HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 12/13/1949Councilman Brown said the ordinance as novr
c.onst , toted ' is' satisfactory to him subject
to the approval of. , the prop.ert,y oWners..
Gouncilman 'Shoemaker said he would 'like to
s.e:e "the necessary action, done immedl&tel.y,
C.ounc_ilman G.onzale;z agreed.:awith the change's
Which` were, made,
Councilman: Ander.'son Minogue and, Mayor
Woodson agreed; and made no further stat.eMent.
As the Commission Was iqstru'cted^ by the City
Attorney to act on, 'the re'sol,ution., a vote w-as
taken and the resolution was adopted` by' a un-
•aniniou•s vot e
The meeting was ad j`ourned at 9:.10
Secr'etary Plannln Commissli.on uhkirman
D.e c emb. er. ,13 -- 19l,
pe - g , h • _ h eld at 5; 00 ;P.
2 C'ommi�s�saon waas . ,.
A S. vial Meet,in of the �''lannin g
in .the Council "Cham C,it Hall.
Pre.se nt : Cbftmi s.s i o;ner s, Anderson; Arf s t en,• Hatch c Kinne C DeLuca
Abs ent None
Advising Kr R&ss, ,Mr. Brooks and Mr. Kr:a.use
.This' was a sp.eclal' meeting •c;allea to 'accoiho- ZONING-_ORDINANCE
d the necessary requirement ; s of .proper
legal pr- oc!edur.e iricorptorat!Lng the change made;
in the. zoning ordinance,: In order tb make,
leg,'al the 'changes whi ch .were passed on last
ni &ht,' 'it was. I:r ecessar-y that we vote again
ncorp:oratri the changes.
A letter from.. Attorney Brook's ,vars read Bich ch
l._ist•ed all the char ps,i Attorney I3ropkla then
made 'ti e. statement that, he had made all the
c .-hanges,. referred to In the 'letter and, he
had r 'e- written the r&sol:ut: on ri its .final
f orm and.. in' his ,V in_ on, the re s o lu.t=i,on, or d,-
finance, and_ map attached are in , complete° f orris;
_ � an DeLuca, eXplaned that- a11:, ordinances;
had, fo re.eeivefhe writ -ten approval, of the City
Attorney before they could ai? ide by that pro-
vision in the gre_sent charter.
A vote w6s taken on , the: resolution incorporating,
the cha g,; es
Ayes;: Corrimiss',ioner Anderson, Arfsten,- Hatch, .Kinne & DeLuc =a
Noes: None
Ahs en't'. None „
Application to build an apartment• apove JADES G_. BURKE 97
a, garage At 31!� Howard Street lu ll be : hel > d
until next .me.et of° °theGommists.ion until
they have had Time to. look into. the ma.t
Chairman DeLuca said he; thinks Comm ss on RULES 'OF PROCEDURE
should' reaemmerid to 'the City .Council some
rul:.es of' order for the Planning Commi.&sion.
IIe s -aid- after the ordinance. is taken care
of We will have time to work on the tr °tiler
ordinance, subdlivisi.on ordinance, et c.:.
Comma s loner Hatch :asked if we. could a d.opt
our own. rules, of order,.. Mr. DbLuc a, 16a,i d. we
ccan, r °e c ohi mend_ the rules to the. Quiff- h i l and '
tr ey will_ give them to" us.
The .meet °ing was ad at, 5: 35 P
Secretary- P.1anniftg ° ommi sion airman
December, 27$ 1949
The regular Mleeting of the Planning Commission was held at 7:30 'P.-M. in the
Council Chambrs,'City Halle
Present.: Comridss over Anderson,; Arfsten, Natcj, Yinne & DeLuca,
Absenty None.
City Officials, Present: Firs Boss, .� i , Neis., Mr,. Krause, and .Pir. Brooks
The. minutes of th.e, -meetings on December 12 .anal 13 iwbre approved, as -riled out
Application to build, an apartment over .d garage JABS G.. BURI�E
at 31-4 Howard Street, !Jr.' Burly& ,Va.s present to
discuss his application Feith 'theComnassiori..; As
this is in an R-1 districts, both the Commsssion
and' I-4r. Burke agreed- the feeling of thekneighbor n
property owners should be taken;' a_nto consideration,
it Ross was requested to prepare a letter for, the
property wgiers. and any objections: or approval of the
apartment vvill be heard at the next: regular ;meeting.
on J'anuasy 9,,
Application to build a doctors o��fice buildin at A. W.
doctor's g BAKER
6, B Streets. The 'present building is to be" .re_
moved and anew building pub:; up for medical offices
It was decided by the Commission_ that letters be
written to neighboring property ovners as this .lot
is in, an R:1l district, acid a' hearing vrill beheld
at the next .regul-a meeting on. Jan7ftary 9,
Application to build. a doctor s .ofTice btL = 1 i'.ng at A , AIL BA!'EIR
6th & B Streets. The pres.en.t buildry is Ito, be
removed and a new :budding put up forfnmddic�l offices;.