HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 01/04/1956O a. JANUARY. 3 956, (D �t.6 la of qubtum,� the regular meeting of the Planning C=mi"sslon 'on Tu January 3 1,956, wa,s, :aid burned 'to Wed`he Janiiar' esday, J , 4, 1956,, a �I b , City .Ha 1 Peta,luma, California, '7 30 'P� m, 1,n, the Councl, Chambers, I JANIJAR 1.95`6 Ad j q_ irr n e , ; , p q 6t%.in' C g; of the PjaRT,1-t-i orimd sks i0n was held on Vladftesd,ay., Ja.ntiary­4 -1956,, as 7:3'G P.M. 'in the C olun I Cha mber's, C ity „ Ha I I P et a, I uma Cal i o rn i q- In th -- T or pres ided e � b�sence of Chairman Dickerson V ice - Cha irman at :a - I- I C I k I, ­., VIcIe-Cba'I__ the meeting. Pr 8 s,e,nt QpmMjs's-i'oners Bige -low, Elmore,, Salles, Talamant.es and Taylor. Abi'§,e=,tf COrriml as-i on I e�rs Ro4f!ogeI-aR'd, DIcker'sbim. Ci ty; Offi cia ls Ci '8 OT 'Russel 1 W,. Ingram. Guest s Njo4q e o �.0 APPROV AL OP M I- The , minutes of DeOembev 20, 1955, 'were approved' as recordied 'NORTH BAY LEAGU8 OF CALIFS ....QIIT.I.ES NEETIN-G Noti,c>e, dated, December lt6, r.q_5 from, North, . Bqiy DIVVI.sion of Leagtxe.i or Callfornl i a Ci.tlz: s, of next 'me,eting to be heJ• at FauI - s Reisoxt, Sonoma,,, , on Saturd,ay Janua.ry 81, 1956, at & P.M, read and TI 1'e.A. -5 FRANC1SCO .BAY 'AREA, I Lett,(Ex, date 23, 1955., from 'San Fran'- RAPID TRANSI COMMISSION c Bay Area Rapid Tr Co.mmi:s.81,on, dT meetfngs MEETEN(JS studi,e:a and surveys on rapid transit t,a. be he Id in Santa Rosa at Board 'of" SuiDervi so Chambers, County' Court House, on ThurSdAy, Jan 1; 2 ;, 1956 'a a t 10 a.tk. and in Reta l-uma I the CoJinc i I Chambers City Ua.111 on Mondlay,, January 1.6, 1556, 'at. 2:30 read a'nd filed. Vice - Chad rma n Taylor ur members, of the Com.missl to att-end-6 Comm is s i.,o,he r StLl,le su,gge,st e,d� thiat the Comm:ission v a,td, h d,eVe•opments on routes to s;e,e that they do not conf 1, wit- the, Land 'Us,Q P Ian.. Copy of City Attorney 'Kara B•ocAs,I tetter. t6 Mrs. Gova_ert_t 46 Alto vl'.std wa,y re keqping fost�er childr,en in home, Located Ln an, R--j O,LStric . a.s 'then read ,6 It was his opInion that, the tindelr'ta k- f two d ldr-en as fos't "r ''t I d be I : ing qh, e parents wou t,e chnkc,allyy construed 'at conducting 'a ;busin for prf'of it., even though the amount of pr`of"'Pt i meager, and that t"h,e only cla.salf-Icat1aft in the Zon,ing. Ordlna�niae that would. be applIcable for th-'Is� - 6ctIvi,ty is` that of a y bomi ing or boatdingl; 'hou.se which is a I 10wa4l e in. aft zone, upon obtal,ni. a Us.e Permit from, "the -Plannj,ng CommissLon. Upon C'ommissione Bi,g,elow January 4; 1956 felt that to provide a be�tte,r home for c h i ldrer g nd cool -,d not se,e any legal rounds f:or ob.dect - .. 4 cd ht aryl son. He express..ed hi s favor i s mo�ra �� z i of al „l.ow'in ; g .. t:he °- use., Vice -Ch'a; rman Taylor stated t•ria n 6 :aetio_r 'i, req,u1ne.d. by the C=ommission as Mro 'G;oVaeats had .only req-u,ested 'an- opinion from the' City Atto.rneyo H°owevelt, personally he c ould not see :an =y c'b Jeqt.ion of keeping fo te.r chi ;_ldr,en; in a home,, but a`l-s'o .p.oint out thl,e fact ghat as a Commission, It should °c into the legality of such home u ae .s o Comml s sJ on e r' Sa..1 1 e s exp.l a i ne d. _ the set-up of foster- ,homes f "rom hi own exp ;erience after whdch Uic.e- Chairman. Taylor requested him to check the .case and report- back, a.t th =e next meeting as to the prof it- makfng, technicality on which C .ty Attorney Karl Brooks b;a his opinion., Mr.. George K'epha dt o,f 94 Wi Imington Drive, spoke from. the au c`ouldnIt, see any reason for not al lowing f�os -ter c'hi ldr,en in 'Mrs-. Go ;vaerts s home,, and es.pec°i,a1 ly- could . see no bas ,is.-t'o. a law. that w.ou1'd al Tow 30 rodent type fur- bearing a ni ma ls t:o be rai,s ;ed in an R -1 di:stri:ct: and -at ; the same time woul=d, not al, 'low foster children to 'be reared, RE - RE20NI?NG EXTS7ING C -2, The mat=t -er of discussa ng rezoning of the exi sti _- 'g TO C -1 ON EAST PJASHING C-2 a ialonq East tiUashington Street to C-1 was TON STREET.. tabled unt11 the ,n ; ex.t. :meeting to wa "it` for the res,enc.e of a full` p Comm iss?.on in order to give proper t;m°e for study of the stib jec;t TRAILER COURT AT ELY RD. Vice -Ghhd rman Tay1o, "r stated that Co,mmi s s i. one_r AND E','.WASHINGTON STREET D.lc,kerson phoned him concerning a, report he re- ce -ivied from the S,onoma County P.lann.ing 'C,ommd:s�sa on nd i,6a t in g ' they have on f 1 1e, a requelst 'fo:r' a "Use Pe „rmi.t t.o establ%sh a trailer court on t, . he corner. of E Road and' E., Washington Street, Th members Waver requ.esto,d .,o field check, th,e matter, and $ s ;sug'ges ;tlFons a °t the next meeit ng for Ta- c i on • to the” `Sonoma. County Planning Commis: t on for i ts meet 'n g of January 19x, 1956 0 W OF E`.WASHINGTON ' C =ity" Eng.i:neer .Ru °sse 11 W. Ing -ram reque , t:e.d the S ;IDEN:ING Te FROM "McDOWE�LL �R�D, TO. C.ommiss1on t :o` look: into th p'ro ;b1em� pf' ur id.eninag ELY.. ,RD. _ - . East Washd,ngton, Street from McDowell R;o.ad td Ely Road an=d'. eventually to the Old Adobe .R,oad'-o He exp'1a that the re.gilonal type. sh:opp ., g,. center, contemplated at Mc'DoWe,ll Road and Ea Wash'i,ngton 'St -,. •. will create a .c °ritcal' in=ters.ect.ion, and th "four- la'nes will be necessary to curry the tr .affi ;co ADJOURNMENT Ther "e hed:n ,no further, business:, to come before the meet.n,g., the meetsng was, a journede