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December ' 6
. 1'966
• ReguJa-r "me tj�' f' th
e ,,,.ng o Petaluma City P! 1,n,g
lap-n Commi•ss1'on held an Decem�!-
- r at 7:J0 ol,clot p..m. I n the Ga un
W b e: ci,l Chambers, City Hall,
pet,a1 uma CA 11f or.n i4.,,i
PRESENT: Comm. Battaglia,, Gat Popp, Styles, 'Stanley.
AF3 No ne .
STAPF: R E'. Meyer, City Maniager , y Graham, Planning Te.ch-
ni c, I an,.
OTHER. CITY OFFICIALS.: Councilman Cavanagh.
APPROVAL OF - 'MINUTE'S - the minutes for the. meeting of November 15. 1966
w6' a;p.prb e,d a,s subtltte,C,
Gorre'spond w&s, received from J ames a,. • Morehead te-questAng an ex-
tens Ion of time within which t!6• f I'le th:e map for North San Fran-
cisco Bay iftdurt.ria,l Park _'SdbdTvi,s ion, , 'Unit 2. Re 27 granting a
yezrls elte�n,s,ioh Was'. introduced by Comm. Gatew y Comm.
Qod,� 'seconded b
Popp and passed tfn-8n1mou:sa-Y.,
Chairman Stan,ley opened the pIibl,tq hearing t.o cont1der re the north-
we side of East Wdzhin3g'�on t "'St ree A '(generally between Pet. Blvd. Noe.
H:6pper S e,et) Prom an M-L (1 lndtist'riaj) Zbne_ or- District to a
lf, (144 ghwa Qommercia,ll Zone or District I,nJttated by the Planning Comte
--' y , � 71 1 - - I I � -91
en�:e. of PI-iaiin-lfig D'Lrect�or, -TT�,.t, s Ion'. n
1 the, abr Mr. Stanley read the
comprehensive staff report zubtitted by Mr Byrd. Sdid' report, r-ecomtend—
ITTg the change, Is part, of the pe f',il,e. Counc Cavanagh c:on-
Ourre'd with the, Planner lz. statth'g that the area is better sui'te.d.
f�6r commerdit.1 uses than for 1,nd.u.st,r1a1, use's due to the small parceling,
of the area and the fact. that most of the e,',xjstinig_ uses fall in t7he commr
mercJal category and aj�e, nonconforming in th,e M-L z;oftfng Mr. Wayne
Lep'ori and Tom Gaffey were also J`ri Of the rezoning, stating that
CL OMm rc I a'1 zonJAg; was more c . orrfpat1.'ble Lp,p,r •this area. Mr. Dotigjas Schwo-
beda,, attorney for the National, Ice & Could Stora'ge Company,, opposed the
re;ton1hg: of his cliefitt s p,no Tr:om M-j, r to C-H statin that the I r
usage of the: praperty pla ns
a f or the ers'-t.011-s would, be
and , , du tri '
ao are of z n tp . -tj na`t ne Mr,. 5'chwobeda requested that the p r'o -
posed C-H z;onlng, exclude, they 74,atlona,'1 1.c e A C old old Company prop°.
erty and thereby not severing the M-1 zoning -,-g along the rallroad r
Chai rman - Stan ley linformed Mr. ;Schwobed!a that th . e Commirmss]-lon. woul,d. study
his p. �r o It was Qom. / Batt o.pi.hion that the Comm
mi"'S�'sforl s wait until, the Central Business Di strict Study It; com-6
pj�ete before 1njtikt.Lhg*a,ny rezoning for the A mot, . Ion, wa ma -
by Comm. 'S"tyl,els_, -s.eco.ndLe:d by Comm. GdteWo.ud, and pa,siaed, that the rezon-
ing be delayed fintdl. Mr,. B yrd could be, Preseht, Mr Schwobeda requested
that he be, ad-Vis'ed of the, date of ,the meeting
Nanning Q-omm1s,s1.on,' at th regular m held on, November
reviewed the co�dntyl.s rfef'e,rfal regard1hg U . se. Perftift Applica:tioh
Planning Corm is .:ion Minutes
Decemb °e,r° '6 9 , 1966
Ji 9 hwaY l, � 8 ou`t- h; Comm de ; to th � ;tructed at ' °° �+ 9 p o- be cons 45-35 Red w ®od
end e county that th.e use
lit; be denied ma,ln:l,y because the Gen1e,ra „1 P pro .industrial d`e-
ve`l0pmeni for said. area and sanitary sewer se�rv1c.e 3;s not available at
t I s t,i.me,o The county Ae1aygd action on the a,ppY icat ion . pend Ong furth
study of the proposfal ;b.y t'h'e Cournty &..City P1 Commissions, Chair-
man Stanley re the P1 re:po.rt a thi`s t1te and als th l e tte r
' written by the AS,s;l;stant. C'.ty n'gfneer regarding sewer fs il,it es, f.or
the area. Mr.,, A, John Georq'ed�e;s -, th b:p;p and his brother, Mr, Ga-
br Georged.es at th time .made ,a strong appeal requesting that the Commiss r°ec o i d their r°e�c l . o n t , Mr,, John :Georgede s st
that the development, would not' encou'ra stT i:p� zon.ing because 138, acres
are involved and they' own 1,070 acres§ the, 38 ac re' s , Ar e already deve:loped,
Mr. Geor9e.des also stated that, they would extend t.he; fewer line at the. -ir°
own expense I °t w s, al:sci their cantent.ioh that the n!at -u`ral terrain and
besut =ifu.l rail ,ng hflls shou,l be d:. e veloped w ith ; high class residential
uses rather than with indus.tr°iAl use Comm, Datt.a,gl is concurred with
this The Commission delayed `f- Odrthe�r act,ton on ,t'h'is matter unti the
Planner could ii'steh to the, tape of this 'meet`ing and, then schedule a
special meeting to continue: the review. Mr, ;Geo °gedes requested that
the recommendation be a joint on , 1,e4 also the Oounei1 I s,
Mr, Tom Gaffey requested a spec1al meeting to consider the ad of
r,eistaur°ants to the list of •pe 'u'ses in 'the M'�L Zone, Chairman
tanl i nform e d Mr Gaffey th.e hear may b>e :held at th same ti
th at. a spe l,a1 meeting i;s call for° to cons'id'er the county referria.l
Att >es