HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 08/13/1952adtion •'as far as •the, League.' of californa.a Citie6 ;. is concernedo `
They ,felt , that should be :encouraged ; as far as
; the long . range,.picture -- is=- concerned ® - HoVrever. they felt, x
` on and the' � th, pl sts betw
that the een the ;
-� present close copper ion thst ekl
.I City Plann� ng Cpmm� ss; _ annir Comets ssion
shouldbe aggressively - puxsued..
Cb= Schon n h said that it, had been called ZONING <ORDTPTANCE
� one e g
to his 'attention: that. the suggested additions to ;. the Changes' in
'J - Zoning .Ordi°riance called for off street parking :facilities
but made no. mention of. access ng' .space . ' :H
suggested that-'th ordinance.'bt'o th0,-parki
e amended :to :prov
e de for
proper . 'access' 'to u parlcing areas. 'It .eras- discussed as. to s
whether it "should bel- specifical1r stated in the ordinance,
such as 20. ft,' dri veways or •30 ft. ,dr vetivays or what,
would be props r o, `
`11, Commission dzscu sed tYie matter :arid deez it should;
_. .
:be turned "over to' Pali. V�f ise to determine what pr
_should, be :fo9lowed';with reSpeat ;to driveways.' - whether it
should; :bee.'spe!led out in "the ordinance or whether it' shouid
be left to the Public `Works 'Department and ;the `t olice; De=' '
; partm6n.t,''to' , deterMIne "the proper access to ,off:- street park-
rig facilities:
was ':also decided that', changes in the 4,p4ing .Ordinance ` • r :
to�1 11Vaserfor o his, advi:ce� and &.Aft�of�ssbl
ly be f oruvarded
P � ,
µ a 'legislation.to change the - ordinance° -00s e
A' s °cal . meetirio will be he t'o take action "ori the Zoning
P. ;
changes when' the:.,informatlon Zs received.
�nr9 p
` - k - . • ,' me e]h g4s f ••
There being: nothing further to come before: =the Commission th t
a Mourned at 8 :2Q :.p.m, u
v .
ecretary - PlanriiizC Co ssion
AUgust,:13, .1952
The regular.'me'eti�ng 'of the ,Planning C,ommsss on -Was held Wednesday, August 13 195
in then :.Council Chambers, City Hall;
y . Present': C'gssoners.Dickerson Elpnick,. ScYgen�ngh 8 Knne
Absents Corona s'ioner Byce
Ex officio Meiber_s :. Pre'seii .'Ham Schoen ngh n w
Planrig Consultant' �r.; ?rise
it r Officials Present I4Tr Baa_rd, Frank;
I r Br
ooks,� . Councilman. Adams,
C Counca loran Brown' and Councilman :Shoemaker
a � "�" The minutes of th'e rev meet n were a Y ro*re•d as :*ri_, eni, ' . y
'i �, , w P .
g. _ P.P
Tr1 se riforind. the: Commission that',he felt `the OFF STREET :P..ARKING PEPOR.T
section of the proposed amendment with reference to`
G'or�mereial.'e :stablishments should: be deleteda He fe]t
that' all other sugges ions viers :very .legitimate re
uirements since they attract large masses ,,of °peoples
who stay more than one hours'
5 gym'.
H than .most+ cities •have dro ed: the ±off st
He - said S
,. , :� p r rest PQRT
' park requirelrients for eXisting commercal distrios 1
S st has not `proved satisfactory, • The Corrmssion
o-' must constantly. be deciding. ��hether th ey should: °give
:: ----�
the new busnessan a, variance becaus g bons. ; N
e k�s; nei h
�� �;^ on both sides aren't ;furnsshing par karig area and' it
would also c omp]cate •administration uuathout accomplish
f, iiig a ;great: deal as far as the C? ty is ,concerned, ; Some ,
r - stores do lnot� care to .have =their own off street parking
since it someties creates, ill will when
cars 'are tagged
: s
• J _ — ! '
for over arki Some tar er °storessuch ias fiaxnzture
stores;Ydo not require 'the ratio. of �parking..spaces -
requ?red and, usually large: markets and other businesses r
• —
wfiich require a' number of;parleing spaces,provide parking .:
are �rrith out b o
eing frced
to do
a 'so `b ordinance,
` If the' netw 'ordinance wen into effect and off' street '
parking, lilts were: a also: put in, the new merchants° t�rould
_be doubly burdened because they_ Wbuld.1' e to contribute r , ;
to ;btthe. , He'. felt that° the :only.:solution would xbe .to
'provide as - :mach off street= `par`ksng the. 'dovrn.to�m area
r' as the -City =coind4 afford and hope ths,t'as ; many people wa71
mainta%n parkangea`.and. salvage,the;'downtown• area in that, .
sway. o f e a
close thenbus's question regarding residential land {
Hess districts "
Vise recomrnerided that
° the near corrnnercal area be ",pi inr a parking re�;u� atory
i f their rights
• n
district since the owners have lost none o
�m by having parking restractao2is imposed, Use could be. made.
of co
the,' mbining regulation,' wh
ere residences now stand. an•,
commercil stri ts
cU c. old be am
a e;d
111 The regulations pos
wherever it�• seems' praetica7:;
M:r, Baird asked about .loading and un adang docks iri :exist -' r
any p3ants,' -;and - thether or`,;not th would be r '• oared to .,
T .have l theax docks off `the 'st'reet,oit'd .th`ey enlarge:
?!fir.1ise answered" that' ,they should.. sIie..sad that that leas=
of the, places:, where the City as most j'ustif ed in hav " '
rig regulations because' jackknifing of seta trucks into the
`< street =probably i the w rst cor ditigri asnposed on the Caty
' arid the wo r`8 7 gause of congestion ancln- jamid llT]� : up of stxeets -
avh�'ch are to oe used` for carryarig traffic®
The width 'of driveways was ;discussed•- ;and.11tm rise said that
a separate • ordinance `should. stipulate) the allotirable w dth' of -
ciravewa;�s® `In tie - coinbin?ig district, ingress, ,and egress;':
-be granted• -by the 3 Plann ng Oommass on, Off -street 4
par lu ig requirements' confined to' industrial establ�slvnents;
coLiiing before, the Commission should be handl e ;as irdeperident _
R r - _ -
= ,cases as far as,' location: on the' lot is concerned., 4 --
k1r, iii ma ° of"t he opinion, that a new Zoning" ZONING 01�INA�dCE
�( anclud=
irk s # • Y ('. j
"� �� e the �thirigs
Ordinance should be wra�,ten, to 4
' f 7 rya ' hat the average Life of
7 'O o ` 4
a which are necessary. He said t
41 • !a Zoni Orci1 dace zs; from:lG to' S years® Anew` section' ti
w would also,,'have to be `written to °the ordinance to l
over par m prgvlsignsa E -
It' was 6 gener_aL1y agreed by the CommzsSion -that �a recom-
e mendation be:•mad`e-to the "Cty,C.ouncll,' "that'the Zoning
.. a ,
OrdLnance'be rewritten.
, • Off str`•,eet parkJx g lots and a method of financing PARKING •-LOTS
them wa ci - scussed.o mr® Wise reviewed methods of ;
' financing zri; var! c? ties and at' r Frank's suggestWon' $
3. was the oapLi -ion of the Compisbioners° •and Co'.unc±mien
' present that•- the - servJ ces of Mr Rob�.nson Bond. Attorney,
- r ,
should be secured" to ,expla� n„ the, problems of off = street `
Annexation and subaiv sion, fees,^ were :d.
:.' lorrever9 no decision vas reached.' Y Mr' Wise reviewed _
other.. c ties ine:thod of handling` such e' e s
An` amendment to. the = Master pari< to; • 'add ; the :char es: M ASTER , _PLAN
recommended in the Off-.Stree1 Parking. 'Report frith the
exceptz of. the section perta� ring to Commerci "a1
Estab`lshrierits „,: was discussed but was. held, in ,abeyance
until, -a later :dated v J
The Murray Gow' applicat� on, was again discussed, No RJR Y GO[t
action -liras ,t aken;sinc'e'the .applicationu "had previqusly: .
been ereferred fto the G ty °•C'buncil. `
m Vise bta F,ed that there -was no" l ar, ship` involved
unless .evid6=6-6 ther than laas been pr:esenjted Is offered,
Some of the ;Co aszorers felt that the apple - t donµhad
been referred to th.e Comma Sion in error, 'but IV r Brooks
"I W Y r �� izf ormed them that at sZ1 ou1e1 have been referred to .,them,
since zt tilas;force�:cessive•.land coverage.
G "1 y ell •. . , -
fN There bez no thing further. -.:to come before ;the 'C:ommi soon,, the : meetngas P acj`ourned
Ac't * 8ecretasry ”- P1 a
C.omms si on. C - axrma n
A Au{sust 27,_ °1952
Th'e ;regular meeting of the' ng Comm1 soon eras held August °`2,7, 19 2; . at 7::30 p M.
in the.'C.o.unci Chambers, City H"alld
, Vl s
Preserif,• Comma s' over Blunt, D ckerson,'.Schoeningh A, Kinne " `
"Absent C amine s'oner Elphick
Ex offsao I�Ieinber's Present " "' `Mr, _Ham Sehoeningh
Guests,. I+1r.. Cord ll, City 'Planner of'`Santd Rosa, Mz; . Prather, Technician for, Sonorria
il CountyPlann�r�g .Commission , and Yxi. Byce, Assistant Technician';
P g y
were a . roved as written.-
I� The minutes .of the revzous me v pp
u e ' Commissioner Ids raze �rrelcomed M3r,. :Blunt. 'as a: netinr CHARLES. BLUIJT '
F g ` r 'member :of the Commz•ss on