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AUGUST 20 1957
Oular meeting .of. the Planning' Commission .held' on the 2,Oth d'ay of. August, 1957' at 7? 30
ock po m;, in the. Council Chambers., City Hall, `Petaluma, California.
Prosen_to - Commissioners` Dean, Ellis, Margolis,, McCausland. and Parsons,
Absent? None.
City Officials° City Manager Ed Frank, City Attorney Edouard Robert and
Councilman JohPT, King,
Minutes from, the meeting of-August 6, 1957 were app_ roved .
as' recorded, r ;
Since they u s&permi.t applications on, the agenda were. com-
paratively short, it was - the. unanimous decision•of the
commissioners present to consider these two items before
commencing with the public hearings,
U'se Permit application #1421 of Della L chau, 121 Arlington
Drive, to conduct. a home for foster children, part- time
, basis at. 121 Arlington Drive,. R -1 zone, was. the first
item considered. Mrs. Lichau was present and requested .
that she; be allowed. to care for two children; This being.
included. as a. condition in_ the Use Permit, Resolution No.
U23 - -57 .granting the Use Permit was introduced- by Com-
missioner McCausland, seconded- by Commissioner
Parsons. and unanimously passed by all members present.
Use Permit application #1435 of Hubbard Oo Prevette., 724
..Sixth. ,Street, to conduct home for foster children '(2. ch11-
dren) ful-ittime 'basi's, -at 724- Sixth Street, R =1 zone, was
next considered. Mr, Prevette was- present on behalf of
his appli.cation Inasmuch as. the applicant re
p.ermiasion to care ;for 2 foster ,children,, the following
condition was included in the: use permit? ."Limit of two
(2) foster children ". Resolution No. U24 - .57 was. then
intxoduced by :Commissioner Ellis,. seconded -.by Commis-;-
si.oner McCausland. and unanimously passed _by. all members
This being the time and place: for the public hearing,. on
rezoning -application. #789 of E. Denman McNe'ar, 'Executor
of Ida B, McNear Estate; -to rezone..certai n parcel bounded
by Redwood Highway South, Mission Drive Extension,
Veterans Memorial Building site and the dead end streets
Of Grandview Avenue, Cochrane: Way and :Baker Court,
except .ng therefrom, the most: southerly 125 feet along . ,
M!5si.on_ Drive -Extension, from an R-..l zone to a C 2 zone,
Chairman Dean called. fogy.- expressions. from the applicant,
Mr... Lewis H. Cromwell',, Attorney at Law was present
�� Gi f
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AUGUST 20 1957 = Pa.ge '2
# DENMAvN'Mc_ , N , EAR ; representing the Mp-Near Estate,. Mr o. Cromwell gave a -
:EXEC _JTOR OF 1DA ,B .McNEAR brief history of the a.x ea. in question and the surround
ESTATE. continueci'o =rea and;the facts and= cireumstanc :e_s . surrounding tha s
a p,lication; Mt , Cromwell. stated, that Mr.
pp f ohn Croci:
d'esi :red to purchase, the land cb tingerit - upon its = being
rezoned for bixsness `purposes
_r , John J.. I <i.ng Realtor -w as
M :.pres
C ent representing Mr.
roci.. He s,tatedl that Mro, .Croc -
desar.ed. t" orchase the
land, to build' a. bow lang; alley, containing 16 alley s° Further,
Mr ,' d antic gated building , tarp more buildings on this
property to be - used' for a rna.r-ket and .the De" of Motor
-Vehicles would' occupy the, other building but these latter
- plans were only l -h the preliminary stages and were not
defini:`teo 1VIx K %_ng presented a sketch of ;the area showing
the location of the buildings and facilities for parking,,
He pointed out the. existing zones surrounding the area in
question a_nd :stated that .they were: merely asking, for an
extension of the,,.exi sti�i g. C =2 zone, With respect to the
dead end streets°,, Grandview Avenue and Cochrane Way
NIr Xing stated that, there. was a possibility of arranging
these str- eets if desired, Aso as to work them into the
parking lot n order =th'at they would not remain dead end
streets. Further,, that, it was, not °possible to run these
s_� -reels through to Mc N &,ar Avenue -because of the Veterans'
Memorial site,,
Chairman Dean- then called -:for expressions against the
ieoning 1VIrs _:Esther G.arzoli: .18 Cochrane Way,
obJectred to the rezon�;ng for° the reason that she was' adja"
cerit, to ,the property acid the traffic would crate disturb
antes, Kenneth ,Carlson,, 33 Steven Dr °; Harry Treyor,
1:0'` Steven. Dr. ;'and Fried Moritz; 1020 -Country! Club
Heights opposed xhe-propos_ed rezoning for the foll6wing
reasons° (:1) They did' not'feel' that it was proper to rezone
a neighborhood, section to _a downtown comm erc ;dl G-2
zone when there, ways considerable area zoned. C= 2 in the,
downtown area not-being. used as such; (2) -`That ,Chis or
future developments here could easily develop into a
creeping, commercial :zatiO An _,(3) -Tf ,thts comrnerci,al
area was carried out;; -,:as. above 'stated, .businesses all. the
way from _animal hospitals `to ,auction sal be
allowed with: a. use perini:t : o, Rev. George Ott `Pastor_ of -
J the First Congregation Church,., spoke, neither in favor or
- op p osition, ,stating that before pur` t heir church
_ r y _ ,
site on Mission Di;. Eto the had. two surve s, made, and_
AUGUST 20, 1:95.2 m `Page; ,3
these survey s:. indicated that property fronting, on the
highway would possibly go :commercials
EST'ATE .continued =
'A. general discussion, followed 'v 'herein Mr o King stated;
in answer . o. question from Chair man Dean, that ,an ,
avenue o main roa way extending either Gr_andV evv Ave.
or Co fir way parallehwith McNear so that. these
atree s could'be accessible at .all times rather than. lust ..
throu h a - arki.n o
g P lot vaas not ssible because of 'the
Veterans' 1Vlenzori:al "site:, .but ghat the_ applicant would
p, y :.
�` ossibl be a reeab.le to• workiri out a solutioi-1 so that
-either of these streets, would run into the main throughfare
of :the proposed devel'opm6nt . o that they would not remain
dead end.streets .
There being no. '_further questlons, Resolutxon.No. 70
recommending `the adoption of''proposed amendment to
Zoning Or.,di:na:nce Nk 340 N Ca S. ,, reclassifying a certain
parcel of land bounded,.by Redwogd Highway So. , IVlssi'on
`- -
Dr; • xt eterans' Memorial Bldg, site and* the dead end,
streets of . Grandview Ave. , Cochrane Way and Baker Court
exce trn therefrom_ the most southerly 125 -feet, along
p g
Mission -Dr. Ekto from an R4 zone or district to a C-2-
:zone or district; to a 'C 2 zone or district was introduced
by Commissioner Ellis seconded by Commissioner_
McCausland aiid ,d'efeated :by the following vote o,
Ayes Comiz=iss mers.'Ellis and McCauslande
Noes?- �:Commissfon'ers! Margolis, Parsons'. and Dean.
Absent..-. Noneo„
This: being: he time .and place for the public hearing on
the, use - perMit application #1256 of First Ba fist ChureFi
"245 Kentucky Street;_ to construct a church at 703 N*arth .
= -
Webster' Parcel - #6 '3 i-,2, RAJ zone; Chairman Dean'
called for expressions from the applicanto 1VIr Ia De
_ :
Dillingham was present representing the =_- church He
presented .a tentative :plan to the. Commission sho"WI the
location of thetbw.ldfngs and._the; parkin He stated' that
the church. °would ,be. constructed ih steps` and at thus time
.plans wer e not rdefini'te s.s `to what part of the church would'
be built first -.
• A general discussion followed during which M'r.a. Dillingham
assured the Com - tssion that.eonstructzon , of church
would- begin within A year: and that adequate pa rking
:facilities would be,provided foi. In ansvier ta:a question.
AUGUST 20, 1957 .- Pagew
from the old buildings
e on o th
continued; ,
s proertegardlg
'existing p y Mr. Dillingham conferred
=with ;Rave. Brock- and' 'Mr Feank `Qp "somer, also
representatives of the church :and it was determined
-that the old buildings wa" p;r0 bly have to be
removed before construction could begin.
The 'City Attorney advised the .Commission that under
the present zoning; or - ice use - perm. t could be
gra.iited for the con_s;truton of a church.in any zone
but it was ad i sable ;to ha:vo- fina.1_-pla,ns submitted
showing the type arid,,numbex .of lau .l.d ngs "together with
adequate parking facilities so that the Commission
could be assured of :exac:tl.y what the use would be
the tim, e of granting. the'perrri'ito Also, that the
Corrimi'ssa:on could place' certain. conditions in the use
permit that Mere reasonbleo
Chairinan .Dean_ called, for expressions in opposition to
' the ,g ranti'n .g of `this 'use permita ° ,Mro Bud Feltz stated
that he 01Y. I tad on the groundsthax ther. e : was a lot
of trafie already in this; area "a.nd .:that this would
create more traffic 'i'n the vic %nityo Also, that :he
believed this Iocat 'on eves too close °.to established_
businesses that, have liquor licenses.'
Mr., T. Go Mobile spoke,, not netessa in opposit "ion,
but wished to: know if the chdfoh w.ot�ld now or in the
future have objection to their estab.hahinent and the
various eri -testa nnients: held `there . they had been.
established in their present location for' 2.6 - years -and
had a- liquor license.;since 1952 Rev. Brock stated
that° he' could see no ;problem, 7a`s• far ,as liquor licens
were due to th6 fact that their . existing
church on Kentricky Street was closer to the Redwoo
Room, than the :proposed chinch would be to the
Flerm`annsons'''I;I_all ,_ R6v Brock - _stated that. he could
see no difficulties inasmuch as .dew of the Hermannsoi
• ,act iv %ties ': nvolve Sundays In .answer to- a question
_;from com.mtss ones Mdrgolis' Rev. Brock stated
a= ccordi ng to state law there - was no ;specific
distance an establishment had, to be frorn..a, . church in,
:order to obtain. a liquor license. The 'Board of Equali.
x -
nation in=vestigated the matter and if found sa;ti4 ctory
to them and the local Police Dept. , the liquor license
was issued,
AUGUST 2% 1957, : = Page `5
There being no further quest ons, `the public hearing
- bntinded -. "
was declared; closed - t, was the unanimous opinion
of the commissioners to 86't. th matter over until
the - next meeting on : September 4 1957 in order thaw;
they could study the matter -further, At the suggestion
of the City Attorney, the - Applicant` was requested to.
contact: the City Attorney to determine if conditions
would be necessary 'rn-. the use permit inasmuch as the
applicant did i of have definite plans, so that these
could be presented to the> commission at their next
This being the time and'`place the public hearing
on:`va"riance application : #179 of El.m Lutheran Church,
Baker and Stanley Streets for a variance to allow a
8` `` -"rear yard instead of the IW required and L a 4'
s�.de yard instead bf the 5' requi.red to_: construct
addition. to existing church R -2 zone, Chazrma:n bean
called for ekpressions iii:oppos t on to: �rarianee.
Wi ham Croall 504 Baker,, who lives .adjacent to the
:church- stated ahar:he would like to see the proposed
plains,. Mr, Hansen explained- 'br -iefly the plans of the
;church to utilize the vacant` land between the existing
church and Mr. Croall4s ;pr,,oPexty by adding to the
church, to build.n educational and fellowsh ip hall
In order to build the. addition .regulation size, it would
extend into rear 1 °.,9' and into the yard
1 . t
=1 "o A study was Hier= made byIhe Commission,
1VLr : ;Hansen' and Mrso Cron. of the plans in which
_. p
1VIro 'Hansen ointed !o.ut - the rp-o osed addition and. the
_ _
variances requested. Mr. Hansen assured'Mr Croall
that the 'proposed addition way interfer
with -the= .use of his .driveway next .to the proposed
add :tion:o -
There being ,no further objections< or question,
, Resolution No., V6 - 57 recominendsng that the .City
Cotiinail grant the variance application was introduced
by Comm` ssio er '1Vlargol s� seconded by Comm ss'i.oner
Parsons and unanimously pasted by: all member. s " present.
Charnian Deng annoui7ced that d ue to the feet tYia.t
Monday Sept. 2nd,= -wgs'� a holiday; the next regular 1.
meetiri of the `Planning Comm - -1 's%on would be' held on
Wednesda:y S,eptember 4, 19570
further business come before, the
There, being to.
meeting fhe 'L ti gg was adj:ournedo '