HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 06/26/1950Al
'The 'Gomm-izsilon asked the clerk to write_ to,
'Mr. Groa and ask him to be pres6n_t at the
to hi_s applicatIon
11 th thern
The me W adjourned at 6..10
,PITann-in'9 Commission
The mixiute's of the Planning Commission me,et,,i'ng, of - June 12,
should be corrected to in'clud,e,:
AppIA:cation to construct' a roof and wall-s, M. F..BERTQN
over a
'it is i�q
b rbe p
R pit'. The harbeque
'tistance and has 'been for some
.e', years.
Also, -a:-6 f tI. wall has exis f or many
years:. in, bac of the pit. Mr. B.erton wishes,
to, build the wall another foot and 'a half
hig her and - put a roof over the pit.. He has
startied construct:ion .. but without a. permiti,
asi,he did 'riot know a p,ermdt was necessary
, for such construction.
The -Planting GominissIon recommended, 'in a
letter t Yr, Krause, that Mr. Berton be
,requi,red to conform with existing ordAnahces
g Code.
an Buildin
June 26, 19501
The Regular M of the Planning Commission- was held at'7:3 P.M.
in- t .office of the City Manager, City Hall..
Preaefit: G: r .ommis-sione� DeLuca, Ai� 8c Kinne
Absent' Commissioner I Andelr & Hatch.
.'City 0-f-fi-ci -Present: Mr., Ros's
.Evans Heights Sub d ivi sd;on the Gh.ai ..rman,
.made a. ,call. I f'or 'Protest.z from, the fl.06r.
There being no pt-otests,' a let from
Mr, Ros,s the Commission of the
r,equ.ezt of Mr. 'Evans for permi&sIioft to cut
the w'idth of Fair Way (renamed Brainered Ave')
to 50 - f t�., and to r avil sle Iotz 8, 9,- 10, 11 and IZ
- moving. the turn around circle in 55 fte
to salvage tr-eze!s., Mr i Evans allso requested
a variance permit to cut dbwn, &6tback: - Iine,z to
ia ft.' 'throughout the subddvi,sion. Mri,
recommended that, it be cA down t-o 10 ft,. only
on lots 2, 3., 8 9, '10 11 & 1 and the
rest lef t at 2 ,f W' Ua c-
' is.
t. se ' t
Thi - b e ing the time set for Public EVANS HEIG HT
Hea on the requested variance of SUBDIVISION
Di.sctis;s.lon W6s' held on this' recommendation and Vi:th no
6bsect, ons 'the Rescilutlon gra:fttin the I
2; e - app Li c a on
ent i t'Led,
re)ad and 'adopt,ed by the f ollowing vote's
Ayes:. Commissioner DeLixca,, Kitine pc Artst.exl
Noes* Yone
Absent :' Cbrnini,8sloner Ander ;-Ic Hatch'
Re qqe s t of` ,Mr. Dickerson to su=bdivide one
1�a i
l rge lot nt�o,,2 lot,s for the piirpps QX
making si rr
Mr. Dicker point5,d- out.. to the Commiss-lon
th'et it-�i.as to be a private roadway, not to
,be. d;edic, to th6 City. - The Ghairman
stat sdnc;e it was not a subdivi,sion, it.
was: - n I ot'nece-s,sary for the Gommi&.slonl s,, action,.
but 'that it should be, recorded in the miftut!a's,
as such, and that it should be clarified the.t. the
roadyvay 1s on'ly not to be
dedid.ate,d to the C whereby the Gity would
not, be liable ,fore accidents' or im-piroyernen.ts..
Fie a,lso out that� the correct amount
of s.etback sho be allowed, should it be
dedica,te�d to, the City and improlve.iTients be made
., the street in the future
A15plicat'i,6h�. of Julio Bianchi requesting J BlANC,11I ARBLECAT1Gq
a - four room dwelling in bazk Q1 ekisting
home on Wdb•st,er Street between 'W.e
Avenue: and -Dacia Street.
It waia P.6`1'rite out t:6 allow this .would
be conflicting, with the Zoning Ord- inance,
s,inc thi=s is an R-1 zone and does. not permit
a md1t1plb dvelling•'. " 'However,, after,
dis c u sisl on it was � agreed that � it would 'be- an,
asis.e , t to the ad a2 d that if the
�existlftg dri ex ended a r 'd -
is - 't and - , 7 1 mp 0
that. a use P might be obtained. As the
Qo mm 1�s,s 1 on 'could not d,ete,r.mdhe whether a use'.
pe.rinit b:r* a-, varlahlce w recfuirOd,. a�ctioh
wacs 'delayed until a -legal...op,,i opinion could, be
obtained, from the City 'Attorney. The
Secretary was 'also 'ins, t �write
' y
Lettars to the. p own&rz adlaaent to
that area,, ta Obtain thieir views _ the matt
Action waa& daforred until- a, r M'C-KI NL Ff HOMES•TE
c uld, be 613�t-ained .f rom Mr.. Rot s f or next 1SUBDIV1SI ON
mee ting,
VIalnut' St. Extension between West and
Ch Street;s. Mr. Ke'tc,alf bri the,
1 - .
Application of Mr. Plardis to bui IVIR. MARDIS APPLICATION
dwelling �on Alarh Court off - Elli.s; Street 1 1 11 1
Commi's's on, the prop:o,sed Walnut. Street Extension,
_H"e stat that- "the property. �owne . ns, on the East
side of the - street want 'to out off 10 ft. f rom
the Iffe side to add to their lots..• He pointed
out that the propO,rty,, owners on the VVe,st side .
agree to this p and that they would.
,help pay'.for-the pav
, The; grqdirig of said
street could be done free of charge for the dirt.
remova by Mr. Blackivell.
Mr.. Ross informed the Commission that thIt-w,-a-s
a dedicated street and that the .City 'Attorn
st=ated: the grading would do no harm- for while
it is being Us,ed in its unimproved aondi'tioh
tl.i City would repairs. , ve to make repairs. 'The: only
o.b'j•c'tiom,. t*o this proposal i s. t hat Lt will cause a
pro, e<(: j og i n the street.
After much dizcusaion.on the matter, it was
decided that the grading be done" on, t existing
street includins the 10. ft, on the rifest side,
lining up the two-oente.r line =s, for the present,
until, a solution, to the problem 'of t7he Jog , c o ul d
b e r,&ac he
The. Commilssft.on insisted that road blocks be
plac-ed on both entrances to the street - to close
he t C I t" 31 d
,t r oad '-'o the publ:ic so that the 1 --y wo
not, be liable f or' any-damages or ac<c:i.dQnts.. Mr.
Ross', was instructed to see that the property
owners signatV ' re-.s, are placed on the road blocks
and also to cont:aa-t the City Attorney:.
The lot is 113" x 49 and. he wants. to have
th e house 'face Elli,"s . St, with. a 20 ft. setback
and 5 ,. off Cburt. Its
pointed out by,°..Commlspj,qner DeLuca that the
ad ja en't lot 'on Ellis Street is the same size.
Mr. 'Ros's _&ecomm that a variance be 'procured.
f or - both lots at th san,'e time to pre vent.
duplication on the a4la.cent Lot in the future.
it was decided by the Corm anion thaa t both lots
be p ut , on •one application for vari,ana,ei
ens the meeting w, as adj ourned
ou rned'
vVity. no further biisin
at -9: 3 Q P. If.
Secretary PIM'aning
g Commission