HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 08/18/1959AUGUST- I8, 1959 4
f_ Regular° meetf of the Petaluma .Cit,y .
.ng Commi':ssion. held o. Tuesday, ,
August 18, 1959 -, at 7030 o'clock p m.o in the Counci.l'Chainbers,, Ci y Hall,
Petaluma, Californian
Present: Commissioners',E11i,' , ,1\/lar,g Popp; Sti "meson and Tibbetts
Absent-a Comm. missioner Parsons. '
City'OfficiAlse Planning` Di.reetor' Richard Co1'ema n.,
MRS' COOKIE COUCH USE PERMIT File, No. .'119_,59.. +
Use Permit, Apphcat'ion N;oo 8529 -filed by Mrs, Cookie - Couch, 408 Fair St.
to operate .a Ceram -ic Shop .in ,her..hQme a:t 408 Fair .Street as a -home occupation,
R-3 zone,, was first :cons.'lderedo `The ,Pl.ann ng Director reported that. the - opera-
tion of..the „cer,amie. shop world be for the firir"g,of: ceramics' only and no mand
factor. -ing would be done. A brief d`i'scussion ,, followed. concerning the per
wi for the operaaion ;' Mrs Couch wa.s �pges.eli , and stated that she :had. made
ceramics ;in her home since .1951, 'but' had discontinued `.for a . short time and
be obtained from. the 7 e, Department regarding the', proper hwi.ring in tl should
thereby P P PP
:offing her use he house ,
and that. Luis be made a condition of the u e permit Vil;hereupon, . Resolution, No„
U19 -5 grantimg:th'e Use",,Perrni °t, subject to the . above conditions; was introduced
by Commissioner Stimson;,, seconded by Co,mmi.ssioner :Tibb.etts and unanirnousIy
passed by gall members presence
Use Permit A lication No, 8788 filed bv Jacqueline Ra, Dwight, 137 Wilson St
to conduct home oceupati:on, = dressm king �at. ; 1,37 Wilson Ste', R -3 zonee was
next considered. Mrs Dwight was present on behalf of `her application, The
Planning Director r-eported on - the land use in.'the vicinity of 1,37 Wilson Street'
that no off - street arkin would be re wired at this: time;, as' the a lice g
end gave °'brief .resume of what `the occupation would consist of., It was felt
p' g q pp it oes
"to the home of. many of her customers,, but: Mro Coleman suggested that the °use
pe tmi
t be ;conditioned that if off street .pasxki.iig is"rieeded At ,a late.r time, it
be required, Regarding `the rnatte� of whether Mrs Owight coti'ld employ
persons to assist her, Mr Colerrian stated that the City Attorney informed
that:'ilieneve r per.sUns conducting home occupation employed people to ,wo'rk
fo.r' them �t ceas+ses to become - borne. occupation° �lVhereupon., Resolution No..
g J gg y the
. U23 -:59, 'granting the Use Permit sub ect to the conditiori�as su ested b
Planning Director, .wa.s in'tx.oduced by Cornmi.ssioner E'1Tis, seconded by CQtn, :-
missi:oner° ,Popp ".and unanimously passed E by all members present
BARBER. SIGN "C'OMPANY ° USE PERMIT -, File Noo U24. 5'9, :
Use Pezrn. A "pplicat %on Noo. 88®4. filed by the B rber Sign Company, 412' Madison
to move existing neon sign .on building' to , :park ng � lo;t and mount on te'el pole as,
AUGUST 1R 1.959 Page 2 „
BARBER SIGN COM PANY= = USE. PERMIT - Fi1e.`�1oa _t124 5�9 ed '
con tine
rate st rr cture t the A, ,& B Market Ua.
p Iej'o and East Streets, .
C =2 zone! was next; c on °si'd.eredo Mao Ba!k�.ex was' resent on ,behalf; of the
appliLtion The P7:nn�ng,_D- ioctor'.?°epote! that.he .had`. checked with the - Chief`
of Police who felt that the 1.2,160'L c]_earax ce Was a.degOdte, however, he stated
that it va ;best; not to. const'ruet a`' sign too - close to a.`street aecess..or entrance,
because of :the "poss'i:l7rl.i:tyy. of ,a`cci °dents.' Mr . Co.lernan- stated; that - after .making
a field chec k It °.- app'ea_red that the sign would be .located too close to the entrance,-
to the. market, , - M r - Baiber !stt�.ted `that. the -exat t post ti,on of the ,'sign had not been
decided po
un:rtd could 'be moved a few feet either °vayo Ghai Margolies
the best .location of , i:he ,, w'her.eu on R solution No.o U24 - could nt decide n
re nested Mr., Barbex to cr�n�a;ct' the PlannLn Llirector and the
g p -,59 granting the
Use 'Permit, was ntrodttced by Corr mY ss one'r Stt mson, seconded. by Comm is-
sioner Tibbetts dnd unan'm,ously passed. by all - members present.
Use Permit Application No 8.824 filed by the Petaluma Ice Delivery, 'to move
automatic ice vendor From 615 Petaluma Blvd, - South to 715 Petaluma : Blvd. South'-_
C -2 zone, was next. Considered: Mr. James A, Lookie was present in ;support
of his-application. 'The Planni:"ng. Directo °:pre'sented sketches to the Commission
. sand :stated that .,�Iro L,ockie wotx'le1' also like to:receve architectural appt°oval..of
... _ P �_ applicant the plans tonight also, Mr. Coleman ointed out that the a licant. had provided;
off 'street parking and iodd;,ng a agreed. to blAck., top the area as , recommerided'_
bj the Engineering and Planning Depaxftments ; so that loading and unloading will
not be done' on the street A ftex, reviewing the sketches, Resolution No, , U25- 59`
granting °the Use Permltn. Sivas introduced by Comm %ssioner Stimson, seconded
by Commissioner Tibbetts andunanimou'sly passed by all. members present.
U on the ranti °g p:
�� p g, n of.�the�use e'rmit a motion was made by Commissioner
Stimson:,, seconded by Coznmi.ssioner Tibbetts- and.' unanimously passed :approving
the archite'ctu.ral, pla is as ,submilt6d
Com m issioner St1mSOn state that „i;t was h l_$ U- n de_r' sta nding :tha.t the Subdivision:
Ordinance 'is so worded that .611 subdivision maps are to';come to the Commission
and then 'to, be 'r'eferred to the City Council and, since- the City Council; in the
case of Li Del Mar-, have acted, itidependently ,;he would .,,make a motion th at,
the Planning Cominissio tale °no, action on tlii.
s map and forward, it to the Council
for whatever action they deemed ,necessary, The. motion was seconded "by Coin
missioner, Popp and..`p.assed by 'the fo;lioyii:ng,,votem .
Ayes . Comrniss.oriers Popp', Stirrison, Tibbetts and ;Margolis
•, Noes: Conimi.ssioner Ellis ,
Absent:. Commissioner Parsons;.
- 2
AUG..JST 1.8;, 1959 - Page .8
EINDA DEL MAR. SUi3D1.VYSION - continued
The 'Pla.nnirig Director read- the following, correspondence received this
subject, :including ; - -a, letter from the Sonoma. County : Planning' Commission,
signed - by °J°ack ,Rrather, :P- lanni'n.g Director - of the Sonoma County Planning
Department,, -and datedApgust :7`; 19,59 :,` stating that the County Comm.i.ssion
feels- that a sc:hoof site in the study' area would be satisfactory and that the
schob,!,.di.str ct and theiT arch t,tect Goald give farther consideration to a site
in th >is area, was `read :an&tiled - and, , a• lettef from the Potalum. a City Schools,
signed by m Manning'-City Siiperintendent of Schools and dated - August IT
1959 requesting the Comxni.s,sion to defer any action until a recom
mendation on the actual location the school site is made was read and filed.
Mr. Coleman further stated that, in cornpl.iance with the subdivision ordinance?,
the new tenxaf.ye map was on the agenda, and .each Commissioner has received
his written report which, -is a: _requi.tement .of. the ordinance.
Mr. C
olema r that'he a.l,so rec.elved a letter from the City Engineer
n re
contaii ng his, comments and recommendations and inquired if the Comm
would like this 'letter read. C: ornm ssi:oner Stimson started that it was his
intention th4t9 by his motion v the whole matter be dropped as far as the Planning
Commission is concerned, and, if Mr,, Coleman feela there is any information
'that shou .Id be brought to the at ention of tha Council, it should be given to them
directly, The ma.joxi.ty of the -Commission was in. agreement,
Roh Park
The master p1 :n of de �elopine �t of Rohne,rt Park was shown and explained by
the Planning D'irecto as follows: The park covers a area of a300 acres of
agriculturally zoned 'rand adjacent to the Free. wa.y dnd Cotati The. first step
wais to form a community service district for street lighting sewage, water,
Plan d and accepted, 200 acres of land was rezoned..
etc., After this fan was x'e � are '
p 1
The plan is divided, _- neighborhood developments which are surrounded by a
major street wihth an 86 foot right of way dedicated entirely by the developer.
Within :each neighborhood development there ,are located an elementary school
site and .adjoining park sate.. There Ere a total of 90 acres in park sites.
including 40 acres in small comm parks and a 50 acre community park
which 'is prop6 "sed north of a . S5' acre community center. Sites are also planned
for 'a :� civic center, two Jr. High Schools, one Senior High School and several
churches, There is a 70 acre major shopping center site which wets, as a buffer
between the industrial area and the medica center and apartment house district,
Neighbox_4aod .shopping centers are located to serv'e every 2 or 3 neighborhoods
„ and have access on the .major road system, A total, of 1:00 acres is reserved
•. for commercial, 120 acres for school sites and 200 ,cries for induindustrial p u 'r-
poses, the latter °borderi.ng the freeway. An area is reserved for estate type
AUG*,UST 18, 1959 Tap 4
Rohnert Pa.rk - corbfinu:ed:'
home, development adjacent to " golf cc kse, The prin�':ci.pal:incent ve behind
this plan. is the inc:rea sO of hone sales fhat Can be' obtained. when _a prospective
buyer can' be shown he is purdhasi;xig. property within a well :planned development
There being no. farther business to come b�etore the meeting.* the meeting was