HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 05/26/1959T-0 - / `('7 MAY 26, 19 J. t oin meeting bervqen the City Cquncil 0-nd Cir P.14nning Commission held Tuesday, #j. _. 1- . I - y May 1959, at. "x �o "Clock p. m. in the Council Chambers, City Hall, Petaluma, Calif Present, Couincilmen Ellis, Gustafson, King, Van'Bebber and Mayo k 1 Commtssione Ellis, Margofis,,, Popp, Stimson,z Tibbetts and Dean. Absent, Councilman Mal.Zen 9,.i,),d Corn.mis sionor sons City Officials.- City Manager ,Edward Frank, City Attorney Ed-ouard Robert, Ci:q Euzghieet A]. Roberts and Planning Director Richard Coleman, The meeting was called,,LO or derby Mayor Parent.. Mayor Parent stated, that this meetring had been caA.Ied for the purpose of - working out apolicy regarding zoning, p.poblems and the like which occur outside the city, limits and'within the general plaikiing a The only directive the Planning Commission. has at- the present is rhat the City Counc-il wishes a gener.a.1 plan for Petaluma and a consid- amount of the c`.L liln.j'AS. Otable Councilman King gave a derailed. report of the , ex , e-ted growth of the 'North Bay Area and what effect this will ` a m hve on Petabjia . it , was his opinion that we should keep P - our olicies in line with the opportunities of the p-eaple. outside the City will have to incorporate or to annex to other areas, and,rhat we shbo.ld have .proper zoning before We can attract industry Planning Director Rfchart Coleman reported on what a general plan does for a city and what effect zoning -- will have. upon a general plan.. He emphasized the fact that pla good in accordance with npi prmcipals,, if w v e v. ant to. plan ' a an an are, zoning comes i C . I after th rheas, 6 general plan, It rheas, opinion that a special study should b6 made of rezon- ings within the general. plan area. before a recommendation could be made to the County Planning Commission and that this would take app , rokimat&ly two months, Dtiring the discussion that followed,, the Planning Director reviewed the recom- me I ndatio'ns given to the County ;Planning 0:)mmission'bye the City Planning Commission since Ap ri l 195 , 'which. inclu&,&a, street,na' e change, the, current rezoning request pn. M. and. `7 use and pointed. out that we receive n . utice of these requests by receipt of the CO'Unty's agenda onAVonday befoxe the City Planning Commission meeting on 'Tuesday and the,Couhtyl Planning Comm ission. meeting on Thursday, City Attorney Edouard Robert pointed out that when an area is rezoned by.the County and'subsequi annexed to the City,, it logse,8 its zoning and becomes an un- y classified zone, It kema.in,s in this zone und.1 stkch time as t,he City Council desires to rezone the area or the property owner makes an applicad.on for rezoning in accordance wfth the City zoning -o I I r dinance, At. the conc sio nratua-fly agreed that all lu n of, the Iemgthy di.sWssion, lit was requests made to the; Cj.t ',,,,Planni.n 9 Commission. for comments and recommendations regarding. zoning f a,:tea out8id& vfie,City bounda.kie -ang o i s,s,hAll be inVo8tigated as thoroughly "G JOI CITY COUNCIL AND "CITY PLA"EN ENT MEETING May 26, 1959 - Page 2 ion. and rapid ly' as time and staff i4,ssistcinw�_o will allomy by tlie Plann ing Commiss After this investigation, shall rlidke a repo.i, - and recommendation 8,atyMft A. to the Council. - fo-?. , - i , eir,approval. - The - Cit y Council. - n - be te th -which shall the shall act - L n UpOn e G ommtssio n's re t . 11 , st prjssible o � pport �ity and, if port at the eax.. e appr oved, - r swine to 'be f6rW a - roved, eturn e to the Qoramissto-ri. arded to t.e County. If the Council. 7feels that it -c.annCjvproPe P-ass upon th-e. ro, po rt - they shall so advise the .P ftanning Commission, whose duty hill be - to advise the County Planning Commission t-hat is undergoing: furtbve*­study, ID the event Cou, with the and recommendation, as submitted,, tv shall, return the matter to the Planning Gommission further srudyanol tndiQat� its reasons for Ebe In the­ - event the Council and COm.tnission Cannot reach a joint agreement, the County - be - advi. sed that they axe. unable to sdbinit 9, re-P -. 4.nd recommendation. If - the shall , ,�. Planning Commission determines gloat it cannf)t, because, of Unsufficient tim e, lack of staff assistance, - or other make al, report wpon a part-icular request, it shall advise the County and .notify the.' Council. The Gity was directed to prepare a resolution for action. by the C at: d4eir next regular meeting. A short recess was called. The d.m.ke being a pp )xI. mate , Jy 9 30. The. meeting was called back to order hy .May Pa.�r . Commissioner Dean inquired as to what was to be donte in egard to the current rezoning request of Mr. der r_ It was determined that Inasmuch as Ithere was not 81Ifficie-T.IL time to make a. J gp 'thorough investigarl,ork, no recommend,, would be made. The Planning Director was (1trected to advise the County. Councilman King noted that an in..qyiry for another . sere station on East -�Vashington,which might req i. T'ezon:!.Yig a.00 a use permit, will be received in the near future and, inasr-nuich a a s this noway ereLe a problem of spot z0"ning,. he wished to know if a . decision would be made on thi or if the applicant wauld have to wait until the general plan was .started. Comnilssioner Dean informed him that if the proper application was filed, a decisfonwadld be made and the matter would be handled the same as was done for all rezonings and usepermIts within the city limits. The Planning Co m inlsgion. budget 'was then discu,ssed. At the conclusion of the distussion of Item . 435, te1epb.(:,)P.e, Co Van Bebber asked the City Manager to,,procare from the School DeDOVEMentt cost of their cemral exchange telephone r the, -entire --on,� system f6 scihool's syst as corftp�ari , During - the discussion. rega-rdin 9 . the,- money budgeted for the general plan, the . Planning. Di,rector stated that the student pla nner would i be needed only if the federal grant is received this summer and tl,ie. general _010.nis,"started. After a u ssrance from - or that, ttexno requ t6d the Planning Direct ney ues :for a student planner would be spent only if our federal grant i.s received in time - to istart Arork on the general. plan this AW summer and in'theeVen't the vork load necessitated additional. help,, this itern was approved, CITY COUNCIL AND CITY PLANNING COMMEVI.SSf ON JOINT MEETING �Ma y - .26' 1959 - Pap,,3 q d b� There being no other �Vosr on&.. th get for Section 42, Planning, was ,approved as recommended by the City Manager. With. the ,approval of the above budget section, the joint meeting between the Council. and Planning Commi:ssioka was concladed. Councilman CT'inel14 as -a member of the committee appointed to meet with Mr. Boutz and determine' the best method, of tedocad:ng, the antenna cable serving people in the vicinity the Englis h St., Extension project., "reported that he and Councilman Gustafson had - in-yes"tigated the matter thi rnorning - and found that in the , process of beginning con.strVcd.olron this street project the contractor had removed the cable this morning instead' week as lie was prieviouslyAnformed, It was a,l'so that a volt. -.1 i 1 s, incorrectly insta.led.the and this can be corrected by installing a. direvd,onal coupler which would eliminate approximately threemfourths of this 110 volt l goi.ng. up the hill. The endre cost involved,which .,would include bringing this -lin , e itp to standard .. the poles, is approximately $1.60. but no more, than $180, C0111licilman Guistafson felxtNAt it was the City's obligation. and something should be done i mme, to rectify this situation, A discussion followed with 9. Puniber of property o�wners present in support of their request that the City replace the line, It was determined that the height of the poles could be worked our by The City Engineer-and the contractor. No objections were voiced by the C ouncilmen present: relative to the City paying for this installation, Councilman Crinella,stated thatM:e,, Boutz had assured him that the lines would be installed in accordance with'Cily standards and 'codes, It was brought our tb at the llnes.will. still have to be extended across English Street. The City Atto.r'ney st ated that the City is entilled to give an encroachment permit across any of its public ,ri gbts of way, howevei, this permit is revocable at any time and the City i,s not entitled to give a permanent casement: across any of its rights of way. If this line was removed, it would be t . he responsibility of, the permitee. In answer to Councilman Van Bebber's question as to the, legality, the City Attorney ,stated, that he seriously doubted'rhis was a proper exp end .tore of public funds, Mayor Parent explained that t _Ihis was not a. regularly called meeting and no formal. action could be taken, but it was mutually agreed that the City Should replace the TV lftie� 40,