HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 03/06/1956Ma:r c h 6., 1.9:56 Re ,meeting of t P-1,an - ni.ng Commission- held on the sixth day " -of Mardi,, r- 956, at 17 ;30 o Qd.lock I the Coune_i l Chamber City Ha`11 , Peta °Puma., Cali f Presernt Comm ssioner� Bi.g ow, Rob fogel.9 Salles, Tala'mantes and Taylo Ab s, : Comm i s's ko ne,r E 1 ^fno:r e. City Off ic-ia Is . City Engineer E Rus ?se l �kWo�T y - Actor °ney ;Ed- uoard: Robe�°t, and'. Guests;: None. APPROUAL OF INUTES. I_n ;the :minu,tre °s, of Eebruar°y 2l, 19'56, under 'M the heati-ng of Chairman & Vice- (Chairman• E'lect.ion,, Vice- chai;rm&n, ins =t'ea .of Gomm3ssioner, Taylor cl on°ducted 'the el and t_h`e phvase "follow - ing which Cha,3 rman D'ickerson re,sume`d the cha, manship" was tr to be added, t_o t ;p a r agraph on said' subject 'No .fu�rtherr ad.d.it1ons or , omi'ssaans t`he mi,nut,es` wer e, approved. VAL °LUCHESSA This. ,bei`ng the t'ima and place 'fo'r the ,pub1i,e hear- .ng on application :of' Va.l I.uche`s•sa to re,zone Parcel at 11 , La e 1 Avenue from R�- . zone. 'to R' ®2 zone, Cha;i.rman Taylor called. f o`r expressions in favor of the' r°eque.st.o Mr Luchessa spoke in behalf of 'hi appl stat that he vaou.ld T ike to = demo$.;ish the existing chieken :house, and' bui -ld two duple =xe -s upon his lot, Those l ear°d ..in ;protest were Mrs. Truman ;Fairbanks, 1,07 ,LaIre -1� Avenue, and Mrs. Pa9�sl, Hervey, 1040 "D'r' Street, who ex- p_resised t hemselves a °s^ d.ef,i "nitely against rezoning oaf s`a I'd p in order to ma the Peace and'. q'u1fe't of an R - d .s`trr1ict o , Chairman Taylor when pointed out that die to. the amb i;guou , 's ,1ang,ua;g'e of th:e Zoning Ordinance re® lati.Ve'to rf g l,e Fami ly Dwe 1,1 ng's and Farm ly �v✓e I l �ngs o r Dup lexes (�s - i 1g I e sgtruc�tur'e)• in the "'TR districts the matter° .wi 1 „ 1 Abe taken undter adv'i-se for clar;ifica't,ion. - fr°om thle City Attp,fftey and the City Council after wha -ch action 'wai'l1, die taken by. the Commis"sion, on the r°:e,zo -. appU.ca,tion:o 'This 'proc•,edure was e- xpl;alnerd, �t.o Mro LucNhessa The Clerk was directed to request clari!f.icat „ion of above ambiguity from the .Ci ty At to! At this time , it 'was p'o i'nt e d out by Mr . John, ` (a i.bbs, b. R o V1 Way, that Sectio 9023 (b) of ZonAing Ord o #340 NCS re.fe.rs. to Secti' on 7 0..22 (b) which doe :s not exist ',%n , :sa 1`d­ o!,r-dinancee, . He was told that- the matter is under cor;a°:ect ion. at the res ent time b thee C'i'ty Atto,r°neyo P y' REZON I NG .E %WASHINGTON ST. ' This being,' time and: place, f.'or the publ hear - VALL;EJ& TO HOPPER „the ing on rezoning E. Washington 'St l,aet f`rorn Vallejo e. RESTS, to Hop =per° 'Streetz fr -om C-2' to C ®2P 'zpne Chairman ..'Tay1 °o'r ca ll ed , for expres's,i'ons in favor and' in opposition to rezoning. None were heard, Howe�r.e:x°, n in answer to Mr. John Gibbs:,, it was, expIa =fined to him .hat the purpose of rezoning aid area is to �I. • /0 March 6 1956 require ; off-street p a r1k j-, g provisions for 1`utur'e comme-rc i a i bufid thg p constructed in said area t o - ,help, alleviate, the pa &iltuatl,oft along that s t,t'e,et fci t iQr Ed- 'F f dnk then addressed the Comril.s s Lon• in, with t.h�e Counci -l's requ.est to app.:roach the Commis,slon with the Idea of,,conisiA,er, in g 11 a Proper bu r;. zone b,et,we en, Edith & Va I l e j o St,-PQ.e . abutt l,ryg thee. proposed C-2P dl'8t.rict' and wh1l,e in the proc,e* of' rezoning said area, a . proper buffer zone could .be provided at, the, :same. time However, .it was —exp the Commi abl4sh.-*ng 4. buffer zone , that the mAt,te.r of eot I . i , should be included' In an overall inten study of samQ, for the entire city, Whereupon Resolution I n Ing s� e a,nd* rc omm dat , Lons with ,#5o report I d . I - _ - resplect: to propo. amendment to Zoning Ord. #34P NCS .by . rezoning E. Washington Street from Vallejo. to Hopptex Stre.e't, from a C-'2 zone to a C'_2P' zone i 'Comm1ss4 TaJamantes and se`conde_d by Cqmmi­ss'ioner- R ob wa-,s passed_by the follow!!. Ln vote Ayes: Coftitissi6ne'r.s! Robfog�e.l, Salle:s ta,lamant ±and Taylor. N'o esz Comm 1;s t L:on,e Bfgelow, Absent,-. Commis Elmore., Latz:er 1p the *Theetl up9n a motion made by C'Om- mis,s4ofte�r "Sa,fl,es�,, seconded by Comm`is�s.,Ionev B,igel,6.w,.,, and unanimous -1°y pas,s:e;d by all members pnels,ent, it wa,,s d, that - all, .members of the Planning Qom-, I mission meet -with: 'the, City Council . to discuss and study the matter of city -wide buffer zone ,-,, C ommissioner Pmmissloneir Bigelow ,was , p appol,nt-ed to arrange 'a. date with. the Counc whereupon he and Mr.. Frank tent-at'ivel'y .set- Monday,, March 26, .1956, , peftding CO'und.il confirnnat.ton of same a-nd the Commissibner-s are •to be nPt'I'f led' ac REZON'1NG W-PETERSEN-Y S Due to the Couricil action on on March 5th, 1956; , E-,.;-WAS & PAYRAN wd t regard to I t in g th e, petitioners oe,rs and those sent .'tette"r�s objecUlng to the 'Couhc 1 Q s action of r`ezon;Tn C.W. Pet,dr lot' on E. washi,ngton and Payran Sbre,els to, C -1 to attend any Council meetin and give, their reasons objecting to said Tezonlng,, the re;so1utI!on of intention pre�par:e'd, ' t P to ln,lt4at,e. �. rezone. said. lot' f rom C- I t•o, Rn- I was:. tab I e d upon a root I on made by . Commis-sA Sal.lei§ 'tecotilded by Commissioner ,Rob- f o 1 an unan passed by r al,j, �s p,re 1n reply. ..to Mr. Ma Ri .2��O Payian. St.. 'who jected' t the C-1 zoning Chajrrrian 74y tor t relteirated that In V th e ­co - "I I " L 1,ew of e, up c annIftg Commission b 1 n a . - g action, fhLo ' Pol ha` 't ,1 ! e ha the matte,r any further and t,hat he 'ha.s;the; privl".1e - of at:te�nd:ilng any Council meet. - ftg and e .hi,s op1hioh on. the sub jedt. 99. March 6, 1956 BEN WOODWOR_TH SUBDIVISION City Engineer Russell Ln,gram present;e,d' an area plot plan of the Ben Woodworth Subdivision f`or :the Comm cons iderati -ono FoI low i,ng a.general discussion, it was suggested to Mr. Marshall., engineer for isai,d subdivision, to in -. •corporat:e revisions in a ;layout as recommended by ' the Commission with c.:onside rat ton for a recreatLon- al area and school site. City Manager Ede Frank reported that he had received a telephone call from Dr. Twist of the School Board r, eque<st i.ng that some provision for 'a school site be studied. in the area. "that. Therefore, Chairman Taylor stated in the event the School Boa -rd dad not contact the City Engineer's office in regard to said school site, Mr. Marshall should check with 'the school authorities on the matter. Mr, Marshall indicated he would have a revised plan of said subdIvisi.on ready for the next meeting.' Later in the meeting, in answer.to Bob Wells of the Argus Courier, who requested an enlargement of the P1an'ning - Comm ssion actiaon on the area plot plan, Chairman Taylor explained that the Commission recommended the extension of Payran Street through_ the subd ; ivisi,on be re- routed to Magnolia Avenue, as Payran ;Street i.s a major city street on the Master,Plan., and although Magnolia Avenue is presently . outside: Eof the city .limits, in the pro - jection of streets, it is being considered as a major street. APPOINTMENT` OF-MEMBERS Due to the vacancy created by :resi of ON 'VARIOUS COMMITTEES George Dickerson, rearrangement.of committees Is necessary..and Chairman Taylor appointed the following on the various. named committees: Architectural. Commi.ss -ioner Robfog,pl, Chair- man; Commissioners Salley and Talamanteso Street Renamin o Commissioner Elmore, Chairman; and Commissioner Talamanteso Publ'ic.ity -o be known as Pub lTc Re lat: o.ns Commi tte,e ; Comm 1 s i.on.e.r Sa l l.es, Chairman; Commissioners'Elmor'e and Robfoge;l o . MRS:e 'R!?.Y KCNOCH Mrsa Ray Kynoc'h, 509 Main Street, addressed the. Commission regarding a lot owned by Mr. & Mrs. Kynoch at the corner of E,1 Ros;e. Drive and "D Streets, 107 x 89 exclud -ing measurements of a driveway on each side of the lo,t, and desired to know if said lot is large enough to build a duplex and zoning of same. City Engineer Russell Ingram., „ - informed her the lot was sufficient for such a dwe- ll.ing, but would require rezoning, whereupon the procedure of making formal application for rezoning in the City Engineer e s office was exp,hain,e to Mrs. Kyn oc,h o �. LETTER OF APPRECIATION - TO. GEORGE DI;CKER'SON ATTENDING SONOMA COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING ADJOURNMENT s lao March 6, 1956 Chairman Taylor reviewed George Dickerson's record with 'the Planning Commission.; He.wa -s appointed on June °9, 19'51., appointed vice- chairman on July 17, 195'1,, chairman on December° 23, 1953,'a resigned on Match 1, 1956. It' was felt that he should . receive an official Grote of thanks f rom the -Com® mission:, and in line with same, upon motion made by Comm.'issioner Salles, seconded b y Commissioner Robfa.gel, and unanimously passed by all members present, the City Attorney was directed to draft. a letter of" cbmmend and thanks to Mr . D icker son for .h1s :sservicea Upon the su'ggest1on of Chairman Taylor,, it was agreed that the members of the Planning Commission attend a meeting of the Sonoma County Planning 'Commission some t;i'me in the futur - - -e date to be rarrang with Mr.. Prather by Chairman Tayl;or,. and each member to be notified accord.inglyo There being no further business to come before the meeting, the meeting was.adjourned;