HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 03/27/1950Mr. Krause: is ' maki ng , e SDIIERS OUTSIDE THE-
I g, a survey of the cost of se r�- 114
age and he told the Commissio he 2--s thinking, of
xeco 'dift
imu6n- g, to the Council that an initial fee
of $50.00 and a fPe ;of 6625-00- to 635.00 a year
be charged, to property owners outside the city
limits for use of '.our city aevrer system. He, also
saad that some, of th e t cities are 'charging home
oirn6rs within the city a fee for sewerage. It
is based, on the amount. of water used.
N. . - Ross vas asked - investigate the battleheck..
he was asked' to. study it and recommend to th&
Planning Commission, a way to remove the present
The Secretary VTas lnstruclu'ed.to write a letter
t6 - the 'Council endorsing the reconnendations ;,of
the City Manager,i,
A letter was read which 11r.. Krause wrote. to M. OFF STREET PARKIN_ G
Vonsen asking them.fbr a tentative offer of a,
sale price of the land now taken up b y y "Vons en I s a.
and, Merchant.1 parking,, lots and the parcel of.
land between, now occupied by axesidence for
inunicip4lly owned off"sJGreet. parking facilities
in the down tovin, Petaluma Area.
A sugge'stion was made. that the all Plaza Park
wi -L
might also be used for publi c pai�king without
going to the ex pur chasing' ' expense of p chasing' 4 new lot.
Mr. Ross was asked to take, pros - s sec I ions and
inform [the Commission how much land would have
to be graded out. He was also asked to have
the City Attorney, g ve, a, decision as to whether
- or - not it, could be converted into a parking
After a, discussion, the Commission asked Mr. Krause BUIIDI14G QODE'
to write a letter to. the Council, rec the
adoption of the 1949 Building' *Code ivith the modi-
fi cat dons reconuaended,by city officials,.,
- 19,
March 27, 50
The Regular Meetin of the Planning Commission i eras held at 7:30 P.& Harch 27, 1950
in, the Council Chambers, City Hall.
Present: Co'lly'lissioner Anderson, Arfst'en Hatch, Kinne Ec DeLucd
Absent: None
City - Officji.als , Present: Afi?. Ross Mr. Neis
Ex officio Present: Alice Curtis, representing 14r. Krause"s -office,
Chairman DeLuca asked Mrs,. Curtis ' to' prepa=re copies APIAL TO
of the City Manager' s report fore all members of
Conqsslion f or, their information.
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A News Let ter from 'the League was given to the J LEAGUE OF CALIF. C I TIES `�
Secretary to study. Any matters of importance nce w ll
be presented at the next meeting. -
A. memo =from - the City Manager to Chief of Police con- DIAMNAL PA'_RKING ON PLAIN ST'.
cerning° Diagonal' Park i ng was - react and given to the
Clerk for filing..
Dr. & Mrs. Neilson were present at the ;Meeting and
said they had no objections to such parking and one
way traffic on Pain St. from B .St. to the State
; 'Theater. Mr. Anderson S'uggested diagonal parking be
used for a While to s-ee whether or not 'it would be
desir.'able and Dr. & Mrs. Neilson agreed.
A letter from Mr. Ross stating the cost of construction PLAZA PAR
of a parking lot on:Hill Plaza Park would be
approx - mately $1749'6 was. read and filed.
M'r.s. Curtis said Mr. Kr-Ause - had figured the cost of
metering the lot and of grading and construction and
estimated it would take about .5 sears to pay of?f'the
lot if it 1 -:ere filled with cars a.t all times.
A letter was read stating the cost of the lot between - KELLER STRE PROPOSED
Vonsen's and Merchant's Parking Lots would-be $5 PARKING LOT
Application to build a dwelling at 525 Webster St.
The Secretary was instructed to write letter to
Mr,. Bianchi informing hire -that i f' he wished to build
the house:, he would first have to apply For rezoning
as his proposed plan calls for an RL:3 district and
he is located in an R -Z district.
Appll.cat"ion for a use permit for a cabinet shop at AL SLATER
421 Upham Street. Mr. Slater explained that the
location would only be temporary until he was
financially able to secure a chop. He would like
to have a permit for one ,year.
The Commission asked the. Secretary to Trrrlte a letter
to all neighboring property oiAmer:s asking their
opinions and a decision rri.11 be made at the next
Application to coi.mect to outside se - ger. Mr. Baker A. W.- BAJ=
was present and eJ�plained that lie Wished to connect
to -the seiArer and would be glad to come into the city
to :do it.,.
Mr. Ross Yva's asked to investigate the situation and
make a report at the next meeting at which time a
deci.sion Till be made;
Application for a use permit to sell hose, slips., etc. ALL BERGSlROM
p 32 �dega Avenue
Nr, Bergstrom, was not present so no decision was
made. The Secretary was instructed to irxite' a letter-
to I r. Bergstrori asking him to be present at the
next meeting,.
. . . . . . . ....
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Application for a use permit to build an ad-a.-J_,'tf6n to
- Ord'sent house to be used for a beauity shop,. Mr.
11dggior al,s daughter, was present and sari
d the reason
they want to build an additional room -is that, they
, need an extra bedroom so, they'llpish to move the beauty
shop to the new addition and make a'bedroom out of the
room being used as a beauty shop.
742 W6stern Avenue-
The Cos.sion instructed - the Secretary to send letters
to all n6 hboring.
- ,
P, property ovjners asking- whether they
had any objections to a beauty shop at that lot:ation
and a decision will be made at the next meeting. Mean-
while & permit to build a; bedroom is to be issued and
a use permit can.be issued after the next meeting so
that the room can be used for a beauty shop .instead.
Mr. Ma 9 gi orals dairphter' was present and, was satisfied
1 C_ I
with this decision.
App 4cation for a use permit to sell flowers at her - MRS. LILLIAN ERADBERRY
home, 207 Baker St. She 'would -employ no one and would
sell only flowers which she cannot use. There could be
.no,: noise connected with it.
Ayes: Contlissioner Anderson Arfsten Hatch Kinne & DeLuca
Noes.: None
Absent: " None
Application for a carnival April 24,, through April 29 UTIERIAL EXPOSITION
at. flIcAear Property, rayran, Jefferson & Edith btreets
, Commissioner Anderson wa-s to convey the thoughts
of the Commission, to the City Gounqil that they
did not approve of a carnival - until it had been t I horbughly
investigated and that they were granting the application
for land: use only.
Also the Commission asked the City Manager to send a
-letter to the Council along'i;vith the application stating
that the' applacation of the I erlial E xp os itio n - i
MP is recom
,mended for approval, subject to Police regulation 'and
in order to protect against any objectionable
feature-s' of this activity.
fi' o bi R�
Gt,ented for carnival l6c-ation only.
Ayes: Commissioner Anderson, Arfsten K+ ne L DeLuca
No-eq: None
Absent: None
C o roii I ssi . oner Hatch abstaJ_* mom voting,
-Commissioner DeLuca turned the meetini -over to Vice- Chairman ce-Chairman Hatch and retired
ft-om the! -meeting at this 'point.
Mr. Colaizzi was present at the meeting asked an RAY, Z Z"I
opinion from the Gomp"n 315 ssion. He has a lot on the - Dana Stieet
corner of Dana & Webster Sts., and wishes to buil 2
homes - on the lot.- It is a50 x 150 lot and is, in an
-R-1 district.
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The Con'ri 'ss on said they would not commit themselves RAY COLA..IZZi
but :Mr. Colaizzi tiirould have to submit an application
for rezoning and - when the application was submi tted,
they would then act on it.
Application for a use permit to change a 6 room A. TODD ✓
house. to 2 apartiaents at . 113 Upham Street.
As this is in an E' -2 zone, the Commission voted to
grant the application waiving the 010.00 fee pending
a - change in the zoning ordinance subject to the
ap of the Cite Attorney, Mr. Anderson w.as
asked to e,% lain to the Council the reason for
Waiving the $10.00 fee.,
Ayesi: Com missioner Anderson' Arfsten,. °Hatch & Ki:nne
Noes• None
Ab'sent: Cornrni ssioner DeLuca
After a di scus'sion, a motion was made by Commissioner
Kinne, seconded by Comm sslonerAnderson, recommending
the approval of the adoption of the Trailer .Ordinance
`by the City Council -with the provision that Section.
15 be rewrritten . to pr ov 'd.e: for individual toilet and
shower facilities for each trailer, each adjacent to
the trailer location,
Aye's,: Commissioner Anderson, A:rfsten,. Hatch, &. Kinne
Noes' None
Absent Com Pissioner DeLuda
it was decided by the members present that a "special BUDGET
meeting should be held to study the budget and make
their recortmen'dations for the coming year
The meeting Was adjourned'at 10:10 P.Ivi.
Secretar ” - Plonn.in ,' ; ssion
A?ri l 10 X 1950
The; Regular Meeting: of the Planning, Commission boas held in the Council Chambers,
City ;Hall on -April 10; 1950, at 1:30 P.11..
Presents: Commissioner Hatch & DeLuca
Absent: 'Com_m ssioner Anderson & Arfsten.
Ci 'Officials Present -: ?4yr; Ross & 4r; Krause
The minutes of the March 27th meeting were approved as written,
parts o" the Council. and Recreation Co* *ssion Minutes concerning the Planning
Commission riere read -and given.ao the !clerk for filing,.
The Oakland Oo vzssion is preparing a summary, of Sub QAYIyAi]D PLkNNING CQVINJISSIOTJ
division Ordinances aid .asked for information from
Petaluma concerning their Sub,d�- ;Lsion Ordinande.