HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 06/02/1959JUNE 2, 1.959
Regalar m, e'e Pefalatna City PIA,nntn nmun
g, Cotssion held Tuesday, June 2,
1959 at 7", 3,0 p. m. in the Council. ,G7hprnbej's, City Hiall, :Pe t-alu m a, California,
Present.- Commissl.ioners Ellis,, Margolis, Parsons, Popp, Stimson and.
Dean. ,
Absent: commi-gsioner Tibbett ' s.
City Off icialsa Co undiltnan, Gustafson, and.' Planning Director Richard
This being the titne"and place for the pq.b.tic hearing on the application of
jarnesl. 'Scott, 65.1. J_r;a1r_A.Ve,, to. rezone Parcel Nos, 6-1.41-10, 6 -141 15,.
6 - 141- l 6 , and 6-14J'- 1,7 located in, the !block bounded hy:Galtand St., West St. ,
Central Ave, and a: 12 foot alley on the Went., - from an R -1. zone to an R.- 3
zone, Chairman Deancalled for expressions. fqrp.nd w
against, Mr. Scott as
present on behalf of his applicalt-ton I . N.Jettet corn. James 't Scott, dated
ing apgroval of tN_- a. ion w,, re .May 6, 1959, ask. ppll�c'at' ,.tad filed.
A review of the staff report re'the applicati.on was presented by the Planning
Director, a copy of ,vhich - waas , submi,tted and filed, In answer to a question
by Commissi.ofter Margotil.s, Mr. Scott: stated tha4 if it is necessary to do s' 0
he would be bxlng the seiner lune and. streetxp'ta the , standards
required for the de elopment of h,8. apartmenl hijuse., The City Engineer., i. . n
hi s written'reporf, stated that if thJ,sxezC):ning request i.8 approved., an agree-
ment to this effe.6 wout have to b.e. dromri. up with 'Mr,, Scott.
A general. dt,�cussion followed concernATIA1 the oxi sewer line in the area.
The' Planning Oirectorp 'N
- Pinted out that the Ci�y En gineer's report states that
sanitary sewers inthj.s area have been designed to serve R:- 1 devel.opmoits.
However, thero, ts aL present adequame line capacity to serve the proposed
- o the 8 inch main on
- R -: 3 develooment pf6vide,d c6n'h ectiob- ts, m4de� directly to
West St. opposite, the alley, It should be noted however, that a. trend, to R-3
Zoning, lase -o o the ],and in thj;5 are,!; wo 0d soon overload 'the s ew r
e' system,
Mr. Scod",s pT-oposal cou-J.d. provi:d u
e ni for 40 f a.. m.i.-lies, hoWeVOr . . . ... he plans
to provide fo:r onl;y ?A which cou d a the existing : sewe:r lines,
�e h ndjed wit h
-Disca8ston W held. oncerni�ngjhe blighted ar e a imme& lately adjacent to
Mrb Scott'=s' proper,:ty,, It, wag suggested that perhapa a study should be made
at p ro per p ng could be established for future
of the entiro,'area In oder th . p,rbp . , -1an ni
I I However, i t, was pointed out, by Mir, Coleman., that legally the
Commission could consider, at this tim. e, the application as advertised
and `that another hearing would.hAve to be held to consider .rezoning of ,adjacent
land, , Cha an Dean ask ed that the Commissioners be polled as to their
es fob' 1", it was agreed
drotVdting of this ap - [on - o,
,plio-at and by avote of 4 t
that' - a,vut! L 6 e - 'taken, Cbairmo.n . -Dean asked that a votebe take on the ,resolution
i.5° /
'June. 2 1.959 - Page 2; ,
PUBLIC, `I- EA RING - rAML`S .!'.. Contin
and i.nstr, cited the Planning'Director to, bring a report Ito the next. meeting,
if there is sufficient t-fxne in -regard to hr "s reccsr mendati:on as to further
rezoning in the adjacent area z�r ro tsotrne other'Drac:t :ca.l suggestion for the
balance of. the property a.ffeo
Wherod'pon, Resolution No. 93 intrbduced by Caffi—m— ssioner Popp, seconded
by Commissioner Margola._s,, recQrnmend ng the : adapt :ion of the ,proposed
amendment, to the "Zoning. Ordinance to the City Counci wtth, the following
conditions, Was passed ' ;the f_ollrawing vote.::;
Ayes: Commissioners Maxgolis, Personas, Popp 'a nd Dean
Noes CCarx�rxi :ssl :diner Sti :msra :.
Absent CYomzraissiorner;s l✓1 :l.s aid Iibbe,t
In.. the Com- m. sslon's recorx mendatri'on to the City Council 'they stipulate that
the developer enie.t - ntto a:a agreement whereby he agrees to have the con
strttc ti.on and sl,te development , meet a:]1. standIar�ds - °of the city, in regard to the
necessities hi ' be area fora �s,treets., ,sewage etc .
t1S] 'PERMIT -MRS. Lo _`Do S'1 1.1 FILE NQ 014 -S9
li a .. %c n No KIM 5fJ fi.l.ed b 1VIIrso :L D. Snai'th 61�, Wesi :
Use �.Pe.ttni.t ,app..c.^ t _ y , S o ,
to conduct ,a. omne for foster chi:ldron frill, t me care in an R -1 zone, was
considered at thi s time: Mrs, Stn was ►resent on behalf of
t-.,h her applica-
tion, There being no ,objections Resolution No. U 1.47 `i9 granting the Use
Permit wa"�s. i.nt�� c dtu'oed Commissioner lV argo:lcs seconded by Commissioner
Parsons and 'uia :s 'modsly passed by' a:ll members present,,
Use permit application Noe 821.3 filed by'D:r. Dungan, 176 Petaltuma Blvd.
North., to opexate a,, s na.l.l. antma.1. and potiltr°y clinic and, veter naria :n. services,
in a. C. -2 zone vas ronsider.ed.o Dr. )ungan was p:ire�en;t on. behalf.of.,his
a 'lication. The fjannin Di.r�ertor` r`eview:ed th
, pp � g a e apfilccati:on;, stating that
Dr. Dungan desires to move his exis "ting. :lSixsi.ness from 17 Petaluma Blvd,
No to 81,& 'Petaluma Blvd.. North,, which s A C - 2 zone,, -,and w'[ 11 be: pr marily
used as a di °agn -ostrc 4and sales laboratory for smal�.l_ a and poultry.
°Tl eie'being:no objections; Resolcutfon .Noy U15 granting the Use Permit
was 1-n Toduoedl .by Commissioner 1`,/la.rgoli.s, ',seconded by Commissioner
Parsons and unarrimcatu'sly' passed by a11. mer ers present.
L1se ermi;'t application No 8190 fi.1.'ed by lVIxso FraiZk C. S -een' y
526 A.lt
Drive,, to condticp home for foster chi'10rOn, day�timP care, in. an R� 1. zone
was.consi`deredo Mrs Sw envy was turta.ble to be present. There being no
f une ,; 1959 - page 3
M'RS, FRANK C a S1NEENEE.— F ILL, NO, U13 -5,9 - Continued
obj ections,, 'R esciltntxon No, U 1.3 -. 59 g1- °a�ntin;g the USQ .Pe:rmit was introduced
b Corris�ma s'siond',r Parsons, sec.onded.ty Comp- i ssi,oner Margolis and unani-
mously passed bv aa.11 - .nzom , bers present.
Use perm appltca tion :Noo 821..8 filed lay Sponsors :, of Explorer Post '#6,
8 Coady c:;oUkt, ,to opef°ate a same and sa.ite firewofks stand from June 28,
1.959 to july 6, 1959, in a C-2 zone was considered, l t was explained that
this group Is composed :of the Farmers of the Boy Scoots, and that they desire
to set tip a, frr6ewoT.18 stand a.t; .Ascheirmain's Parking 'Lots The question arose
concerning thei. f perhaiis a.iad t.ho Co mi88Jon Wa:s notified that they had
not rece their pe.t from the Fire Department as they had noit as yet
received their pormit from the State- however, this is one of the conditions
of the resolution, that approval must be obtained from the Fire Chiefo
Whereupon Restalutio p. No,,, 1.116. -59 granting, the Use, - Permit was introduced
by Commissioper„ P 'axsc :ns, seconded, by C'ommfss oner Popp ;).:nd unanimously
passed by all. mernbers presernt'.
The Planning Director, at this time,,. asked that; the matter of the resolution
passed at ther. last Coup i.l mb"odng concer;ni.ng Plann'thg Commission comments
to 'the County Plannfrig Commission in areas otttside the city l mi :.ts, be con-
si:der°edo Copies were: submitted. ,to the in rn , rso i\/[:r. Coleman started that
this resolution would enable the Planning Commission. to pass on use permits
di,reci,jy to t Coun.ty' Planning, Cornmi ss on. without :going to the City Council.
Matters concerning, rezoning would .be referred to the Council;,. He informed
the Comnmf ssion that there, are two applications to be considered at this
meeting and that some action would be necessary.
. At this point, xria.n l can ,iInter, pted ;IVIa o Coleman to announce his
, esigna tion from. the
Cornxxa!sstoan effective the last meeting of the ; month:, at
,which time his tw. 0 year term wotial�i expi_reo lie stated' that - h:e felt he was riot
, qualified. to make a. arc commendatiQp in this matter on the future operation of
the Commtssi.,ona. He went: on to Tsay that he. had enjoyed working on the Corn -
,mi'sssion a:nd thanked a1.1. the members a.nd sraff for all the cooperation received
and off ered.'bestwishes to the Com_missiion for the
Those present expressed their regr aa
ets to the ' announcement of Chairman.
Deaa.n °'s .resi.gnati :ors, stati that he had .been a great -help in leaden& the .Coin�.
mission ,anc tha1:T the Commiss on end th_e commt nx.ty as a Whole would feel a.
deep; loss upori hi:s leaA,ng
June 2,. 1,959 Page 4=
STAFF REPORTS. - _Contiirixed .
Disctu'ssi.on was cont..inued x °e the resolution. passed by the °Council p ertaining
to matters X:efe - reed to the Commission by an - as tde - agency-, It pointed
out. that before al y recommendations are made; to'an oursi:de a<gency� such as
the County Planning Comm -i;_ssi.on, that thoy be sent first to the City Council,
matters pertaining to rezoning, or, as also stated in the fesolution, a letter
can be sent - to the out,ts de agency, when there is insufficient ti me for thorough
study, stating ingi , since the Cbnarriiss:on does, not haxe-t..he staff or time at
present. to make a. comprehensive study of an area to.- determine its hest use,
feel that they' are unable to make a recom
In the matter of the Jo.erger rezoning, it was decided th, :t a. letter be written
by the Pla.nn:ng Di:r°ector to the: County Planning Commission advising them
that due to lack of time for sufficient study the' ,C ommi- ssion.i:s tunable to make
a. recommendation at this time, however, they will be, most. willing to cooperate
and work With them oft any sturdy of thi area.
M.r, Coleman stated tha.t another i.tern' on, the agenda of the Sonoma County
Planning Commission ,meeting, was the Use Permit application of William Moj cap
for a. boarding and training kennel fo.r 200 dogs on property located at 1.93
Cleveland Lane. He informed, the Commission that,, Mr, ,Ba:l.f,. 335 Cleveland
.Ave, who Left a: peti tion' signed. by 25 .people in the area pointing out their
objection to the granting cif the oermi.t'o
After discussion,, the Planning Director was i.nstruxcted to Write a l.et ter to
the Sonoma Count P'la:nzx�.r�.g' Cornmi ss ,on reeommending against the proposed
dog training. and "boarding kennel$ die to the ,objection of the neighborhood and
that due to the; density with.w�hich thus neighborhood s buyi:lt -up the noise:.dis-
tu;rba.nee of°the dogs would be incompatible.'
Mr. Coleman revuow,ed the rough, draft of 'the contract between the County of
Sonoma. and''the City of 'Petaluma on the General, Plan in order that comments
or suggestions could be made by the 'Comrimi =ssion if they so desi r°ed.. T
bei.rig Rio comments, 'Mr., C'olema.n repor.ted that the contract would., go to the
County Coirunsel. before it comes bacic. the Comm .ssion and in. turn 'to the:
City Attoiney and City Council for study before it is sigried�
The .Planning DireCtor wa`s inst-racted to prep,a:re a recommendation for a.
,change of meeting nig oder that the matter .mi.ght. be discussed at the
next moetii g, when more ,members are present°
Tbe- -e,:being no further business to come before the meeitifng�, the meeting
. was adjoiurnedo