HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 03/20/1956PAAR-CH,, , 2 19 Regular _ Meqt,i',ng of the Planning C Tg omm on held on the twentieth day of Mb.r,c,h 19 at, 7:5,0, O.m, .. in. t,he' CouncJ I '.Chambers, Ci ty Ha 11 , Pet.a I Ca. 1, 1 f o rnA. a P'resen't: iComm `ssioners Bligelow,, El'mp.r'e, Rpbf Talamant�e�s and Tay Abaent. Comm issToner Salles. Qff - 1,c1ajs:: C C Engineer R'us�se I I I buftc,i Iman N and Rtfild-Ing Inspector Claude, Nel.'s entered 'd-ur-Ing the mee'tdng. Gu e s ts None, APPROVAL OF M1 N UT E 5 .In the mlnu.tes of Marc.-h 19,56, under the 's .1. 4. U'T �,w.W. jr��L,e�rz>!en nezpning, I'L, as di­recte tha he `wordt 11 f , "Or t, time being" be inserted after the word dec-ided !!the P,14nni g Commjs'sion has d for the t-ima,be,Ing not to hand le,,.....Ivo Fo I l owing t he, acb6ve addition , the ffiihlutez of March : 6th, weine qppr.oved,6. ,S T I ANLEY-M. "FRIE . DMM CO._,, Let,t,e__i dated March 115, 1956 from North. Bay D1vi_- sd-,on,, - Leagqe - of Cal Citi.e!s O�T Meet�;ing tp- b h,el.,d 1�ft Val I. on Sa­t April 1 - 2*1 19' at t h.e Val le jo C04hty C-'I .1;8 Soil;ario Av - wa's read, members desiring to a-ttend were ',reque ,st so that , , se,rv.,ation be s can to 'notify the c re Mad,e bef.bte AprJA 1, 0 Phon.e communication' with Mr.. Prathe,r of the ;Sonbma County Pl.8L'nn further .explained` Us.,e Permit app I ica:t noted in It's a-gend:a: of Dr. H.E. C;la P.a Stre;et at Lindberg Lane, Petaluma, P a Use Permit 't.6 6p:e,rat,e a traile,r court at the novthwe:st,erl y corner of Pavra,h Street and Lind-he Lane, ' zqne. Dtscwssdon Was held later. ilrl -tbe I et in U56 P erm.--i t app 1 ic a,t i,Q. of Stanley U. Friedman Co. 780 M"issio"n Stre - San Francisco, C 1-dfonnda, to condact an alAct sale on Thu.r.sday Ma_,rq�b 22, I L 9,1156, at 1.0L-.3'0 a for saje o - pr oce.sis 1ng , . e qu,1 p'-' m, nt at the Pac i.f I c 1 ,Yhol els ale, C_O1ffpa:ny j 1 Poultry. Street, M zon was then cofts - ,ld ere d. Cha i,rman Tay lor_. r eV4 ewed a siml lat ' nequest of the iywl.n F r-Ledman Company on Octob 18, 1955, , which granted by t-' Commis` ioz - an 'er' _*,ned'Lfhat tLh,e' s , n d �� d e. t M11 granting : of t, h. p ermit Woul,d not conflict, wi t h. any o or re ­of t'h,;e City Coiunci'1 and t he Gommls f'elt, the same p.r.ocedilre would' ap'p ly :, to the appllcat,ion being coftsicieredl, w ereupon ,h a pub,lic, hear - ing was not d<eemed necessary.: Reso- 1` Ut,lon, #5-56 grantin Use. Permit to. Stanley Frie,d.tan Co., lnt-rbduce!d b mmIssip,"ner Robfog")l Y es and: seconded by TAlaman.te was Da•s•sed 'by the fol,lowing vote,- /oz 9EN WOODWORTH.SUBDIVISION March 20, .1956 Aye s; Commissioners Bjig:elow Elmore, Rob- fogel, Talamantes and Taylor. Noes None Absent: Commissioner Salles Comm.iss;ioner Bigelow entered the meeting during the discussion `of the above matter and refused to vote, as he missed the main dkscussion "on the subject His refusal was considered an "aye" vote Mre Marsha.i 1, engineer for .Ben Woodworth Subdi.vi® lion, submitted, a remised preliminary layout for the Commi s's i on's 'consid In reply to Com- mLs.sioner Bigelow, Mr, Marshall stated he had con- tacted the- Petaluma School Board and was informed that a school site was not needed in said subdivim sione. Mr. Woodworth then spoke on the subject of a_'recreat.i -on_al site, and stated that he will deed Lots 87, 88 and 89 to the_ City for the purpose of a children's playground. The Commission mented Mr. Woodworth fo.r'his generous offer. How= eve -r, in the ;final- discussion, and with Mr o Woad worth's consent, it was agreeable with all con- cerned-that instead of the three lots offered that three contiguous lots be designated for a playground, and by a 4 to 1 vote, it was dec;id.ed that the location of said 'three lots be referred to the Recreation Commission., through the City `Eng,ineer e, offi.ce, for its recommendation. (Com. Talamantes voted to retain Mr. Woodworth's origin „ na 1 o.f f e�r of Lots 87, 88 and' 89). Commissioner Bigelow was appointed to convey to. ' the City Counci l at it;s next. work session Mr. � Wood- worth's offer of the aforementioned three lots as a playground, and request 'that the Council members consider 'the matter of establishing a, policy for future subdivisions to set aside a playground area as well as legalizing °same, if they so d Upon reque.et of the Commission as to the revised layout, city Engineer Russell Ingram noted that all cul -de -sac -s have been el.imi.nated all streets have been d.e,sig'ned as - through streets, that Pay - ran Street has been rerouted to connect to Magnolia Avenue and that the Payout appears to'be satisfac- tory,. 'whereupon the, Commission unofficially approv- ed the revi sled preliminary layout. In.jine with Commissioner Bigelow's suggestion, , it was decided that the future standard procedure of the Planning Commission will be to send a prelimin -. ary layout plat of all subdivisions to the Council for 'ita in°for.mati`on an"d' to notify the Commission of any suggested changes or modifications Matrc'b 20,! 1956 ZONING, ORDINANCE AMB. ICTUITTY (Thjs Item fol.lowed St an-.1-ey M'. Fr1edman- Use. Permit , inF the order '.of,. hustnass'). Us ?p= It app li1c -1 qf H:. E. Clarke to b ' 6 � pe:fate A traifer court. �at the nbrt.hWe�stetly corner q- . f P'ay.,r'a.n -Strere . t and Lindberg Lane, "A." zone was t. d Due to the fact the i,nf'ormatiron :on the app.lica.tion Wd ne*,celvea too late for :t he ;Comm d. s�sd o.ne..r. s 'to f'i"el,d check the site, it was f elt, t 1� in f airne t-o tlj'et a time was requ,ire.d to f &rlmdlate a recommendation for - the Sonoma a ��ou Mtv Pjanning Commission. It was sugg4e�,st­ d that If the Co�unty was - .,shed to hold t'he * matt era over lint I its ` eXt me,e�t.fn, a ,n ql the Commil'sz-1 wou 1A b, e. glad to make La reqo mmen dation f'olloviing its usual p,roc-edure of f1eld c,'hec kino the appl ' t I &m Ic a A leftef ryas. Al`(re.cte'd to be sent to th,e Sonoma, County Nan4i.nlg ,Commd's""S:Lon acc ,Chair�mian TAylor r�eparte'dh e had chetked with the �City Attarj.iey on the matter of the. ambiguity er.- counter . :- in R-2 dI&T ,trcts in the 'Zon-ing Ord... which was recent:l.v 'reife�rre�d, - to the City and City Cuqqqil,., - The Coun has directed the City, Attorney t,or p,nepane 1'e 1 Iat foh to clari said ambiguity as well as correct the' error : 'in Section 9.23 ('.b:)'. App.lic O ,e following parcels was the '4elxi Item, con.51d 1. Parcel /0­16l-'2,,, 3 X' 30O'- P f acin g , Do laz: St o Troff R-.2 to Cm zone. 26 p,ar #8,m-161, -%!,, g08a9® x 4 corner of .Douglas & Sp r ing Zt: . ex tehd,ed, from R-2 to zone 3. P:a:,rqel;s 8142­140, 119 12 -, , 0, 1 4, 1 4 16, 29W more ar' l ess X 45 sput h e w - J 4 - �st,e,r ly corner of Douglas St.. & Spring 'St". extended from R,m2 t o . R-3- 4� P'arce'l 0- 54, x 1,1 facing FaJ r St.. 'betwe,en Dou I a8 & 8alssett Sts. from R-2' 'to R-3. Mr,o Cava-magh then s;poke' in b.eha,lf of h4s request,,, qTV4 his reason folr his rezoning' application 'a:nid° e , 1ab;o1�rat.ing on his proposed plan - "1 .1 f'ot the property, He requeste� an tarly public, he.ar-1,ng; date. Howeve'rL, ,Chalrma:n Taylor ex'pl,ai,rYe�d that due to the resigna- t1o'n of George DIc,k,e.r's6,n and Phi I Ta lamantes and Mrs Elmorees absen'ce' f or- the next six, weeks, t,he carts Plannln�g CQrqm1s:sJ'on_ me'mb,er:s.hf _p w111 be depleted 0�),uncd I appo Intment of two n - rhb:e , r s to f I 11 the- e Vacanc,LeS6. The!r-ePo',re'f fb 19,56, , ,,, p.ubl ic hearing diate was * se't. ,at, 7'30 o`clock p.m. in the C'Oun-- I Chambers City Ha i I Tn V!Iew of t1fie fa(pt- the Commis-s-1-on felt the app I I'- ca."tioft Lnvodve comp-Hcated. prob1ems it was. unafll,mou 0 by :al.l memb,er:s, pr,'e,s to re quest thle se,rViOR;':§ of a Planning Consultant t:o assist. tb:e COmmiLsSion 1n this matter.