HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 03/02/1954Y i ;
Harch '2, 1 ��
The regular r ®t ? o tlae n C �t ax°� Cit 4. 1. , e6da March 2
19540 at `x.30 PJI in they c o� _ , ,,
� Sailer pxeo ded.,
° "$ Co�oai.onexv• Fbrrster, :seiler and Tdi Ep w8'o
Cab ent
�� erx� .
o a9 i •elQlt Dickerson end P�1atzen.
r a k Cai. saa er; 'Hagar' ViriwMt Schoeningho
C y C i Dpneld' Ea, Baird,, Director P W orks.
3 y
u Oue��ts;. Lawn ce4 Ase,, aP14n8 1g' Coneult40t,'
rhe I fl - linutes of this previous jq!RG ng of February 16. 1 , ould not be
ap . proved as a quo'M N not Pros etc
I ,
-Imnic City �Manager aspoke REPOT ` C ESpOt+TI) CE
' U 1 1,
At timoTr. r ..
to the I?limpitng c6mmi osi on on the recent. City
ana. ;r conference at 'San? a'Hoxdcaa. A �Opy' bf
bis report i6 ,, attachdo
inv#ation to ,
a meeting of the InduotKa '�velopment
C ommittee of �E@ Aa°e co uncil Karen 1 1 9.54� �3
read and filed. Hemberz; v t o attend this, mesti.r le
Ve request o contgct the cue as Dooft ao "Poss�;ble.
thee, twat � s s� sad sub i isi a esox F.d l Pa 5i3 0 �
xp the e� gh�.. , s�'cs�l ��� onl �
sen that
tentatively deci:dod to y
along Baesett. Street aiW Webster 5triaetm Inasnt udh aa
tblb I
thO Dep had
®9' ubnc Work-a gind b% P W 68 -
would am, Poon a pbas ole
i:n�o���� th8� acact l.d be takora ,,.
The tentative said final ,maps of Colin Subdivision on COLIN SUBDInSION
Olive Street (6 lots) uare pre tinted at this tame.
r1ep -Ch z�an Sailer stated that the M s were' in would be Departm. Mr. o rd er psen Palk Work
0 tau Ica 'Nro Yaa2l
-was informad that action would bo taken *'a voce: as the
nacea papext -are prepares
for � Permit POY
f mat . P ,, yard sT requests :Use PerLSER AUTO ECKWO
for' x ut o.�� ng y ard N rtherly of Petaluma on
g ay 101, a1jazi brought up at thie tin, eo I The
Commissioners vakie -3:4oiined that the Ltiunty ' P1� acing
a rai s osx had., raques�ed z vdrbel reco end�ation by
800 0 P o It Was the general oonsenous of t6
Gommisisioners pr esent that , such, a ;port 840140 'not. it would not pl.y with tho
gene kai zoiA f Liarmuch that. da. , ho Couantk Pl ing
Commission vas so info =4 by te'lephonee
_ r
q�g St d t31�. d'a ss.� �''Eb�' ,
t of Pub'11a Works.
I Ala'r t o
she Cc i at °�e I �a�a ka� 1 owera). goo ,
. icy �s its ire a� On East
pioviding phis ra erg co be �°o�ro d: As
r6fem-.pd to the Depaktlae�n
Therel' being no fue'ther busihbaa to Wn G-'bbf the compission..
the inset .n; was. aadjoumed. un it ftr: rod y, 49 1
Mar 4 1954
The adj ourned meeting
� �� ��a �1�f� Gohmission was eraii.ed to ®rd'er
hursday, March 4a 1954 at 12,: 00, 'xavrsra,r in the �avxn� l C�abe��a
wve nts , c6mrdss c ners Pickemorga Fbx —sty r, Sei.ler , and Talamentes.
Abuent < Comm:Ljj6joraers -geiom md Matzen.
d r
city Offidalat Donald Bairdl, Diiector 'oaf F011e Works.
A resod utIrl -on of. in entloh .. t¢' i�ai ,Jate acti6xn to adopt a now Zoning
Orlin nce was introduced' by Ca tissio ner Taal amente-S and aeeonde� IV
Commissioner Porster.
T e
j ..s o Corissioaas�a Dickerson. Forster, �$e� Seim r and ' ,1arrisntee. ..
Flo es a None
Absenta Comissioners B.gpiow and Mtzemi
u oj'aex� sue �a �� anid�? csfems�� .
CO it i4jA
vill . be hold sd�a T�roh 16 395�SD �o €. 'te .PA�io in I
There be MO �'aa �ac�� bus facp� o cocas b orp �Ne Comm –i iaara, the
mee:ti ig waa adjourned.
r I
At tel�'t �.azzt SOSs!.on of the City s�a"a' age —a =�a eoe�.��� "s�'s2'd;� i S i�f'9ta rkaaic,�t
last w a 'very i M..3o:°e�Fant subject w*s disd uo. — ad r'af2mal�',, 11 8vbdk� ria ons and
pi ?s"ia,L. `�. `� 6,._a3�el (�.`k:Stura ion, ins � sa do a%,3'nua'ation of 'a�. stial.�.�.c`�7 kee5ui held
i n San Fre- ac:E:sep at the last League of 'C li forn .a i,UAGa Wi3fer e%3ca 2 i'shs it
was not e ed$stodd with nearly eRc iifpr�xtaftca, as to tbe effect of subdivisions
,a lla'i } lann :Wg on Ti'u:;tt,,gi Cam% In CcilifC nfda2
The ireport�:nce ib reflec:tad by the fact ia - Senate Interim
Corw ;te is new mssrking on the subject of subdivisions and p1w-nirZ which will
maize recommend ons to .the, Legislature in. 1955 for' the 'purpx ose of clax- if ying
wOX_`" J;n genera standards for subdivisions' In the State of Q81iforniao the
report of the lea` ariio Ca mauttea All be based' an a pear. ance before the committee
by various c'itics of all classes and xeprosexatative)s should tvke the opportimi - ty
to present their problems in their respbative areas to It incrder that the broad
c erg t=,ding of the prable -m might', be Intenpreted 'proporly In the formation of
final recommendat -lops to 061h Legislature. rho panel merilbers Vere -t
Lloyd Brady ,City Xanagar, 'W"Onr avia representing
the administrative end of city ,g® =verzaraent
Ar &xur Vii. :d, State Sen ata , Ch of the
Sees to Interim Qwrdttee on Subdivisions and , planning.
Eugene P. Co =user, Secretax of the California Real
Estate Association. .
Maurice Read, President of '1 -}on, McDuffy Coil - pang,
one of he largest aubdivide ra in the Stake, sad,
D. D. 'Watso'sn, Real Es za6' o Gomiles'ioner of the State
of C€+liforrtiaa
° 1so on the ,paliel was Charles Bo - Bennett, the Director of Planning for
the City of Loa .Angeles. Mr. Rv cett i s regarded as one of the leading planning
directors in the United Sutras. Each imember of the panel diacussed subdivisions
as they aaffected hisparticulat interests, in order to places the various recta
before the group.
Some of "the more iurpor"Coant Ideas and sug go t- ons made as a result of
the disc alon were 'aa follows;
It as b 6ggost'W - Lhat , it shoUd be tho restwinbibility and duty of .
�d�ir;,�. ��administrators, o�as �d its qffc�ct Councils a�s� Cs�ssi.�ns� especially Plzmain
4 o - van house .in . orde by hami ro s and NU1.00
of order to follow relatts to subdi sionr s,, including amexaW:on. Tt was
poinUid out "that If a subdivision is l -d out wrong, aid proper planning not
adhered to, eve succetolve step that folio. s aka wrong. The planning
shG o.��
�1d be
t�' _ beforo the s.�bdivipioa comes tabo the Gity. The plenning and
design of subdivisions involves schools, rocreation facilities aTd ghopping
contero coordinated, uith proper traffic floe, ba@ed oar , a combination of' a part
of a Master Plan, or a Street and Highway R� a . Gooner' l des Em 9a �ubd`�v�si no
ata by spe .alictg °i n t tliepla 3ng field. lh�this raga. -rd, a nd
it was j ob eke
p p
out that plamdAW Is a specialized field and if ° riot doap roperl , 'is not only
costly to the Eubdivider and qty, eauees polar 13. .ng conditions.
Hessro Read arxi Conser sppke of th e. nem-s of alos6r wor lei
rplrr Uonship bettleen cities sad subdivildaps rralat it., e ' , to the spk3edl ng up of
Procedures ihvolved in n'ccepting sii 'ThAs 0i wurq@, i's Graetof
the poiat3 that uill. be wt fed by - 6 7 3'aaa Somate jn�'cey r_ j.n oettIng
irp State stamdards.
The ilmportance of narking together Id.th other tw umits was
ztossed=-The Ctty and to teeA.m.1clans ahould uork m: the subdivider,
and also schools-� eolxtltic-s� ate. It vais po-inted out that in Los
fu 'the Plmznning is bfized on general plains i;dth the school department,
Flaming and citq qlapartments involved end all
knowirag procpdure to be followed relWeAve to suhlivisidne. In come counwonities
, s,here adequate per soune I l : awtu'lablo, plmudqg hao reached 'the stage where the
eubdividez- and he city wo:ejc tvgei , ier v�rnj closely. In Eact, in sot cares,
such wq Lmi dear aWa, -�he'C-.jty exid Vae Sdivol Department are given the opportmity
to, acquire. property wit the- sub-divi; - sion Itself for the dal
veoVmemt of
mation mad educatloil-Ul facilfoUles at the saime time the, plans az-e beLng
developed, and at Uaq, she awre price, aq the developbr. This can only be dons
T'Ath ce rdimted plaming. In 116 case of smaller aaiuvriumitie.q, it is the
responzibill:V 6f the PlcTmiing Caqu,esloft; $chbol and city officials
to fomthme type of team to prwflote th. typo of Planning for the betterment of
the co."wmmikv
The,,worlc of the T—vaterilrl' Cozwdttee that 1 Have referred to is vez7
import art. r So much 80, Ser"'ator Breed,, the Chai has u ' - Cit
4 rged every ty
g er and othors present at the wmeting to carry this informAtion back to
their Plain - .0-ag Czar oidssion& mid offta1rals. - He also' zagged' that c-o des ioners
md of ficit'.nis involve'd &�Aead the comrsdtteegs meetipg -in their area of the
skate. The 56m ace liit Co_�mftt'eee has an advdl aory rot nsisting of 68
offiCA- cd-ty and Qmmt , lay�uen.,, oubdividers.. copttors and re&l estate
peoples that are Ong mis : ed to _sug-ge6t Pad make x to the Committee
b&sed of the vwrioua! stt'uation3 that erd.at throughout the state ra'. to
this Subject.
From time to - t:U10 rasb r0ports will be Cf ea to
made by the caudtt
pre " cities for votlew and comment 11 'MA
v. -d like to ask the PjmLqj4g- ComRissio-q
to be In constant touch with third Seriate Dterim CoRmlittz)e, and if pons .1ale,
have ane o� mo5.e. members atItend the rleptitigs arranged for this area is, order to
,keap - the City in-foxmad -znd up to date, oil "'Who doiw_kttec� s proggresa. Haairwhile,
T 6 lettOr reQuesting a copy of - the . first prelimznax-j repo . rt
racently. imbliahzd by the C mil ee. 2, he report w
5A _L-11 be I'Mmed over to the
Plamnlrag CougEljmion�'. but it is ou.ggoated that Vhv Charm of tbds 0019IRdesion
request a wpb' of 'the re-port and way othei infozma-tion. aw Iable on this sub"act.
5%0 Matter of *R Street and Fl&way Plmn for the C1 '
ty of Petalviiia has
been tossed Wavut for a year end & half md it Deb ma to, me that before we are
exoght In tile wilddle by State ladielation . affecting suWivis'
one and Plaw
me should at IbAst l hwFe a Stn et w- .di -Ugh )FrOgMl PMZ@Gd and
addopted before
tile legislature coam n
the � .,
d` �� � �e aa€�a 5,��' l t 'tis�. � bar of the Coc
the plzlffinin
T - t is my belief a E:rgi.a�er �.xeli C'na'�d
n g a
�l�a� �
a tGn e tiv@ Stxt.3et any d HigW0,7 Plan ".4hich cp be � �`�,�d for further stu
by Otty officia-41- dotal of � , % 'fid �a�tpe s eild state ofki.cl to
be follmed lay a properly drat Haster .S`'trsst a�as� �h�da Flan for
b y t1?e C tY -CO acid . Such a plan of Wurse, j e otily °one part of a Mavter Flail
and under lag of One . art of a Master Plain am be c-6op;ed.
l eure °GIB# ? W.j3e, as Planning Car c &n add walla to uhat
I hwe stated.. Efftol'`c; and caoperatiOn Of all concejze6, is all that v ogCLd be
needed � px °r� .r� '. the t eGe in "Aereats f6r any f�' urG P°assi G legisl eu ova that
nmay be adopted by 'the StAte
to the League of California Citiest report dated
' b a 2 , l)a a �°� is fi a S I C �3R.� C � ra .e item is of interest do not, I With reference p , a ly to t;hos0 c t„ o is s dit�is j apse n s a ordinance regulating
. a n phi �a
the design and improv .ao nt � vill r eca -11 Ci��pt�a' 156b,
statutes of 1953, which becalme effedt vt can September 99 1953, amended the
as di isioxa G1 p get ii e e a jrrc_, dcq oj7 requirement t1jeo, evexy county and every
city'. opt Nordin rpggu :alt inn and controlling the design and impr�ave�m�nt of
s�bd s� one. o ti limit aEis r st�'o s wd b the k�c thin iF:RiA1 �1 e €aC a
ordinances must b0 adopted. The La ague start .'the p p�ra�fon. �sf .� suggested
subdivision ordinance host July,, but at the y� uept of water �`�� 9�aWs its
oo:npletion wao delay ad. �t tho prosent tie a subs e� of ��� Advisory
0 Senate ; to i ConAt tee on Subdi S i o n Development and PI �i�a�
s coaaside r ? sub, of �' a�o��l s�� division. ordinance. A uordi.nglyq it bray
j: 'dime „yet 'bafore a Lemma suggested ord A cw �l b� available "'ear
he quite go
dlstrs bt'tione C pores of .s tes�tati e d of a L€, U. o�cainan�� �sere prepared
last ye
= for %�ev:o'd _ c&-its by the Lea je ' co�ttee members and ot��r
lan r �ted ups aca n on the ordinance. It bee W80rted that some
...� z ,opt this ordi:lMice ��. e belief that it g - ggeste�+
cities re pros c���n g � o adopt
or dinance of v L eague, hiw oxdigjance Ma- 3 not tended for area as a model, but
g l rough draft for disc Brio a and review will:. should not be cons
fc ° do ti can. ere is recently no League ordinance availabl ev but cities
considerilIg •tbd adoptioaa of a subdivision ordlaaance may iew i Berkeley
d6pie�s of ordinance6 of othe cities which are
of the Lea&e., . the ci at�cO=sY
presan ',ly in oper&tion -will. be sent on a loan basis for use �
in a; epxa n � bdi. risian ordinance 'or' adopitloan. ci.
Edward' F-r,