HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1/19/1954th"Inuary 19, 1954
The regular moevtng 0:16, tho Manning CO-iodesion was hdId Taosday; J&mvLry 19p
1954; at 30 In the ('00-ancil C-hpabe=, citj.r ffalu-Potalvi-aa, CaUlf OMI ia,
Plrawantx ComniaW
BigalcH: Dl,okorronv FcrstorK%tozanq Seiler & Talamentes.
City -'OfficWv.- City AttorneK&rl Eftolks &`4d City Anginger tan E. Bard.
Upon rovto-wing the plmns presented by Mrs. Frohn, in
conjmctlon -with the pi4me for• the adjoixCing proparty
presented 'by Mr. Seiler., is motion was made by
CopudosioneriNvUen thnt the Pimming Comrid-esion
recor mind to the City Council that the propeeqy to, bo
Imlown as "Branching Wady" bo accepted from Mrs. Fralua,
upon reconifnandations-by tha-'Gity Buggineor. The
motion Naz seconded And received unexd=w approval.
The, tentative mapa of Montclair Manor., Unit No. 10
t"Gre n preented to the' Planning Commtesion by,
the asubdivider. IIU,4 tL,,,d' rd exy?IzAined that the -plans are
in confonulance -rdth the building rsquirements d, the
1 5
City of Petaluma and meat the requiremento of tho
Zoning ordinance mAj Building Ccde. Cowissioner
Seiler introduced a resolution appro%ring- the 'tantative
map,, Me -resolution was seennded by Com-iclasioner
Matzen and 1,gaa approved by theunaninious vote of the„
Cawissioner present,.
Tare. fin maps were pragented"'to tht Coimdlasion for
approval aong with the construction plans. Mr. Baird
read his letter to the PlannI_hg �Conniasion concerning
improvements kmd roto mmendtion. Mr. Baixd further
stated Uiat in his opinion,Ahe . subdivider' should pl,�=
four incbes of crushor xim base under the curb and
gutter. YIr,, ftird rGad a report regarding oubdivision
requiremento prepared by'the League of Galiforrda'
Citica. The subdivider. ,Mr. Brander., pointed out that
they have nevor lb*on rrAuired,,,io do this in envy other
City. Mr. Hd)onald added that it has never, be provod
the t the placing of cx=her, ran rock would. oate
any shifting, end lift-ingp of curbs and guttors. Mr. Baird
comented that he beli,avvd, that QG o:RpehqOwa4 juati-
fiab1c in that the City has placed the rock Undd eel
curbs, and gutter -a raeentl.y construeflad.
The decided that'the p1lacing of,
.four -inches of crueher r= rock m-&er curbe mW Butte r@1
1 1,
vould"be desirable but not neceopary, Aftdr a chort
discussion., Cawdssionar Ula mmtea Introduced a
resolution approving the final mapo of Montclair N&nor.,
The resolution tias aecon4ed by Coram issioner,Bigelow and
received the unanimoum approval of the Coaq-dacionars
The' application of Mr. Dasrdke! Fleco for a Vmianoa to
build. on a sub-atmdard lot xjoa rn,(=d at t1dr a tirrie.
it IU&S, pointed, out that, thio lo as ',lot
Ora Fair St ract neat to t1he Fair Weet Gracvxy Store.
Mr. �FIO.000 the W"Oris of Q0 '04.xze., td&(n to bu.'Ud
Dedication 0 -f -Property for,
strust poseb.
Hemp Air Flemor., Uait 14o. 1.
Request of DMA01 MOO
for a Variance.
--ome but*would not hw.)o ouffit-ient land to hvivei
mho uawil sotbacks.. , The cletgc dwas inctructed to
pub3lsh the neceiasavy notice is order `hot a publiv,
heariP4 rid.&c, be h4ld Moildayq Februa%7 is 19511
?zOD P.M.. pApr to Ulw; Couniij mee'Ung.
An application faun? 'Fos tar M -d RO-eiver Go. for a Poster aqd Kleiaor Co.
Wba Pui-rdt to extond an existing adverItIsing
iE�tructure on East I'DIO Strapt; �pprq5dmately 100 ft,,
IvIest of Iffal-,,peor Street., vns prosented at this time.
It was pointed out that, this location would not
obutruct thie viou, for traffic. There bedng no
object:fins j a resolutim approviM Urda,aqplication
was introduced by Goniql&vicner'Fokster and seconded
by Coa.sr loner Talmantes. The foregoing revolution
was approved by unanirix)us'vote tag the Ca-uujs-,7do.nars
An application 2v= Foster & laeleer Co. for a Ube
N-,.,r5dt to construct an outdoor advertising Btructurs
at Wilson Street, south line 350 -ft. -East of
Jeffemaon Street,, vas pry )-vonted at this tAne.
Mr. Baird infonied the Qoiipiduslion that thIs sign '4ould Foster & Kloiser Co.
not ber a traffic hn.2ard. 4 resolution Zko'PM--ving this
application van intr6ducco'd by Comrd-asionar Sailer and
secondled by Comdusioner'Utoon.
An application from Vbgen3'en' Coot ruation Co. for a
Use Pe ,t to make, additionq and repairs to the Grade
A Hilk building at the Petaluma Co-Uperative' creamery
was pvraentad at this time. The being no objections.,
a reaolution,approving the application Tial introduced Vogenuen Construction Co.,
by Goi-endiasionor Bigelom and seconded by Commissioner Mditona to Co-op.Crazse�7
Matzen,, Thi foragolrkq roEolution was approved by
UnanlmOUV vote of the Coyinitismiomrs pre aent.
At t1do tims plans were pr6dented shloving the propoced
OnlQrgwianto to the local Purity stores'. Mr. Baird
expl&ined that they tA, r,% to enlargo the present store
by extending approxbnately IL- foot toward Keller qt.*
The enlargement would be -the full length of the bldg. Purity Store Addition
A motion was made bytCorivissicner Tva.=antea and .
secon&d b� Comidscioner Blgalou that the plans be
approved. 'Tbis motion vas adopted.
Thax'being no further busineas to came before th&
Cowdsvioh, tho meeting vae adjourned.