HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 02/16/1954February. 16, 1 The regular Yfleeting of the Planning Com was: held Tueoday-� February 16, 1954, at 7 g 00 P.M., in, the Cou I uncil Chmibbio, City`H&1l,, PeUluma, Calif oln Prooent: Gommissionero Dicketson, Forate•,, Matzen, Seiler axid Talap.mitea. Abo Comdasioner B-IgQlaq,., City Officials: Donald E. Baird, City Engineer. The minutes of the previou i-a-eeting of February 2,, APPROVAL OF NINUUS 1954, warz ap ,proved as submitted. A notice - f roML the U SL. Corps of Engineers re public CORRESPOIND&ICE hearing on the proposed rq,p4iro to the bulkhead at the Petaiuma Creek, wwu re'ad and filed.. An - invitatioft ta is zI . so reAd from the li gem Council announcing' the annual �ilxlar meeting to' be held Tlue6dhy evening -Plar 2, at the Fairmont Hotel. Chairman Dicke'roon instx members taiehing,to attend to contact the clank. Unia being the time and place sot fo r, publi hearing; APPLICATION OF Fs, OYD on the application of Mri Floyd Northw-. for a Uee NC RTHAM FOR A USE Permit to conduct Sunday School and Ydssion work ,in PERNIT -. 114-E.CGUIRT his home at 114 East Court, ,Qhairm-an D called for expressions from the audience. Mr. Nlortham,, the applicint, requested that thie pe be granted for a period of twelve mont az his - home i-s baly a temporary location. 1-b r. Northam - explained that his gToup uill isoon outgrntj his �home and 'need a larger place. Hri. killiim A. Whi @s te, 2Q1 Bt ;Court, Mrs. Winfrey Md Mr. PaW.- SimyrW., 14 Shasta, were p , r I e§ a g it on behalf'of. Nr. Xorth to ass she Comfftission of the wonderful work being done !by'14ir Northam. Mr. Sims stated that his three boys are given transportation to and from Sunday School by Mr. Northam.. 'Mr. Steel,,z�lpo ;L resident of East, 'Court, stated that he had signed a petition in favor of 'Mr. Northamus request 'with the - Idea that 'it was for Sunday School. He added - this program tierp to e h� luould object. He added that he hao had to btop hie car a6varal times for the d play in the atreat &id hes requastod that the thildien not be allowed play in the stroot. Mr. Nor Letdtod that the childven do not play games right after Sunday School but later in the; aitern Mrs. Pltv4mor, 130 E--ast Court, stated that if tUs is- only ten.por=7, she haa no objection".' ' However, sh'a' ad 'that th&-e is a trcSkic hazard and should there Wetr be a fire in jtheati, - vicinity, ther,& t;oUd be added confusion due to the 8Iddition- cars; there is no place for the- &�i to play except in ti streat as there are no,si s. devalk She fu her 84tated,'that the ng , co dafin increased sih'ce 1P.Bt sunguar. eation haa Comrrdspigner Matzen stated . , that," h fling e would be Alli along i-jith g'ranting the pexmit.for twelve months, and intro!duced a revalutio.21 pov�n , appg the applicaiibn.�'. The ro-oolution w&s seconded lay Commissioner'Foaedter and approved by unmO-niouq vote of the Com---� saion. This being,the !time and place set for pu.bli(; hea,--jrLg 'On the application of finder ,Graham, DBA Graham, Specialty Cq,,,, for a Va4ance to co ' nduat a whol!�7 e sale distribution *office and warehouze at 219 godega Kianue ( Ratchery), " Ch Dickerson called for expresaions froro. the,,,&udlence. APPLICA1,10N Of' BENDfft MHARD FOR A TARIMCE.' 219 BODEGA AVENUE. Mr. the applicain.t &t ed that in hir,, opinion thap, would be good w6 of thd property 6hA. good f the o6im, unity. Chairman Dickeroon read a lett e Fire q4ief decl&:�Jing this builldi.a1 g „ a dqfinite fire htnard. Ch&iXV.Q1 Dicker'son added that'this buildin is a uar6houge and office would r. h at r Seiler not be as inu 12 of - alinoard as,, itvas as a y. Commissioner atated that in his opinion if they are i&Lling to place their merchandise in such a building, he Nould b,e YxIlling to approve. their west.. A.resolixtion of findings of fact. and recoypisiondation ,ky the City Planning Colrads3ion” tias Intraft by Commissioner- Hatsen �w'-d seconded ky Com6iissioner Sailer, The foregoing resolution was approved by on4mirrious vote of the • Cowdission6rz present. Mr. Baird, explainod t a new ''resolution has been, NOVAK ANUEUTION NO.2 prepared d ' escribing %Lhe,;,pro to be wnexed, by Mr. Nowak. A.'Previous"resolution"ias adopted by the Planning * Commission but. i failed to give the bowdaries, of the prcirperty sol includ -d in the annexation. Cots i ii ssion er at Xabn_ nt" w eution approving the amnexati on. rcduce� the ne' The x\asolution was seconde'd by Gosh rissioner Seiler and aW by unanimous vote of the Gorrimissioners precent. At this time Commissioner made a motion that reeidente of the north- east section of Petaluma,, 6urrownded by Novak finnexati6n No. 2 be denied outside sewer C0jjneCtjQn8 innsi as they h&ve declared themselves tmwilling to armax to the City of Petal-ruma. This motion tias seconded by Commissioner 'Natsenx and received the un.animoua approval of Vh.e Coramissionera present. Mr. Baird infarm.ed the Commi esion that Hr. Pov1son APn_XCAT70H OF S. L. has submittd an applization to the Sonomia Co w..ty POUSOWFOR. USE PE 11T Flmining Commiwsion for a Use Parinit for an auto wracking y4rd, East side of Highnay 101, 11ortherly of Corona Road, Petaluma in the Ihterlm ,Zon - e. Tbe Gowlilesioners were J,, to investigate the and d be orepo.red to make - recom-meridations to 'the Sonoma Gowity Planning Commission 'at the next regixlar• meeting. At this time Pastor Walsohof the Eva agblicU Free EVANGEL ICAL.FREE Church presented hLuelf and OR ' explained to the CHCH ADDITIONS. Commilsoion "that hie; churd - wishoa to expand:� Mr. Nelson added that they LI-sh to build , a tzo=stor addition including y Sunda School rooms add'k-itchon faOL31tios- :kr. Baird explained that the church tiot&ld have to: mrike apolication for a Variance. Ch Sian Di ckereon cited Several, instancea where � s'uch reWdetts have been d'Gnic-d. the matter of off-street, pprking vas,. discussed skid the Coiymnlasio ttere rw�uested to inspect the dhzirch a_ In order that they uould ba able to discuss the M atter with Mr. W at the next regular wzeetirk,4. At tMe time Covadsaioner ,SA - stated. that Mr. 14. ' .; & A TRAjj C0U Amaral had diacuasod waith him his plans for a proppeed trailer cowft. Chairwan ' Dickearson stated that Mr, Paitaretwould h&ve to comply with the require fflaents the City Trailer Ordinance. There being no lurther b"usinabs to 60w'e before the COULMission, the meeting 'was adjourned.