it as a study area.. He. explained there .are .,two ways to, review study areas. The first way is if.the property owners.do not 'wish toprovide same kind of development and Commission hat determined thd,_area' be re then the staff or assigned takes on .the,' resloorisibiltty, of 'andlysing'the area to ;determine ::fu,ture.' land 'uses and zoning®, . The .second..method is where you are dealing,.' with raw land,and_' the, developer or property own ' or wishes to submit an application.. In thit.:cAss, a Planned, Community District r a ubM ezoning was si'itt . Y. - I ., ad to the Planning , 'Commission,showifig the owner's intentions as to 'how heptoposes to deVelop the. The purpose.bf this hearing is to study the- toning application, and 'its, appropriate .,,.land - .uses, as prescribbd in the , Planned '' "'Community District zoning ordinance Comm. Daly ask-ad how the: ,9.1 unit ..density , .:figure was ;arrived at. Mr. Anderson explainadAt was,by looking at a table , applicant's plans that had been submitted. It is' , an'bvek ' all density. of the. -dwallin g Unit s,per acrt. - fbr the resi- ...,,.'dential area,p, not. the office area and is just - an ov6ka'll average. • 7 Petaluma City..P.lanning .Cbmmission. Minutes ' October 3, 1972 E Comm'. .Popp asked .;if this was allowable .under" the..PCD;. . Mr...Mcdiuern said that in a,, City. Council. Meeting on January 31, 1972,;.;..,it ,had. "been; determined to change the EDP map ,'.to. inc orpor,ate some of this sub - ject 4r ea...as..a .high density"residenti.al area with the:balance -to be ret ained as a ..plahned ;., development adiacent to Washington .Squat, e-Shopping., Center..; The..matter had bddn ;referred..;badk to..the.,.Planning, Commis - .dsi.on.' .;that,.timd�.:' , ,Comm. Popp stated that .,the'.way he.'.recalled .t, thia . bras considered to..,.be an-ideal transition from,the residen- tial, :to.:...the, commercial ..di atricta.. ,Chairman-Waters : stated "' a;t this point ,that What,. had to; be determined this .evening -was .whether. ;. this, was, a ,;good are £or a PCD. or .riot,,, and opened the Public Hearing, Mr, Robert' O'Neel,, "'representing Young _America .,Horne - ...took -the floor in favor .of: this ".development. - He dwelt on prior zonings and their results and of the start of the Washington Square proje He stated that his present proposal to erect ...,,the multi - dwelling units would act as a buffer. between the residential area and the commercial area. They had felt that office. space was extremely desirous on the east side.of Washington St. and would also help'.to change - the. .traffic pattern. With regard to '_brnging.more school children. into. thi'a area, they did not antic pate..,children in,. this .type, of dwelling,., HOwever.,;, if it. was found to be•necessary.,,they would provide tempo - rary classrooms at. charge for the sdhool:ing of the children. The units proposed are 1 and r2�bedrooms. Nothing. they had .,built, in the, past . had more„ .than :nine ..tenths ;..of a child in school age the Iast:'.one had only six t6nths.. T hey are building e.,:00.0 sq ft.., lots in this',,,. are cular' buffer zone, adjacent to the existing R;I.�.1'.,single- family hou sing. A recess was called at 9 :30 p.m. 7 Petaluma City, P lanning'..;t6mmIa's ion Minutes October 3, 19-72 The 'PIAnAing-CommisSion. read j,ourned at 9,•A5, and Mr."- O"Ne the . .�. Hoor st - atedl, that."' he'hAd completed hii§..',"..tt,Atetadhts,, and' ',.iisked if there were :any. questions. ,-if he,. had discussed .,thd',sdhoo -with the local " board ,invo.lved'..and.iMr,. O'Neal rep 1 ied,'.:'Ith at_he . had talkied with all of .,th no, pt6b'lems'were ..,. Comm.,. Dh ly. .Irought up the issue of the AllotmentL Committee and Mr. O'Neal asked if :.. it wort-14 be' reviewed. Comm. Daly'.raplied they Would look at the ,.leVt6r'Mr;'. OINee'l, had from the school - boak.d. Mr, , : O"NbeI indicated the appli- dation'.­itsblf does not leave room,to_say how,. far. they had gone *into these parti- ,cular, problems,. Mr. ., MdGivdrn stated that, - the unit allocations were not part of this Public Hearing, There would a spdcific,,meeting by the Residential ,,Allt)trhdnt'*";,Bb. -the applicants will be - ab:le'to , dome in and make* acomplete presentation,,bf their, development. I Com;m'.'.' 'Da1y. asked if Mr. 0' Neel had been .,involved "' - with,,Ehv'ironment'al Impact that he - .'had,'. been „,'selected by, the State government - .to '.'rbpe,esent the builders of the area in a'.bi,g m®eiing_in,_Los Angeles. The meeting was: ab6ut` of I building in various cbmrKUnitie.§.."._'He 'stated that it Is dif.fi- dult.. to' say what. the Environmental Impact Studies .will'.involve. Nd.'.:6the_k­,questiqn6', . .were `raised and Chair- ',man Waters closed. the 'Public Hearing. Daly •.,s ta that with. regard to the Environmental ." 'he did not to hold back on this evening but' that he felt act should bo3.,,obtdin'ed' before it wGht:7,to,..'the,.City,. Councild. 8 `Pe Planning. Commission October 3, 1972 p - mad a.. motion that the.rezon- i..ng,.j�e�,,a . e ppr was seconded by Comm;. Dal AYES 5 - NOES 0 NEW ZONING ORDINANCE Mr'.­McGi.Vdrn.gave.an'oral report on the RES. 13-72: new zoning ordinance.. He stated that _.-the',commissionbegan over a year ago with a n 1 titial, containing over i* n .200, .,paqe-s,'.of a,.'.n0w zoning ordinance. A Zoning! ' ".Aeyiew was organized about .4go composed of members f rom the. Planning Commission, the Council and staff per'sbnnel to go through the consul- tant ° s draft of.,the proposed ordinance. Recommendations and changes were made by -the committee and it was put into a final draft, and this is being presented to the commission for review and acceptance. The City Attorney had an. input into o-the revision as.-far as the legal implications are;.concerned'. This evening it was pro - posed .tolgo through the revised material and then later .the .entire ordinance.. Mr. McGivern.,exp . ressed the importance of com- pletion,of the new ordinance and asked _ 0.1 whether the.commissolneks wished to con- ..tinue diadussloh this evening, plan a special.meeting, or hold it over for the :next, meeting because, of the late hour. qomm. said he' thought it would be best to.-review it'and then act on it at ..Chairrhan Waters said the.'new ordinance would be put on the. agenda 'f or .the:.. next. meeting and opened ..the Publib:Ueaking - for anyone who might still be.prasent and interested. Mt. Gary ..Baine.s, Shell Oil, Co'. , took the f loor and-,stated that he,.had. been ..at one of the. ordinance*, adVisory committee . and,".he was _concerned' with one .. ,chapter .of the. ordinance in particular dealing with-the s s'ervic stations. Mr. M.cGi.vern explained that Mr. Raines had. appeared at t-a committee meeting on July 14,1,1972 and the committee had been elf , the . Ld'asterick the chapters of the... ordinance having ref erense to 9 Petaluma City, Planning: Cofti:ssion :mi nu,tes' October 3, 1972 se lf ; sterviCte,,;.gascal ne, stations and sug- gestei3 the,,or�mmi ssior�; ; ew::theee ahapt�r.s�.very .,carefully It was further sucjgestec : that,, a ;memo -.be- obtained from the:,'ire.,:,lepar.ttant. .the land use and ahy; ".dk,it_itai temarks they. "Might have on belt'l-set i ce';woar c o inl4oper'ated type ser- vice.. citations:.. Some additional remarks Vere„ offered' and . the commission, concluded to ,preview this portion of the ordinance in depth. - Cha rman ',Waters stated the Public hearing would "be, carried forward to the next meeting.. ADJOURNMENT No, f;:u rthdr business,.was. brought before the commissio.0 , and ',tha .mee was adjourned. FE