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DECEMBER 419 19 56
Ineet`lYlg, of the Flannijvig Co rml . lsio l' h' PI.d on' De e fiber .4 1956 at 7
p 6 , U,- the Co"uv'e di C hamb � s, C ty Hall,, Fetaluma, Calif rn a,,
Pre;svnt- Comrnisd oners Carlson., EI_rm)re� `H- „ yffard, Robfoge -1. Salles and Ta l.
Absent Commissioner Brown-.
City ' Officials q. Clty' AtterL h%r E!4o 'rd Ri beT - -t, As- 3istant City Engineer Eob-
Penifter arid' Counc °.3:.lman I-Ai ” t.ca ' (sU--, aaf ,-!,o ,d
APPROUAI; OF l�7 INUT �TJ r -6s of T�evembe:�° 20, 1 were aPpr ov�t� a
- -- {Y .
FRANCES WELIAIIA d Us'e a pp ioati<:an #8:577 of °Frances Iqellman
o f 348 'F�:yrEj S Y, to c.endiict home for Poste
t "Il care,, R :.: zone,c, was r:.aftsldererdi,
Chairman TCly"ior call lea for expressions from the
ayppl iC°ars a Wei i mad"! state,d that .since thie
z .1 'rag of hE�r ap;PU at n, one of her boys Ylad
moved out of to n and she rjow had room °to care
for one c on. a 1� II �:ime' basis and asked if
she rotxld ha},� �t�t- a�;pL atj,bn charged aac ordin;g
wvP:� the get_ r� >"�txestea the max nuinbe of six
lb taf full- idren,, After a brief di8� s8ion it was
y ag eed by -8tl ,," )o 1m"Lssioners, present
to chc rig iY1C'Q n Wel 1mari s 'appi.icati to read
a aday ime axed f °t7 } l- tits,_ Sja e and the following
L on g �:.C:,Y p N tp�it:i °tire Use 'Permit,
care, p r :s - led h y� tIia:t if there be
o.ne : �i d , � l,- . ttil...�t me care, t,rlat s' ayrtriT e:
care shall lse 1.
allied u ro fi�,re chi.LIC °en,a r�
R -uti n No. 41 -� 6; granting the Use Permit; was
trien introd,t:i e d � CoMmIssion -ar Heyw ar°d, seoonded
b� Goan. e :r Elmore, aYlc3 Unanimously Passed
by a5 T ,members present—,,
ICE_ VEN DIMI MACHINE. M � �,Tames,,Ao Lockie `?',s 1'ok f indings of the
Pr nnPn dinr���dng al ° ar
n ��, the use c,f an
Y 'i , � o a
zone, was next
<Nons_�dered r? c�pl..n on t' r.Arri tree City A tcrney
Which state :Ln par t l lt:r lz rj. Ilding could be
o�,n;�� der d to fall, in. the class o " Sec�� on 4h51 �a�
ta° I s ores. and ether uses a;f � `�zm�lar nature'�
was Pbad and f iM`e6,, T&r o Lockie was present on
behallf Of ri 7_ s, r eoi� - ,v st o Zfnen ,asked b Chi. �
Taylor for an exp:g esrsioti, sta ed that he noth n,g
f i.rther to add. Af°t! r a, ,general d ,scussion in
_ Wh.t rah Cha -nnan Taylor ,stated that . he had field
rEnecpked this ar ea and in_ View of the fact 'that
,this use m gr to Obstruct t'he dri eway, he ha
contacted, the .i h
S:h � � ,, V1, ,
�.. d �.� �GY �L. �ta,�1Q�Y1
iz ne. t: to the ce tTE3ndi g build: n-- and the
/6, 5(-
DECEMBER 4. 19.56 page 2
E VENDING MACHINE operata � atated. that he =d no ab� ect "L,on to the
o0n�• "do ..ti ice ,l S''c�7_n E'1Y1�, s.3i.��..��.�;.;17.g � placed i n t hat �?a,�t�,-
4u a e (d onA A Ooll was, then taken of the
members preso.rit and J was un�n mously agreed
that an iz e vend np_ tiuild n.g vvcnuld be an allow
e , u;e -is, �%ro' in Section 4.51 (a)., .reta
stores and othei -- - uses ,,of a; similar na.ture:., of
the Z on? ng. Grd.in ire, ds tat
in fihe. Cite.
to.ie y and tit a use permit would
G & K ,MOTORS use Perm Yr application #86 :58 of G & K Motors
338' M::iri to operate :an auto repair and
)ai.n , sb p at 401 Was
1 - t , Str n oe't. 9 C zone�
'4[le�i �iF e� de-1i Q n Cria, r °man `Payl'cr 'a ke( or°
ani expr ea ,..on f -o the appi is nt Mr. Frei.
Klem i"1ok stated t I.'Ia t he and his paP to -er ., Mr.
!.! d S. ��'9,; 2 " `vad nest oont<~a.cted the owner of
tr4i prk�per y lh re-gar°d to leasing the building,
but -�:t t. ap.4.,:c Ci.Cf'r' a u se,: 1eriT11 t first.
Q 'He
ft,ir'the!'' t s=.at stated ui?c3.'� if the use permit was g��ant�ed
that wcAdId riot guarantee that they would use
I1e, use 'p, rlfl:tt Chalri,maan' Taylor= _IoforTfled 111m
that t?, ey had o*n e gear , in whi`:h to. us e the permit
and l :i't vas ' Tl C:'? used within I:ti d time- 3,t W - ul:d
b and, w_' l (o A g neral. discussion .f ollowe .
and after- i,3,i�, .a, ,poil o .1 the Gorr�r�isslc�r�ex ~s
was ur atzimously de'oide:d that a p ;xblica:
he a -:ng was not. neaesisary. Whereupon, „RersolutTon
Nod 45.= 5 a4i zn , the use - verm to was ntr'�oduc,
t>y C'mmiloes atiek Ro fogel ,, .se.conded by Cummiss .on;m
er Cacr an a r.md.'Y131I1C)tati^il y pass.ed by a members
r a, , ejntr.o
CLINTON GARRETT Use Per, °nYlt dppl .on #866 of Clinton Gar°rett�,
1 R., - Washington,, to s Christmas trees on
lot at 60' En. U' YashinL , ton n . Gm One, was. next
c = fi �red9 Mrs<, Garrett-was present on behalf
of rhe it apP1 ca;ti6n,. As it was deemed a, pd, lie
hearing was not necessary', Resolution #4:3_ Q
b !?1°aY.ltn� " rlg the Use Permit 8: in ed by C ommis - ,
sl.oner Elmore g s��Aon� =ed, by Commissioner Hervar'd
and inanrt�otasYr paa,sec by all rtieriberas present,
MILTON GUSTAF'SON Use Perm appl�i�ration #8664. of Milton. Gustafson
Bud.ega and Baker Street 8,, to conduct outdoor
P salez , of,Chri3tnias trees at the corner of Bodega
and Baker Str h Rya zone o 1 Gustafson was
present c behalf ( f' his application. It was
pointed o�.�ta t:,ha�, the. sa �.e Of CI�°1s.tmas tr ees in
an R, -3 tz ��ne its all aWabl;e :und ho 2e occupation :t
As it was deemed. a public°, hearing was not nec.es-
Sary, RO ol,ut:_ #44-56 grant.. ng the Use Permit
was introduced 1 ?y Comm -is.s on6ir Carlson., seconded
by Commiss.:Loner Robfogel", and unanimously passed
by all members presOnt,
DE EMBER 4 � 1 56 page :3
Use Permit app , ication #36' of St. Vinoen, 4 S
F'at eY L a _'.lu'6, CJn1<:'n and Howard Str.eeta to
.0 o'nd.uct sale' of Christmas trees at the corner
of Un" On and H �wTI Street s,� Rm� zone was next
%.'ons:�.�e"red. �i `. Fta.oh d Sauk was presen
r ep�r°' xr 1 t .gig the St„ Vincent a s Father? s Club.
As .1.r was s� �?r ^e? :� ��abi. -L hearing was no*', -,
sary Reso t',Jl n ,e-16- 56 granting the Use PerrrLit
was introduced by Commissioner Salles., seconded
by Ca b and unanimously passed
Use Pei n.L aw"I.itiat ` on 486" ?3 of Ralph G aoomini,
637 C asa fps "antic Rd. , 'to Ct: ndu outdoor sale of
C:h ° .:fir. as ��<r:�e ._ a u 1 Iviai n Street ., C2 none s, was
ne: (.t consit eredo I'a: s. Giaconnini -was present on
be, f of `i�'f eir'° i�:pp�� �a.t;i c,ri., A public hearing
ii!raS deemed n l 'rl. ?e+' E scary , wher eupon Resol ution
"_ v Use Permit was introduced by
CC ? ? niri�:i�`i or *,' He.T!u:c� d,, �iE'.r;C)1� ded�. Y��1 Ci Tt1Tii ;�:iOx'le•:�'
E:?_r11f r.: an i ur-,an � 17 c ualy passed r)y all members
Use Pe^ °ft 's: aps.�:_t,��.::Ion #83" C i,
of Dale La Franc ,
9240 Star R +d.. , W I;ndso-1" Call forma h to cond -t
'au d ar CI s tY_(i 8I ty , e sales on. Four I S Lree'
b L F:�s#,r`r Fr'e�ez.e and Levai.,s Bl C -2 zone
nex nex r- r.n.si s:. re(d. Tile a.pl.Ij.:c:ant ws not
1, es -nI-. ,, pr A,siscan" City Engineer Bob
Peii -nor: otat ed that their ° r of° had r'ec iel ed a
'Ph one ;gall. f,r LY Mrs, n La. - P r . s acing that
t 1_'?.ad. j t ;: rn.' pied and , ley Were Llli. ry
getE�_rr; ..rhe',t ' oz; 'early and could not possibly
tt, , h me r:.ng,. ' She also stated that they
h ad so - Id (: hv , , is 'mas trees for the last 14 years
and requested. favo rable a � ;tion from the Planning
Commission. Cha rmza,n Taylor stated that it was
the policy of the Planning Commission to have
the app? 1.c,q.nt s or a. representative pF°esent, at
t._Vv tirzle a, tT;seer°mzt is being r;onsidere ±a, b':
due 1":o the .fait tha'i; 'the busines of Selling
e Frees was only f °cr. a short Length of
t;'` c ° .f_i yid be made in
in;e , possib.:� y an ex��,p. can c ou
this, case, if' age °c eab' .e with the other Commis
s' oners 4 A -l: oll vvraw taller: and all of the
O - fitni a i.oners present were agreeable to make an
exception in t,h .s case. Resolution x%48. 5' 6 grant-
:I_ng the Use' Per:rIit as then initroduc,ed by Commis-
sioner Cai. lson ser:onded by Commissioner Robfogel
and unara.inlc_,u8ly papsed by all members present.
16 `,
nEC FID31B 4, 1956 -
page 4
apps i, #8678 of Boy Scout TToop
852 Werste, kve., to conduct outdoor sale
of-ChAstma5 trees at 702 E. Washington (part
lot), R-1 zone, w4s next considered. Mr.
RosertKal was pwe sent relresenting the Boy Kout.
Tr-, #'I. C.1liairman Twji.o explained f or the
benefit of the Corm i5 Who ,were not on the
Planning Commission last year and the publiq,
that it had been determined at that time that
the nale af christmas teens in an R-1 zone Was
allotable under the use of " ,op and Tree Farm.-
ing". Mr. ROventhal stated that there was no
person& profit in thelselling of these chrihmas
tee and all of the profits went to the Boy
Scout Trcop An in the above applications.,
a. pivib
, I hen; �ng
4 q -11- was klleembd not necessary, where-
.-L'e. "
Upon Reso ti-5S granting the Use Permit
= introduced by Comaissioner 341lesysecondud
by Commissioner Carlson and - passed
byall lembers present.
In answer to a qu6stion nf Bob Wells to ChAirman
Taylor during the meeting on November ,20, 1956,;
Ghairman Taylor informed. him that the Planning
Commission haa the auth( to inclule Bondi :
tions on K use permits, and variances
, 4hinh Oey think are right and of a-reasonable
nalbure bl t'ne provialons of Chapter 9 and 10:
UP the TAning Ordinance. Ahe ^ torney
confirmed this statement by st City ating that the'
was entitled to recommend
to the Council as to the conditions it deems
a as to any ti
acon it wishes the Counc il
to take. Char man Tayllor 'further stated 'that
the Council has the right to remove any or all
of the canditions.
There being no further business to come before
the meeting, the mee'ti'ng was adjourned.