HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 12/12/1949As the tiantzL th.e pub to, a.ttehd 1VIEETl CT T DA, E t h'e r ine e t.i ngs; as ra:u cry as p os s I o l:e,, 'it - was , decided 'to chUn­e the tim e;- of the : nieet ngs to better :cccrhodate the publi One nieext ng is to be held inn the second Monday °of ;each 30 - month at 4: F.i. _ G ne m J;Ot n T Ls to be held, on the :our.-th i bnda'y of," each month The neeti' miias ad journed at C li? P_Iff ATTEST Sec.retar'3T- Plann�. ate. Cominissi on hairxnan December 12, 1919 Then Re,�-_ul.ar M,eetingof °Half Plann Comm (s eras held in the , Counail Chambers, l y 1: at 4' P .M. :Present': Commissioners Anderson:, Arf s'ten., Kinne,, 'H-at.ch .& De, uc,a. Absent­: None Advising: Mr' Ross, Mr.' Neis,, Mr. Br�ooxs, and. Nr, Kr,aus'e; As copies of the minutes of thee, preu'iou +s meeting, `were „di_stribut�e:d to all members, it was voted, to dispense with the reading '` of the minutes.. The minutes. were approv'e'd as writ:ten "public hearing was , held to determine wheth BERT GVIILLIAM ON __ e or not a use permit s•houl.d be extend °ed HEARING f•qr 3 months for a barber shop belonging to Mr. Bert Williamson at 638 E Street. Letters were sent to 27 property owners ,ask, ng that ' the y• appear or write letters to the Gommi s s i-on. �expr&s�s iiig their op" n` ons No one ,appea.r'ed but 7' )..e°ttens -were rece veal_, of which were approvals and. ,1. of Which was. a di sapprola`i of the .barber shop,; Mr. DeLuc -a said he talked to one; of the property�o.wners who receiv'ed, a .letter and he thoix ht' it ;.was, the purpose of the .Coriuniss'aon to -make ,such de c i s Lon s . wl thou .t asking the p.ub'l,ile to appea -r, A motion was made by Tyr. K nne. that the aop°li cat ion for 3 morn °hs be gr ant .e.d Aye;s:. Commissioner An_ders:on, A K nee '& DeLuc_a Noels: ,None A:bs.ent C 6frunI c-;sioner H, tch After studying ,:some of" t he 11tterature from „ ERICAN SOCIETY. OF . the Am'er'i.can °Society of Planning Official -s, ' PLANNING OFFICIALS ,t was de:cidie,d that 'we would di soont °j_nue the. r serve ,ce as, we. have a consultant wh ch We- ,can to if we 'need adwic'e,. A letter was received' from Hahn- :C'ampbell & MASTER . PLAN 1 . Associates stating, the cost .o£ the., o.r.,iginal run. of •Pet s Master Pl€n eras X585.00 and the .approximate cost for additional copies wo old- be 43,. 5';0 per copy. It ifas decided that: the to -tter should be brought to, tb& a: *ut.ent, : on of. the Council and they should set the peace to b e charged- to other communities for cop.les of ' the, Masrter .Plan:.. A Letter was read from the City I :: ;nager to Hahn= CampUell stating that he, had °sent them a list _of all; requests for the ,Master Plan which they might: b.e ablef to use for advertising, etc. Mrs. Buletta `wr'ote, a letter to th'e Comm 'ss APPLIO TION Or °ion and also appeared '!at the meeting to a s>k MRS. BULETTI the C;ommi,ss'ion to reconsider their deci.sLon on her a.ppl,i•c =f or a, traash room• and, toilet . for trailer house ;acros's the street from 802 Wilson S"tree It was decided that .the 'C.ommissi:on would recon sider the application of Mrs Bidletti 'anal give it every consider wtion and, then make, •a decision ab She `would ha-v6 to. make a new appl = cation, though, as the, other appl,toatior has already' been. dented by the Cl,by Co.un6i ,. Appli&ati•on to- .build:_ a store bui`ldi'ng to C. F.RED;_MOMSEN 'include market,` groc meat, d`rug's and, founta n on corner of We Av.Eiue and. Fair Street.. Mr., '3c Mr,s,. Mom.s•en' were .,present ,at `the meeting and discussed their p7'an�s Frith- the Commission: They alr&ady have possible p;r,`osp&cts fo_r `their new bu lding, The Gommi s -s i•on is in favbil of such, an e.s t ab- lishment if t°he surrounding neighborhood, is also in favor lof" it. However, they would obJ&Pt• to = the s.al,e of l,quor as it .is near th.e high school,. 'They' :would als.q: protest to ; bo.oths, being, installed, in the fountain. The Comm_issa.on requested" that Mr ..Momsen present; tli6 m with a .floor plan and als�o the. uses "t,o which. this buildin - g ,is: to be puts The application is to 'be held in abeyanc . until the floor plan is submitted,. Appli&,ition of M'r. Burke 'for aft apartment JAMES BURIME :� over a g,arag.e at ,31t� Howard St: �zr.as: unt'i 1 next _me etng as there eras no time `to take ,care of it, at this. meeting,. Mr. ro,oks I? res =.ent a ,resolut:ion wl ha<s :�ich he ZONING ORDINATdCE prepared and h6, .asked that. if the Corn mission and the: Council !were in agreement on the Zoning Ordinftc that the Commission " s ;gn_the ,resolution and ..ret:arn it to. -him and he . wbald start imr._iedi at ely on the legal_ pro.- ceedingis. He said he has "talked to• the' Post Off ia-a D.epArtment, ;has made arrangements for the addressing, x e envelopes with, the Ta Coll,qrtorls Office, I and everything is, ready° to go a's. s - as the, toramls signs the re!8'olU- tIon. Re. said th& map has been correo'bed and 'c QP!i,Q,5 are avdllable to Commissiohp,rts,., , He asked that .,pUb.lic het Ar be held 'on January 9 aril . January 2 3' 19,5 at 7 The'se are, the rezular Planning 'Com Keet' e �ing d , T resolution is to bye kept on f ile. ,and eventually it is to be turned over to the Council. `The m&eting­ adjourhed at 6:30 PA'1 to 7 P.M. the same - -e "ri iftgt -,e With the Cit to m6: t w "Y C oune i'l. ATTEST:: ectretary-Plann ink" C The Adjourned Meetinrg- of the P _..M1 in the Gounp,il Chambers, with the Council: 'S S December.. 12, _124 M3 Planning Commissil was held at 7:30 on City Hall. It -was a j meeti Froaent . C,ommislsdo,ners , Anderson., Arf sten, Hatc7h, Kinne & Detu C Shoemaker Bj. Mi,.nqgue; Gonz-alez Andei son, and. Mayor IVop ' dson Absent: Councilman T Ad vd.s i Mr. Krause, Mr,i. Ross and Mr,i. Ne1 s Curl Grl Peterson, citizen; Arlene Devine, Secretar to 9 - - I r M.i� A - �se, ?and Mr. licie Sebr to Mr. i Kr au. Mr. Anderson,. Argus Gourier Th, meeting WYs �a meetirig w the` CTo.uncil to discuss proper proc.ed'dre in presentin g the pr d zonina ordinance 'to the City of Petlaluma,,, !s'o Mr.. B_roo can go - ahead' with - the resolution which he outl.ined-i, The Mhybr ek-pre'ssed 'An opinion that to much territory is covered' by -R-1 R-2!, :an,d, .R, - . zoning and that it - - would preVent the normal has delayed . the progre s 4 of building. progress of the G.Lty. 'T t 'He� vvould Like 'to 8:(§e,- the ordinanc.e drawn up in such a way that t . irig Gommissi,on could and the P'lai�!n would act t elim All the - _�e thinks, th zon d elay , IT 9) Ing Oidinanc could: be modified in such a, V17ay as to, le them go And bui ld ds1ong as the people in the ar do not objac,t.. Mn. Shoemak6r% said we need, a zoning oPdinaftc;e f or the City of .Petaluma and if any not sat I sf a, c t ory,, Lt, c,a-n, be -ame MP n DeLuca agre'ed and said we -are attempting, t.G agra'e that We, , are going -to ,adopt a new prdim9n.cq and that this ordinance as such is what the Council wants, - the.ref6re,,, we can go ahead And d i,stribut-,6 it - the general public 'so, that we clan. f ollow t he r1ght procedure accord -. i•g to law. If this' Js :not paois'e,a by' March, It 'will, revert bA'_ Ck to the old or�dinance He said Mr.. gooks has made arrangements with the Post Offlze Department. Everything - .�'l he Is is ready., ; All waiting for lz, assurance from the Q'ouncil that they will' adopt the ordin- once . Mr,- 4rall-se said- the cost of adverbs it will b $8001.00. I The area surrounded by:Galland,, Walnut;, CHANGES IN • Weat and Central was zoned R -1.. - 'ZONING MAP M' r. DeLuca said the 'QommLssion` is satisfied with t -ordinance. It is up t.o the Council as an elected body to do t somet r ng Kr: M zai.d he thinks. °the publ is h_ as already been informed and p.e.ople are in favor of zoning. If it ' vas' out sof s��tep ,with the public;,, they would ;certainly have been here `to ekpr6&s t:hein selves at ' the meetings,:, - It i s., up t;o our City Attorney to have it written right. Mr,. DeLuca -said if•we had an ord`inance,, we would not have all the appl,icattions to aons5ider., • We, could be worki -hg �on other things benif'ici,al, to the commun-itya- He asked each Counc lma:n f s . op Oh on 'the. ZONING° ORDINANCE ordinance;, They were. as follows :' Go:un+cilman_ Shoema=ker - No o j'b ;ectirons .Cuuncllimn Anderson - No o - bect;`ions C ounc i'lman_ G z al :e a No ob; j'e c t- ons Mayor- 'Woodson -- - No objec,tions Councilman. Minogue - - P` 4, S'ec.t :ion Chapte_r' 4, Subsection ( <a)- should be changed to: 45% ins .,e ad o f Councilman `Brown - -- - Chapter 41 Section Rk e' 3, 6 ubsection (d) "Home accup'at,ions provided that a - us,e ' perri7it thall obta;i ned i_ n each case.." Added, • _ C <hapt :er °5', Section 5.1, ; Page• _ , Sub ;ectlon (f.) "Home o,ccuprations "provided. 'that `a use perm1t7 shall be obtained in.. each case.'" Adde'd,. Chapter 5:, Section. 5.5 Pais 5, Subsection ,(a), should be changed t o 1}S% ihsitead of 4Q% C hap t e 6 <;, S e cti,on 6.1 Page °7, Sub:sect'.A.on. (g) 'should be "Howie oscupa Lions � prov ded �ha.t; a. u�`se pe'r'r�i;t shall be obtained. in each case:" Chapter 15, Se ct oh 1 Pa = `;e :22,, °Subsection (a): Change.d t.o. ;..... shall be instead' l Xby .fee of Fifty (,50) Doalar,s., :..... a'c °c om ani °ed b , a O Chapiter, 16, Section 16.01:, Page 25,. 'Subs.e;etion ( a,) `C .ange,d to....... shall b.e accom- garnied _ by a ' fere of Fifty, (50) Dollars.,: instead of $164 GO. A vote ways t,ake-,i on all the above changes and there was a un anmou!s vo t e to. make all changes e Chairman, DeLuca c'al-led, for an expr,ess1on from each .merhber .of. the Counc� h .re�g,ard ng the sub j "t Whi.ah they' had just discussed. Counci'1man'Brown said the ordinance ais!_ -ow, constituted Is satisfactory to him subject to the approval of the, property owners. Councilman Shoemaker °s -aid he wouldd like to se =e the necessary action done immediately. Councilman.Gonz'alez agreed with the changes which'were made. i Councilman Anderson Minopue and Mayor Woodson a 9 need and, made no fur statement.. As the Commission was instructed by the C-ity Attorney act on the resolution, a vote was taken and the ,resolut-on was adopted by a un- animous vote. The meeting was adjourned at 9:10 P.M. F'O& ' ...i ecretary- Planning' Commission December 13., ' 1 949 ". A Special Meeting of the Planning Commission was held -at 5:00 P.M. in the Council Chambers,,; City Hall. Present: Gommi.ssioners Anderson, Ar.fsten, Hatch Rc Kinne &. ;DeLuc,a Absent: None Advising: Mr. Ross, Mr. Brooks and Mr., Krause This was a special meeting cal -led to acc,omo- ZONING ORDINANCE date the necessary requirements of proper a•egal> procedure .incorporating the, changes made in the zoning ordinance. In order to make, legal the changes which were passed on last night, it was_�nece,ssary that we vote m=ain incorporating the changes. A letter from -Attorney Brooks was read Vihich Listed all the= changes. Attorney Brooks then made the statement that he had made all the changes referred to in the letter and he had re- written the resolution in 'i'ts final forr.i and. in,, hs op,inion,, the .reso,lution,, ord- inance,, and map attached are in complete form. C- hairman DeLuca explained that all ordinances had to receive `the written approval of the , City Attorney before they could abide by that pro- vision in the present chart=er. A vote" :was taken on the -resolut incorporating the changes'. Ayes: Gommissioner Anderson, .Arfsten, Hatch, Kinne 3c DeLuca Noes: None Absent: None