HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 05/15/1956p M _15? 1-956 ,P,;- gula.r meat P.rg f t, he 'Plann:93.ri.g Corrimisv ion, ri:el,d pri the 15:t► day of Pda: °.,, a;t.: 7' a 3,0 p i n 't.he Cougp 1 l .Chamb a� s. City Ha l 1 P:e,ta Iuma a m,,� y y ,:Ca i if Pres °ent Comml.s�s I ones s' Brown, ,Hey�va - tad, "Sal and, Taylor Absent Comm I ss.ioners Elmone a d. Robf°oge.1, City OfficAl.als:: City Manage! Ed - 6 �Fraank C'lty Et�94neer° Russell. V. ingr°am,, a. , Qity Attorney ,Ed ",ouard. Robert,. G.ise'sit s; : Non.e. APPROVAL OF` MINtUE`S ° . he minutes 'of May 1 •, ,1956 wane appr° otY,ed ass recorded, CORRESPONDENCE' tet° da', ,d MbL 7 j 1056, from City Attorney Ea, Robert stating tiiat the op i n. on of Miss Froei°e'r, r.e,,;search a±tor°n,q` .foir League of Calif. Citie :s,! .te _ }�ezonl g Pit. =expder p3 °ope:l°`,y, was written and is in. hl.s f 1:1es was read an'd; f led.,. JOHN'..CAVANAGH,, SR, "Thi sr be1ng the $ Ime and p lade Tdr the coat in ibh from April, 7t:h and May Tst o f - the ppu g; on ta;e app 1 a ca?�., «r? o f :Jahn Cavanagh y S =r° o y 100 Obugla S :m e;:o ., to °,b e parcels; of `lance located Oil Spring It o. Ex.tens.1on and 'Douglas St., between, Fa-lr -and t.lpham S re,ets,, from an Ro.2 to R-'3. and em °l _ zofaet, Chiair °ma Taylor exp laln ed that: fnasrri,icYi as an amended app:l ha.,s been fs led with the ty Commission by Mr. q ,ran;agtk eoverl,ng said, property, action on the, cirigina,l app,.11ca'tion caii now b;e mad'e,,, whereupon. Rasa l,ut !, #52 ^;e ject,ing ,proposred amend- meat to Lonl:n-g O5 d nanc,E, #31 0 NCS of parcel of land as stated abo - ve, Intrca'duced. by Commissioner Salles, se,aand.ed by Gomm s,,;Ioner Brown, was unan.i mv sly parsed by a1.A members prese?t:o W LDn LARSON' °Th1u. bei.xg the tiiiie aid: place. for the pu'bjic.,.h.ea°rIng DELINSUL on the a licat, Waa tdo Larson . Adell. Ho 1m' pp S s on of � and Sybil 1 Sul 1 .i:v an t o rezone 12.• y parcels. #6� -213m i i 9 and 13, located At 311, 315 .Ke Stree;t and 20 Pr°os,pect Street from an R�2 to ara I3 -3 zone, . Chairman Taylor called .for expresslon,s :n favor of' said app.l'i® ca:t one Mr Adel l ze Ho lrn 11 L i b:i°ty St.,., Qwner° . of property l`ocatEed at, 200 Prospect. St. , and Mr. . Mrs. w 1ud Lan -ton, 31;1 'Ke 1, 1 e St-6 ., were, pne:sen't arid. Pg.ok .in be`1 aI� o,f thei requeato "Mrsd Ho1m.. b that the proPefir -,t_ + in, que,t4?n would. make ;a good Mr° o & lti -r s apar �ment, d �� ��~ °� c and e . , Larson stated " that they bcughlt their p'noperty with the intention of remodel.j;ng the - ho4,is:e .f.or two. apa. tment,s ,u s'tair's ditd occupying downs;tair themselves, - bow- , l 'ever they learned that, being l:n an R -2 distr'i;ctq t,'h'.ey Wo ld. not he a�.11owed ' do a p a u r , ,f��.he,t adding that the r',eal estate .agent di:d not acq�ua ht them wit the :zoril.n� of thie p.ropeTty at. the ° -t.ime same was pu. cahas�ed;o Jft ' ord!P ° to save time and ex-. pefiae., :. Chad rman `1 ay?lo:r. expr�e =s:s;ed; thiat, it 'wou'ld) be we l l for real e: r,at e. agents to adv:a se. c l ent,s as ' to th;e zor.`irag cor�dlt.lois of property.,, - Sally Gyp'& of •Rud:doc'k, Rea 1. a: Spoke fra favor° of the„ reque's't o' No protels.t•s were he'ard:,. I.t '��as , brou;ght cut by the; app that suf'fic lent -parkdng and:. gara,geis "WoUld b aVAA lab I e for aft, R-� -.di 'st.rIc't-. Following a brief dl It was d=ecided by the Comm i s s i on that, t,he matte, be taken under a _dvitement and in -line wits :t,h,e P,xpr-e!s,sion of the: Commiss,i one rs, the City Att,qr­ ney was, directed to draw up a r'esiolutlon of Intentio'n o : t . he: Pi3'nning, Commission pTo.po.sing to rezone the entire ; block bounded by Oak A Prospect St"neet and LTberty & Xell:er Stneets from an R ®2 to an :R ®3 .zone: as it vv&si belleved re':zoning of the ent,tre block wo U'Ll, d be good plann Thl's WouId 'provide for proper buffe'r zones arid' wuuld also eliminate spot zoning. Thais *action, was met with the . approval of the app li­o , SERVIOF STATION �P ROP.*tRT INC REZONE PORT`I 'G UT EMU': fE ANN EXAT tWAN5'QNI A' ' C _ UT _ LER L . 00 This being the time and p;kac for the p u - blic. hear-ind oft the: application ..of A.J.., Stefan!, 215 Dougla;s St., :for a .4 ft setback on corner Lot to d:on- struict .garage : and ca in line with existing .gpinage, R-?2 zone, Cha,ii Tay,Io4.r called for. .expre�!§--?. s1oma.. Mr. S,te wa's p re . s and stated, that -lie, , would, Nke ito A gata,ge: and carpor in. ljne with the, existing ga.rag,a as It. would make' a better qp than if siet - back , the 10 ft. requirementg all,ow a better view for neighbors than If - bu:i'lt in rear "yard and would 'not , up his ' back yard. Mi% Ham Scb�o:enin contract-br, a I nd Mr John Cavana. ­_ - I - _9 1.1- .- ­ - . gh, S117 9 ,400 -Doud'l,a,,s spoke In the request n favo"r, of . 1�, o protests *e-re heard I t, was ve.rified by the City Eh that the buildIng coverage of the lot woul.d be about 3'0% and that : ,any Improvement �of Spring St a wok. wok. I d rack. b e a:Pf ect e d jb a 4 fta setbac=k of the pro-- posed g a r'a-ge and c a i p or,,t t 'T t iadJ-cate - a ' pp 14 ' ca - n that he In end tens , ' the side along hii's property on Spnirivg Street. No otb&t e �comments were' heard, Vhereu:pon,.,Res"oI.uU.on granting variance intr6d�ud.ed, - by Comm Heyward, sec by - grown was" �unanlmousl` pas by �aitl CommisisIoner y :MeMber,s, Pne t eftt �_a;�c ean;rezone vequest was de1ayed. unti'l er In the me(jtl ftg as app,licarits ha'd not arx, Comml is s,ione r Brown n8p ho -had d Is,cius�s'e,d 'the rezone neque.sts of Swanson & Cutlet and John, Nor ,aA wit'.1a, the CItY CouncII. There were' further 'comment questlone, whereu-p Re so lut-.'f,o n- 453 recommending the adoption of proposed amendment to Zoni.ng Ord. #340 NQS by tecla,ssify.ing t,-h,-e P - oir t Ion, of the area khown as Caute,rmut.e Annexation (except the easterly corner of M.c.Dowe.1.1 Road and' E. Wa.shingtqn St 162 X v50 ;f a zone t o . ® 3 and C- ­ I zones Int-rod by CommI&s-Iqne Sal,le,s. s,acond'ed by . .Q MMIss'lojie HyewaFrA was unanimously, pa,sseA' by ",a. ., momb6rs pre fs..ento' „/#_ NOV &A' ANN "� N NOV�I 4 K :MRS.6.HARO.`W ,SIMO NS CONWAY PARK SUD NO. -1 BETTY TUNSTALL G-E4e E. VAN SEBBER May 15, f956 Mr., John Novak, appli: was present. and agztee'4 to the Commls5longz- pr oposal 't:o p.rzoVl4e fo, an R-3 buff er zone 120 ft, In depth ;a the north® e'aster'ly and n6_rWt th boundary of said area, He also.,�tat' that he will' go ahead with con'struic tian whenever his. Inve:stment will warrant same Re's . ol-,Uti-on- #54 ' r-etomiiiendlngthe ado f p - ptl4on, of po,se nd d' amement to , ZOn 'n O # 340 14CS re'cl a SsIfy- the parea knd, - - at 'TT46vak Annex&ti.on con- taYl, acres,' from a "U” zone t,o' a C® I" an R-3' zone.,_ Intirodtaic by Cqmqissloner 11rown., se by Gommls Heyward, was unanimously passed by a,l,l'm_e,Mb,e,rs pre�sent. Us Pe!lrmlt appllcatfon �to condui L home for foster - hi, C 1,6.r.' Aay -- time- care j at 9'85 PhIlLips Ave Rl'x- I zofter, was next, -cQn�stoered'. Mr. Simons- husband of ap presient and congented,.t6. the 11mit of three, fost children which was DIdluded as a -condItion-In th. Use, Perr I nit, whereupon Re o 1,utllon ,#11m56 grantl:ng Use PeTmIt- int,roduced by -Commi,s- sione.:r -Sal,les, sec- ondzd' by CqTpissloner Heyward:, was uncA.nllmo,t!slv vaszzd by all merriber Lett y Trom dated Ma. I 0�, 1,9!56, City EAglne;er R Ingram, approvin t e ndtat I,ve map of Qqnway Pa Sub- diVision #1,, tead and flled - wheneupon Resolution #56, approving, s ame, , In"t,.toduced' .'by Commissioner Hey ward., seconded by Cow-mi'ssibn,gr Sa.11es, was unanimous . ly p.as.se by all members pre,tseftt. U&e. Peirmit, a #7310 of Betty Tunst,all, Cedar Gro've, Fa to conduct home for fos,ter children-.day time: caire, zone,.q. I w as then clonsidered. The applj,.! :cant was, 1 pres-ent and requested timit of sllA T o sier chIldrenj which wa.-.s i as a cond t.1 on in the, Use Permlt-, wh -Resolution #15,,56, granting us:e Permit," I,ntrod.u by ' Commissioner BlLroWn. se-c b' COmMfj 8 �SJL one r� Hey ward, Was unanimously Pa by a,:Ci_rn_dinbe,r*s present, Us,e Permit app "L'cia:t I on #7322 of'.'Geor'ge E. "Van, Bebbe.r, 'L Raymond, He-tghts to co nst r uct hiaav hdrdw av e stiore, and ma,(f h jLfte -s h o p at 72.9 ThIrA Street, C ®2 And flul9 zones was 'the. next Item under con.sidevat1pn,. -Ugon, questjon, City - -Englneevr D:ngram, pointed o:ut, t hat hat- the u,s of a ma4thine .fin n �a C-2 zone is pe.rml . t�t:e,d at the dl:sc.tetion -of - the: Commls,slon. However..,- Mr, 1/an Bebber, who­was, pne in behalf o.f his; r,e.ques;t, stated that he intend to mai.rftalLn the machine ' in the 'rea,r of - the. proposed, bul I d and the st,or,e ko th(��, fnont�, as 8h.own on the p,,Iot. lilan and hu-ildI,ng de.slgn submitte , Thls 'met wi th the Comm si - sl on 9 s, appr oVa I a & the great-er part ,of the machlae shop rmauld 'then be located in the lvMlt %­ - ' .' - - - ., pbrtlon of h is gnQpexty. It was not,g.d that sufficle.nt! j)ark' ,would be proVided and that Mr". V.an Bebbe`r,hs .a. a right of way into hlsl Pro'penty from Second Steeet�. wher,ea- 'upon Resolution #16 grahtlqg, Use Permit, intro - May 15 , 0 56 due,ed by Comml,ssioner Heyward, seconded by Commis - �' sioner Sa'lles, 'wa. unanimously passed by a1,1 members present. OLIVE BL.AKLEY serpermit application #733.3 of 011ve Blakley to eauty'shop inhome located at 313 Fifth St., R zone, was taken under consideration. The appli,- cant was preserit and It was determined that said shop would be operated according to union regulations, and that no additional help wou be employed. Short discussion followed and at was decided to hold a publ hearing on the application., wh4ch was set for June 5th at-7e30 P.m. I the Council Chambers, City Hall, 'Petaluma. AME RE DA Lette from Ci ty Atto dated M ay 11, 19 re NURSERIES. proposed amendment to Zoning Ordinance allowing day nurseries In any distri In P read' and filed 'It was pointed out by the City Engineer that public hearing wa not necessary as sa,i'd .amendment does not Involve any change "df boundary, whereupon.Resolution. X57 of. i Initiat an ame - Zoning Ordinance #340 NCS to a day nurseries (group day care of chi 1dr'en) , licensed :by. the State of Ca lif. in any district after obtaining a Use Permit therefor introduced by Commis Salles and seconded by Commissiones.Brown,, wa unanimously passed by all 5 memo er s present. Mrs. Porritt Was advised that .upon adoption. of Council or.dina•nc;e,, she could, then obtain a .copy of same for the Statev. information relative to her application for 'a day nursery. JOHN'' AVANAGH, SRo Ammded appli:catalon of John Cavanagh, Sr°',,400 Douglas St., requesting rezoning of foi lowing •parcels o I. Parcels 8_161 —� and 8_16 1, .40.99 .more o less fronting Douglas St. by 40907 facing unimproved portion of Spring St. from R -2 to G -1o. 20 Parcels 8-092-7, x 15 0 0 facing fl a ir Ste between Douglas & Ba Streets from R -2 to'R' - }o. 3 Parcels 8_142_10, 11, 12, 13 , 1'4, 15 & 16,, 290 more or 'less by •45 southwesterly - corner Douglas and Spring St. Extension from R -2: to R -3o Public hea °ring date was set 't fo,r' June '5, ,1'9 at 7030 P.m. In the Counci.l Chambers, City Hall Mr°'o Cavanagh was pr°eaent and pointed out an error 'on the County Assessors Parcel map-with regard to his He was advised to contact the County Assessor Qs office on same, and if any revisions are to be made, a, corrected map is to be furnished the City Engineers, office. 'If Mr. Cavanagh desires, the City Engineer could accompany him to. the County Assessor v s office. The Comm °issdon also suggested that it wou=ld be advisable for Mr. Cavanagh to present some detailed p lans before the Commission as to his' plot layout, etc. May 1 1956 RIIICE STATION PERTIES INC This b:e °i.ng the, time and place for the public hearing on the application of Service Station Properties, 515 Market St., San Francisco to rezone southeas,ter- .ly corner of' 8. Washington St. & McDowell Road 162 x 1.50 (portion of Gutermute- Annexation) from nUrr Zone to C -1 zone was opened by Chairman Taylor. The applicants were present and no comments were heard. Resolution #55 recomme the adoptio o proposed amendment to Zoning Ordinance #340 NCS reclassifying the southeasterly corner of E. Washington Street and McDowell Road (p rtion of Gut:ermute Annexation): 162 x 1 from a 11 zone to a C zone, introduce( by Commisisioner Sall.e.s and seconded by Commissioner Heyward, was unanimously passed by all members_ present. SERVICE STATION With regard to the use permit application of Service PROPERTIES_ INCA r Station Properties, Inc. 515 Ma -rket Street, San. Francisco, to construct and operate a service station In a "UB zosee, southeasterly corner of Ee Washington Street and MdDowell Road,, 162 x 1508. ( of Gutermute Annexation), 'and in line with City - Engineer Ingram ° requ'ps:t, th.e following cond:.iti,on :was in- clu'd-ed in the Use Permit "Subje t:o agreement cover in g im provement work between Service Stat P ' . ties, Ind. , 'and. the City of Petal•uma' o Mr. Ingram explained thal:,.said agreement stipulates performance of certain Improvement work which . will include curbs gutters, drainage,, street work and sewer. They will be allowed a'temporary sewer connection to the.line at McDowell VLllage,'but will be required to dis- connect and hook up to the sewer on McDowell Road when constructed to service buildings on the ad,jac.eni Swanson & Cutler property. Resolution #14 -56 g - ing Use Permit, introduced by Commissioner Salles and seconded'by► Commissioner Brown, was unanimously passed by all members present. RE ZONING ORDINANCE City Attorney Robert and City Manager Ed Frank- AMENDMENT C - '1 ®M approached the Commission with th matter of .pr°o- pos'Ing an amendment to the Zoning Ord'inanc'e estab- li.shing a C - -M area which would allow medical ` off Ices, p on drug stores and, coffee. shops. It was fell, that in view of the fact that the new hospi`ta.l w i l l shortly be ready for use and ..,it is expected that medical men will wish to.have offices near the hospital, and there might be, a need fo:r such a, cen.tet: shou.;ld East Petal :uma keep growing,, a zone co=a.ld be create -d and pr°operly' defined' for ._ this purpose. Mr.' - frahk out tha t this would, l also save con�s.i.derab le amount of time i:n liegal pro- f cedur.e as well. In line with their sugg.estion the City Attorney was directed to re ar the.'heces- Y y e p p , - sary legislation for the next meeting proposing the above, ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come blefore the meeting, the meeting was adjourned.