HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 11/20/1956ass RO'ILLM3EP 0 , : � 9.5 6 Regular meeting of the Planning rorrLnisszoh held on November ZO,, 19`56 at 7 o' cloek, pomo in the ,Council Chambers,, Cj'ty Ha 'l. Petaluma, Calif°orniao Present Commissioners. Carlson, E lmore, Heyward,, Robf -ogel and 'Taylor. Absent.° o Oommissioner's Brown and Sallosa City.' Officials,,: City Engineer RCvsse_1 ?No ,TrI am APPROVAL OV YENtTTES 1VIin:, te of No vember 1956' were :approved as r ec'orded;a KENNETH :KYLE' Public hpa.r,.ing on application #8342 of Kenneth Kyle, 25 KentuckAT Street to r-ezzone Lots •g�061� -3 and 8061-4 located: at 417 and 421 t'B,rt. Street from R -3 zone to C`- ; ,zone was het „d November 6;, 05 a . iV1r T.s B? Vorthing v,on was present repre- senting "Mx Kyle, Chalr°an Taylor asked .wire WdrtI that if the property in question was rezaened to a C` zone would Mr. Kyle be willing to czrtaln °c' haltions placed upon, the rezoning such as . maintaining the 10! lease with, option to renew for another 10 years on the adjoin n� lot fore parking facilities as originally stated; constructionA'o reasonably c.onforrr to the fploVplan as file with the Planning Go r rrlss on;9 and the placing of a, time limit on the starting aril completion of the bu .l.ding. Chairman. Taylor further stated that Chris prb -edure of placing conditi upon; a• rezoning was s `new and that it Mould be a :policy of' the Planning, Commission in the future. Mr. Worthington stated ghat it was the sn,ent10h of sire yl;e to ;continue the, lease he had at present on the aa�aining .Iot and that T+ 1 , 6 Kylels archiu L, w si making - some changes in trie interior of `the, building, but the .exterior would be t'he, same a °s that on the plan filed with the „Planning C;ommiss1on.o As.tohe time limitation Mr. Worthington explai ` t ned that con struction ��r;ould be commenced as rapidly as possible,, bu:t that he could not give; a definite date. After general discussion it was agreed. to set a time limit of 0 months after final action of the City Council in which ta commence: construction and c.ompl to be within one year of ter final act1on of the Council o Mr. Worthington agreed that this, would be bmple time foie the construction of the building and he felt that all. of the conditions were fc but he did not have* power of attorney to make a final decsion At” the suggestion of Commissioner Robfogel it was decided to hold' up voting on the resolution until later' on in the meeting and see if° Nlr ?ildorth- ng�'on ct�uld get. in touch With Ivtr. a FoT e by phone 9 in order that the appli ca'ti on aoij.1d be acted upon without Durtl er delay,. Is-' OVENIB ZO., 1956 ®page 2 POULTRY' PRODUCERS' OF LTse.` Per°rnit appl i catlen #84­24-,of Poultry Pr c)- CENTRAL:_ CALIFORNIA . ,. uuc .rs o r° --' ;f Nh- Cal= far°llia, 323 East Washing- t0 toi cons r uct: an, experimental station ad jacent to their laborat'ory at 323 East. Wash'inQ.t on ill an � gene was next considered. IV . Be Tviaxwe Ll was present as the representa- tive of the Poultry Producers. Mr. Ylaxweld. Ijooug th a pi t- plan and explained to the Go_rrt issione�a the type -,.of construction contem- plated and the location. Af ter a general discussion It was ex aimed to Mr Maxwell. that there was no e.) ec U to the construction of 1 t 7 s Pxper 1- mental st'ati'on but the requ cements of t� be Depar °ttiesn- o f, Public Health would have t.o be ( bIie d with. A letter written by 'Dr. R, S u 'Nestpha.l.. of the. Department of Publ Nea4lth dated November• 3, 1�55 was read statz.ng c;onditi.0y -is to be riiet by the `Poultry Producer - °s' if a , hicken experimental stat Was `built o Mr. Maxwell stated that, they Would comply with these At the suggestion of City Engineer° InFram t; e; conditions as stated- in the letter from 'the Department of Public Health Were i'.ncludel in. the resolution, as follows a 1 . Chicken droppings ar& to be removed twice a; week to prt fly breed ngo 2 -6 �adequjat,e :se'reening around, station to prevent fl: -'es from entering,. 3, tTse re;� du:s_ spr°ys during .fly breeding months as pro tective measure e 4. The use of chl,,ot ne compounds if -neces -- vary as an s d to odor contr when washing cement .slabs a VVher°eupon, Resolution. No, 35 -56 gY °anting the use permit was introduced by Commissi,on.er Heyward seconded by Conmiissioner Elmore and unanimously passe'd� by' all members present,. ` DAVIS POULTRY_ C tTse Permit .application #8551 of Davis. Poultry CI inlc, 176 Main StPe'et, to..expand the r present business 'to include day -time dog and. cat cl'ini C ®2 zone. was next considered, Dr. Dungan was' present on. behalf of this Application and explained that at the presenV their clinic. only performed vetei'inary .services on all types c if poul,tr`y, including; the handling of drugs and vaccines, but that; they woul dd Like to expand in order to 'take care of dogs, and cats In the daytime only. after a brief discussion and with l NOAEN1BEEi. 20 195.6 - page "3 r DAVIS POULTRY CLINIC. (Cone _d)` the permission of th'' applican the following condition Was included in the use permit! Dogs and teats -not to be left over night Without an. attendanto rr Resolution No, -7 56. granting the use permit was then introduced, by C Carlson ' sedonde by Commi st oner Robfogel ari'd unan - mously passed `by all nember`s present. SHE LL .QIL C0MP. TY� Use: Permit' Appliea:t �on x£3555. of Shell Oil Com- parry, 3050 Montgomery Dr,, Santa Rosa to construct -and operate a service station at the northeast corner of East Washington. and Payran Streets { Feterse property), C -1 zone, was the next, item on the akendae .Chairman .Taylor stated gnat. inasinuch as :the C,t,y Council did not, act within the required '6`0 day period as - set forth in, Section. 11.18 of the Zoning Ordin- ance� the Planning Commission did not feel that this particular property had been legally rezoned to. a. - zone s and they Would not con isider this application fora use permit. A. ' motion was made- by Commissioner Robfogel, se.cohded - by Commi:ssi�oner Elmore and unan mousy Y passed by all members present that the Planning' ' Coinraissioii -riot. consider this application for the reason *that the property had not been - �o :action' 'was on the n n eseted9 The Clerk' was instructed, to return the appli=- cation fee to the, applicant', Nir. Petersen was present and remind@ - d the Commission. that the City l ttorney had rendered an opinion with ,respect to the .rezoning of this property Chairman 'Taylor stated - that they were aware . of this opinion but died not agree with it, and that it would have too be: tested Chairman. Ta -ior informed�:�2r Petersen and the Shell Oil Company representative present that they 'could take the 'matter to court` to be 'te;sted, Nlr� Petersen said he would do sop ERIK '-klk UESEN Use Perim ,t* application #8565 :o,f Erik- I18M esen of 2560 - Red,00d'H ghway North to conduct home o,c:cupat on of telephone answering- :service at 53.0 Wil Street., R. --3 aone was next considered =. The applicant wa.s. present and pointed out that an error. had been made._ in the application and that �theP correct address should be 130 and 13OA Wilson Street. The. +appl cation and resolution- din Iya �Iro �r;e �.e corrected cco Mathie;sen further stated that since ther..e `was no teZ ephone • /.5-' DIMMER 209 19.5.6 -, page 4 RI K- KkTI-ITESEN .:Cont Td.,) answering i n and because of the: ;need of it i1a I.As ID us he Was applying for a 'use pe•rTb,-it t() operate a telephone an' veering, ser Via . ' ,He explain tha the (� ilJipll F%7t used ift this type of bLl'SineS`S would- cbrisist O a serf- tihb�oard with approximately 80 U 1( lJL.nes and that, anyone could have. their tee- Iepho e�, an , Wered can a'24, 1.1o1a-r° basis by sub S , - r- Bing .i,e this senrice. Busi subscr - bing to this t, pe of aerviee generally would be Vhv yI - ians ,, ' Jeterl:'n '' c a. 8 and other bLl`S1nas- ses of this nature. After .a brief discussion it was de termined that there would be no loud ringing of belha or buzzers connected with this occupaf,ion T,n1aic - I). vvc. - be a - nuisance to the s rraunding neighborhood. therefore a public heari'rig wolxld Hoo=t re necessary. Thereupon, Res'c1u��z.dn X39 - t;ng the u'se permit was in,V. °oClaeed by C`o;�ni ssioner El :more - _ seconded by Comi Heyward and unanimously passed by a.11. , yembeY`•S present:. MS. TIARGPOET SHEARER' Use Permit a=pplication #9575 of i \jlrs. IYargar Shearer ref` 529 x,2urra Drive, to conduct home I for foster czll&oe --n daytime care, R -1 zone, Was next_ conslder°ed. The applicant iA s present and after a br ief discussion, requested a limit o.f six children., b ^rhicZi vas Included as a con. d Lion in th Ji,se Permit. Resolution, #40a -5:6 .p granting the use permit,, introduced by Coma is- sioner R' obtogel and seconded. by Cominssonera Ca'r 1so.n was unanimoixsly pas=sed by all members present KE�i�I�ETH KYLE I�ir'. Worth Lpgton stated that he had reached Mrs Kyle by phone and that he. Was in. agreement with all of the conditions' except 'the time limitations At the present - he 'anticpated' start within 6 mont-h� arid' -completion t o . -within one yeas,, but souleth.ing unforeseen could happen whi h. could prevent him from starting or completing con.stnzction within the time speci fled. Chairman Taylor explained that if cir- cumstances arose Which Would prevent him from .starting or completing on. schedule, an extentaon :could be granted upon request. This being, afire :eabl.e, - the foll.owi ng, c,ondition.s were ordered incorpQrat -ed in 't'he resolu.c ona l.o Applicant to maintain lease on adjoining lot for parking fat illties for 1:0, years with option to rerne v for another° 10 years.. /S'? NOVEMBER 20,;,, 1:956 page 5 r , NETH KYL (c ont ? d.e 2 Pl:ar s as subffIttIed to "the Planning �ComgiJ lion by ' the applicant to be closely (. on_6,rme d t6. 3,; Ap "O,° p Ift to commence of building w t,hi`n, �6 ' months after - final a -ti of 't C'� ty Council and building, �o be cotnplet.4 d within one year after f rral action of the City Council, 1rherettpon, Resol ition NTb,, 68 recommending the adoption o ... proposed amendment to Zoning Qrdin M*iae No "F4u N.O.S a , reclassifying Lots 8=- 0.61, 3 anti `8061-4 '3 0c , te , at 417 and 421 ' Street..,. Petal ma,, r.r °rr1 an. II R• 3" zone or district to a 2 4 7 one or district was introduced by., Comrlssio Robfogel,, seconded by Commissioner Car °l,son., acid Tiinanimously pa -ssed, ''by all members, Pr`esens: �a PRESS ,DEMOCRAT REPOR,TJM, Chairman. Taylor introduced Ruben Salazar, reps �,er.° r. eplaclr g Howard Kessler, for the Pr e.s s Democr T' BOB WE Alell..a a0d eased the Commission: and asked Vi-I y coed t"on a had, been placed upon the rezoning of lei °a F ylF s prc�pFx'ry and not on :other com- ?ne�.c; al °rez;c�- r��Ilg. a iri the past. He also wanted - to knL} �� if these conditions vvEre not complied With, would the rez be null and. void. Cha.irT :n Taylor explained that due to the fact that in the past, property had been rezoned comme cially,, bat nothing, further had developed, and since there had been a. lot of ,criticism _ because of this,, the Planning Commission felt that if certain conditions had. to be met In order for p p; J be d 9 ' that voul.�nottapplyfor until - applIcants d . they were able to c;a;r°ry ou_;t their plans as presented 'to the Commission at the time. of the rezoni:ng� ' 'He further expitiained t °hat if the e cond.itlon8S were notr met, the property might' possi:bly back to the original zone.. He stated again that this was 'a new procedure and. that it. would be the .policy of the Planning C'omTftisSlon to, r.equ re certain conditions of a reasonable natgr6 On a ll rezoning applications 'in the: future. T AND Chai a s a result of GH�iAYS ;meeting held on N•ovemb:er 6, 1956., the- following - members were " appoint.ed'to serge as a committee to. work with jTEIVBER 20' 195E page ,6 ASTER STREET AND thip- Clt Errg ��-r and su�rmIt 'to the Planning. HI,C�HWAY PLAN. �Cont 9 do ): Camn�iss bn as a °;C. �T reLo r�ie -7dat oils for b�in`gin th Mlas ei, Street and Highway Plan CCum , 8 or�er He;yMard,, Chairman Corr�nl, one S'aZles; ComiIIssioner Carlson ADJO, URN INMIT shere' bQ g; no f_,uMher t7xsiness to come before t'he mee:�ing,, the meeting was, adtjourneda