HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 05/07/1968May 7, 1%68'
Regular meeting of the Petaluma City Planning Commission held on
May 1, 1968' at- 8:00 o'clock 'p.m. in the Council, Chambers, City
Hall, Petaluma,, California-
PRESENT: Comm,. Battaglia, Koenitzer, Perry, Styles, Fostmeier.
STAFF':, WilliiaM McGivern Director of Planning.
Joe gado,sevic, Planning Techni.cia
Hal Wood, Assistant; City Engineer"
APRIL The - minutes .for the Mee -ing of April 16, 1968, were
16, "68 approved 'as -submitted.
JOHNSON Chairman ,Fostmeier.opened the public hearing to consider
REZONING the - r-&zoning - applIcation filed- by Norman Johnson. to re-
FILE Z4-68 zone two parcels of. land,, totaling` Appr6ximately 7-1/2
acres, - lb on the- easterly side Of the Freeway and
on the 'northerly side of tindberg,,La-ne. (A_ P Nos.
7;471-65 & 7-411-,04) from an R-1� 6,00,0 Zone or District
to -an R-M-150:0 Zone or Di,s,tr.ic,t,. In the staff, report,
made part of _,th6 permanent records, -
, M. recom-
mended McGivern. reom-
mended denial of the rezoning -, Iiistihg seven reasons
why the rezo.Aing should not be allowed:. Some of the
more important reasons being the proposed rezoning
would not conform to the.Ge Pla- and the present
utilities, streets, schools, etc.., would not be adeqq4te
to provide for the proposed higher density. . The applicant,
Mr. NormanJohnson, informed the Commission that no
definite plans had been. formulated at this. time for the
type of multiple units contemplated, other than two ten-
tative p - labs for the site. Mr., Fall, Real Es tate 'Broker,
speaking in behalf' of the applicant, informed the Commis -
son it, would' not be economically feasible to develop a
parcel of land that size 'with single family units,, par-
ticu'larly in this: area which is bounded by 'If-he Freeway
Mr. Fallfurther stated there was a considerable drainage
problem involving a considerable sum of money for. in-
stallation by the applicant. Mr. johns.on further stated
he participated in financing a no,-joint concrete pipe in
the '&r0a and concurre withMr. Fall, that the sma 111—_
, acreage involved would not take it feasible for single
fami1y development. 'Mr. William Mathews., a resident on
Lindberg Lane., presented a pe; tition ta the CoTnmis
containing the sIgha of' Approximately Mr. rosin living , in� the� area,, opposing the riazonin-T. 'Mathews
Planning Commission
May 7,, 1968
JOHNSON stated that children. residing withl.n' the proposed
REZONING multiple dwelling unit's would add more stress on the
FILE Z4-68 schoo'ls and the traffic', situation would, Also increase.
(CONTINUED) Mr. Mathews, further stated,' Kres ' X-y
and :Lindberg Lanes
could not handle the traffic Which would be generated
from the additional dwe1l'ing, units.
Mr. McGiveth informed the �Com_missibn that correspondence
.had been received from Mr. & Mts'.. Anthounis'se 620 St.
Francis. - ;Drive, Opposing the T
re,zonin Mr. Tom Vail
asked whether the proposed rezoning would have an effect
on taXels. Mr. MdGivern said, the area to be rezoned 'would
be affected 'rather than the. s 'family homes in the
vicinity.. However, the rezori-ing could set a precedent
for the area , wi't'h higher ,land uses and down-grade the
initial single family zoning.. Answering Comm. Koenitzer's
question regarding the street width of :Kresky and Lind-
berg,, Mr,. McGiverni indicated these streets were not
designed for; c-ollect6-r streets.. Comm.. Battaglia, was of
the opinion that the Commission could not rezone in ordet
to benefit the economics of.:tlTe developer. Res Z4-68,
.rejecting the rezoning, Was introduced by Comm. Battaglia,
seconded- by Comm Koenitzer,- and Was rejected by' the
f 611.owing vote: Ayes- Battaglia,,Koenitzer, Styles,
Fostmeier. Noes: Perry.
Chairman Fostmeierop6he(! the pdblic.hearing to consider
the use permit filed by.Frank Camillo to allow a home
occupation, a Hobby-Fix1t Shop ',(repair of dental equip-
FILE U12-68
me in an R-1-3-000 Zone or District, l'ocated at 62, 8
& 630 Baker Street., In the ,staff made part of
the permanent file, Mr. _McG I iver.n stated two parcels in
the ownership of Mr. Cam ' i - Up 'are th.e, pro-posed site of the
home ocdupation_� The home oacup_at,ion would` be con-
ducted within the accessory .structure on one of the two
lot's. There were no obje voiced. Res. U12-6:8,
grand. -ng' the use p'ermit.,, with the conditions as outlined
in the Planning Dir_ectb±'Is report made, part of theper-
maneAt file, Was :introduced by Comm. Styles, seconded
by Comm. Perry, and passed, unanimously.
FINLAY Chairman Fostmel.e-r opened the public hearing to consider
USE PERMIT the use permit app�.Iication' filed by: Alan W. Finlay, to
FILE U13-68 conduct: a f lea market in, the M�L Zone - located at 5155
Peta:luma,Blvd. North,, between the Freeway and Stony
Point Road'. tSite of: the Parkway Drive ,In Theater'),
Planning Commission
May, 7, 1.968
'Mr. McGivern presented the staff r'Oport in which he
recommended approval of the use er t
'e'pm subject to four
FILE U13 -68..
conditions. (Said report is par t;of the permanent file.)
Mr. Ronald K.. Freston. attorney for Mr. F inlay, was
present and;..'voi.,ce:d opposition, to Item . #3 of the Use .
Permit conditions which states, "The access road from
gel sal,l be fully paved
'Denman Road to 'the subj ect par li
with 20 feet; of° asphalt concr'e a at least, two inches in
thickne'ss "''. Mr. Preston, stated his client was negotiating
With. the adlbining land owner for the .Tease of three acres,
and one', condition of the leas - e required the paving of
the .access road to the sites. If., however, the lease does
not culminate, funds derived from the flea market, (if
the, use is .granted) , would `make it possible for Mr. Fin-
lay to comply with the access road requirements. within
six in fact, it is very possible the road would
be constructed ',before the 'end of June if the flea market
use ,permit i�s grunted. A motion,,; approving the, us.e per -
mit with the conditions asp outlined in the-Planning
`Director'" s 'report, with the. condition that the access
road -outlined in, Item #3 be, constructed within 6 months
from, date of, issuance of the use permit, was passed by
the following vote: Ayes- Bat Koenitzer,
Fostmeier;; Noes: Per.ry o
The.- Pla`nnl_ ng Director- requested the Commission to carry
over the Consideration of the :Gulf' Oil Use Permit for
FhLE U10 -68
a period of thirty days, in view of the Councils policy
to defer any existimg or new uses being introduced into.
the downtown core area :un.til such 't'me:a_ positive plan
or -mplementation' has been approved by them,. The Planning
Commission continued the hearing a'nd calendared,the matter.
for the reg =ular Planning C;omm meeting of June 18,
1968 .•
LEISURE LAKE Mr. Mcc vern -recommended that these items be continued
MOBILE PARK until s'Lich time as information has been received from
Sonoma County Flood Control regarding the alignment of
DENMAN; RD . the f lood, control channel which is ad,j °scent to Denman
ABANDON- 'Road and, information, from the County Road Department
MENT X610:tive 'ta certain :improvements that they have: i'n this
'particular area. The applicant, Mr. John G'eorgedes.,
requested . the Planni.ng.Commisao,.n to take action on the
Leisure Lake Mobile Park at this `time. Mr. McOivern
:informed' Mr,. G'eorgedes tha °t the abandonment of` Denman
Road. has °a definite ;impact on 'the ,Le Develop-
merit from which "the development- will receive i:ts access,;
therefore, both items should be, cons simultaneously.
Planning Commission
May 7, 1968
Mr, Larry B s on behalf of Mt. Geargedes and
indioated' that whether or not Denman Road is a
would have, no .:effect on 'the development of the park..
Chairman Fo!Eftmeier responded that t'he abandonment of,
Denman Road will directlyeffiect the Flood Control
Dist and the proposed dike adja to the develop-
m This acc,ess road. to' the mobile park and the
dike is definitely going to have some contr ol ling
aspects of the flood control in this area,. M . r. F 0 st-
.meier continued, say, it has, gone. 'beyond the realm of
the Planning Comm - ission to act until the 'necessary in-
formation ii-S, obtained from., the Sonoma Co unty Flood
Contro, 1 District and County Road Department. The mat-ter
was continued by the P'la-nn:ing until further
information is received by the Staff.
Chairman'Fostmeier: opened the public hearing to consider
the u;se permit application;- fil
-ed,by Allen Stack to allow
the, buying of disabled car's and. trucks l for scrap, and
the , sale of used parts in an, M =L (Limited 'Industrial)
Zone located at. 81,5 Wilson Street. In the staff report
(made part cI the permanent file) Mr. AdGivern recommended
deni r
, of the request predicated on the fact that the
int-ro.duct.i- of the automotive., dismantling operation would
seta precedent for the area and break down the purpose
and the lintent of the M-L Zone,. :(The present auto Wreck-
ing operations in the immediate area are nonconforming
uses and would only be allowed to, operate until such
time that the proper use and intent of the.land as pro-
vided in the M.-L 'District would be introduced. -
Attorney John Lounibos representing Mr Thomas Caulfield
and son, addressed . the Commission stating they strongly
supported the ofthe Planning :Dit
ector. Mr.
LounibQs further stated - that the present. Master Plan and
the intdrpret-cition of the Zone should 'he� qrounded, and
held ;firm for the protection of the property_ owners;, who
p �y
plan to establish light, industrial usesi on Lakeville
Highway. Mr,. .&taqk addressed the Planning Commission
questioning the interpretation of what constituted a junk,
yard and what constituted an auto wrecking `yard. 'Chair-
man Fostmeiet inf6rmed Mr. Stack,
that the Zoning Ordinance
clearly ex0ludes auto dismantling in the interprelt-Ation
of Junk yards. Mr. Stack also wanted to kno' at what
point an automobile became Turik, and f urther informed 'the
Comm that he had' 'obtained a business license. from
Ci,ty" 't
the carry' on the auto dismzifttling :busllness.., Mr,.
Mc,O said the license had been issued in error without
Planning Commission
May 7, 1968'
ALLEN proper- pr:oOes'sing 'through the Bui'ldirg/Planning De
STACK partment,. chairman Fostmeier -med Mr. Stack that
USE the only function of the Planning Commission was the
PERMIT interpretation of; the ZorAng Ordinance. A motion,
U14 -68 denying the;use permit '., was introduced; `by Comm.
'(CONTINUED) Koenitze'r, seconded by Comm. Perry and was denied by
the following, vote.: Ayes: Koenitzer, Perry, Styles,
Fostmeer. Noes: Battaglia. _
SORENSEN The Commission reviewed the lot split submitted for
LOT SPLIT the Sorensen Funeral Home to be'located at the south -
west corner of Petaluma Blvd. North and Cemetery Lane.
Mr. McGovern presented .a staff report, recommending
approval of the tentative parcel map subject to six
conditions (`said report listing the'condit,ons, is part
of 7the permanent file) Mr. Hal 'Wood, Assistant City
Engineer addressed the 'Commiss .n to the
installa.ti,or of a required, storm drain Comm. Battaglia
questioned the f;easib-i,lity of requiring half section
of street on Cemetery Lane. D,ck.,Lieb, representing
the subdivider was of the ;opinion that, when' Western
Motors' area was annexed to the City, the City of Petaluma
agreed to ,improve Cemetery Lane as a, condition: of the
annexation. 'Mr. Lieb further 'stated to require side-
walks on Cemetery Lane would. serve no purpose and the in-
stallation of an oversized drainage system to solve the
drainage; problem,, should also involve other property
owners - in. the area.
Mr. Lieb voiced 'no objections to the requirements for
the development along Petaluma Blvd. North but was of
the opinion that, improvements on Cemetery Lane should be
withheld pending mutual agreement 'with- other property
owners for future development in the area. Mr. Bob
Pope also stated that sidewa -11.s would serve; no purpose
and it wass, their intent to landscape the area to the
curb and gutters. A motion,,, approving the tentative
lot split with the conditions as outlined in the
Plann'i -ng Director°' s re,port'., With, the exception of
requiring sid'eualks,; was introduced. by 'Comm;. Styles,
seconded'by Comm,. 'Perry and was,defe'ated by the follow-
ing vote: ,NoOs:: Battaglia,, Koenitzer, Perry, Fostmeie'r.
Ayes: Styles =. A second motion, recommending the approval
of the 'tentative lot split with the conditions as out
lined in the Director of Planning's -report was intro-,
duced by Comm,; Koenitzer, seconded -by Comm,. Battaglia,
and passed I by therfo.11owing vote: Ayes: :Battaglia,
Koenitzer, Perry, Fostmeier. Noes::° Styles.
Planning Commiss:ion
May 7, 1968
POLITICAL Comm Koeni'tzer ,asked about the status of : the political
SIGNS. signs whch` 'have been erected within the City Limits.
Mr -. McGiv'ern replied that no response had been re-
ce,ved,,;by the staff to the: notices written `to the property
owners-,involved to remove the signs.
MODEL Chairman Fostmeier recommended, that the Model A_r -plane
AIR, Group, meet on a Saturday or Sunday a Lucchesi Park and.
PLANE fly, ;their models; and then set A publ .c hearing to make;
CLUB f a decision as to their use of the: park, Mr. McGivern
stated' that Mr. Shollenbergere had ;informed him that
the 'Pa - -rks & ,Recreation C'ommiss :oh had: me and. were not,
in favor of 'Lucchesi Park. be ncy / lised b I t e Model Air- -
'plane Club. j
Commissioner Battaglia ,left the ;meeting at 10:10.
The Commission reviewed the site design for the pro-
p osed AAA office building to be located on the parcel
of land bounded by Bodega,Avenue, Howard Street and
Washington Sttreet,. Mr. McGivern,stated that the site
V4 -68
plan .indicates adequate off,stree.t, parking. Together "-
with 'the s1te plan review, the applicant requested a
variance ,for` various encroachmefits by the proposed'
`building into the property setback lines and to allow
two signs as shown 'on the plan,., The P °lanning Director
stated this property is a unique situation because of
the fact-it is .an island, type of parcel also, there
are • slopes, from -the street right-of-way to the property
line which are more, than - adequate to'provide the necessary
building setbac_,.ks and open space. Mr., :Schyler Jeffreys.,
representing, the applicant -,, reviewed the plans and
variances' requested (one_for setbacks and -for signing).
Two signs totalling an area.of approkimately 1.9 square
feet are requested. (The Ordinance allows ;1,2 square feet.)
A motion, granting the variances, was introduced by Comm.
Koeni,zter, seconded by Comm. ;Perry and passed ; by all
members present. A motion 'approving site design with
the .. condition, that landscape plans be submitted to the
Planning Director for his ;approval and all public im-
provements comply °with requirements setforth by the
City Engineer, was introduced. by Comm Koenitzer, seconded
by Comm., Perry and passed- by' all , nember's present.
POLITICAL Comm Koeni'tzer ,asked about the status of : the political
SIGNS. signs whch` 'have been erected within the City Limits.
Mr -. McGiv'ern replied that no response had been re-
ce,ved,,;by the staff to the: notices written `to the property
owners-,involved to remove the signs.
MODEL Chairman Fostmeier recommended, that the Model A_r -plane
AIR, Group, meet on a Saturday or Sunday a Lucchesi Park and.
PLANE fly, ;their models; and then set A publ .c hearing to make;
CLUB f a decision as to their use of the: park, Mr. McGivern
stated' that Mr. Shollenbergere had ;informed him that
the 'Pa - -rks & ,Recreation C'ommiss :oh had: me and. were not,
in favor of 'Lucchesi Park. be ncy / lised b I t e Model Air- -
'plane Club. j