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Minutes 09/18/1956
_ SEPTIIM BER. 18 1:9 ular° meeting of the Planning Commission held on September 18; 1956c OA clock °pem,o. in; the° Counci3 _Charnber;s'9 'City .Ha �1, Petaluma "Cal °e�or r? � a. ®- ' Pr:e;sertm` "onmissione�s `Elmc?r.e ,1e0r,rard, RobfbgPl::� Salles and Taylor - Ibsen °, : Commis_eion :er Broiv: City, O"�ff`i o.ias o None o APPROM OF T INU`I'ES -,- OT . 1UI, I've of August 21;, 1956' and Septem?er 5 1Q56', ._L were appr°ove,d as racorded.o. ` - C.ORRESPQNDENCE Le tter from :Fire Ch1.ef, Je M. Eagl ri to - the City rage re Proper °t:y at, 718 3rd Str°ee't Otirier Da JA Ra Sad e's was read and fileao MARGARET BURK =' M G ET -' - Use Permit apple at 'h- #BQ4 .• of: Mrs. Margar _ " = Bur °Ke.� 318 'Hv�ard Sfiree.t�, to oondu'c�a 'home' foxy _ ' fos , er c'hzldren�dfaytme oar°e R 1 "z'one;o was :. nexfi: oc'r � dered, The applicant was not present: ale this time' acid at" - the suggestion of Commis_ _ �ion er'° :Heyuva?. tY e matter was held over until' dte° - gin the.me�tinga FLORENC PALO._ _ Use Permit apps oa is on ,8180 o_ f Nis o Fl orenoe . . -� r PalZ 6 Pa an Sty et t o conduct `home for _ f c' E rl°er ®f lit me. sure,, R-1 z one a Wa "s next oonsideredo' MWo Pa-11c. as `present and reglante,d a, limit of sIx �hildren wh"' 'h' was ,., in � e �1 d d' as a oo idlt ion in the Us'e Per' it Resolution , -35 i'6 ant3n tTSe Perms t a ntr ®® g _ He. second duced b Commisszoner p ard:�'"ed by .... C�mmssone .S,ale vats unan imously paased by all, = emberspresrr%o : C,TMENS WATE C.O1VITTEE Chairman Tay���r Mated 'that it hacl been requeste a �a -� `by -the Su��Comm L fee on Dist ° buti -on of t =he ;C.orliinz;tt :ee that AC Tetter "be:, sent ta'" tYlem `t`ram the "Pla°nnirlg " - COT h iSs1Or1 . :onf�;r°m Mg =: a . thg- :as gi�ren to them on the map ` on _ otion Au Est1 1J50 yvheY°eu on a, m vaas' `made_ by 9 P. _e�tunate . _ :. , ` Commissioner Heyi!vard and, seconded by C:ommi- ssion.er. -. Elmo t en e r re o s d a letter vo the - C itizens �Yate Commi EXTT5TQN, OF , Fa,URTH .STREET TO °I ',. 'ZT..I AU FN;UE Comm ss, oner ;8al1es sfioa. e,d that on the basis. :of the ";r eeommende tion of Col. Hoaas. of =tYie pacif B card of. Fire. Underwr° ter°s gin, the Lett : ,om . , Fire C,h %ef :Jo Mo_ Eaglin to the City �IVIanagr re „ Prcp`erty at: 718 ZP d Street,9 : :O her Dr o "J® .Ro Sal es " wh�:c. via.s read earlier r the net ng taut. t'he Planning: Comini;se'ion. -reque "st that, tine; A OU 01— extend F ©ur#�h Street throw° h t'o Tit View g R _ _ L A enue He fur - 11e stateA' that this show be: done as. soon as - ' po sible :and before property owners. in that area build 'homes on the portion requir fore the street. C ommissioner Hey.ard stated that; due to the con jestion on "Wilson. Street that Payr°an Street, should ` be extended through to the Lakeville Highway. After a general di a motion was made by Commis- sioner Heyward and seconded by Commissioner Sallea to send a .le't;ter 'to the City Council: requesting their immediate action to implement the Master Streets and Highways Plan which T, %Tas filed in the office of the City Clerk on March 26 1955 and submitted to the Council for their .approval and adoption on April 21, 1955, an-d drawing their particular attention to the extenslions of Fourth Street. (.from "V, to., m. Vsew)' *and Payr°an Street through to the Lakeville Highway. MARGA BURKE Use Permit application #8045 of Mrs. Margaret BUIrke 9 318 'Ht7 yard Street to conduct 'home for fn;ster - Mi,l.d :ven.-' me' car e'l 'R ®1" z one', was nP:xt considered, ' The applicant - was present and stated that an error, had been made in her appli- cation and that it should :read "fullti ne care' instead of "daytime tar°e' and also that she would like to" care for only two children. The clerk was 'dire 6d to 'oorre6t the application to r(� ,gd r a.fulT t care" and that the follouin condition be incl uded.' in the Use Permit- Limit to two - fo s"ter children" whereupon Resolution #3 granting Use Permit, introduced by Coming ss oneP Ro:bf.ogel - and - seconded. by Commis® :ai6.ner`' Sall,.es eras unanimously passed by all member's present. COL. JOHN GIBBS RETIRED, In line* with the suggestion of Commissioner nd' se ,onded�by C mmiasiob 9CRobfo piner Sall,es a th t 'a a l etter I of appreciatiOn be sent to Lt. Col. John. P. G; bbs, ,. T o ,S,.A, F.a .(Re"tired) ' for ' the fine article written'by him 'and published in the Ar°gus 'Courier~ on',September 10, 1956 entitled, 18 .A Chance To Serve", ADJOURNN EIiT There being no further 'busi n:e to come befora the meeting', the meeting was adjourned, -2-