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APRIL 2,..:1957
egular meeting; of the Planning Commission. held on April 2- 1957 at 7:30 o'clock
p< m. n_.the Council Chambers,,, Clay Hall, Petaluma, California..
18 7
Present. Commissioners Carlson,
Elmore, Margolis and Taylor
Absent; Commissioners Brown and SaIles.
City, Officials. City Engineer Russell.
Ingram and -City Manager. Ed. Frank
Minutes of, March 19, 19:57 were approved as
Notice from North Bay Division of League of Calif.
'!ies of jnext meeting to be held at Cali stoga on
April, 13 1957, was read and filed:
Use Permit app.lica:tion. #123 of Lillian- Hardie,
.8 Keller Street to conduct home for foster children,
daytime care, C -.2 zone, was next considered.. The.
applicant wa.s 'present and ;requested permi.ss °ion to
care for six foster children. This being, included
as a condition in the. use permit, Resolution 'No.
U12 =57 granting,the Use Permit was introduced by
Commissioner Margolis, seconded by Commissioner
Elmore and, unanimously passed by all members
The matter of amending, the Zoning Ordinance to
require a minimum. living area for dwellings within
the City limits was next .considered'. Chairman
Taylor pointed out chat under our present-zoning
ordinance a. residential building could be built with
a minimum. living area of 210 sq. ft. on a- large. lot
in a. choice residential, neighborhood which would
deteriorate property values within. that area. He
further started that the City of Anaheim had solved
this roblem b. requiring p y q g a minimum.of 1100 sq. ft.
of living area within a residential district..
The City Engineer reported that he had reviewed
about 20 zoning. ordinances of "other California .Cities
and none of these had ,a minimum living area require-
ment, but that :the City of Fairfield was. proposing a.
zoning, ordinance whereby the residential zones were
divided into -six different groups instead of the usual
R -.1, R- 2.and. R- 3.di:stricts.
APRIL 2; 195;7
A .general d fol1lowe& w'he'rein it was deter-
ORDINANCE ;;- C ®ntinueti..;
rni.ned. that a minimum living are : for re;sielential
de�:ll.ngs ,Should be required, but that the minimum
should not:''be so' high .as to create a hardship., It was
s e � d ® m�lbejr the residential districts could,
be d _ _ r districts And set a_ different
minimum for each one,. ,- A poll was taken of the
members resent and it a:s unanimousl e
p . y a red that
tthe zoning_ should be amended to reflect
` -
the .above. Chairman. TAylor directed the City Eng =
neer and. City Attorney to inve : stigO to the matter
farther and; ;submlt. a, proposed amendment to f,Y e
omri�assi.cn.�s. _soon as po'ssble , for further
gessrs, Abck,- Harmon., Young; Cavanagh, Johnson
anal Ey ing, re atives of: the Petaluma `I rade
Centet I_m were pre'sen and - requested approval of
the prel.rnfnary. plot .plan, for th shopping center
be bur lt. cn Douglas. Street. inasmuch as this item
was not - oh :the, agenda%, a:; poll was taken and it was
t:nanam+usl.y agreed to C onsider the pl ans at :thi:s time.
The plans were subm and upon -exami.nation they
appeared -to be in: aecor with all requirem
except that. -W) prove sfon s. had been made for the
posse' -ble e tehs :on of Balser Street. A general ,discus -=
sion f0lIowed d ring whicIh. the question was. I raised as
to whether or not anything had b
regardx.ng the i.ngre.s,s and egress traffic from the
property to Fair Street. Mr. Young assured the
o I -- "bssI that They ' would work with the Schoo1
Boar. df on .th s problem and something would be 'worked
but to close = entr,ance'and exit during the hours
when school traffic would be at ;its peak. It
agreed by all, parties that the, requirements of the
School Board in this matter would-be-given first
coasideration b'efbr :co nstruction begins ion the'pro-
ject.. A poll was then taken of "the Commissioners
present; � it was .the. unanimous opinion that the.
C omm give An. informal approval of. the prelim-
. .
na ry: plot plan with the condition that the City Cou ' ci.l
has no obj6ct4on's- o the plan in.:ts.entirety, particu-
tarty to. the: fact _ that Baker Street is be.ng cut off by
the bullding The City Manager then, stated that the
Plann!. ComjTi ssi.o should subm a letter to fhe
City .Cou ncil of their findings And if thins letter wa s. ,
recoi.ved by la;riday he would: put the matter on the
agenda Chai.rr -an..Tayl.or .assured them _that 4a- letter .
would be- written by ghat time.:
/2� .
APRIL, 2•, 1957,!7-,-. page. 3
The City Mana ger in fo r - med the Commission. that
budgets for the -next years. expenditures should be
prepared, and submitted to him for the Council as
soon as possfble. Arid `he had asked the City Engineer'
to report, the Commission the information he had
obtained 'in San. Francisco and Sacramento about the
Federal Government In the financing. of
Planning projects. The. City Engineer explained , that
the Federal Government would pay 507 the cost of
a planning project. For example, if project cost
$'12s 0 the Federal Government would pay $6, 000.
and the City would pay $6, 000. Of the $6, 000. paid
by the.City, $3,.000. 'Would be in cash. and the other
$3, 000. would be paid- in the way of services by City'
persbnnol that is,. Engiheering Department and
stenographic work. - He further stated that a. planning
project was necessary in Petaluma. -the next
year to make a land use survey and. land use maps
extending the City into the County and . tying it into"
the County's zoning, a master streets and highways
plan.and the Zoning map should be revised. In.order
to secure Federal aid, a community planfier would
have tobehirod. Chairman Taylor stated that the
.budget would be placed on -the agenda for the next
meeting,on April 16th, and..this matter would be dis-
pussed.at that time.
There being no further business to come, before the
meeting,. meeting,was adjourned.