HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 01/15/1957171 JANUARY 15E, 1957 Regular meeting of � the Planning Comdtasion, held on January i5, 1 at 7:30' ftr the Council Chambers, City Hall,., Petaluma-, Califo rnia. sent,: Cor rimi 881pnera Brown, Carlson., Elmore , `Taylor Salles an _'Nonb send o City Officials : City ,En" R�us8ell Im gineer mam.,'City Attorney Edouard Robert and. Cit y Manager Ed Frank APPROVAL; OF MINUTES Minutes, of J anua ry S,. 195 a; as -,7 were ap pro ve d GORRESPONDENCE Letter ft . Petaluma ..0' OM reqpes-. ting;* two .24'7,epres . entatiVeb to, attend. meeti on ,January 6th -t.0 ou tobl6ms concernih S chaol was. read An Od. Chairman T - - Tor .announce that he. and Corgi ssioner car1s 4Y; wO� d - attOtfd this meeting of the Petaluta, Bpard, . - of Education. ' Bay- Divi sion , . - Notice, from North B; of League of C orh Yv IA Citieq of next .meeting to be 'held At Green'Mill. Petalurha, on Saturday January 26th 1957, , was read and. filedi, MRS WALTER PECK . Use, Petmit�.rapp.-.1eation- #9018 of Mrs. Walter Peck,, 'ib 21 87 . conduct home, for f oster p 6 ' ' j c are; MA dte n ® day�Uhiet'are R-3 zone-,, was next con- 81deredj_ "Mr. Walter Peck Wa,8'.prei dent and stated that his wife. had-.r.-eqUested that ,she be a1lowed * c ; e f or a t o. care 's. man as six children . V which was : 'Y included as, a condition in the Usia Pe t 'R solution "--;57 .ahti th gr , ng e Use .Permit Was! int'r,oducedi by Commissioner Brown, .. seconded by :.C:OMm- - 8,811'Oner - .Elmore - and 'Unanimously p by all members, present., G-& K MOTORS,._ INC, Use � Permi t applicati #9014 Of G & K Mot ora, 339?, Main- Stteetl to operate - an auto re.pai—r and ". pa-int Main _Street, C'-2 zone, was r;, `cohsider0d. Memir t next 8, Go" Aehok .;2PrPqge and Kler Apte `iprOeftt Oil, behalf of thei r ap plication . . o K16r at nenQX stated that . they wer-& very f ortunate in obtaining this building as 'it was next t.(j their' present .. business . at '`338 MaIn 'Street. and the t-lon was' better for that. : type 0' loca t f business, *! �i I& Chal T r stated that. in . a conversation With Mr. e Go earl lier".. he. was informed 'that the applicants were planning- to construct a con- netting doorway, . betteeh t he two buildings, Chairman Taylor inf OrmeA Messrs. Gossag.e and Kl6m6nOk.to check with the: &-gi_neerus office as there- might 'be building p,6 ' and, `_ti _.re'gulatIons , in blved4 R�esdlu ion.'No.. UZ-57 gra g the Use introduced, by' - Sdll;es and, seconded by C.ovia$sIo'he' , on was unanimously pa: y present" ssed b all tembers, ' I JANUARY lb., '195-7 - page 2 PETAITIWA. SEVE1\1TY -DAY invaNTIST CHURCH. - Use Permit application X9043 of Petaluma , Se Venth-Day Advnt ist Church,, Up ham and Eng1ish, Streeta, to construct a church 'at 626 ID4 Street R'-1 zone,, was the next 'item of business consid ePed.. Past - or Robert Hampel., ., , McConnell Ave. Santa Rosa arid Nt-,, T' pnwdell 'Lucas. 1316 McGregor� e a, t L:,ima 9 Elder in the church. were. present reiprarsenting the c•urdh. Pastor Hampel stated that at present they had no definitb plans as to the layout or the type of construction,,, but that i't., would - be either concrete block or frame con- stP He state that. the lot size - was 1 v X 178 s and. they were planning to build a church approximately . 40, 1 x. 80► with a seating capacity of :1,50 to 200., which , would leave them ample space for the parking of 40 or 50 autto- m 6 b&I les.. Hampel.brought forth a plot Pastor or ' plan of a similar church which was built 'in_ Stoct0h, 'He stat,ed. that they V m- ere giving co nsid eration to this plan as - well as -other plans. The plan was reviewed by the Cqmissloners in order that t , hey could get sore idea of the archite,c-- tur-al design, contemplated by the church A poll was taken, of the commissioners present and it was unan'imous'ly der-ideA that a public hearing was necessary in this particular case. The date for the public hearing: was set for February 5,,. .1,957,, at "70.30 p.m. in. the Council Chambers City Hall. Chairman 'Tayl,or infbrmed. the applicants that if they°had anymore information or plans, to bring them Along At that time-., PETALUMA EGG CO, U8e 'Permit, Application O9049 Of Petaluma Egg Co.., 815 Wilson Street, to operate an egg ' candling and padkjng business at the rear. of 816Avla-In- treet- C. - „ The applicant M y .r. Ka Tsujihara., was, Prelsent and stated that this was the same busi- nessas was presently belh Operated at 815, Wil * son'St-raet Which 0,onsJLE�ted of bhe candling, of " eggs and packing them in smaller cartons,.,, then delivering, tb stores for resale, Chairman Taylor' - ion called for an opin from the City ,City Attorney Edouard,RobOtt: stated that it was hi-s opinion that if `this use permit was granteld the Planning, ,Commission should :state in he resolution their findift;ts that it. , Is a use of a similar nature stich', - as those uses permitted ,under Section 4..52 of the. Zoning Ordinanc& =Chairrnan Taylor stated. they would do so and instructed the Clerk to add this to the resolu- tion.,,, whereupon 'Rasolutil oft No•. U4­57 granting the use perrait wft8 introduced by Cor.missioner Brown sec by Cominissiorier Elmore. and unanimously y passed by all members present. ,r3 JANUARY 15, 1957 - page 3 PETALUMA TRADE CENTER, INC., The next item of busine s was the application of , LBERT ROCK & ASSOCIATES. Petaluma Trade Center Inc., Delbert Rock &: Associates to rezone Parcels 8= 092 -7, -10, and -12, the southea.sterly.half of'Parcels 8- 092 -13,. -14 and - 15.,Parcels 8-142-10., -11., -12, -13, . -T14, X15 and "l6 , and that portion of Spring St. now abandoned, from R -2, ,R-3 and U zones 'to `a C-1 zone. A sketch of the area outlining the proposed shopping center was presented for the Commissiones information. Messrs. Rock, Young and Harmon.were..pres'ent representing Petaluma Trade Center Inc. Delbert'Rock & Associates. The applicant stated that their application should 'also include the rezoning of Lot No:. 189. The'Clerk was instructed to add this to the pp - a licatono Following a brief study of the sketch., public hearing date was set by the Com- mission for February 5, 1957, at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers, City:Hall,o ARCHITECTURAL 0019IITTEE Due to the vacancies on the Architectural Commit- tee created by the resignation of'Roy Heyward and Charles Robfogel.,, Chairman Taylor appointed the following, to serve on 'this Committees Commissioner Sall es, Chairman and Commissioner Carlson. Chairman Taylor further stated that inasmuch as the Planning,Commission was short two members, he would'serve'on this committee temporarily until such time as the two vacancies' on the .Plan- - ping Commission had been filled. LETTFR'OF APPRECIATION Upon the:suggesti,on of Chairman Taylor, a motion TO ROY HEYWARR AND was made by Commissioner Elmore, seconded by CHARLES;ROBFOGEL. Commissioner Salles and unanimously passed by all members present,, that the ,City Attorney write a letter- of thanks "and,appreciation to former Commissioners. He and Robfogel for their services to the Planning Commission, ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the meeting, the meeting was adjourned.