HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 01/22/1951The ten- tative ina was revie v&d at .a Previous EVA14S HEIGirIS SUBDIVISION;
ineetirig; and there :were no objections to tine
approval of it,
ITJr., Marshall, said both maps are it order and. he,'
ti° 11 vvrrLte a ' letter ter to tY?e Coma ss i on confirming
h s verb approval, .
A_ motion vlas made by 11r., Kinne and seconded by
Fibs:, Putnam. r n.g econmdndi that both the ten tati -
and final be approved by t'he,City Council.
Ayes:,. C ssioner , rotiaii, K:i e, Pu nam and De Luca
Noes:' Rione.
Absent:; Cor iss?oner Arfstep
.. T1r Zvans3 etas asked to pay the fees d e, on both maps
before action could be °takcdh by the Ccunc_i:l, . The fees
wr pre in_ the amount o f �! 7 , 00 ,
fir Ho gyres., .159 Wilson Street, Was also ;present KARY1 ,HOWES
at the meeting, and asked the Coriin ss on Vrhether
or'n�t it ,could be. possible to obtain :a permit
t_o ,construct" ,;redvtood bast,ets, etc, at his home;.
The Co a ' - , -
.° r�m�`sson informed �.m that he tivaul.d have to
apply f or. a permit ar)ci: , lettera Yvould be , written to
s;urrobr ding: property vvmers acid @n ,i.nPormal hearing
Would be held at the next regular, - meeting,
There being no further business to core, before the, Commission, the meetiin was
adIourri d at 8:05 P.m.."
T `
ecretasy = Plaruzg' Commi ssiori _ . _ _ Cha1r>rata
January 22, 1951
The re` u1ar meeting of the i C'o
g g ' ' g mmission was held in, the ' Council _Chambers,.
Gity Hal, at 7 :30 pi ' . , J.�anuar�r 22, 1911
Present's, C:omm*ssioner Arfsten, Brown Putnar and 'De Luca
�b,sent Commissioner Kinhe
City Officials. Present:: i&r. Marshall Mj?, - N'eis ,1Vir. Brooks L ,Mr. Krause
The minutes of the previous rile0ti_ng viere abprc; red -as written,
Conmissioner .Brovm, reported that the Couiicil - wished , 'CI i, AE L - AUDITORIUM
to hold a meeting together vvrith'servide club rcpres
eritati.ves,, �'TA member >,, :ne�'spa,-er reporters, the Plann-
ing Coliiq ssien., etc,,, to discuss, location and type of .
construction of a City Hall 8. Auditorium., He z'aid he
thought the Gommi'ssion ;should ,give some definite
'recommendation to: the Council after thel joint meeting.
from h!. Vonstn'
'A le.tVer addre's to Mr'G Krause was read. OFF STREET PAIRMIG
14r. Vonsen, �adyip(�d. the: 'City that�%e would 8:011 the
Verchahts L.ot'_tor 25,C00 and the Solari Lot. for
the aq cost-of 'the, lott plus conditioning it
.for us,b lus 5
;) p 1` Q t total. I S f t he, to Hd estimated the
I of 'Hd (D to ,
cost in. the neighborhood - L 9,
'Qptionj the two - propert - Iles for. a one
year period at
the ab o ve prices or rent both -lots for $175, per
month b,na 3 ye ar lease, plus any increase .,in. taxes.
C 6nt j:
i signer BrOn was ask"e to discuss the lot and
'The �Uonr�ission Pelt th m
pricesi vii, h, Mir. . Krause, at so re
action,, should be. taken by the Co
A letter wds read - from the City At* t .3
attorney, s atihg EVYINS FIE IGHTS. SUj. DIVIST01,1
"k , which must be completed on the, tentative_
all i L
f inal ma "bef ie
or, approval can :$e. given by the
. Ps ,
C 0 fPjML s s d. on:.,
The -- tentative and final idaps of Evans Height's 'sere
imprbp submit at the last Planning Commission
meeting and it became hecessary talke . Correc�0 1 ' -
9 axe
action, at this meeting:
he: fir s t matter which has :not been completed is °•a
valley 'utter across Braino d Avenue so�
0 as 'to, carry
the yratEt. from the 'if 6
oirth asterl� side of the st reet:
over on to North Fdir 8tr'ee.t.
`I-'hi-*s matter was discuss,ed and it- was debi ded that it
tr&ulld - be. incorporated- in a, letter .of, agreement.•
It; - vfas- decided that the qol3t, and install.ation of fire
sf ty.
hydrate, s would r e the, r C '1tq s tesppft ibi y �This
dedision Iwas; arrived at because the subdivision map
was or!, iWally filed before the City decided that
s.ubdi :should. pro fire hydranta.
lir ; Evmn i. agreeable to ,4 ft. concrete sid( wa]Rs on
North Fair, Street on, the' ao i de on . I uthwes,terly s y It
yras decided that sidewalk would be •adequate to the
top of North Fair Street and, no sidevialk vio be, nec,
I essarj on, Br6jj,lerd Avenue. INTo s1_deiva1'_k would be xequ- red
on tie other si of North Fair Streeti,
Llonwil.ents are !sh(-,v4 on the final 'map and will be in-,
, Cluded in hir, Evansl a,--reement
St te e t s iv ill b can trudt with 2 inches; of, asphaltic
concrete., , 15 . 0-200 penetration over a properly constructed
crusher run base*
Oro-Evans has the verbal"agreement of the Board. of
Eductatilon, that the, Wez.terl-y half o.f North- F air Street
will be dedicated. The matter is now in the hands of
the'Tist-rict -Attorney but. the Bdar4of hducaltioft Cha8
the ihfotma1`,bpihibn of the Assistant DJ strict Attorney
that they -vei-1.1 recejIve the dedication.
A resolution was passe sn! sson ap Y
d by the Goi pp nag t �e
tentative ;map of Evans Heights Subdi-vl'sion,, resubmi'tted
and reflect yvF_th the Planning Corssion after
June 2d' 195,o,, and after, the adoption of a -variance order
plursuant: tc the application for a, variance order. attached
to map.
±yes . Commissioner Arfsterr, 'Brotivn, utnam and Be Luca
Noes None
Absent:` Cozss ?Her Knie
After- the tentative map YT, as approved;, the final nap was
subn? tted and` a resolution was passed rebonmend'ing
adoption of a resolution approving;'the final map of
Evans" rTeihts and recommending the approval of the final .
riap to the �C_i_ ty Coi ncJ I sub j ect to 'he: 'recomi enda'tion
Uh6t the City Council .requ re as a condition to the .
acceptance of the dedication of :streets shoim :on
the,. final map that the f'o11oviing improvem(nt works eshall
be completed and a cash bond or surety bond in the
pi ncpal, sum oj' 5500400 be posted to. guarantee the .
perf br=- ce of a contract to, completa said improvements -:
l • The pavement of the entire length of north Fair
Street ;and Brainerd Avemie, and the installation o.
cur'os and gut Hers of the design and' measurements shovmn
on the tentative map.°
2. the in stallat on of a 'a: fte ,sidev alk along the south
axd yaest, s ide of North Fair Street from ther easterly
limits of the sulod visi to, the intersection vri`th the
south side of Brainerd, Avenue,
3 The construction of a valley gutter `acr-.oss Brainerd
.,nue ;so as: to carry the vyater from the no ,side, of of the street over 'to.North ,Fair Street,.
Z The nstallat -ion and constrzc't on of four monuments
according to e'ity standards at the location. shown• on the
final r�ap,e .
f H
5, :SideWalTcs h inches - in depth acid i, a concrete adrrii_x.
of l/2 11�, of :plastimeht per - sack of cement: and 5 sacks .of
cement used for each yard of concrete.
6. All streets to be constructed with :2 inches •of aspY?altic
concrete, 15.0 =200 - penetration over a, properly •constructed
base of "crusher rian: titer- al, to conform to standard State`
Highway .Specifications,
7. Street,j sh °all have concrete rolling curbs and gutters
as shoctn on the tertative reap.
A C6ftmiissioner Arfsten;, Brovm� Putnam,, and De Luca
Noes. -None .
Absent: Comm Issioner Krone
T. r, Evans ,asked that he, be "
_ provided with a copy of` the minutes
and als.b the , He-said he. felt, that action had-
- _ ., _. _
unnecesss•rj 1y been delayed on his s and . he suggested.
some ne method of 'handling ' .subdivisions_ in the future :be
, Chairman De Luca informed Mr. Evans that the
Commission had in every way tried to cooperate
Vr� th him .and had.,.:erideavored in every w4y to help.
They h;ay.e 'held, special meeting "s and the last
meeting fh,!gh was held, was held in 1 14r. Evanst
behalf. ~ He felt that the (;o2T$:L1ssion should, not.
be criticized for their action as tthey have made'
eYe±-r effort to help.
The Commission agreed to meet Tuesday, Januar�T 30,, LET ND SUBDIVISION
at x.:30 p:m and .go out to the. Leland. 'Sub.c3iv1 siol ;
Which is north of Petalubia, outside the City limits;.
They a;lzo: asked that the Ci t?T Manager j!.oin. them.
Nr1r; Gordon Heise, who appeared at 'the December 11, GOR:DON,,REISE
meeting, .main asked the Commission for ,perm,ission
to construct an attached garage 3 ,ft, from the
property' line..
Tre'.Comr ss on again informed ii7s.. Reise that under
the present ordinance, he would have to apply` for
a variance. -If the ordinance is changed, a variance
wz11 no ,longer be necessary . T}icy expect to have the
changes made in the ordinance' in the very rear future
and asked. .-Mr, Reise to �razt until that time to build
if he did not wish to ,spply f'or a variance,
Mr. George Ludlow was present at the meeting and GEOR LUDLOW
asked about a piece of property on Spring Street.
-It- is a 'lot 50 x 150 acid is in an 'R -2 d strict.
H wishes to alter the present bui ldin. €a and make
i`. into three apartments.
The CoMMIm sioh advised hsm that a: variance v�ould:
probably be ndcess ;ary° but informed him that `he
could make, a..eluplOx out o '.. it v±Zth.out a variance.
Mr. Ludlow yrr_ shes, to use the - oroperty fo'r iffb6hie
"Mr, lk�arshall. and Mr. Neis were asked to go but to
the oreperty with Mr.. Ludlow and look it over from
a bu :ding code 'angle..
There.being no further business to cone, before the C otmiission, the meeting
was 4d j ourned at 9 40 'Q
Seerebar-,r. - Plannz"' g Com
A' :special meeting of the Planning Commission was called: J ;aruaiy ;2�, 1951 at
4:30 p,_jm , in the Council Chambers„ City Ha -113 for ' of purpose of taping action
on: amending :Secti oi? 1.6 (k ), 5.6 (b), and 6,5 (b) of the Zoning Ord.inanca.
Present: Commissioner Arfsten, Putnam and De Lucia
Absent' Commissioner Drotiiin and Winne
City Officials Present: -I!lr, Tleis' and- lvs. M''arshall
Jan uar7; 29 . 1951