HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 11/06/195614 OVIII�FER , 5
,Regular meeting; of the :Plaxii -Ing Coi ml scion he, on NcrVO.mber 6 1. 956,' at 7:`3.0
lb a clock peat. in tree CoturmAl.. 'CYiamb8r,8. City 114 11., Petaluma, C
Rr°eserita Comtnssicntrus Erown, Carlson,, He��: =,, Sal,les and Taylaz
Absent a
Commissioners Elmore and tcobfog'�l.,
City C)ff3 t� %also CIA
ra`� e- Ed Fa a-rik 81-1d Cou- Y7T, -Iman Jotui J. King.
APPROVAL OF MTNUTE.i :fin th mA..nut.es of M�teber 16., 1 under `the
heading of` T. B. Worthington, Commissioner
mown. instead of Chaz.ritian Taylor, ,advised him.
YhetO being' no further c;orr,eetiona., the minutes
were approvP o
MNtT CARLSO J Chairman. Ta,yi�or welr omed C'.00mi:ssioner Kenneth 1 Csr°lsor� who was a:ppoz.�l� e� d by tY e Council on
O,c ober 1 7., 19 6
C;ORRE P,ON]7 C Letter from City Cl �rvk �'d . ixd tc� 9 r°0 Appoint
-meat - of Ka-meth Carlsion to City Planning
Cornmission w read an(I filed.
Letter ftom , Clex >k and Az- ditor, re Master
Sheet and 'Hig'bwa-: - Plan was' read and filed
Letter from Zit. COL.*, Joh B. Gibbs, TJSAP (Ret)•
5u ;estirrg .Co�d�.y't �y �V�aIL "y Dam as a .source_ Of
water for Petaluma was read, and, f il-edo
MN E`J?H KYLE TYii8 being the tzme� ai;i d -�i ace for the public
hearing cn` - apps ijyat'i n: � 3 of Kenneth
5 Kenttzr „key Sttee t; to re�?.one Lots. 3 -061 -3 and
located at 417 and 421 -- Street from
-3 zone,, to. C ®P, voile Corr ni ssi;oner _Carlson
aske permission to be excused from voting. on
'tih s matter as this was his first meeting and
he was no's: farn,l.liar with the d.s'oussions; pre"
v ,ousl.y field by the Plenn,ing Commis:s on.
CYiaiy�inari Tayi or ca!? ed upc�ri i.ir°d Kyle for an
expression whor e'dj)ctn lh�,. K 'le st ated that
he 'believed, the CormYnlss:t oar was familiar wi th
the. situation wrrereb.- Pre had or' ginally filed
an applicAt�i on for- variances 'on this property.,.
Duty after eons .dPring all Pactpr°s asr. far, as the ' City was conc'ertined and the fa OA that the.
commer°eial area. w=ould prc�traYily grow in this
tl rec% on., he thought it wogl'd. be to t` he best'
interest. of the City to cancel his variance;
app n
further°sta�:edht -the ezoning instead,
a pply for a
Hs old apartment
buildings now existing on this piropetty would
be r °emo% ed and a mc;Ide:r°ra pr°ofessi onal building,
HERNETH KYLE e Cont would be bul1t' No. ot�° 1 expressions w e r e ,
heard in favor :and no expressions were heard
against this rec�nings, A general discussion
f °Mowed wherein Commis sioner Salles - asked,
Mr. Kyle if he had' onsidered' building a two
story Wilding acid provide parking on the same
pr°opertye Mr. hy1e explained that it rums not
desirab;.e 'to ba ld a two�sto' ry building and
that he' would risot nave sufficient space for
parking; fan6ilities even, if. a two -story building;
Were built o He fur°th:er stated that he has
leased, tYie , property adjacent to his lots for
1�0 years with 'an option .to renew the- ,.lease for
ano t h er 10 ,,years in order that he could provide
pa � _ting :facilities for his professional building.
CoUhoilman King remaYrked I that he believe this property 'was in the Parking District and it was
hi - impression that all, of the property :in the
Parking DisstricM was reli.oved of the :problem
o-° - oroviding packing fac'iliaties.o City Manager
Ed P'renk, stated that this, property was in the
Parking D%s,tri'.c�t but he would have to review
the ar O,Ua,nce in order to; determine whether or
not parking facilities .would not be .requir'ed
in the. Parking District; He further stated -
that he would check this and also obtain a legal
opinion from the City Attorneys;
Mr.e. T B1 Wt�rthington4.et4te'd that he could see.
no reason why parking should enter into the
questibno Chairman Taylor explained that `in. a
C -.2 zones are not required
acid du to the cr owded cond tforis existing upon .
the streets in the City parking facilities-
should be considered.
Chairman Taylor took a;poll of the commissioners
present .to dell -rmine whether the matter ;should
'be - token under advisement or whether. to_ ,give
Mrs Kyle theirs ,de:csi0n at this t "ime Commis
signers Brown" and S,alle,s .were in favor of giving
Mr,. Kyle 'a decai now and Commissioner Heyward,
and Chairman Taylor were in favor "of taking the
matt�,er under advisement., Bec ause of they split
decision the 'matter suss taken under advi sement
until such time as the Parking District require
tents could be reviewed and a legal= 'opa , -ion
obtained from the City Attorney
Ilse Permit appl
-. KI�EISEft- Cp Il se
y F� of Foster � , Kle ser
FOSTER & 3�catior � 43
Co 0 1,, 5 Eddy Street �: Sari. P'r°anoisco. Califor°nia,s
to .replace sign lost at' 731 Third Street witY �
a, double, face sign on property locat.ed at the
south line of East Washrngton 145 feet east of
FOSTER., &. KMEISER CO•,. (Contd;) Copel Street, ' .zone., was next considered.
Mr. John R. Bennett,, r'epresentat'ive of the
company,, Was present' and stated that Mr°e, "Van
Bobber was desirous of iitilizing the wall of
his new building next 't'o the sign located at
737' Third street and asked' them if they would
remove their ,sign. In order to comply, with
Mr e van 13e, a s request D , hi c ompany was now
requesting perE-sion to replace this. sign on
liropertyy 61died' by the Railroad Company locate
at East We an d Copeland Streets. He
furthen stated that they' "until nated
'leas,e with the. r ail r o a d;, compan for the purpose
of placing a sign on this property and that this
sign v ouIa be a double f°a;eed sign facing north.
and south and. "to be erected on steel posts.
After a general d`is6ussion. Resolution No. 36 ,-5C
granting the use permit was,intro;ducad by C_om
missioner Salles 9' seer,, onded by Commissioner
Carlson and, passed 'by the following vote a
Ayes; Commissioners Rrownit•1 Carlson,,
Heyward., S and Taylor,
N:c�es None e.
Absent o Commissioners ' Elmore and Robfogel. e
*Dec;lir e' to vote by Commissioner Brown i
considered an aye- vote,
Public hearing on amend a pp l i cation of Roy
Keiser 'to rezone Lots 1 -thru 9 from R-1 to H -11
Lots 1:O thru� 24 from " (t ° '' to :H -M. Lots 2 - 5 'thru
31 from t � !"' to R ;! and Lot 32 'f r ° o m RIP to Ro1 .
located; in Conway Park. Subdivision. . #1 was held
October 16 1g56. - Letter from- City Attorney
in regard the legality of changing zones
without the necessity of fil.in� an amended
application with, respect ta thi l a application
was read and filed =o . Following; a brief discus- -
lion .t was. , unan mOusly decided to change the
zone requested for Lot °s - 25, thru� 31 :from R -3 to
HAM. The, cl"er°k:. was.'instructe.d to. make this
change. in 'the res,clution whereupon Resolution
7 recommendin the ado tlon of ro
inept t'o Zorin Ord No e
amend g o 34`0 � CS
reclassif xng Conway Park Subdlvslon NoCeSo,-
y 1
located .zA ther mos',,t southerly .end of "B .Street;.
from an R ®I and a "U" zone or district to an
H -M zone or district and from a "U zone or
di str�'Gt; to an 'R ®l zone or district., introduced
oy Commissioner° Heyward. and seconded by Commis-
unanimously passed 0Y all
member, p as.
OULTRY PRODUCERS OF Use - Permit application x8424 of Poultry Pro-
r ENTRAIN CALIFORNIA ducers of Central California, 323` East Washing;.-
ton, to construct experimental. station' adjacent
to Laboratory., t eM t9 zone,, was next considered.
There was no representative of the Poultry
Producers present, whereupon Chairman Taylor
took a poll of"the :commis'sioners present and it
was unanimously decided to- postpone action until
such time'as the Poultry Producers could have
a representative.present to discuss the work
contemplated, by them'. Chairman Taylor reviewed
the correspondence - and minutes of -the month of
December,, 1955, at"which time the'Poultry Pro-
ducers had appeared before the Commission to
determine -the necessary steps to. be* taken to
construct an experimental station adjacent to
their laboratory, for the benefit of the Com-
mi.ssioners who were not.. on .= the Planning Commis -
sion at that time. After a brief discussion a
motion was made by Commissioner Salles and
seconded by Commissioner' Heyward that a letter .
be sent to.Poultry Producers requesting them
to have a .representative present on November 2O a
1956. The Clerk was directed to attend to this
PLANNING COMMISSIONER 1`S Chairman Taylor called 'the commissioners 4
HANDBOOK attention to the Planning Commissioner'Bs.Hand -
book for California compiled by the Sonoma
County and Santo,, Rosa "Planning Commission and
the valuable information contained. in this
handbook. He announced, that an additional
supply had been received and if any of the
Commissioners, di.dnat have one and would like to
have one., . for° them to contact the Clerk.
STREET RENAMING 'COMMITTEE In view of the Fact that the Street' Renaming
Committee has only' two members and the other°
committees have - three Chairman Taylor.appoint:ed
Commissioner Carlson to serve on this committee.
MASTER STREET AND Chairman 'Taylor" announced that there would be
HIGHWAY PLAN A "short informal meeting after° adjournment for
the purpose of :appointing; °a committee to study
Master Street and.Highway Plan - to bring it
up - -to -date as requested by the City Council...
ADJOURNMT There ,being no further business to come before
the meeting the meeting was adjourned.