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Regular meeting of the Planning;. Commission held , on the 3rd day, of December, 1957
at 7..30. °.'clock P. m. ii the Council Chambers, 'C City Hall, Petaluma, California,
Present Commissioners Dean;, .Ellis, Margpj. . 1VIcCausland and Parsons- '
Absence: None;
City Officials° Cf) .r En s nee r Fussell Ingram a=nd City Attorney Edouard Robert.
y " _ .
APPROVAL OF MINUTES Mnuites from tlae rneeti.ng. of November 19 1957
were,approyed as recorded.
Poehlmann Hatchery This ;being the time and place for the :public,
hearing on the rezoning, application. #2752. of f
Poehlmann Hatcherys 620 Mairi, to :rezone
parcel #6 1:62 =5; located af; 15 Kent Street from
an R� 3 to a C- 2 zone, Chairman Dean called for
expressions f rom the appli±cante Mr. Clay
Thompson was present ;representing the Poehlmann
Katcher 1VIr Thom son .stated that. the- ur ose
y p p.p
of the rezoning w °a
dg , k they could utilize the
building on this property', which had been Vacant
` for several years„ b'y _installing, 4. or 5 incubators
to_ rai e turkeys° All .the .building would. be
rewired - in order to operate these incubators. - le
further' stated that there would only be .two people
working there during fhe daytime and, there would
be no noise n 'onne.'ction with the proposed use of
the building.
1Vlr Ro J Russ, .3 Dent Street, spoke stating that
re lived adjacent to- the building on this property
r .
and hewas no,t necessarily objecting to th_e. rezon.-
ing, but was obj'ecti'ng to the use of this building
J. •inasmuch, as, the had been 3 fires in it and from.
its present- a ppe ar ance: he was of the gpinon that
it was "a. fire hazard. The City °'Eng.t 6r
Chairman. Dean 'a'ssured Mr Russ .that ,complete
j inspec -tion Would be made by the',Fi ' Department
and the,Buildmg ln9pector,to determine It the
building was safe ; and i Wou'ld have to. be ,in, com
pliance with the; fire,, building and electrical codes
4 „
before the build could, be u`sede
Mr,. Lew -Evans 9 422.,K S�reet spoke in
favor of, the re on - ing,, ;stating ,that his property,
backs, up to. ;this pr operFty and one wall of the
DECEMBER 3 1::957 - p age 2
P,oehlmannn Hatcher - continued :
.. _ y a...
building in. ,
:- _,g _ gest:on is one Wall' of his garage, ;
Ho further stated that i.n, "his opinion thei building
was atrac r'ally,.s�ound..arid he hard no objection
to :the r'ezoriing' this 'pr .party.
There being: no further • questions or objecti:ons! .
Resolution No 72 recommending to 'the City
Council that' Lod 6 162 - 5', :located:at 15 Kent
Street, be rezoned. from an R- 3 to :a C -,2 zone,,
was introduced by Comnmis_sioner Margolis,
seconded by Coirimi.s.sioner Ellis and: unani'mou ly
passed by:.all members present..
_ .
D%sc nssi regarding the ai)peara.nce. of the
Petaluma Junk Coo . at. - 5 - 21 Wilso Street was the
next item ,of: business on the agenda. , Mn Charles
e ers, Was � resent re resentin the Pet
y P P g aluma
Junk Co The resolution_ orl mall ranting the
g Yg
us';e, permit. on May 14, 1951 for the establashmerit'
of a Junk company at 5'21 Wilson Sttee:t, subject to ,
the following condition. "All junk not housed, will
be, kept 15o fto f Sto and will be fenced
ar. screened. at any time at, the request:of the
Planning Comma?ssion'_asrid as to their require .
men ' s read by the Caerko Cha rms :n Dean
pointed out that the Comma.s'saon, hs.d record of a;
prior'.Qomplai -nt i 195,246 Mr. Meyers stated that
their ,position was 'the same as stated::at the fast
mee.ti.n'g''of.-the; Conami:ss on on N'oVember 19th,
that is, i,t was -th opi nion th no junk could:'be
seen from Wilson Street and that they would be
Willing to. cons trUd � -fence at the rear of -their- -
pr.emises when. construction of the Armory was
Std fted.
� g herein it whs .
A general d, scussion,followed'vy
determined ,that in view' ,the.:faet that other ,j.inlc
compan -es `within the''City were t equ red Lto fence
theik area' because. of the campaign started by
the Cft C.ounci.l to clean uP' and .straighten. up the, -
t6. wh, the Petaluma, Junk Co should .completenly
fend their junk yard. The following motion was,
then, made, seconded "a:nd,.unariimou'sly pgLssed by
" all member's presenfe
`That', the .cond t�.on as proui.ded. in a .re.sohit :on
= =
granted by the previous Planning Comm, ssion
on May 1, ,1:9:51 ;be+ com- plied with in the
DECEMBER 3,• 195,7
PETALUIVIA, , - � . s
J , . o
" following respect.. That the junk yard .lbcated
contrail "ed
on W l :son Street, be, fenced and /or screened
completely i.nview: of the fet that .fhe .Planning
Co.,mi_ssion :find's .ghat the siauat °ion is s
that' the area does' rrequ screening for the
benefit of the surrounding area_° The applicant
�• . g .:
shall as
y: to the
onfer with "the City Enginee
usual height, type, etc,, , of fences used and
whicha conform with the established precedelito
Chairman Dean instructed lVlro Meyers_ to contact
the City Engineer a "s- to, the type of fence to be
installed.° After a.`br i'ef discussion ,as to the time
vithi.z vylach the. fence should be completed, it
was unanimously" decided that the fence should' be
completed. by April 1,' 19.580
Variance application #'28'61 of Glen Clark, - 416
Melvin, to allow a . =1 .foot side ,yard on a,
cornier lot = instead of .10 feet required to construct
a carport iii' -li.ne with exi sting- garage at 416
MelvinjStreet„ R =l zone . was. next consideed.
.heari :ng on this `matter was set for Decem-
ber 17, 1 °9--5,`7 at'7.. .;'cloak p m, in the Council '
Chambers of the Q 41 all.
that the - .
City A �ision.of o s
State Di Hi hwa de "sired to
g ,. -. _.,y _ landscape
the freeway Within the City., limits e but could` not
do SoUfttfl.thei City, had adopted an. appt'priat'e .
billboard ojrchnan;ce, and. that he' had been
i nstructed by the Coui cil. to prepare the pr. ..,per
e; is a 1 g mi`s'-
sign for their. appbov4-l recommendations
- before anyiiftal action would b&*taken,'by.-t1?emo
He; 'stated that he had prepared an outline, -a copy
of which w:as submitted to :each member of:.the
Commission, of. What an, or dm s arice of thi type
sYiould :cover _ He 'then ex pained in detail each
item listed in the - outline.: A eneral- discussion
ante coa rolltn llboards should be -pre a ed in.
g. P._ P n
substantially the 'sam'e foram as outlined and
detailed , by ,the City Attorney The City Attorney
as . dir.ected to px epare an ord%na n
Vv ce: regrilatirig
billboards and submit ame to t
- s . hem for th ei r
P.pprbv�l and recommendation to the City Councils
There' being. no fi rtl er .business to ,come before
the m2eting9 the ;meeting,was ad'jo I nod..