HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 11/21/1972A G E N D
ROLL CALL: Comm. Balshaz7 Bond Daly Hood
Schme Waters
STAFF: William
C.'McCivern, Director of Community
A. Anders Assistant Planner
Use permi 'Witli respect 'to *property at 1799 East
Padison Street for the purpose of a home occupa-
tion for teaching ceramics, clan -se s to be four
persons meeting three nights a week.
Review of the fol.lowincr Use Permits as to their
PERMITS U26 - 69,
com�l anco - with the 'zoning ordinance:
U21 -55, & U31 -71:
U26-60 Al Stack
U21 -55 - C & W Auto, Wrecking
U31 -71 - Geo. Dart Hide Company
Qantas Developme Z16 - - PCD Rezoning of
pro ertV on the s'outhoasterly side of the
Washington Sgu?te Shopping Center and McDowell
Park, extending easterly along Washington Creek
to McGregor Avenue
Foodmaker, Inc. 213-72 - Proposed commercial
eve opme of .lac T the - Box to be located at
833, 837, & r,41 East washington.
PPE'SENT: Comm. ,Bals'haw, Bond, Daly, Hood, Popp?, .Schmelz, Waters
STAFF: T 9illiam C.. MdGivern, Community D6e ,telopm.ent Director
Richard D. A. Anderson, As si stant P lanner
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The : minutes n£ N vem
� o�aer 7 , ' 197 2 ��ere `a�proved
With the-following change, Page 2, regarding
Petaluma Properties: ne,zoning, Comm. Balshaw
suggested that a Tra:ff°i:c Study be reviewed by
the City Engineering staff, not suEmitted by
them. The minutes of No vember 14, 1972 were"
.approved as su
CORRESPONDENCE: Mr. McGi' ern read a letter dated November 20
1.972 from the office of Loun bos & Louunibos
reque5ting continuance of their hearing to
December 5,. 1,972 to enable them time to prepare
an Environmental. Impact report in support of the
rezoning app`licat -ion®
CAROL RIGNEY - Mr Anderson read the staff report recommending
USE PERMIT: approval of the use pe rmit for the purpose of a
home occupation of teaching ceramics in Mrs.
Pigney °s' home and listed the conditions applying
thereto. Chairman Popp asked if anyone from the
audience objected to this use permit and no objec-
tic n WAS g1ven. Carol Rigney stated that she had
complied. With the condition that her fire extin-
guishe he recharged and it had been certified by
the 'Fire Department. The question of parking was
raised and the applicant was advised that any
future violation of the parking conditions could
result in review o1f the u'-se permit Comm. Daly
made the motion that the use permit be approved
with conditions as cited and Comm. Balshaw
seconded the motion. AYES 7 NOES 0
REVIEW OF USE Mr. McGivern read a report submitted by the Chief
PERMITS U26 - 60, Building inspect,or which indicated the following:
U21 -55, & U31 -71:
November 21, 1972,
1 Al Stack Auto 'Wreck r
- es - The entire, yard was
enclosed by fence, and stree , t side was clean.
Some parts were stacked on the roof. Pence
was in good repair. truck and used eq i
ment parked 'to north side, outside of fence
- ownershin unknown,.
2. Rarta Hide.- The area eras relatively clean.
.The Lakeville Street side was-screened by
1- I di ' ng and fence:. Further cleaning will
be; done when building, is completed.
3. C & T.^7 Pg.,u Wreckers - Yence and building
enclose the wrecking and storage area., Some
car.-, were •parked across Lakeville Street on
the corner of Lindberg Lane (most vehicles
were of 1972 registry,').
Accompanying snapshots 'showing existing conditions
w er e . I. pre;ented to the Planning Commissioners.
(USE PERMIT U26 Comm., Waters b rought out the fact that upon review
of the use permit for PU Stack Auto Wrecking on
Auqust 15, 1972 the app had informed the
Planning Coranission that he intended to expand his
business and that all conditions of the use permit
would be met in 90 days and a plan of expansion
submitted, and he.wished.to know whir this had not
been dohe. Chairman Popp called upon Mr. Stack to
Mr..Stack remarked 'that at the time of the
commis;sion's last review he had thought 90 day s
would be sufficient; however, due to rain and
4 Q
injuries to two of h.s men.he had simnIv run out
oftl,me%in aCCOMplishing the cleanup intended.
T.,,7 , ith regard to� expansion,, he stated this was out
of the question economically., and the owner of
the additional land"he.had leased was trying to
sell this :n
ropprty and he was noN. on a month-to-
month has-is on 'that property. Mr. Stack also
informed the PlLanti'nq Commission that numerous
cars were abandoned that did not bear identifica-
tio - n, and this placed.an additional burden on him
to dis'pose of' and complicated the cleanup process.
Mr. Stack answered, various questions by stating
that all trucks parked in the adjacent lot were
his and that no parking facilities were available
for his property'. Chairman Popp asked if he could
complete the cleanup with more time and Mr. Stack,
informed him that he cou-Id and that the material.
,5ovember 21, 11972
on the, roof 'of his building could be cleaned of
, tomorrow. lie also '. indicated that an alternative
to solve his parking and vehicle s ' torage - problem
was to park his vehicles on the street like
other companies in the City were doing. He added
that a company across the street from him had
been operatinq for two gears za a use permit
and wanted to knolror why he had to comply and they
did tot. Chairman Popp informed him the matter
would be looked. into within the next 30 days.
Mr. 14cGivern was asked what proceedings . be
taken in revoking the use permit and if Mr.
Stack's use per-mit ti•, valid. He ansti--rered that
first it would have to he it that Mr. Stack was
in violation of the, use permit, then the City staff
wotllel be authorized to initiate proceedings for
abatement within certain time and it would then
be turned over to the City Attorney for action.
It was felt the use T )ermit was valid and that the
biggest violation was in the trucks being parked
outside of the area that the use permit allowed,
And - the building should be made more feasibly
attractive. Mt. McC.i agreed that :there were
unident.i-fial-1e cars abandoned vxThich posed a problem
and suggested that Mr. Stack be allowed an addi-
tional '30 days - to remove the automobiles on the
proper, - ty adjacent to his site. Comm. Daly asked if
the City Council would have to take act'.ion in
revoking the use permit,and was told they would not,
that the-effective date would be when the use
permit was revoked b4 the Commission, ,although Mr.
Stacy:., could appeal it to the City Council.. Comm.
T%7ate'r5 expressed his fee1,inqs that ap roximately
two years ago the same violations occurred and had
been cleaned up and now the same situation existed,
and expressed concern about the assurance that the
ap I icant would I,ive uT. �) to conditions in the
futdre. H& also remarked th-at this street was one
'of th-e main entrances to the City and he did not
fe this the of violation should 1:)e allowed.
Chairman Popp queried Mr. Stack as to his inten-
tions and Mr. Stack told him he would do his best
in the next 30 days but it would depend on the
.rainy season. He added it would take a year for
him to remove all his cars and clean up the lot if.
his Use permit was revoked.
November 21, 1972
Comm,. Balshaw made the motion that if in 30 days:
the property north of the wrecking yard is riot
cleared an(9 the. remainder of the yard ,.is not in
specific con ' formance with the use per mit, that
it should be revoked. Comm. Tlaters seconded the
motion. AYES S . NOES 2 Chairman, Popp wished
to clarify that he had voted "NO" because he felt
tine ap
. plicant had tried 'to correct the situation
and that the 30-day extension should be granted
-without the threat of revoking his use permit.
(USE PERMIT U21 Tvir. Louis Worden from C & V, Auto Wreckers took
the floor and stated that he did not have cars
: parked across the street. lie ex-plained that some
of the cars beloncied to residents on Lindberg
L.a,ne,, others be,longed to employees of Basta Hide
and customers of C & W, and sometimes C & 1
parked their truck there.. 1 Worden stated he
,had called the Police Department a number of
regarding abandoned cars., five of which had
occurred in the last month.
He also stated he realized that his fence was not
tip to the full height as required by the use
periAt, but 'Ehat he had gotten the galvanized tin
to finish the feride and it should be accomplished
within a f-ew weeks., Comm. Bond asked Mr. McGivern
if he agreed that the only violation was the fence
height and Mr. McGi answered that )
that was correct, since at this time it could not
be ascertained whose vehicles were across the
Comm. Pna made, the motion that theilse permit
should be revoke(',' v7ithi,n 30 days unless the fence
is in compliance i,�iith the City ordinance. Comm.
Waters seconded the motion. AYES 6 NOES 1
Chairman Por)p clarified that he voted "NO" as he
felt the owner has tried and the extension should
not be on the basis of possible revocation- Comm.
Schmelz wished to clarify his "YES" by stating
that this street was the gateway to Petaluma and
this type of thing was detriment°al to the esthetics
of. the community.
(USE PEP14IT U31-71) Mr. McGivern informed the Comm- ssion that Basta
F.Je- was putting up the required structure as
required by his new use permit and still had
another 90 days, allowed to completes. Comm.
B'alsha * w inquired as to the control of the odors
from this building and was told that thie new
November 21, 11932
building. should improve the condition and that
odors should not be eminating off the .site.
The Air Poilu Control Agency 'would, monitor
this land use.. Since the applicant was comply-
ing with his p r action �
,.ermit no furthe was taken.
Comm. Bond was excused at this time
Q4qtas D. eve.lopment': Mr. McGivern informed the
COP-MisSlOn that an Envil
Statement had been furnished by the applicant and
that after its revie, and comments by the City
Council when the rezon t.-.ias put before them, a
letter had been directed. to Qantas asking for I an
EIR on certain areas Comm. Tlate asked if the
Environmental Assessment Statement had been
reviewed by the Traffic Committee as he felt this
Baas a serious problem and that �1 ash ngton Street
cbuld.not handle the additional traffic around
5-: H
At this. time 1VIx. Joslyn informed the C
tly he had his Environmental Impact Report ready
for presentation, which included a traffic survey
prep ared by Murray-McCormick who handled the
traffic situation at the.14ashington Square
Shopping - Center., This survey had.also been dis-
cussed with the Di of Highways. It was
the consensus of the study that the Caulfield
Lane extension would, divert much of the traf
f rom rom Washington Street and the additional streets
i n the 'proposed PCD would allow for better
routing. As far as the schools were concerned.,
he -felt that the $114,0100 in tax revenue at the
d1sposal of the schools for their utilization was
.M r. Joslyn further stated that the burden could
be taken off of the school by bussing or his
,previous proposal of modifying one of the
proposed units of his apartment complex as a
temporary classroom. 1 Joslyn felt that the
area adj,acent to McDoWall School would not cause
the overcrowding, but that the problem i,�7as really
caused by husqing students in who lived a mile
or mile and a half away,. Ghairmah•Popp said
this problem would be up to the school board.
November 21, 1972
Comm. Daly read the recent, Supreme Court
decision.regarding the Friends of Mammoth and
remarked that in accordance with it, he did
not feel that an Environmental Impact Report
would.be required on this project. Comm.
Waters said that in a sense we have been way
ahead of the law on this matter as we have
been requiring a report from the builders on
the impact their protects might have. Comm.
Bals'haw was concerned about commercial uses
covering some of the .open space and f - elt this
-would result in a density g'j__eater--than --
- the
desired 6 units per acre.
Mr. McGivern remark ' ed that until the EIR regu-
lations were cleaned up we would have to go
through the procedures as outlined in the
Council's resolution,, and the,City Council needs
to know whether this EIR conforms with what the
Commiss feels is necessary. Comm. Daly
interjected that ton.i,ght. have to decide
whether an EIR is necessary. Comm. 1-laters felt
that it was wrong for the applicant to submit
the traffic study as. he pays to have the study
clone and it is slanted towards his view, yet
money is not provided - for the City to do this.
Comm Daly remarked t the City staff would
decide whether the report was factual. Comm.
Hood stated he .felt that an EIR was necessary
and therefore made.a motion that we accept the
EIR, study it, And take Action at the next
meeting as to whether it is a proper EIR.
Comm. Waters seconded the motion. AYES 4
'Mt. Joslyn brought out the fact that he had a
letter previously from the City Engineer stating
that their project would not overload existing
streets and he did not understand why an addi-
ti'onal report was required. Ile also brought out
the f:adt that the rezoning had been postponed by
the Council and was going .to be heard at the .next
City Council Meeting . onVovember 27, 1972. - Comm.
Daly reaffirmed that the Council said they would
review the EIR at the next meeting. Mr. Joslyn
did not understand the purpose of going to the
City Council at this time. Mr. McGivern told
him he could report to the Council on the action
of the Planning Commission. He also stated that
procedures had to be previously drafted and
November 21, 1.972
legislation, established , and that a definite
set of procedures were not.yet available when
Mr. J`os'lyn.started the proceedings and he
therefore got caught in the middle. Comm.
Daly remarked that the City Council Meeting
could give Qantas the opportunity to come back
at the next meeting and appeal the whole
Foodm "aker, Inc tvlr. T cGivern informed the
Planning Coram:ssion that the applicant had sub-
mitted a negative Environmental Assessment
Statement. Mr. Meyer, Superintendent of
Petaluma School District., had responded to the
request for evaluation of the EAS stating that
consideration should be given to the effect on
students as they go to and from the nearby
attendance centers of Kenilworth Jr High School
and Mcl:inley Elementary School, to additional
foot and automobile traffic, to student safety,
and to what the poliey will be in working with
the schools in regard. to new student problems
that may arise.
t No reply had yet been received from the City
Engineer and Faze Chief. Comm. Daly brought out
the fact that in actlzality the City engineer had
already given comments on the traffic when the
property was rezondd. Mr. McGivern felt that
the matter should be continued until the negative
statement had been reviewed by the City staff.
Comm. Daly felt this project should be considered
small bus:iness and theref: :ore no FIR should be
necessary.. He therefore made a motion that con -
sidering the recent decisions of the Supreme
Court, no EIR is necessary. Comm. Schmelz
seconded the motion. ?.YES 3 NOES 3 ASSENT 1
Chairman Popp declared the motion lost. Comm.
Waters made the motion that as long as we had
progressed this far, the matter should be con-
tinued until further evaluation is received from
the staff_. Comm. Ealshaw seconded the motion
inasmuch as it was according to the rules and
regulations established. EYES 5 NOES 1
November 21 1.972
PETALUMA PROPERTIES Chairman Popp suggested that due to the letter
REZONING Z18-72 submitted by Loun ibos and1ounibos asking for
a continuance of two weeks, that a motion be
made accordingly. Comm, Vlaters made the motion
that the hearing be continued at the next
regular meeting and Comm. Hood seconded the
motion. AYES 6 NOES 0 ABSENT 1
OTHER BUSINESS: Comm. Balshaw expressed his opinion that special
meetings to take care of some problems such as
junkyards, abandoned cars, the problem referred
to by Mr. Stack of a use permit violation, street
park ing other should be held.* He also stated
he realized staff taff was quite busy and could
possibly use additional help. Comm. Waters
remarked additional meetings would only put
a further harden on the staff and others involved.,,
A long discussion followed on possible solutions
for time allotment.to take care of pending prob-
lems and it was decided to meet at 7:00 p.m.
every alternate meeting without the staff to
discuss current problems and their solutions.
ADJOURNMENT: the meeting adjourned, at 1 p.m.