HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 05/04/1954Lay 4,
The regular meeting of the PLVining Ccamlasion wtox. held May 4 1954,
i t J. C , g ,
n the lXancil Ohambqre,,, City 11val oromirlap 11.'b wlia, at ?-,V
Chainior. Uckeraon presided.
Preaent'... Commisvioners Bigelow., Dickorwon, Fo.rata'r) Kwstgen Seiler & Talimmgntez.
Aba6nt: • 'Ions.;
auez,�ta- 11r. Lawrence 4 x. .9e, PIZO-nine Con!uultant.
f ft
City Ofaiala -. Mayor Mracent Sdhod ing City aviginear Donald B xd.
The ridnutes of the previouz meeting of April 20, 1� APPROVAL ("IF IRM , -FCFZ
were aryprovad as aiabmitted.'
This bazirig than time and plain _f6r the publi� h6aringv PL IC •Hr
on the 4pplicwtions of Fogiter & Kleiaer for Use Perodta
to conotluct 3 outlook acfteit-isihg -,)tru& Eft
lVD St.,, '100 E w.t of Copeland Strint; 2. E. W&shin
ton Street, 1(X)'Q Eaa'+,• of 0opoland Straot Eat: 'I'D"
150 West - of C' mnd Strast);,. Chal
Dickerson called for expreasi from the gaudionce.
C , owdesioner Bigelow ota th; ^t the ownOr of. the'drivb-
in at Hoppe.- St et and Er-at 4 will probably watt to
-do iaoioner 'Forstor pointed
put up some billboa . Cbi
out that thane is A dbuble-face billboard acroso the
atreat from the firet above, mentioned locatiOn. Mr.
Wig advised the Goimiezioan that they will h ' eve to
I e , atabliab a p6lidy - hou mwiy 5igne dayou Want in- an
�sing beno tu
are !io n al, advert; id to thin 11"ON a- le nat
many signs do you' uant per. linear 'feet.'
Mr. Dickqr= ated that he ddes not balievLe ,this has
yet -become - a serious pr-oble,% there h�veinqg been no
J L, ' ca received in the aor our, b ' pact. Victor DoCarli eiated that in tiho p-sot, 6 month?
3 or 4 new 9iiehs:1aV'G 1 been o6na trutted on iklloon -StrQ@t.
fie add that he feelo, Patallum& is going backwardo lit.
3 1owing ao many,alghs awed fttAlvarha hav signa now
then we abould hrfai Mr; D , aCwli mUtA.d.-that the
propox t.
.y owner gains? about $15-00 Oer and for
that, paoll mm wk ahould wG de4�troy the beauty of the
Cit'. , Mr. D*C6 eked the Co-mulasion. tftat M'Ity
Would"' gidn F rain .'t
ftC representative of1astur Klelser, atated
that all thinga adveetiaed �Ithin a City ate �%reildbla
in that City. Fa further ei cy �plqined the poli of
Footer Fter & K1jissr.
At this time CaiwAs6ionar $oiler xvqueste4 that a, m0p,
be made showin
g 16he location type�. @ise end. owuner of
eve billboard. the - City of Pats l w . ina
ry I
Mr. Ba .rd 'u=9 raquGeted to haye' Baia dernift,ont pr para
such .0. *&P.
X�yor SchooniyWh atated t t , while he waa pa the
Il mr-Ang Cqaidsilarxifix* queOtlanod i?rwlavy application for
4� sip. ile, 0 that Lhs be vory
g 6 gns ead that ba i uld piotept
thb lndiocrizladt� ogAue Per as for billboarda.
requented' 'Maat tile Cawgn anion take action
`On at least one of the threo Upop I
raluest a resolivatiern ve2a inli ,red geed by Govaraisnionor
Seiler And va=nd-id "by C ion Fotster for the
q - o to call ruct a billboard at E8,9t St.
Plic ati on t
150 kkadt of copelmd st'i Tt'o foregoing resolution was
7 1
denied by the following vote
AyesA Comdasiorzore Dickerson Wd Soiler.
Bigela), FoTator & Te'Oxn, wtes.
Abaont:. colw(Aasionor Hatza)a.
The application of California Aftlill-eq- Ss7 Co. for
C4 U00 Penqdt, to C0Y16UUCt'Z 100 gallon water
stomge t mmk of reduiood in the zodthezt section OA
Petaluma, was r-ead at thiv Uma.- "
A plot plan had
been eubviAted pz viquzly. It pi-ilylted out that
the So. Co. Plamling Wnskission ha4 grpit-ed , a Use
Pexzdt for much apurpo6a upon the reem
of the City Plawi*ng Comdsaion, while, this , . o a., y
or P rt.
vas still in the CoWity, A ree;o1u a 'pz�ovivg thici
WlidatlOn was introduced , , Oy' Co-ribmlssi ones F ors
end occonded by Coltaissioner Talamantes. The fox
going resolution wam approved by unwilmous vote''of
the Com-ismionera presen't.
n utlize oT the proozdure folloued
3ir Wise 99ve o
in bringing the Street arid HighwzUr Plan up to da-,e.
He added hip plw uill p
t robably tiq in with
the Coulity plan in the near futvire. Mr. 'Wisa added
that it , ia Ili's hope that the Corcmda.9ion XDfer
this Haster Street and Highway Plan to the City Council.
for adoption in order that the right-of-ways be.
protected which may, in WYA�, save the City a consid-
orable aunt of nioney.
A Major City Stree'o Mnp.lwaa also prooented at this
time.. Mr, Baird siTlained to the Coffavdission thtt
the City roceivea gas tak.rfm'Aee fkom the State for
the repair wd maintenanca of major city streets.
A mV of the intdrim a oi three ud.le -area surr6und-
Ing the City of Petal.uama w& prmsented. Wiso
pointed out that it will be' vary baloficial In mr
out' the Master Stroat amd Highway for the future';`
Mr. Wise re queoted the ComdaLlion to prevent this map,
upon wm to Mr. Jack the
Cow lssioaf.
Chnimar, Dickerson at ' t, I '1 o ttpao appointed: a, wnmltt
of Mr. Seiler, Hr. Bigelow and Mr. Talvmaratea,to mrk
on the Haiter Street end lilghway Flan & the extension
of major city ntreets. Dix. Forater and Mr. Matson were
f - Inazay eziatin
to cork on the ronwd% o g City
d to have. a report
Streets. The conm1ttqs. were r.,qquGQU
Co=iesion,, the mashing was adjourned.
ready for the aext'rOgular meetirig.
There being no further busineag 1� come befo' the