HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 03/26/1951fl
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J!l I
, '01
East V'Rash-Ington, Str-eet, for acicpsis raads
. ag to the freeway and pl ans t o use the
re-maInd!er of the 351 -ft. for commercial
,Mr. Donahu was not prlent at.thi . s FRANK DIDN AHUE
r�e e I ting. HQwQvl thq Go �inled
him at the last heet,ing, tlhA_�t they would
lo.ok' over the. property on the c.orne,r of
, 0 ak and Liberty Streets And give him .
their i I 'inio',n as: to.whe'ther or not a
variance wi Ld be -advisable..
Tho se c oners, pre sldrit:,X alt that a
10 ft — s,etbtLc-k would Street wou Injqr&
the proper ty next to it-. H ovi ev, e P,, no
action Wa's t aken on it.
No, a c t i o n was taken on
rAcuezt and �*t will be
late.r meetin. When _jVl
b re sent
There bei4g, no. further
meeting i was adjourned
Mr. Vas S si M_ MASSELLI
discusse.d at a
Brooks,. can be
'business to c` one before the Commis-sion
t 5 m 5 .3 5p
P 5ilp ing Gomm - on
Se c:t;.6 t ary 7 issi Chairman
March 26, 19-51.
The regqlar MeetIng 'of the Planning Gommi,,zzlon was: held at 7i 30 , p, .m
Warl li in the �Clounl 'QUAMbe C"i H -11,
h . 2l6.9, r s, ty a
Prozent: C offimi asitoner A'rf is t',l Brown kl, ne Putnam and De Luc
Absent. 'N
Ci tyl" dLi a18: Pr&St6ht. M_r�. -3rbi ',M tw:.t h,A . 11 "and Mr. Neia
The, ffinut.l of the p were app
,re-vid,ils rae 6t.irigi roved as written_.,
A-lett f'j�i the C 1 ty- Manager tio, CORRE
Mlr's., kirior was ' relad4 ' He stated that an
anppralsal . oi6 fair market, VALlue. had,
been Q from sell - &.qtate
br oke rs . 000 as, the pu'ri price 'ers lo ase
and 6 . a<s the. rent rate, for the property
adjal to the 'Ci - ty Hall.
A'"mema f rom Cdt was read.. He
said balafti of $p22 remains- in the
- in 'Comm ssioi budg for
and dul
k di.scus�yslic�n ma's dec d* 'tha a t
. f`ter some -.*, i e-4 that 1.
letitor addressed to the C 't.y Manager re
4 iiig that the remaining, X22 be used f 0,r
tbe= purch.ase of the services of 'the Zanbi
u °+
N ,ra
4 'parr `�1rt� �u u�ii4.
4 , 11
,, xlsu
H #
Map along vlIth funds of other department s
primarily the Department of .Publ Works.
A lb. was read from Mr,. Kraus °e to several
property owners conc�erning the vacating and
,abandoning, too pub` le use of the alley lovate'd
in 'th . e center of" the `block b,e ween zll.th and
12t „ h Streets, and runn=ing from the, e,aEsterI-
side of 'Y”' Street 'to the westerly side 'of.
The .'action of the Coun.c; l Was reported. arid,
the: Commission also had no ob j'e.ct'ons to the
abaridon`i -ng of the ' alley since it has. never
been used as such..
Those n utes' and
- parts of the City Council, Mi
Recr eation Commission minute e:e rn
s - conn 'g the
n g m-
Pl anni Go- mi 'were read and flle°d.
Mr. Mardis asked the opinion of 'the `MR.. MA D.IS'.
Commission, regarding''a 4 112 ft. ,' rick or
concrete -,bl,ock fence ;acr.os,si t^he� end of
Alma Court. I t i,s a, d'e ad• end s tre'et and'
therefore a spe,cia -1 ,cyase
Application f-or a use permit f,or'' R: -2 purposes T'ELLA CAR'ASALh
erm t is re uire,d f.or such c n A` u$e
in an M zone (217 Ho, er Stree
;p q nstruc,ti.on
in an M, zone. The plans for the duplex,
were in ,order- and there_ Were no o,b - jezt ion-
°from the Commss'on,.•
A motion was made, by, the Commissioner
Brown aril seconded by Commissioner Kinne.
' ^'I approving the' ap,pl.irc
Ayes : C:ommi.s si onex Arf.s t:en,
Noe's : None
Ab sent None
Br.own., Krone;,, Putnam ,and. De D#A
a� F
FI �,
U �`
-Xor ffit for e`nlarg:e�- JULI CHI
PP a us pe .O BIAN
men l_icat;ion
t of 'the use of the prope -rt :y for R =3
�� , • :., `�
purpose,sr in an R -,1 zone,. Kr. Bianchi wished
to build ari° additional res°idenc.e on hiss
property at 525 We.hst.er ,S'treeti. -
Marshall. Informed the Cottissi.on that
the - -.lot, on which Rr- arichi wi shed t -o
,- ,Bi
build ha.s 45',000 .sq. ft, , making the required
`•,r� il,Inl
`footage for 8, residences. The app�lic,a'tion.. is
f or the, 6th residence on the lot ".
it• w n
, oted- by the that
mr. Bianchi I s property is Very nIea;t arid'
•well. cared for aril an addi loyal residene•e
be improvement.
woul,d' an
ainc,e there were, no• objec;tson °s, a mot` _on
was made bay Commi,ss:ioner Kinne and
a �.
seconded by Commissioner' Putnam approv-
in °g the application.
Ayes C.omm'iss -loner 'Arf stun, frown, Kinzie, Putnam and 'D e; Luca
N'oe.s : None
Absen_ t{� ; None
`Mr. Wallin presented a plan, - to thei Comm -•l
i`sision of an add'itlon to the home of"
Mr. & Mrs,. Behrens., 12th & .Grass`land Way,
.and state that t�h'e next door neighbor
would send. a, 1`.et'ter saying he •had` no
ob J&c t ions: to the addit-ion , if ne;c,e s s'ary m.
The ,addition would. not 'be in conformance
with the: Zoning Qrdinance with r--espe,.c-t
to side,line setbadk „
After studying the prob,lem the C`ommiss bn
decided that a variance .would' be. requre;d
even though there were no ob je,ctA.ons from
the neighboring property owners ® They s:aw
no reason why it should be denied but �f.el't
that it mu0t go through, the regular p;vo=
cedure of a varanc!e.
Mrs',: 01'mgsted wa:s gresent to ask 'the`
op om
opinion of the Cmission:, as t;o whether.
o r n'ot •she; needed a use permit in order
to call upon new comers to the commun y
and' present, ,them' wi,th'. gifts andjext.exd
.greetings f roin various merchants;. She
Will have nothing to sell or soli:c'it.
It, w'as 'the, opinion of the' Commis 8l on. and.
M'r:.. :Brooks that would not °-nee"d a use
permit and the clerk° was asked to inform
Mr. Tuttle o:f the Central :Permit Bureau
that. a permit would not be required.
Mr.. ;Chew .was again present concerning : his LAWRENCE CHEW,
lot' at 325 Walnut, Street, on which he w,i.shed,
to - build 'an add=itional dwelling; 18" x' 2Q'�
In the rear of the property. The lot is . "
210 t long
The Commission informed. Mr. Chew that a
var.,anc!e' vouild be nece•s.sary sincej that
area is zoned R > =1. They sugge.st..ed that he
talk with the neighbb'ring prope.rt-y owners
and ,get their' opinion, b®f.ore! applying for
the variant_ e. Variance 'pr.ocee'dingas will,
`be started just as. soon as tha appl,icaton..
is. received.
Mr'. Masse presented .plans to t'he :MAS'SEL.Lh
Comm'i,sislon of the corner g_.rocery and
lunche.oh . counter which, he w`i•shed to bu' ld
bn ta�st D and Payran Streets.. He prey "i -
ous presented a pet.iti.on bearing 100'
signaturez,,, voicing their approval, of the;
'CommIsFalbher' Arfr6t6h
f x p - e of the
area. And he felt the
investment since, the
depend on ests-blIshe,
,area for trade.
-.0'16mmi.asioner Kinn6 felt that it would be
bad practice to spot, zone and said that if-
the: property owners want ' the vffi(j.l.e: area
�rezoned. to, Commercial,,- a the petition might
indt&atel . the C6Mmi,s;sIo4 would be glad, to
n 7
t1ate pro�ci,eedings_for that p 'urpose,.,
-WI ivaa re information for'� 'DR. ZEIGLER
i Zeigler -aii
De L
whob:e property Is Io'catpd on
R Hbltghts., fie; wished L to ,build a
§&ra�gb And ,.has purchased an, additional
:iI of land for that purpose, but believes
•-.e '8Udd`en of the land. Would, not permit
him, to. maintain. the l r . e�auired setback.
Th.6. Qommizzion asked that, Kr. Marshall zo
out' - and look" the prbperty over and, the
disctUssioh will be continued 'later,-
Xr. Jack':Taadkwell was pre,seint with the
'tentative. map of I McDowell. Village., located:
at C, _S
Wadhinc-ton t4 and KeDowe'll Road.
The property is p:re:sently T-paqted outside
the :City. limits 'but they .wish -t"o! annex by
connecting by Washington Street,.
,said there'is 'no room
City in that 'particular'
is,tone. would be a 'bad
�s tore would, have to
i residents.' in that
Mr. Brooks .`said hearing , will be .held
on, the ahnexatign April 16. iit wi not
lnciu�de --- a section. - 12'0 X 1 201 oft whi
,Mr. L.ebAn Perry reizide as ther an.ne
is for uninhabited ter r i tory. An annex6�tibh
will hav& to be made a"t a later: date-for that
.'sec tion after Mr. ,Perry has moved.,
17 1
Nr. Brooks, informed Mr 91 and the
CdrnmI8�si on -that no ;action could be 't on
either the, 'tentative Or f inal map Until the
The, GointiasIon fdlt that a variance would
be required and gave their informal ppin
that it, pr'•o would not be granted.
Go,mmi s,s:ioner Putnam suggested 'that. the
prop6rty, owners in that, whole area might
� Comm
er er-zoned, to
want their .'p:o r
i4g the; petit'i-= to re by sign w ne,
one Iot.? I
felt that; grocery
C bnimi soionor Brown at stores,
shdula be granted wh6r there is A. need for
them' but felt that there was no great need
f or t -a store thepre since there are, at least
2 stores in the! Immediate,neighborhood'
'CommIsFalbher' Arfr6t6h
f x p - e of the
area. And he felt the
investment since, the
depend on ests-blIshe,
,area for trade.
-.0'16mmi.asioner Kinn6 felt that it would be
bad practice to spot, zone and said that if-
the: property owners want ' the vffi(j.l.e: area
�rezoned. to, Commercial,,- a the petition might
indt&atel . the C6Mmi,s;sIo4 would be glad, to
n 7
t1ate pro�ci,eedings_for that p 'urpose,.,
-WI ivaa re information for'� 'DR. ZEIGLER
i Zeigler -aii
De L
whob:e property Is Io'catpd on
R Hbltghts., fie; wished L to ,build a
§&ra�gb And ,.has purchased an, additional
:iI of land for that purpose, but believes
•-.e '8Udd`en of the land. Would, not permit
him, to. maintain. the l r . e�auired setback.
Th.6. Qommizzion asked that, Kr. Marshall zo
out' - and look" the prbperty over and, the
disctUssioh will be continued 'later,-
Xr. Jack':Taadkwell was pre,seint with the
'tentative. map of I McDowell. Village., located:
at C, _S
Wadhinc-ton t4 and KeDowe'll Road.
The property is p:re:sently T-paqted outside
the :City. limits 'but they .wish -t"o! annex by
connecting by Washington Street,.
,said there'is 'no room
City in that 'particular'
is,tone. would be a 'bad
�s tore would, have to
i residents.' in that
Mr. Brooks .`said hearing , will be .held
on, the ahnexatign April 16. iit wi not
lnciu�de --- a section. - 12'0 X 1 201 oft whi
,Mr. L.ebAn Perry reizide as ther an.ne
is for uninhabited ter r i tory. An annex6�tibh
will hav& to be made a"t a later: date-for that
.'sec tion after Mr. ,Perry has moved.,
17 1
Nr. Brooks, informed Mr 91 and the
CdrnmI8�si on -that no ;action could be 't on
either the, 'tentative Or f inal map Until the
Oa4 _ H .
" �: 41
annexation had been completed - That
" would probably be' Yabout. June.3_,1,Q A $25
f iling f ea was p,relsent ed but not f.'il end.
w , �'
The 'method of annexation was disou'ss'.ed
�!�faa�iW "�1� -and it was felt that the property .owners
between, the present City limits and the
�G prop'osed , annexation should be approached
I p g annexation as as continued. annexa
M � �
�I�) ti.on bystre•ets alone will ruin the City
wY , �� F boundary line.
Commiss3,oner 'De Luca suggested that an,
Is Y s'ry6 ( ,
easement be left. for, McKinsey Avenue where
the' freeway is coming through so that in
case it is` open for de•ve.16pment in the
Gib � � � �" " i future, that street zAri be .opened. He
r '�
a , also felt that Lhe block were extremely
He explained: that this subdivision and
b p ; a d d' annexat.on .will set a pattern, for fzuture
develo p'
pment - in that art of town 2and
therefore, considerat;iori should be given•
} nat only to the proposed s.ubd vislon but
to future problems a(s well. He also
Z' Pointed .out that there are no primary
streets, in that :are;a.
�,C minissioner Brown, wa'id that with the
view annexation, .another school will be
i :Theme bea ng no f urt,her b,zs ine s s to e ome ADJOURNMENT
before the C'ommis"slon,., the me.et•ing was4
3' adjourne_d at ;10:1+5 p.`Me
Iq'pt elf P P
� Secretary -Y P1 Wing Corrunis;si.on
1 1e�
It w decided that the Commission and
Mr, Blackwell. would out to the tract
and try to visuali,z,e, future pr.oblets,,
such as laying out arterial,.,
tr to have the tentat-v
edtc. and
y P
com P Y.
$ k w p vl�y�
in .order `before the time when
action, ca
le g'a 11y "be taken on i.t,.
"' l�
The time e mee
for thting was is,et
for "
4 •' %� 'I' ''
Thursday afternoon March 2
' J � �
i :Theme bea ng no f urt,her b,zs ine s s to e ome ADJOURNMENT
before the C'ommis"slon,., the me.et•ing was4
3' adjourne_d at ;10:1+5 p.`Me
Iq'pt elf P P
� Secretary -Y P1 Wing Corrunis;si.on
1 1e�