HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 02/10/1949the building to. a duplex dwelling,
2. Action be taken to insure that the
plumbing contractor n. question will-
'in the future adhere to the ;same
observance of 'the City Ordinances, as
is required' of other nem`b,ers' of his
Appl,icati_on, cfor .a "bunkhouse" remodeling
,of present garage.
uTQnted restriction :' No kitchen
faeil - ities are to 'be- installed,
App;1 cation. for permit to expand trailer
court at 711 Hain,
Delayed for study.
Director of Publ; c A"orks is empowered. to DIRECTOR QF PUBLIC WORKS
act oft app.li.catdons whdch are in :accord
with Sections- 3a, 1.0.4 and 10.54,of the
proposed zan,ing ordinance. (Se °e' RFes,olut on)
Voter::' Sales,, ye °.s; Sho emaker, yes'; DeLuca., yes; Olmsted, yes:;
Hatch ab�s ent.
There being no *further business to come before the meeting, the
meeting was adjourned to February 10., 1949.,
Secretary- Planning Com"riissi.on Chair -mean
February 10, 19 -9
Special GonferenCe Meeting. Council Chambers.
Present: Pa l Sales, Eugene .DeLuca, IvIathilda Olmsted, Leigh
Shoemaker, Thurston H'atc.h.
Advising: :Cohn Fickln, Walter Hahn, Karl Brooks.
Purpose of 6eeting-: To study changes in the proposed subdivision
ordinance as suggested by Karl Brooks.
ApplIcant to file his subdivision map not SUBSEC'T'ION 3,.11
Less 'than fifteen (15) days prior to the
next regular Commission meeting as set by'
the rules of said Commission.
Add: ' if any, who. prepared the .map'"
SYio,emaker and Itin.ogue leave the meeting at this point.
StrIk out: "reversion to, aoer,a.ge: no survey 'SUBSECTION 11 .
need be made unless deemed nec�e by, the
City En'ineer"
Strike out in, .entAre.ty 4.12, and 5,16 SUB S`LCTIU 4.2
After co-ris derable discuasIon,, Brooks was
sa-tis,fied to. leave theze. sections as they' are.
This language to be the same as sect .on SU BSECTION L,.,3.1 (b,)
11.601 of the &tate; Map Ac-t,
Leave as i's. Brooks 1s s
Change to be rrigde gs follow,s: If a SUBSECTTON 5-12
pA'r.cdl 6f land to be subdivided includes a
.Portion of the right of Way to be adqui.red
pursuant, to pr,oce6dings already initiated or
to be 1
y i-nitiated accordiqg to a
plan el r eady ready adopted by' the City,, County, .or
State for a Treeway pr etc_"
(a) Major streets or highways as shown SUBSECTION,�.14
on the st ' re.et and highirlmy plan or any 77(b) (c)
logical extension thereof to have - aminimum
right -of -way olf eighty -six .(66) feet.
-T(b) -Se c-ondary streets of highways a-s
on the street and highway plan or any logical
extension. '
thereof 'to have a minimum' right-of-
, way of sixty .(60) Peet.
(b) ;Change ".fo.cal" to "other"
Add, after the word "in'stalling", the works SUBSECTION 5.'21
"or pernlitting the installation - O
.After the work "oft' add the work1d, "and the SUBSECTION 5.31
Council may grant"
The City :A,,t,t,orney is. to rephrase those SUBSECTIONS 6.11
se which vert. in 'the Engineer -5 1 3 (b)
discretion astir subdivision and i.:Ct.ildty
standards 'to the eff that the ordinance T72 -
will require, the 'subdivider to furnish =2 1
along with, his p1ot drawings, his own stars.- 2
dards for utilities. These propo-sed st and 2
ards are to be'approv:ed by the City Engineer
and �rheri so approved, be,c,ome -the standard
for the zubdivisi,on in question..
I - y nning orrunl: - 7 Ch airm an ,.
S(�,c.ret.ar -:P a C abdon
February 14o 19
R,Qgular Conf Meet. ng. Mrs M.-aitzens, 115-6th Street, Pet'aluma,
Pr'e'.&en Paul Salas, Thurston,, H.,at Mathilda. 'Olmsted.
Advising: Henry Ross
Ab,8 Le igh Shoemaker, Eugene DeLuca' ,
The minutes of meeting held Fbruary 8, lg'kc) were read and