HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 02/20/1968February 20, 19.68
Regular meeting of the Petaluma Gity Plannin Commission held on
February 20,, 19,68, At. 8,`.-.x,0,0 o,"clock p..M,. in the Council Chambers
City Hall, Petaluma, California,:
PREStNT: Comm. _Battacglia, Koenit,zer, Perry, Styles, Fostmeie-r-.,
AR None
STAFF: Wm. C,, McGIvern, 0,11-rec ' tor of Planningi.,
Joe RaTechnician , , Planning Technician
APPROVAL OF MINUTES. Commissioner' -Styles requested that the
,JAN 30 & FEB. 6
mi- for February 6., 1 be ccrrected
to state that the meetin was. recessed in'
stead. of adjourned .(a, quorum was not present
'So -the meeting could not be adjourned,) o 'The
Commiss,ion appkove4 ffh(Ei minutes for February
'6, 1968 as revised and approved the "minutes
for January '30, 190 -meetinq ,as_ submitted.
The Crommi the meeting of
February 6 1968 at this: time-
Chairman Fostmeier opened, -the public ;hearing
e se pprmit application filed
regarding 'th u
by - Vpns.en, Mi l (7QMpa-4y to allow expansion
'non - conforming of a 'non-conformng use In the C S Zone at-,
201 " lst Stre (I'nstAllation of a 10' X
70' scale. and a 4 0 H'..P. Boller) The Planning
Director presented a staff-, report, recommending
approval of the use .Permit with 'the condition
that the scale be used exclusively for the
a, lican bus,. and- not 'for public use
and that the; altetatio�hs° and modifications
comply With city codes and regulations. Mr.
Pau , l Lew ls, Vice e - t o .-Pres.1d n f, ' Von's en Milling
present and o utli n ed the proposed
Company- was pr o
modifications to the Commijs:sion.. He stated
that the installation. of' the new scale would
eliminate trucks having t - o oss,traffic lanes
a nd p ass I in f ront. (if the fire. station On "
Street. There were no objections voiced..
Res,. U768, approving the use permit with the ,
c onditions a.s'out-ined in, e�
c - 1 Mr. Mc�livern " s r'
Port, was introduced, by 06= Styles,, seconded'
"by ;Comm.. Koenitzer and "pawed unanimously.
HARDY USE Chairman Fo the publi6 hearing
PPERMIT to con the use ;; permit appj.icAtioh f iled
; �8
FILE U5-,61 �by Ronald Hardy to ,allow construction of a six
plea apartment to be 'located at 51 ; 2; & 51,4 Ken-
tucky Street in an Rl-2 -30,00 Transitional Zone.
At the request, of the P'lanni-ncr Director the.
item will be cons at the next regular
meeting- due to 'proposed rrfodi:f'i`,'cAtioh to °the
plans submitted- by 'Mr. Hardy,,
GULF OIL Chairman Fostmeier opened.the public hearing
CORPORATION' to consider the use permit ap.plicatian filed
FILE 06 -'6'8 - ;by , Gul'_-f` Oat Corpor to establish, a- d rec-
tional sign 4 ft. ''high,) on a non - contiguous
piece o f land in the C - 'Zone at the southwest
corner of : McDowell. ;Road, and, Redwood High-
way In, hiss teport, the Planner stated there
are five major service) s existing in
the immediate area,,- each having one or more
free standing signs, with:h some signs over the
maximum ordinance requirement o,f 30 feet in
height;. QA 'variance was. granted to Union Oil
Company and Standard Oil Company, to allow 5`7'
feet and 4 15 feet high sIgns respectively. Mr.
Mc G_ vern filrther ,informed the Commission that
he had sent a letter to the State Division of
ghways requesting - comments from that agency
regarding the disposition of erecting the pro
p6s,e.d sign and requested 'that this; mat -ter be
carried over until the smeet ng of March 5,
15 %8,. Mr. George SchIlling; Real Estate repre
sen;tatve for the Gulf Oil, Company, was present
and modified the request 'to permit a 50 foot
high sign to conf "orm with the height of other
signs in the area. Res.. U6 -�68 , granting the
use permit as modified, was introduced by Coming
.' S +s'econded by Comm. Perry and passed. by
the following Ayes.: Battaglia, Perry,
Styles, Fo,stmeiero. N®,, Comm:. Koentzer. Mr..
Koeriitz was of they opinion that the request,
should. be held over unf- l March 5th in order
to al -low f.or a reply :from the S tate Division
of Highways,
WASHINGTON The�Commission reviewed the resubmitted sub-
MANOR' NO:, 1 division. pla ns, for W ashington Mano Subdivision
FILE 3 -.68 No. .1 to be located,,, on the. northwesterly side
of Ea!st Washington ,Street between Mar'ia Drive-
and Ely B 'lvd,m North Originally the 'subaIvIsion
had. been plaanned for 76 - .lo;ts but acquisit °ion
of :additional land, imcrea`sed the size of the
proposed development to 9''6 lot In add'it'lo'n,
the resubmitted map compl with the conditions
requested at the-Comm lssion'
s: ,last meeting Res.
3' -68', approving the tentative map of Washington
Manor No. ,1 with. th`e; co nditions as ou tlined 'i n.'
the reports of the City Planner, City Engineer,
and Sonoma County Flood •Cont_rol was introduced
by Comm. ,Kaen, sec ®tided by Comm o; Perry
and passed unanimou'sl'y
- 2 -
#1, Vile 4-68
The Comr6is'S: ewed the tentative ,ion, revi ive map o f
Petaluma Industria Park 1.1. In 'his: staff
report- the PlAnninj DItector stated that the
,proposed ,industrial - deve;l.opment has recently
be�o n, n an n - An nexation t-0. te� h .city and is known as
Denman An #4 and practically ai the
,p I blic improvement a will be., or have, been,
constructed , n9trqpte under ,Assessment District 19,
Comm.. Styles qplest-iOhed the fact that the
street being constructed,withl this 'area
was developed from,,Petaluma Blvd. North
toward-s, town., rather hejr than from Corona Road
to the Boia Several !Commissioners in-
formed, Mr. Styles . that- industrial parks -needed
freeways And C.oroba Road would not have served
this' Following further discussion,
a motion, recommendift approval,, of the tenta-
tive -map of Petaluma Industricil" Park #1 with
the cohditiohs outlined in the reports; of
the City Engineer, Flpod - Corytrbl and P.G.E.
was introduced, by Comm4., kbenitzer seconded
by Comm.. Battaglia, and pa.g5sed by the following
vote Ayes-: - Comm;® Battaglia lia Ko . eni . tzer,
Porty- Fostmeier; No: Styles.
CASTLEWOOD, OIL. A motion, recommending 'approval of the site
submitted for the Castlewood Oil Company
with the conditions as outlined in Mr. Mc-
Givernl,s reports was n troduced by Comm.. S tyles,
seconded by Comm. Perry and passed unanimously.
The Commission reviewed the tentative Reversion
to Acreage Map for a portion of Conway Park
Subd filed by Emil, Yanke. Mk�. Yanke
proposes to construct a. dbrivvalesdOnt hospital
on the site but in order; to. legally bui on
this site it will be necessary to vacate the
pliblic7 right-of-wayf of Crestvi,ew Cpuft, elimi-1
nate existing lot lines, and public utility
easements that haVe es by the
recorded subdivision :map., A motdon, 'approving
the tentative map with the conditions as out-
lined' in the City Enqi'roei report., 'was in-
troduced by Comm. St 1
y fis, seconded 'kM Comm..
Battaglia,, and passe.':unanimously./)
C 4air
- 3 -