HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 03/28/19494 F
There are to be no trailor;.parks in. any 111
district and the trailer ordinance is, to 57
reatrl,ct them to C-• areas or lower.,
111otdon by Shbemallicer-,' S by Hatch.
Ayes - Shoemaker H.atcb, Olmsted.,.
No :, Noh
A b s e nt': SaLes DeLuca,.
An item is to be put in : the budget covering CONFERENCE
expenses for a. delegate the 1949 &on
foreftae of "Planni Officials ".
There bein no furt121er businesz, to come before the meeting, the
meeting was adjourned. at 2:30 P.M. to March 28, 1949,
- --------------
6ecretary-Pla.nning Commission Chairman
March 28, 1949
Regular Meeting. Council Chambers.
Present: Sales, Olmsted, Shoemaker.
Absent: Hatch, DeLuca.
AdVlsing: Henry Ross and Lohn Ficklin.
Minutes of March 14, 1949 were road and approved as read.
Letter - from Brooks to Lounibos &:. Lounib,oz, PETITIONS AND
advising that Mr. A. Fosso is In vb,la:t-don GOM1
of the emergency interim ordinance 'No. 33
NC18, was read,.
Lot,to from- Central Fermit Bureau to*
Mr.; Bert VVIllimason informing_ the. latter
that no busine,as licenae can be issued
f operating a barber shop at 638 " BY
Street t' - use advising � that application
for a use pe,rimit" be made to .the City
C ounc 11.
Mrs. 'C. TV . SO
'ies as,king:
7e 'c' 9 MRS C.
her lot at. No. 2 1/2; 6th Street; .- This lot
being a "Pd.o shaped" lot, has a large area
with a 5( .,frontage spr to much larger
dirn at the rear of the lot,
s asks if she would be held to R-2 z.oning.
which would prevent herl.f-rom. building anything
but A second one-f amily dweliing on the
front of the lot,, which now -has a rear
by Sa Second b�
Y - - - y Olmsted,,
This lot is to be rez4ommQnded, for inclusion,
in the R ar ea, which borders on it., and
such reaomm6ndatIoft is t,o• be made to the
City. Council.;
A-yes: Sales Shoemaker, Olmsted.
Noe None
Absent,: 'DeLuca,, Hatch.,
Strout' Realty asking for advIce as., to STROUT REALTY
whether or not a, warehouse for- storage
of packaged fooda 'could b.e.biXilt on a Iot
in East. Court.
Decision: Fermis can. only be granted
by changing- purposed , zoning ordinqnc; which
would require., the approval of the entire
P C'o_mxai.ssion• of which only three
are present- t
Applic - t.o build a new sub-station to
trave_, the block b6twe6n Hopper and
Wilson Streets.
,Aye:s: Salez, Olmsted, and Shoeimaken.
'Noes,: None ' 7
Absent: De Hatch.
'Nill�imason appli.cation for " use permit"
to operate barber shop at 638 "E'" Street,.
Y_Jr_&,. 'Nilligmson Iva:s present and said, that
they had been, told by Mayor IVoods " put
your chair in and get.to work•.and don't
pay any attention to what anyone else
syca 'Henry Ro reported that po plumb-
ink; pex has been issued, that no'.
'business license has been Lssued,, and
that the plumber had been expre,ssly asked
not; to connect plumbing for a barber shop.
Mr. FicklI! was asked for an opinion and.
stated, that there has been an inf.&ac't I.on
Of the plumbing code in this case. A
'Ullusle p was denied by the following
vo te;
Ayers.: Sal,ez, Olmsted, Shoemaker
Noes�,:� None
Abs.sent: DeLuca, Hatch
Motion. by 'Shoemaker, 'se,conded by Olmsted,. that
Secretary be instructed 'to writ,e a letter
to the Clay O'ouncil, _JA them hem t -rpr see w e -e r
Frank Faure, plumber-, has wilfully and
agrantly broken a C i,ty Ordinance, 6f ter
having been told by t he Plumbing . lnsp�e,ctor
not to.c.onneat the p'lurnbing for a barber
,shop at this ad.,Ir,6 until a "use permit"
had been obtained.
Application for adrditionftbl existdng.med,ica-1 01ALLIN &-LEI;j!'S-
building; at 127 - 4t.h Street.
Ayes.:. Sales, Olmsted, Sho =emaker '
Nro.e 4: None
Absent :, D`eLucka. '& 1'atch,
Applimti,on to -remode,l by adding two EDWARD _B.AKE'R
kitchens and two 'bath. rooms at 5GO Kentucky
Ayes; Sales, Olmsted, Shoemaker-
No is ' None
Ab sent : DeLuca., Ha.t c.h.
Secretary reported concerning County REPORTS
P'lannn;g Commission action on the Leland
Secretary reported concerning an Insurance
office 'in .a res' deCltlal are Mr: Hahn was
of trei-opini6ft that if such an - office i,n a
home. is secondary to a major office else -
wh °e -r =e., the home office can be considered a
"legal home occupation" .
The de.aision Are:sulted in no decision
c'onc'erning the William DeForce insurance
off °ice in his horr�e.
Secretary reported that present uses of
the, area. north of Petaluma being consid
by the Council for annexation had been 'en -
umer'ated and sent to the City dianager, along .
with' the Commis - sion's 'decision that the
probable zoning of this area would be G: l
.(Se;e` minutez of Mb.r6h ).�, 1 94=9)
Secretary reported that 'letters had been sent
to &enat,orbs, Kho gland and Downey urging
support of a bill providing laans for City
SlIAM7 clearance.
Proposed Legislation in the` St,a,,te L.egis,-
hatur_e was dis °cuzaed only briefly, due to
lack' of time. 'It m-as decided that mo
action ,wou.ld be taken by the COht ssion
unles a thorough tudy of each bill could
be made.'
Budget was approved as pr eseht-ed by the
SecrEt.ary, for a total of 416 1�.t G
The meeting; w'as adjourned at 6,::00 'P."M. to. April '11, 1949.
Secretary Pl :annin:g ComrnissA,on Chairman