HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 10/02/1962Octob `e'rs 2a 1'962 ..,Iegular meeting of the Petal_uma City planning Commission held Oct, 2, 2 at 7030 oyc'lock p.m. in the' Chambers, City Hall, Petaluma,. �a1ifarnIa. Pr'psent'o, Commissioners Gatewood Gustafson, Li'eb, Stanley, Popp. Ab None City , Staff o Robert E. Byrd, Director of Planning Chai�;rma:n Popp welcomed. CommIssioner William K. Gatewood, Jr. as a new` member of the Planning Commission. CORRESPONDENCE Mr. Byrd. read a letter from Robert Meyer, City Manager, .addressed to the Commi,,ssion dal,ling att_nt'ion to the.. e.l of ' off icer°s that should be he ld yearly. 'The c'ler°k was re��sesfed to prat th -i.,a item on the agenda" to_r ' th next - meet.ing to be `he Id Octob,er 1619 1962. APPROVAL, OF MINUTES. The: minutes for the meeti of Sept.. 1 1962 wer a pproved as' submitted. ROYCE VAN. _BEBBER„ VARIANCE, PUBLIC HEARING, FILE; #V9 ° Publ h for var =fiance a:ppL ca:t ion #4180 filed by Royce. L. Van_ to ai1'`1ow a' ft. sid in`st,ead o ~f:r 5 ° t. fide yard, located at 856 Mt. Vier Avenue'` (A,P. # =-7) was c:onductedo . A * aff �e'por was presented by Mr° o Byrd.. In ,yle�;r ' of the _ �°adt that the deya.rd is adjacent to a,-,20° wide. ptivate driveway and no new, public str°_eets are planned a.d jad4ont -,to the parce1 . ira questi ; M r Byrd - rec®m mended .apprcival of the , appl icat,iori. Rdto,l`ut lon V9 °62,, recommending 'to the City Courid11. that this vas fence be granted, bras int r oduced by Goun- ' 1 Ripii ii entative Gustafs �e ;on� si onded b 'ommo. Staple y y' and was passed by the following vote. Ayes'o 49- Ab 19 Noes None. , R. H. G I LATHER , USE PERM IT E I°L•E _. NO. U3 7 -62 The Comm' ibsion feviei4ed use perm.It application #4194 fIled...by R,.. H. Ginther to '9 1 air pl sti s assemt�ly iri an i�RM' zone la6ated at 339 Pleasant Street. :U se: "Permit U2 -62 and Resolut'i`on 2532 N.C.S. are now, ,in effect and fe the; total indust operations within the hatchery building. Mr . Byrd statei f hi f°epo:rt that an fn' tion by the Bui ld f ng� � In sp e.et.o "r° indI at that severa Y cond it i ons set,, f orth >> n R,es. , 2532 N,C_ o have.. not "been .c om pl ied .,pith. Re:solutJ on' u37 --62 granting the, use permit w as tntr:od ced aby omm Gusta so seconded b - Comm. .Stanley and. was unanimou'ly ,pas�e:d by' al memY�ers present based on the' following _condit ions'.- (1') 'T hat conditions .set forth in Rese 2532 N and Us'e Permit 1J2 be complied „math as it the' total ope °ations; with n the' °y building. were .one iniit str° (2) Ali conditions' set forth within' :the t se "Pe'rmit U2­62 and Res.. :253.2 N'.0 -.S. shall. be completed b'e.f.o�e' this permit becomes :effegtive'o (3)„ Pr_o ®f of ,comma pl ia stand, :nce ~with performance i ds ,set . fo it the .M- zoh under the r;roposed coning ord shall be furnished th:e Planning. Department f .o'peration's" beg`ine ADJOURNMENT, -' There being no further bus to come before the comet inis`s::i'�an9 the meetln' i�as adjourne¢i to a study session.