HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 04/26/1948April 26, 19!48 Regular Meeting 9 i P•resent:• Hatch., DeLuca, Shoemaker, Sales and Olmsted. WECKERGHAM ,PARR A public hearing . rn , w as yield 'c.oncernin g proposed change s at tfi ic{kersham Park. Mr. Thaler, Director of Parks and Recreation,: pres=ented his plan to make certain changes :a_t the Park,,,, necessitated, by the shortsge of wa er ", and stated that'a. new well would coist 1.70.00. There - was no assurance- that a new well would produc sufficient water. He explained that the plan rye has in mind i,s , t-he building of a b , shell on the -G Street sl;d'e with seats for an audience., and a, recreation area.. Oppos!.;tion t °o t,ha plan was voicaed by prop.e,rty holders in the imm ediate vicinity, - of the Park. Mr. Tough stated : In hi.s opinion Dr. MA&Cla;y would` not have liked• such a change. �Nrs. 'Joodson, .427 Fourth Street. asked. 4u r hat pre vent.,s the City from buying, water fro' ?n the California Water Company?_ Mrs.; Allen, Fourth & G Satreets stated: 'She was opposed to cLiildre.n throwing balls ft the Park, M rs. Hinseon, )p22 Fifth Street said; : - jade find- money. for everything else °, why not, 'f o the Park? Ben. Young,, Fifth Street., sa: d;: Since the City pays money for bowling they should have enough money 'for , the Park. Mr. 'Thayer acid Mr. Ficklin explained that money for bo 1 ing °was donated by' local organi.zat ons and no, City funds Vrere used for this purpose. In an- swer to a question from the Planning i�Commis as to whether any of them had children under the a.-e of .fifteen, Mrs. Elizabeth 8'e�thanis stated that. her °neighbor, 1ors.. Hamilton,, has children under that age and is opposed ao• changes in the Park Mrs. Badger' stated: Taxpayers should be able to buy water. Kr., Elz stated,: Band concerts in the Park would be tob clo.s , ,e to the hospital and that this would riot be good for the patients. Wo.o.dson says the Pj,ark needs lights. All those present and wishing to .spedk having been heard, Mr. Sales thanked them :for coming and, hold, them thetir opinions would be taken under careful consideration,. u � PUBLIC hEARING_S lilotion by Sho'emaker', second by DeLuca {E, in cases coming before the Coilmiission rei uiring. public hearings that applicant shall defray the cost thereof . Un °anim:ously passed., FORM[ 'On N:Lotion by Shoemaker, second by Rauch, ' °a form to be pre'sentc.d to theCity .Counc' l con- cerning action. on cases before the P11'.nning A / fi. t C W r �✓3 \� , Commis.si•on, was approved unanimously. 1® ALTERATIONS Director- 7 of Public Works,, Henry Rosz,� 'in formed the Commiss, .on in answer to a jque. scion by one of -the Cornmiszioners that alterationz under fifty per cent of the, ass,essed ralue of buildings being, altered. requi-re no 'approval on the ,part of the C omrrri s`s.ion I� REMODELLING On m o t Se,cred y ,; i ca, and b DeLu ar a s �instruct ed to in-form the City M -anal er that the C,,o , i s sli on deslr the Director of Public 4'Jork o be instructed to present to the Gommi all applications for rotodellang, when there is to be a chan� of occupancy. if " MR & T�IRS JOHN OLIVIERI :I4_r.. & ,Mrs. John Ol vieri,. ' -42 B.Str-ee�t, `were ran.i;ed a rr�t to construct a duplex ;ate. rt, p e ment on Dou91a °s Street to the rear .,of` tY e above address. Motion by Shoemaker, Lecond by Hatch Motion unanimously pas,sed.� �w i HI1 �a 44 M MR, & SIRS CARL BEHRENS Carl Wallin, representinc ldr -. and Mr-slii Carl Behrens, ,applied. for a permit to construct a single f amily dwelling. on the corder Paf D S'tr.eet and Brown Cfourt;. Because the- ipropos;ed setback on Bromm Gourt, is only three ;feet, the Gommission• decided unanimously than the Director of Public I4+ork.s i to contact Dr. L Yvho�se property adjoins, to see if he would have any objeati.ons to such. "a himited setbaek. Mot-i by DeLuca,, second by Shoemaker,, a MR. & MRS HARRY GRAHA - 11 1 Motion by DeLuca, second by Hatch, unanimously granted permission to Mr. ,& Mrs.. Harry Graham to build a third duplex on the corned of Dana and Webstler, Streets b.ecaus;e of circumstances invsolved prior to, the' appointment of this G omni is s i on. METHODI'S CHURCH On :motion by Shoemaker second by' Ulmisted,' the application of the Methodist Church tIb build. 'a social hall `l to the rear and Post office s'idb i of the present structure was - rented has :sub- mitt °ed.., Hatch and DeLuca absent, Sal1 , voting yes: Q ITAISTED_- CODAPANY Ap of the Olmsted_ 'Com . an f o' pp' P y r eOn- structi;on of auto sheds at 'the plarkinIG lot. on Liberty Street vms approved, providing' the timbers be fire p roofed. JVIotipnby Shoemaaker;, second b Sales ' G;lms=ted :voting y es. Meeting adjourned un.ti.l Wedriesday, April 28, `1948, �I