HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 02/26/1950a -February 26-, 19,51 raft Th&xeguiar, meetiliF of the. J Gomm d In the Cbun il Chambers Plann-LY1 mission was hbl C ity February 26 19.51, at . 7 -, .30 P4rft- A P.re:sen.t'-. -,Cbii f.8i'en.. Brovm 'K . inne. and De- Luca Commissionex Plrthe0n Cz 4. - 'M - s Of Pr esen dri Nei COY' LTI-1- Co; ' B vm informed the Corrhi8sion that Co; ssio,ner ro some action is tak en g tad ' en on First Street. A conference of interested parties was held and it was, decid6d that the first bloc"C', to be improved would be trol'll G to H and sbiiething will be .done on that block this year:. A letter, from the C - ity Manager to Harr,�son lffclaear CD Leppo -2�egatdin(t the rezonj_ng of the property bm mr by Payrph, Jefferson and Edith Streets inT, re ad. 'd. Cons - i'der, a -vtril 1 1 be give to 'this request 4Qn Vrith the other requests -for rezoning •ecelved at the time o'f' the, adoption of the Zoning Or dinealce. It vmsl-the feeling of the Commi-a."ssion that the `proper �y ph was . l sho uld defi-nitely be, rezoned but there sorft6 qubstion -as to Whether it should be zoned C'-2 or ffanuf acturing Hr' Dbnaiiue Was present; and requested information on: the property located on thecorner of Oak and L"b rty'Street Streets. The' residence which he wishes to build on that' - corner would have a 20 ft, setback on Liberty Street and 'a 10 ft, za-tback, on Oak. Stree Ti Comrrilssion informed ed : ) 'Donahue. that, a, variance udl).ld•be necessary to maintain a ft., setb,aPIK, and asked that, they be gi time to look over the 'lot 'baf ore .givmg_ him an opinion. I - t. was decided , 'that tr?e Go look over th prppqr and give , Donahue sn bpii1io-ft at the ne xt 6y, -, meetim�. If he wants to apply for a variance, h e may -do do at that time. In the neantime they asked that he set a stake on the corner, shOW111,- VThere tla'e corner of the residence would. be. 1 tindebeck and Mr. 1498-s ' jelli I- P, d a I I - present p . etitilon to the Commission asking th �1.7,,_ P(r. Maa 'be given pqrrn ssion, to build & luncheon counter and gr6cer�r store on the cdr-rier of East D and Payr',ah Stre6t,.. The building would be used as a hoihe and later would be -converted to a, grocery store FIRST' STPLE,I;'.T PLEZONING OF PROPERIY WT-IDEI),/ 3 PAYRU_,N, JEFFEIRSON AND EDITH STREETS: Fib I'LNK DONPHTJE " !he!!Conm ss informed Mr. 'Lindebe.ck and lk Masselli they vmuld look the pr0erty over and asked- that :a plot plan and elevations be presented, at 'the next nleetlng,., an p I ermitj if they vi.ished to appl fo r use they-could do so . at that ti &. .Holz, s, 16 Sholdor Street - ga s present and RALPH _:TIOLLTS asked the opinion of the Commission concerning a -use p6rmi t :h for a ors occupation, to do part time cab "inet,work ;and have a hcl3by'.shop. He sa_d,. that his hours; dre mostly i'r'on 8 to 5 and he has condensers on 'his eqia Jpment,5 so as not to interfere vu radio reception, The Commission asked that. she apply for .a use pern t v and ersaupon th e reeeiptjoft� 'soappllcal;ghbar�n.g property ` ion.. An, informal hearing a , trill be; held at the .next meeting if the application is ;received' before that tine. „ Where ljein g no further bus_ness to come tefc adjourned at , ;11 -5 p.m. . v; ecretary Fl=n i g, Mftrdssion, March 12, 1951 The regular, meeting of the Planning Commission Was held March 12, ,1,951,, at 4. p.m. in the Docunc.i,l Ch'ambe;rs, City Ha.11.. P.re:se.nt:: 'Gommis,sioner Arfsten., Brown. .,and, Putnam' Ab.s,,ena: CommissionerDe Lizca : and K nne Cdity Offi,c °ia -1s: Present Mr. iq-&18 and Mr. Marshall The minutes of the ;previous meeting s°iere a - pproved -as wr.itt�en. M ri Ludlow wa.s present with his applicati GEORGE W._ LUDLMV , f'or a uae ,aerihit to construct a duplex at 15 Sp r, izz e Stret whixh. is z '-oned R-2'. Mr'. Mlar-s- hall stated that the. plans for the duplex. are - n order and the loc °a:ti-on is—in the propFer� zone. A `reFsoluti,o approving the appLicatian was introduc °ed by Commissioner Brown and se'c�onded by Gommi.s s ioner Putnam - Ayes : Ob i.ssi:onar Arfsten, I3 'row and P>4t:nam Noe sr: . ,N Absent` Commissioner Kinne and De Luc Appl.icat :on for' a u parmit for a home, occupation (`part time n° c,abiet work and hob.b_y s-ho,r)) at 416 'Sheldon Street. His applddation stated, that. ;his hours would -be mostly front 8, a.m., to 5 p�..m:: and that. he would, use no equipine,dt which would, int;e:rfere with. radio :rec:eption. Letters were sent to lt neighboring property o.wner,s 'and 4 replies Were received., `all of RALPH HOLLIS