HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 01/14/1949Absent,: Councilman Stan S.eidell_ Ex­off'i)c City Manage'r Lohn FiQklin; Director of Public Works, Henry R6s'64'' Planning Con sul-taht, Walter Hahn. 3 Ohairman Sales introduced Walter Hahn who. ZONING ' sp,cIe of the value of zoning and its nec essit.� for or the. improvement of a, city. He stressed the importance of faithful admin- , 3 . 9 Acting Chairman in the abis of t Chair­' man and Vice-Chairman, Miathi.l.da Olmsted* Tbos,e non= c uses whose nature Is, such that. any extensdon thereof will, be.. unm- 3 desirable arve, *to be de.f iried as. to limit's and MI nature, Such uses existing are to be recorded. and shown oft a map to be f iled. with the City .� C1erk... - Keeting adjourned at 2,:00 ATTEST: Secretary P.;anning Commi Chairman' January. 14 1949 Special Keet'inF 'called by Chairman,, Paul 'Sales. - Present; Paul. &.91jes .1 Eugene, DeLuca, Leigh Shoemaker, Thurston Hatch, Kathilda, Olmsted. Advis,i I _ng'. Henry Ross.. Applidatlon to'constr dwelling with 1.61­ K. GQLIN set -back at '737 h View Avenue. The other hous�e!6 in the, block having, this,.,same set, back, the appliaation is granted., Vate: S,ale s, yes; Shoemaker, yas Hatch. yes;, D,eLuca, ye,s' Olmsted., ye:!S. There: beinft no further busin&ss to come be f or'e the meetjng,, the meet-in- was adjourned.. • ATTEST:, Secretary- Planning Commission Chal.rm*an January-lL 194,9 Conferdhc Ite with City Counc Gounai,l Chambers. Present Commisis Paul Sales, Eugene DeLuca, Thurston Hatch, -Leigh Shoemaker,,, Mathi,lda O.lmstedi Gounc ilmei lfialt Kinogu,e Lee Meyers, John King". Wm,., Deiss, YJayor, Ja-8per Woodson. Absent,: Councilman Stan S.eidell_ Ex­off'i)c City Manage'r Lohn FiQklin; Director of Public Works, Henry R6s'64'' Planning Con sul-taht, Walter Hahn. 3 Ohairman Sales introduced Walter Hahn who. ZONING ' sp,cIe of the value of zoning and its nec essit.� for or the. improvement of a, city. He stressed the importance of faithful admin- N a �� $ istrn-ti,on, of a, zoning ordinance:, advising. that 6'ou action, reversing Commi.sslon. daci,slons should be taken only after- consultiation with t 'h , - e Commission upon presentatio'n, of evidence not, P.'re#iously presented to the; Gommi,&sion. The minutes, of the Conference Meeting held with Hahn were read, as the meeting progressed with particular tho=se reque,sts,.which had been denied- r '. on January 5 attent'loh given 'The Otto Yleyp"rts petitlon for rezoning of OTTO MEYER "that area bo=unde=d 'by Howard, Street, on the, East, . and by 'Re,st Street on the North, 'the City L=imits on the West and a line running VVp,st from Howard Street on the S outh ",. outh", was -reviewed and. the mintues were corr state - that an' additional reason for d enying the req was that to grant it would be spot zoning. Hahn explained: 1.) A petition must be w I e1ghted ag I ain.st welfare - of a city as a whole,.." 2..) It would. be.b.etter to maka that whole section of the City R 2 than to spot Zone, out he adviaes against this. 3 " ), is! the backbone, �of a, community. GoMmunitiye•s with small or no R,l areas are, poor ones,-, thoise with a percent of their area in. 13-1 are rye . nerally good com- munitles with high property value.s.. In the area under qq&stion variances c an be granted for unusual p= hysical aondit'lons such Es very large lots.. He later de..scribed -4 "very large.lot" as one which- is 250.to 3°50 feet deep. A variance should not be granted unlesa there are - unusual condit=ions. Councilman Deiss pointed out that thi.s.area is a "poor" one which has had problem-'s of ,sanitat.lon,.. Hahn explained that modest houses can make excellent. R-1 dist-rict and that the increase in population allowed by , R-2 or" - would only aggrevate. the, sanitation, peohlems. He pointed out 'that R-2' allows, duplex "dwellings with. t faii1illes in a si ngle ngl,e building; R allows aparti •a second or third bu•:Lldi'ftg on. one lot. From a standpoint of economics it is desirable to° have the R-2 ' and R-3 areas with their d.e-,is;e,, popu1ations closle to the Comyrierc area and c1dse to mass tran,sit; facAlities6 Onc,e a year the Commias should study the zoning, plan and recommend thanes - t o t he , Council, he advised.; The F. lfomse'n r was reviewed," Hahn F. KOMSEN. explaining that if a C-1 change 'jRi.e made it, should include a. strip running all the ri g area in Odestion Ls at the corner of Western and 'Fair - way to the. pr6.sleftt C-1 area, but that ti- is not advisable b�e.:cause it would work to the; detriment of the present C-1 area. The The E. B. McNear request -was for Industrial, ZO not Councdlman Sales opened the subject o non- WON--CONFORMING USES The H. Vinc.qnt r equest -for* R-2 zoning on. H. VINCENT• that the owner of a valuable building with a Hdward Stre.et falling in. the same area as shnin-king- usia should be all to put it to thlat of Otto. Meyer, no further di where Hel-m explained that the ord- was deemed ne inw-ace is not re and th=at suc building could be 'used, for ac.tivitie nol! Also considered at this, meeting we the for by:,, Ham HAM S'CHOENI�TGH IVIRS. J.B. SULLIVAN requests changes made ypfW Schoeningh, Kns J. B. Sullivan and M, IA. R-OSENBLOOM precIdent would bb s bringing in continual demands for the same kind of zoning for Vacant An addition was made to 'the min tes the q,U CA RL PETERSEN A previous meeting as fdllo�v8: be considered on itO own merits A use permit Carl Pe requeist f or 1 zoning all requires: no hearing. A heiaring is optional, the - may out past P was denied., This ' condit.i.ons, not for the oo,nyenden.ce ctL an- action was reviewed at the present meting. indivild-ual. CityKanager Fi,c,klin suggested CD I A corre.c of the prevlous meetin minutes E,. B, Mc-NEAR an-c.e that non-c.onforming uses should, be per- was a,s, follow nit only contig .; , u o u s e xp an & on,. The E. B. McNear request -was for Industrial, ZO not Councdlman Sales opened the subject o non- WON--CONFORMING USES Fo & K16i&e`r-?Is, objecti,on to the FOSTER KEEISER restriction on billboards was ais Qounclilmian King asked if 'it would not require too, much work to consider all applications for billboards. Hahn said that billb'o.ard,s are parmit if the-y are pertinent to t he use of a building, and that other cities 'have found few applications are. i•,iacie whereas it - is. highly desirable to retain control. Councilman King, ques the zoning of the ZQIUNG c=onforming usleis, Councilman, King commont.ed, that the owner of a valuable building with a shnin-king- usia should be all to put it to mother uae even though it, Is non - conforming. where Hel-m explained that the ord- inw-ace is not re and th=at suc building could be 'used, for ac.tivitie nol! more obnoxious than tree i e one ou&ed,'previo us1y, but that a Us& permit i,s necessary f or such a chang.e.. The use 'permit is a safeguard. Each non; �.C,onl' spot cannot be zoned or a precIdent would bb s bringing in continual demands for the same kind of zoning for Vacant property. The non - conforming can be allowed but i's should be. c-ohtiguous. Each case should be considered on itO own merits A use permit requires: no hearing. A heiaring is optional, Us-e- permits should only 'be granted to better ' condit.i.ons, not for the oo,nyenden.ce ctL an- indivild-ual. CityKanager Fi,c,klin suggested CD I that it might be well to apecafy in the ordin- an-c.e that non-c.onforming uses should, be per- nit only contig .; , u o u s e xp an & on,. Fo & K16i&e`r-?Is, objecti,on to the FOSTER KEEISER restriction on billboards was ais Qounclilmian King asked if 'it would not require too, much work to consider all applications for billboards. Hahn said that billb'o.ard,s are parmit if the-y are pertinent to t he use of a building, and that other cities 'have found few applications are. i•,iacie whereas it - is. highly desirable to retain control. Councilman King, ques the zoning of the ZQIUNG IM / J Chairm January. ?3, 1 949 � 1. �:. ...�C•� Regular .4'e eting. !}:00- P.M. Council Ch&mbers. Present,, Paul Sales, Eugene DeLuca, NIathi,lda Olmsted. .Absent: Leigh Sh'oema,ker, Thurst-on Hatch.' Ad Henry Ross., Lohn r ic'klin.. The minutes were read but not approved because the members present at the previous meeting were absent at this meeting. Sales Report ori_County Planning Commission:: COUNTY PLANNING (1,) It i.s the general policy of The County COMMISSION Oommis'sion to ask deed restrictions 'against further sa.zbdivislon of lots in s:ubdivis.ions coming before said Commission. 2) The County Gbmm.ssion asks for 50'' right of I way, . ( 3) The _L,indeueck Subdivision 1s far enough distant from Petaluma so that septic tanks there will not affect Petaluma. Sept:i.c Tank. ,discussion followed. I't was SEPTIC T:^NK point <ed out by th.eCity Mariag.er that septic tanks from, a ,public health - standpoint are, never satisfactory for a concentrated pop- ulation_. A grater supply pr.obl °em .will arise unlesrs groups of pup°ulati.on are provided ?vit'h primary dige"ster..ls for sewage, Vecaux e und,ergrouind Water streams are poisoned. Subd=i'viders should, at le be required to install sa.n "itary drainage s"ystemfs 'to connz:ct later to a digester. The Commission decided to continue its policy of opposing & pt; c tanks within an area 't`hre;e miles from the city limits., since County health problems will affect Pet„a. citizens if in' no other- way than through County tares. 0 area bounded by K and. 'Third Streets and the City Limits, stating; that it. should be :al;l C - It was Hahn opinion that such zoning would leave the are;, open t.;o junk, development which, would be most detri:mehtal to the adjoin- Avit ink R -1 areas.. ,% Councilman 'Shoem- er asked if the petitions derfled. at, the zoning plan hearings -of the Commission are too, to the Council. Hahn, advised that all the. pe rtinent dAta be, fur- nis'lled ahe 'Council ,along with Gom_ rec,ommendat:ons. Meeting Adjourne.d 5:00 P -M- "S,ecretary-Pl.a =rining Commission IM / J Chairm January. ?3, 1 949 � 1. �:. ...�C•� Regular .4'e eting. !}:00- P.M. Council Ch&mbers. Present,, Paul Sales, Eugene DeLuca, NIathi,lda Olmsted. .Absent: Leigh Sh'oema,ker, Thurst-on Hatch.' Ad Henry Ross., Lohn r ic'klin.. The minutes were read but not approved because the members present at the previous meeting were absent at this meeting. Sales Report ori_County Planning Commission:: COUNTY PLANNING (1,) It i.s the general policy of The County COMMISSION Oommis'sion to ask deed restrictions 'against further sa.zbdivislon of lots in s:ubdivis.ions coming before said Commission. 2) The County Gbmm.ssion asks for 50'' right of I way, . ( 3) The _L,indeueck Subdivision 1s far enough distant from Petaluma so that septic tanks there will not affect Petaluma. Sept:i.c Tank. ,discussion followed. I't was SEPTIC T:^NK point <ed out by th.eCity Mariag.er that septic tanks from, a ,public health - standpoint are, never satisfactory for a concentrated pop- ulation_. A grater supply pr.obl °em .will arise unlesrs groups of pup°ulati.on are provided ?vit'h primary dige"ster..ls for sewage, Vecaux e und,ergrouind Water streams are poisoned. Subd=i'viders should, at le be required to install sa.n "itary drainage s"ystemfs 'to connz:ct later to a digester. The Commission decided to continue its policy of opposing & pt; c tanks within an area 't`hre;e miles from the city limits., since County health problems will affect Pet„a. citizens if in' no other- way than through County tares. 0