HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 05/20/1957MAY 20, 1957'
Special meetira:g -bf the.Planni:ng. Commi:ssibn held on._the 20th day of May, .1957,- at 70 -
o'clock po m t - in..f he- Assembly Room. in. `the Basement of th:e. City Hall:, Petalrima, C" a liforni:a.
Present: C ommi ssioners Carlson,, Elmore, . Margolis end Tay l ors
Absent Coinmissio' ner Brown
Other Oificia.l.&: Supervisor LoIgh S;. Shoemaker. =-
APPROVA L OF _MINUTES It was- directed that the. minutes of May 7, 1957,
under the heading, 5th Annual Conference -:on City
and Regl.onal'Planning, be corrected to reach .the
conference w:onld ;: held -by the IJni.versity.of.
California; instead of at the University—of California:.
There being no other corrections, the minutes were=
This being tie erne; and p1p. e for the - -public hearing
on the _appljcation. of the Congregational- Church,'
B and Fifth Streets, for A Use: Permit to .construct
a church at tb.e E�tension of Middlefield Drive and
Mission Drive, R.ml zone,. Chairman Taylor called
for- expressions from t e applicant. Mro AUl.co m
Byce vvas present representing the- ch:urch..and agatn
briefly revled.d phis of the clutch, stating
that in _addi:tfion to building a church, Mission Drive
would be..extended� :to McNea,r - Avenue. 4hd Middle_-
field- Drive wou -'be extended to Mission Drive,:
The ;streets would then be dedicated ,to. the City., He .
submitted ph otographs and overlay maps showing
he. existing, land: use ,and. zoning, of the area i n,
question. No other ex=pressions were heard in favor
and none were heard im- � opposition' . In . answ6r to .a
questlon from CbAxr A Taylor,; '1VIr, Byce. stated
that- it was his understanding that the owners of the
property fronting ,ors -the other side of the propos -d
extension of Mission Drive. would .take: care :of their
responsibility for their share of xhe coast of :construe-
_ting -the. street. Re solution No. U-15- granting
the Use Permit . was then introduced by Commissioner
Elm ore, seronded "by Commissioner Carlson and
unan mously passed by X11 members present
This being the .time .and place for the public, hearing
on the, app:h.cation of the 8o rd of Supervisors :of
Sonoma. Country, Sanita Rosa, for a Use Permit to
construct an auditorium- be known as the Petaluma
Veterans' Memor 'AA
uditorium at the corner of
McNear Avenue and Redwood Highway South., R ®1
AY 200 1957 < ®. page
®n, Ghrmx T called for epressions from
COUNTY OF 5ON ®1VIA �ont �d . �,
fl* app- Rcant Mt/ Leigh S. Shoemaker, Supervisor .
Sepond. DistrIc Was present oil behalf of .e appll -
o 's tat that he had nothing .further to ad
and- belteve . At ever vne- a s well ' a re. of the
facts .concernAng.a. Veter s" Memorial Building in
Petalu fri.a -As the pr6 ea 'dad been. started some 10
ye ns agob He submit :ced ;preliminary plan ;showing
tie :l:ocation of :the hu ildipg and .the parking ar ran ge®
menu and stated that' h.e -hoped. the Commission
would see.' f. t ,to gran p. th& Use Permit. Mr. Charho
mmey spoke Lq favor of the. Use Permit.: No
expressions were heard ita 0 DOsition. In answer
to a Question- from Commissioner Carlson as .tai
whether or r��:t Middlefield Drive would be extended
beyond Mission I7rv Mr. Shoemaker stated that
the 'McNe r Estate i ten eq to keep it closed. Mr.
Malcolm Byr es rgprese. ativo of: th Congregat .0na
Chureh stud th the hc� no ®jttons to the
audit- orium being,lo'cated., Across from the church and
su�brrit. a. .a 1e`tter sent to the Board of
Stipe v1.s irs t ituafi;. ffe fca.r. the Planning Commis
- .sion'-s fllo's. Chairmen- Tay noted that the prelim®
y;nary plans indicted 200 .parking sprees whi would
ample park:ng.f6r a rnemiprial building having a
so�:ti,ng. �:�p��� t:y of 1 people, whereupon, Rosolu-
t 0h No , t057 was" introduced by Commissio' ner
Q- rlsan -sec onded by Cbrnmissionor Margolis, and
uxnanamous.t pissed by a1.1 members present,
Supervisor Shoemaker ex -e ssed his thanks and
appreciati fa r the Commission ho ld ing A special
meetlng in order that the; use permit could be.deci.ded
:gpw before the Board of:Supervigorsl meeting '
held :the next day - and,. for, ;thy Commission's favorable .
decision on. the, use permit...
Thts..being the tame.�nd °pl��e f ®r the public herring
on the app11cad:on bf LaMar :I aur tzen, 228 Fifth
Street, for A variance of ;1 ft a side yard instead
of 5 fto required,, to construct Addition. to resldenee
in lineth eistirag houset X28 Fifth Street, R-.
zone., ChairmM Taylor° called for expressions from
the appl ,east.. 'Mra .LaMar L urJfzen st6ted that due
to the incr_.°easp �..h_ s family, he wanted to build an
eddit ors to 1�;s resioenoe aAd wag asking-for the
v r°l:� nce 'i a. order that he could mA ntain;-the, existing
l "ne of the house. He stated ..
that he had received no
R AY ,20 x:,957 pa g& 3 _
L ..L,AURITZ N ca �t'da object¶ :s in o s�rro di g_ geighbor ood. Mr.
= _ - ---
Gharli. Gimm y 6 l-'Iffth: Strout; neighbor..of
Mr. Laurltze sp k' i' favbr of .e va r iance..
Nei e pr, ssict 8 were herd in o to the
var�.,�n��e There_ b��ng, no further q�icsttpns,.
`ResoluOon 04, X75 °157 recommending—,to the City
Council. tbat . thhe. varl. e be gran'ted was introduced
byomrri :ss:�'on�r Margqlis spqpndod by Commis-
sioner Cak—fson and UnihlinOUsly pas sed by.all.
M rnbcrs ,presan, tn,
COlVI1VIISSIONER. CARL;S;QN Chair m an.' T�y1or.thankM, , Commissioner Carlson
far gomi g, hack from Saeram.ento earlier than he
had .pl nn d :in order ft t` the Commission t ould,
have a quorum at . this mewing,,
ADJOURNMENT Thore b�,L g, nip ,farther; busin6ss to -come before
- the meeting the .meeting Wds- adjourned.