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JAly 16, 196B
Regular meetirt,g of t."ne Plannin g 'Ommlss ion 'held on July 16, 1968
at 8 09-clo , ck,
POIX. 1TI the � City Hall Petaluma,
Ca 1 if orn ia'.
PRESENT;, Comm, 'Battaglia, Koe'ri.itze Perry, Styles,
STAFF-. 11illiam C M - r iver Co Director of P'la,nning
Ha-j , w O'L AssistAnt, City Engirieer
OTHER CI TY OF F1 C I I ALS - Counci1man Lipman.
MINUTES The,minantes for the meeting of July 2, 1968
July 2, 1968 were approved as submitted.
CORRESPONDENCE Mr. McGi,v.ern sta that be had tecel a
brochure from Shell 011 Company Concerning a
f11m entitled ":1 River Must Lively which
qpuld bi� bo:rrQwe,d and, vieweA by the Cjmmission.
it was suggested that the film be shown at a
study SZSSILO�n in the near future.
DAVID YOUNG Mr Robe.rt Lagle, Agent f.ar David Young, wa-s
Z768 present 'in behalf of the applicantys reque.s•t
✓ci re zone certad pro,pe.rtfe,s as described in
the, dpplicatlon from M-L (Limited Industrial)
to P-UD (Planned Unit DeVelopmant). He in®
formed th w e ' Commlss'on that a formal presenta®
,, I
tion as riot yet read r interim zoning
ready _ �y f or t i n
r - r a mo home park_ he rrequested fi 0
t 6a:t 't,he. Item be held over untril the next
me tin of the Planning Commission on August
6; io,.68. He al"S�o invited the Commission and
sta 'to join the app-11,c8n,t for a field trip
to the City of ',Soc t,o see a development
similar to the ttirpe that, is cont-empla
ted by
h i s c I Lent o Mr . Mcc-il was as Red to make
the neces.sar arrangements foT the field trip.
LIVING QUARTERS 1"he Planning Commission considered the appli ca-
C ZONE tion f1Lead by Lieb, and Qaam�raa to Amend
FILE 12 the toning Ord. 1 nance to add-, "L v.i.h�g quarters
for eXclu'Z`>!ve of owner of retail stores
and T`e.staurants when incidental to and within
the same building -s� `the cornmerc' 'a. I ds, t
the list of coindit1oana,l uses in the C ® H
(Highway- Commerci.aj) Zone. or Di I s f r 1 .1 ct iti
'his staff report, made part of the pe:rmanyent.
file T-46" - recommended th
ul'Ve'rn rec me 1. ere, .is' a
need for suc.-h an amertdme'n't. He f urther
WN 1, -
The Comm IssLon, reviewed the tentative map of
Planhlft,g .C.omm
July 16., 1968.
F I IL . E 13 -68
Bui Corporation. The, prbposed, subdivision
stated that, c,e r t aTn huslnes f aced wits
C-r , H ZONE
possibility of re�.hab'i.1Itatin,g or* bringing
F ILE 1,2 - 68
their bu up to P.r`es;ent day building code
were finding it nelc, 'to relocate and
sive report, recommending approval of the
City re,guta'tion-s s�.hould be such- that they could
map s.ubjec , t to c,ettal.n cond.it.!:ons and special
remai , n In the City of Petaluma- Mr. Richard
con'sjderati'q,YY Mr Jon Aridersbn, of MacKay
L was pre-sent .in support of the app,licat for .
and Somps, C;vil- Engi,neer-s, engineer
Aft.O:r s dlitctsslon, Res 12-68, recommendi - -
for the subject rsubdivision was present. F o 11 ow-
to the City-'Cotinclil that the, Zoning Ordi,nance
in.g a brief �discil,&.tl,oft concerning street patterns
be amended b. adding to Se!c%t.ion 6-403, thereof,
amended _d
and the size: of lots, a, motion recommending
sthaectibn (k) as a cond.iti use in the
appr,oval of the t,e�ntartive map of Monarch Racdfic
C-H Zone. or. District was introduced by Comm.,
subject to the six and three, spe�c'lal
Battaglia, seconded byComm,. Perry and passed
considerat -ions as, 6ut.lifte.4 in the written
with L affirmative votes, 1 negative. Chairman
report was introduce:d by Comm. Styjes, secbnde.d
Fost.me_i stated that he voted "no", not
by Comm,. Batta"g, A!nn,d ;passed unanimously.
because he was A,g'al,,ns t any one particular case
but he was not in favor of amending the Zoning
Ordinance: to allow the use throughout the entire
C-_H Zone,
The Comm IssLon, reviewed the tentative map of
UN. I T' 4,, 5 & 6
'Monarch Pacific as filed b� 'T Atlantic and Pacific , .Ifi
F I IL . E 13 -68
Bui Corporation. The, prbposed, subdivision
is Located of the� southwes side of South
McDowe 11 Ro,ad approximate 1 -y I mile south of
Washington St!reet, and le north of Casa
Grande Road. 'Mr.. MtGivern presented a comp.rehen-
sive report, recommending approval of the
map s.ubjec , t to c,ettal.n cond.it.!:ons and special
con'sjderati'q,YY Mr Jon Aridersbn, of MacKay
and Somps, C;vil- Engi,neer-s, engineer
for the subject rsubdivision was present. F o 11 ow-
in.g a brief �discil,&.tl,oft concerning street patterns
and the size: of lots, a, motion recommending
appr,oval of the t,e�ntartive map of Monarch Racdfic
subject to the six and three, spe�c'lal
considerat -ions as, 6ut.lifte.4 in the written
report was introduce:d by Comm. Styjes, secbnde.d
by Comm,. Batta"g, A!nn,d ;passed unanimously.
CARL, A. LORENZ The Planning Conuhissi,on, reviewed. the sAte plans
DISTRIBUTION for the proposed DI Warehou:s,e to be
WAREHOU - Located a.t 131 East C ourt. t Conditions of
approva requested by the, staff were that the
applicant prov1de one fire hydrant at his own
expense and that the. sewer oasemant be Increalp:q!t,
`f r om f1ve, feet to 10 feet. Mr D L:iie
a-rchitect for the 'applicant was pres;e,nt znd,
informed the 'Commis, that Mr.'Lore-nz had been
Planning Comm
J uly 1 161.9 i96.8
CA I RL A. LORENZ i;nfbfrridd iof th'el cond'itlqns. He asked If the
DISTRIBUTION - City w6u.1d co;tTs:id&r fu'rn1sh1ng the fire hydrant
WAREHOUSE in pxxcl
iha.Rgp fo:p the eat Chairman Fostmeier
(CONTINUED) tnf'ormeid, Mr. Lieb that the Commission was not
in a .position to ne,gotiate; hbVe:ver.. the applicant
had thp
ri,,gh.t to appeal, the C6mmiss.Jonls re-
quirement'SL 'to the Qit7. Counclj within ten days.
A moti-oft a.p.pt,ovin 'the site, plans subject to
-tbe c as outlined, by the st,ff was
i'n:t,rd,Atc,ed by Comm, Koe;n1tZer, seconded by
- Comm,. Perry an was,: app,rp 1, ve,d by the foll.owLn.9
vot Ayes; Koelait Perry and FoStMole
Noes: Battaglia S tyles.
CAFE PUBLIC At the requett of the Planning Director the
revi of the slite plans for the Cafe Public
vra's �ta,rt over until a, later date when it is
anticipated the applicant wi request a variance
on h e subjzcct pvoperty�.
DR. LEO T. LANE T'he Commias-Ion reviewed the Site plans for
PROFESSIONAL the proposed Profe:ssLo.na,l Building of Dr. Leo
BUI LDING T. Lane,,, to be locat,ed on Ke Street just
O�flf of Ve:stern Avenue. Mr,. 'Mc(livern pointed
out that adequa,te parking ha,d , been provided,
,the building was in the Downtown Asses,.sment
D.Itt--ict and met all, building code reqii-irements.
Mr, Mchard Lieb, architect for the applicant,
p;r.esent along with Dr. Lane. A motion
approving the, site -plans with the conditions
that the p a * rkin'.g lot be payed with Asphalt
Concrete Paving and the landscape p1an�s be
,:" to the D of P b anning lanni,ng for
fina a I
I pprovaj, wa,t I ntroduced by Comm. Perry,
seconded by Comm. Batta and passed unan,imously.
ADJOURMENT there being no further butjnas.s- to come before
the Commission, the meeting was adjourned.