HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 06/23/19595� , JUNE 23, 1:959 Adjourned zn.eeting of the Planning Commission held'on Tuesday, f i.ine 23, .1'959 at Co haixaers City Hall, Petaluma:,. California, . 7:.30 oo clock P�:'M, in the Coon, 61 ROLL CALL Present. Comm s�a.o:raer's Ell.is':, M,x.rgc�Iis Parsons, Popp,, Stimson Tibbetts and Chairman Dean.' Absent- NoO City Officials- City Manager Ed Frank q:nd Planning, Director Richard Coleman. MRS- VERA PREVBTTE = R." e No,. U-1,8 - Use Permit app' Ticat on. B o,.. 83t filed -by :Nlm Vera P:revette, 74 Wilmington . D rive to conduct .a. home for fosuer children, full tim basis, iii an R -1. zone, was considered at tY is time, �VIrs p:tev�tte �v�s present.on behalf'of her pplication, There beitig'no objections,' Re8ol tion:Noa U'18 -59 granting the Use Permit was introduced by C'ornmi;;ssioner Sti mson,, seconded by Commis sioner Popp and unanimously passed h'y all.. members -present. MR. S, JOY BERTO'LUCGr - File No, U - -59_ Use Perms -t; .'appl ca ti.c n 'No 82.31. i .led''by M rs., Joy Bertolucct, 1 Huntington Way, to conduct, a hom fox fester children i :n an :R. -1 zone,- was considered OF at this: time, Mf so BertoW(� ,d was present' on behalf of 'her :app pplication- _ being' . j g r anting the Use Permit ' `no ob °ec.txons, Rc �ul.��ti.on No U17 =,59 ra.nti:n vies introduced by C o' na Issi.oner Ell:i:s, seconded by Commi.ss .ones Parsons and unan.imbuSly pAssed by .all mgmber:s present, PUBLIC' HEARING . KENILWORTI-1 ENTERPRISES This being-the time and place for the public hearing,, un the application ,of Kenilworth Entorprises, 1203 Ridgevi.ew, Novato, fo a variance to allow the garage spaces to oc,c =tipy' the 10 foot :rear yard setback regUi red- in the 3 -zone for d1l" apartments to be constructed on .Assessor's Parcel. #7 023 - 1 located', at the intersection -of E111s ;Street. and East W °Ash :ngtb,n Street in ai R-3 'zone -, Chairman. De�I:n. called for ekpressions for and :against. Coleman sta that the ap plic�a iCs- var ,'mce could be granted if a 10 - foot s be kept between the a . artment :b�ild space would !,ways p :. p ng and the garage space's as it is the intent (if the ordinance that a ',nIin %mu_MI Of 1.0 feet of open area and fire always; allowed .protect -W the rear of an apartment building for light, air .. No ex res:sion p s were heard' in. opposition to the granting . of this variance; . A b rief' d %sc issi.oiz `follovaed'viherein the. applica "s, representative, Harry Gossage, stated. that they would; - :be agreeable to the variance be conditioned ' upon the - recommendations :ass, made by the Planning Director, JUN ` M, 1959 - page 2. 1 Whereupon,, Resolution No.. V2 -59 recommending ng to.'the City Council that_ the variance be. granted subject to t1.e following. condi.ti.ons, was introduced by Commissioner Margolis, seconded by Commissioner Stimson and un_an;= mous'ly approved by all members present: 10 A minimum space. of 10 feet shdfl be left between all apartment hose'_ bui ldtn,gs and the .gara spaces, PUBLIC HEARING - .Eo _VON RAESFELD - F°ile N o., V�3 -59, This being the time and place for the public heari:ng. on the application filed by Mre E Von'Raesfol.d, "623 Prospect Street, "Petaluma, for a variance to allow an unattached a;cc essory building Lii an. R- 1, district on the rear .one third of the 'lot located 5 feet from the building instead of the required 10 feet at 26'La Cresta'D.rive, Chairman DeJxt called I for expressions from the floor. Mr. Von Raesfel.d Was present on behalf of his application.. The staff :report was given by Mr. Coleman., ' copy of - whi.c h was submitted and filed, This accessory building is, to be used for a sho re , restroom and. pumping equipment housing, for Mr',,, Von ..Raesfold's swimming. pool located at this address. Mr. Coleman pointed chat 1:1101 there is v6ry :limited space in Which - to construct this accessor°;y bulldfnt due to the topography and present oceupa- tion of th .lot. No further expressions were heard irk. opposition t1 the granting of this vari - ance,. whereupon, Resolution No, V3 -59 recommending, to the City Council that the variance be granted wqs ,.ntr°oduced by-Commissioner Parsons, seconded by Commissioner Ellis and unani ously approved by all members' present. PUBLIC. HEARING: - BEN WOODWORTH AND EL.MER „ &. BE-,RNICE KRULEVITCH File No. 940 This being, the time: place for the pu) l.c hearing on the application_fi,led Valle to rezone the �y U'g'area s Ben W oodworth Annexation to Residential ,Zones, except 92 x:50 foot parcel on. the northwest . boui7aary,,, and the adjoining R -1, R -2, and R -3, lands to the. south which are owned by Ben.Woodworth Chairman Dean called for expressions. from. the floor., The ,staff ;report was given -by Mr� Coleman,, a copy of Which was submitted and filed. ulVlr, Woodworth -'Was present and spoke on behalf of his application, . MT'. Louis Boi'tano,, Mrs, Betty Tunstall and Mr John Gibbs spoke in protest concerning the subject, , particularly in. connection - with the traffic problem confronting access streets onto the property, i , questi:ono Mrs, Tunstall al'sa protested the c.�.11ing, of the subdivision,,." Ceda Grove Park , due to the fact that private property adjacent to the subdivision i JL' ' 23, 1960 Page 3 is known ,by this n'arne and 'that "the ri.� ht, of wa.. onto V thLS property, partially owned b. , her , -i s receiving a flow of tr,affi.c from si g- htsers thavis' creating a, nuisance .and a_ hazard to her kiddie uaxe bus'i 1ulr,a "Wooftorth informed tb.e� Commission that the subdivision -had been for%nall�* named Linda Del l .t'' Su1?divi.s'ion and the :lerk was i.tistrt�cted to :note this in the minutes, Reasons,, for and, aga nst�the proposed . re- "zoni.n g ., were.dtscussed by the , Commissioners;, anal th be i ng, no f . ur t - h6t P,rbtOst to the r ezoning, Resole tion "N.00 94 was intirodt ced: b Cornrri ssioner Max,gcali:s, seconded by Comrnis s .one r Parsons recommending, to the Oiy Council the adoption of the proposed amendment'to "ahe zoning o:�di.nax�:ce, was approved by the following vom " Ayeso,• Commissioners EI.Its, Nfa`rgol�;�s,, Pa.rsons,. Tibbetts and Dean. N`oese, Commissioners Popp and Stimsono AhsenL None, At thi."s point.,, i+he . a DiAxectok asked the - Commissioners for thei particular reasons for voting for or against the rezoning,, in order that .they might be submi:x ted to the Cot�nci.l. iii his. `z eporto b In summation,_the following reasons were given• by those to favor of the rezoning.. Lo' The property ,lends itself to single f :roily ;homes .because of adjacen-� residential. developirxen; . o,. Tl e 'addi;tion of tl�e ,195 new homes' will he to thetest in of. the, y Cit a nd our tax roll, - o The , land. in q est�on, has remained dormant all th "years, even, though it, is adjacent to the railxoa;d� and since it :i:s definitely not. an, agr'icultural area,, the proposal:, of 195 homeis' Wou'ld,'be .a start, There are -some. problems i'n any area to he developed, but slrice,. this _developer wants to, btt'i,ld now., It would be an asset to the City, A. There. is a" need. in, Petaluma for; .addt t onal resi.denoes'" and we should ` encou"rage this area according, to the example. set by:Rohn_ert Park _- where they have comlai:ned both ' residences and industr'yo 5: Dormant land in the City gives no revenue, but vyhen Lt: could cqn tatty almost 1. 000 _new residents it Would increase the busines 4M our comm6rcial centers and provide population to work in rode - st y;o 6o Application to. the PHA g Y by has been made and, tl�i�.s agency undoubtedly- wi.11,_make a complete exam>nation• of the surround "�ng aye,'before. giving their approva JUNE 23 y 1960 Page 4 7o Part of this land is already zoned resident al, The following reasons were given by those not in favor, of the rezoning: 10 Introduction of homes on this pa,rcel could cause problems with the existing adjoining industri.eso 26 People may not want to live next to the industrial .area° DR, LEE'S BUILDING - KELLER STREET Planning Director Richard Coleman informed the Commission that he had a request by Dr. Wm.' Lee for architeciutal approval of an office building he is planning to construct on the rear of his lot adjacent to his existing office building on Keller Street in a C -2 zone, Mr. Coleman stated that there is no setback on side yards required since this will not be bordering on a residential zone - however, architectural control is neQessary, The proposed building is to be the same as the existing buildirigo Mro Thompson was present on behalf of Dr. 'Lees req4est., A. poll, was taken on, the. architectural plan on Dr. Lee`s building and approved by 7 affirmative votes. JOERGER REZONING Mr. Coleman read a, communication 'from the City Council addressed to the commission, . dated Jane 15, 1,960, requesting-that the Commission write a ' letter to the County Planning ,Commission issi.on recommending, that a joint study be made of the area to be rezoned that is owned by Phillip -Joerger together with an additional 200 acres immediately adjoining, this area` currently under study by the County. Mr Coleman stated that Mr,- Jae.rger has, requested an exten- son of time from the County on his application in order that the entire. Denman Flat area, proposed for rezoning,, might be considered at the same time. After discussion' Mro. Coleman' was directed to write a letter to the County requesting the joint study, but to first obtain approval by Commissioner Ellis, Council representative, that the contents of the letter contain the exact recommendation as made by the Couincilo STAFF REPORT The Planning Director reported that at the last meeting,-of the County Planning Commission discussion was held regarding,. an adjustment of the boundaries of the Petaluma and Santa Rosa. High School Districts. and was to be considered at their meeting of July 2nd, This *adjustment is being, - considered in the Rohnert Park area and is beyond the boundaries of the proposed Petaluma Area Geneal Plano f JUNE 239 1:960 - Page 5 Prior to the close of the meeting,. rsented a Margolis e g g P. verbal resolution that the Commission ,go on record ds thanking Chairman Dean for his manner in conducting,the Commission meetings and for all hi`s faithful, service while a member of, the C "ommi°ssion and regretfully accepting his rest g' nation, Commissioner Stimson seconded the resolution and was passed by a unanimous vote. The Commissioners, together with Mr. John Gibbs who was present in the audience, also expressed their regrets that Chairman Dean was resigning, Chairman Dean thanked the members and urged that.,they continue with their good work, ADJOURNMENT There being.no further bu,si.ness to come before the meeting, the meeting was adjourned. 11