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Staff Report 3.B 12/05/2005
December 5, 2005 C1TY'0-F PETALUMA,'CALIFORNtA, AGENDA. BILL Agenda Title: Meeting Date: Resolution Authorizing the Purchase of one Type 1 Pumper from December 5, 2005 Sutphen Corporation ofAmlin, Ohio in the amount of $420,250.84 Meeting Time: Z 3:00 PM ❑ 7:00 PM Category (check one): ® Consent Calendar ❑ Public Hearing ❑ New Business ❑ Unfinished Business ❑ Presentation Department: Director: Contact Person: Phone Number: Fire Chris Albertson Chris Albertson 778-4390 Finance Steven ,Carmichael Steven Carmichael 778-4323 Cost of Proposal: $420,250.84 Account Number: 3350-62220 Amount Budgeted: $425,000.00 Name of Fund: Vehicle and Equipment Replacement Fund Attachments to Agenda Packet Item: *_Agenda Bill esolution Invitation to Bid #06-008 -'One Type 1 Pumper (Attachment 1) Bid proposal from Sutphen Corporation (Attachment 2) Summary Statement: The Fire Suppression Department identified a need to replace a Type 1 Pumper. The pumper is to be used for fire suppression. The 1977 Van Pelt Pumper being ,replaced was, purchased used from the Novato Fire Department. Invitation to Bid packages were sent to three vendors; and an Invitation to Bid was printed in the Argus Courier. Two vendors returned "no bid" responses and one vendor responded with a bid. After reviewing. the bid, staff recommended awarding the bid to the one bidder, Sutphen Corporation of Amlin, Ohio in the amount of $420,250.84. Recommended Citv .Council Action/Suggested Motion: Recommend the Council. ,apptove the authorization to purchase Corporation of Amlin; Ohio.in the amount of $4205250:84. Reviewed by Finance. Director: BjWLvie eiV'C% ne 'Revision # and Date Revised:' one, Type 1 Pumper from Sutphen - r Avjvrb City Manager: Date: File C e: #06-0 8 One Type 1 Pumper CITY OF PU"LUNVIA; CALIFORNIA. MONDAY, DECEMBER5,1005 AGENDA, REPORT FOR RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASE OF ONE TYPE 1 PUMPER FROM SUTPHEN CORPORATION OF AMLIN, OHIO IN'THE AMOUNT OF $4201250:84 EXECUTIVE- SUMMARY: The Fire Suppression Department identified a need to replace a Type 1 Pumper. The pumper is to be used for fire suppression. The 1977 Van Pelt Pumper being- replaced, was purchased used from the Novato Fire Department. Invitation'to Bid packages were sent. to three vendors, and an Invitation to Bid was printed -in the Argus Courier. Two vendors returned "no bid" responses and one vendor responded with a bid. After reviewing the. bid, staff recommended awarding the bid to the one bidder, Sutphen Corporation of Amlin, Ohio in the amount of $420,250.84. 2. BACKGROUND: The Fire Suppression Department identified a need to replace a Type 1 Pumper. The 1977 Van Pelt Pumper being replaced was purchased used from the City of Novato Fire Department. The new Type 1 Pumper will be used for, emergency level fire suppression. The pumper- specifications were developed to assure optimal use and consistency with maintenance and service criteria. The bid response contains over 155 pages and numerous, brochures. Due -to its volume, it will be available'for review in the City Clerk's office and not distributed. 3. ALTERNATIVES: Council could reject this request -and give staff direction. 4. h+INANCIAL IMPACTS: This will result in a Vehicle and:E'quipment Replacement Fund expenditure in the amount of $420,250.84. The 25% down payment will impact fiscal year 05/06. The final payment will take place in fiscal year 06/07. 5. CONCLUSION: Request City Council- authorize the purchase of one new, Type 1 Pumper from Sutphen Corporation of Amlin, Ohio, in the amount of $420,250.84. 6. OUTCOME&OR,PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENTS THAT WILL IDENTIFY:SUCCESS OR COMPLETION: After Council approval, a purchase order will be issued to Sutphen Corporation of Anilin; Ohio. The Fire Department will take delivery of the vehicle in fiscal year 06/07. RECOMMENDATION: Approve the resolution authorizing the purchase of one new Type 1 Pumper -from Sutphen Corporation of Amlin, Ohio in the amount of $420,250.84. 0 RESOLUTION .AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASE OF ONE TYPE 1 PUMPER FROM SUTPHEN EORPORATION OF AMLIN, .OHIO IN THE AMOUNT OF $420,250.84 WHEREAS, as part of the 2004-2005 Vehicle Replacement. Program, the The Fire Suppression Department identified a need to replace a Type 1 Pumper, and,. WHEREAS, the funding for one new Type 1 Pumper is available from the Vehicle and Equipment Replacement Fund,, and, WHEREAS, staff developed specifications and bids were solicited from responsible vendors, and, WHEREAS, after reviewing the bid, staff recommended that Council accept the bid from Sutphen Corporation of Aml'in, Ohio in the amount of $420,250.84. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council hereby authorizes the purchase of one new Type t Pumper. from Sutphen Corporation of Amlin, Ohio in the amount of $420,250.84. 0 0 J Purchasing Office Administrative Services Department CITY OF PE TALUMA-3,'CALIFORNIA INVITATION BID ONE TYPE I PUMPER Ulm., BID NUMBER: COMMODITY TITLE.: BUYER: BUYER TELEPHONE: ISSUE DATE: BID OPENING I)AVDATE: TIME: LOCATION/ MAIL ADDRESS: 06-008 One Type I Pumper Sue Simmons 707-778-4322/Fax 707-778-4428 1 Thursday, November 17,200 2005' 2-:00 PM City Clerk's Office City of Petaluma H English Street Petaluma, CA 94952 BID CONTENTS Section A: Instructions to Bidders, Section A; Terms and Conditions Section. C. Bid Section A, Specifications Section, E! Exceptions to Specifications Section F.- Additional Information Steven Carmichael Administrative Services Director/Purchasing Officer Sealed winitten'fesponses, must be received at the address above no later than the date, time and location. indicated for the„ Bid Ope "ing. Submittal is not acceptable. Do not mail ni ittal by f4x bids to Purchasing Office. ITB # 06-008 10/20/2005 SECTION A INSTRUCTIONJG BIDDERS !TB 0b-0,08, ONE TYPE I PUMPER THIS IS NOT AN ORDER, BUT AN -INVITATION FOR BID. I - - General- This Invitation to,BidJlTB n inviting serves as a notice inviting bids in,accordancewith Petaluma Municipal Code 4.04.080. The City of Petaluma is seeking bids ,for the f6ilowing: A firm fixed price,purchase order will be- issued for one Type I Pumper per specifications, terms and conditions, and other provisions isions outline below. I: Bid Preparation A., Bid format-, Bids must be typewritten or prepared in ink and must be: submitted on the forms provided in this Invitation f6r Bid. No oral, telegraphid, telpphone'Or facsimile bids will be accepted. B1. Conformance to bid requirements: Bids -must conform tolbe'reqpirements ofthe Invitation. for Bid. All necessary attachments (certificati'Ons, bid bond, listof subcontractors, etc.) must,be submitted with bid and in the required. format. Failure to com ply,witb all requirements may result in bid rejection. C. 'Ekceptioiis. Any deviation from the bid speclifii cations,I terins and conditions plans�, - ns may result in -bid rejection. D. 'Signature on bid: Bids must be signed in ink by an authorized representative of the bidder. Signature on a bid certifies that the bid Is made without conrfecti on, with any person,finn or corporation making a hid for the same p Joet-andis inailr9i 'respects fair and' without collusion fraud. 'Signature on, the bid also certifies- that bidder has read and fully understands all bid specifications, plans, terms 'and conditions. E. Modifications; Modifications or erasures, made before: bid submission must be, initialed in ink -by the person signing the bid. Bids, oncesubmitted maybe modified in writing before the time and date:s'et,for bid closing. Any rhodificdtions :shall be prepared on company letterhead, signed, by an. authorized representative and state the new document supersedes ormodifies the prior bid. Modification must -be submitted in a sealed envelope clearly,marked "B'id Modiffcatfon"�and'identifying the ITB, number and closing date. Biddermay not modify 1 y, bidsafterthe bid deadline. F. Bid withdrawals: Bids,ma'"- be: withdrawn y in writing on company letterhead signed b an authorized representative and by the City Clerk's erk's office prior to the deadline. Bids maybe withdrawn in person before bid closing time upon presentation of -appropriate identification. ITB 4 06-008 2 1'0/20/2005 11 11 -114 -,, 1A � .1 IT "-. vw ti-I.-Is"O I iXON 14 .1 2. Bid Submission Bids must be,receiiied, 'or to the dead] ine�.not'ed: on the- cover sheet prior and below. Na bid received after the deadline timeand date will. be: considered., To assure your bid is vroverivireceived,note thelIT13,number (06A,'09) date and time�ofthe deadline in the lower left hand c6rher-of, vour envelope. 3. Bid opening: The bids -received will be opened after the 2:00 P.M. deadline on Thursdav, November 17.1005; 4. Bid Evaluation and Award A. Award of Purchase or Contract: Purchases or'co.ntracts,;shall be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder,. In determining the. lowest responsive and responsible bidder, the following shall betaken into consideration,: I., The quality; suitability and efficiency'of theitem; 2., The total-li-fe cycle cost. of the equipment; 3. The delivery, discount tefing and all other conditions submitted in the bid; 4. The reputation of the equipment,, the service reputation of the bidder, and all. other information and data requited to prove the responsibility of the - contractor,. B. The City Council, -shall reserve, the fight to reject any of all bids in whole or in part and may waive any' irregularities or inforinalities, in any bids. 5. Results of the ITB.:.A tabulation of all bids received shall be open for public inspection during regular buslries"s hours,, -for a period of not less, than SO calendar days after bid opening. 6. If you have any -qpestions"pertaining,to the'materi ' al contained, herein, contact Sue Simmons, Commercial Services; Manager, 707-7784322. 7. The deadline for -submitting bids is 2':00 PM on Tharsdav,N-ovember 17, 2005, at the City of Petaluma, Clerk's Office; City Hall, 11 -English Street,.Petaluma' CA 94953. Do not send bids to the Purchasino Office. 8. SECTIONS C (Bid),,b (Specifications), E (Exceptions to:Specificati(ins),and F (Additional Information) ARE TO BE COMPLETED IN FULL AND .SUBMITTED. Failure to, coffiplete,all sections, submit all required information prior to the deadline will result in your'bid. not being, considered for evaluation. 'Please retain SECTIONS* A & B. ITB # 06-008 3 10/20/2005 SECTION B TERMS AND CONDITIONS ITB 06-008 ONE TYPE I PUMPER LDEFINITIONS.. . "Contract" means the entire ,written agreement between en the parties, including but not limited to, the Invitation to Bid or Request for Quotation. and its specifications, terms and conditions; instructions to bidders- change notices, if any; the accepted bid;, and the purchas&ofd&r,'or price agreement document: "Contractor" means aperson or organization with whom the City of Petaluma has contracted for the purchase of equipment, material and supplies. ','City":means the City of Petalurna,Catiforni'a 2. STANDARD AND .SPEC -IAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: The terms. And conditions on these p4geg are standard to City contracts ,foT,'the . purchase of equipment, materialsanh d supplies. There may also 'be special terms and conditions in an Invitation to Bid or I Request for Quotation which apply only to this contract. 3. MATERIAL AND EQUIPMENT SPECIFIED, BY NAME: Whenever, any material or equipment is specified by patent or propri'etdry name or by the; name of the -manufacturer, unless,, staied'differentiv. such specification, shall he considered as if followed by the, word's '!o . r acceptable equal", whether or not such words appear. The- Contractor may off6r material of equipment- with equal, orbettefqualjties.and` performance in substitution for those specified which, he considers, would be in the City's interest joaccept. No verbal offers for substitution will be acknowledged. or considered from contractors; n dist manufacturers or distributors; subcontractors. Any such offers sball be �m'a-de in, writing to the Purchasing Officer for a consideration with the submission 'of the -proposal and the Contractor shall all 'Include, sufficient data which, together With any other data the"CA ,y may require, will enable the'City to assess the acceptability of the material or equ ent. :Such acceptance by the City sbal . I.-not'relieve the ipm. I I Contractor from, full responsibility, from the efficiency y and quality and performance of the substitute material 'or, equipment, in th&sam'e manner and degree as the material and ,equipment specified by, name. It should be: -understood that specifying a brand name, components and/or equipment in these specifications shall not relieve the. Contractor ,from full responsibility to, produce, the products in accordance with the performance warranty and contractual requirements., The .Contractor is responsible for notifying the City of any :inappropriate brand name, component and/or equipment that may be, called, r fo I in'the. specifications„ and to propose a suitable substitute, for consideration. 4. MATERIALS & WORKMANSHIP ,Materials used shall be of the best quality and applied. in accordance with Approved reco -'MITI endations of the manufacture thereof., 5. AWARD: The City of Petaluma reserves the, right to accept bids on individual items. -listed, on group items, or on the, proposal, as a whole; to reject any and all bids; ds; to: waive, any infozinality or irregularity in the bids; and to accept the bid that appears from ,all -consideration to, be in the, best interest of the City of Petaluma. ITB -H 06-008 4 10/20/2005 In determiniligand evaluating the be . st bio,,thepric'eswill riot necessarily be controlling, but quality, - equality; �effieienc , utility,. genera - I terms, deliver ability of the �y y, suitability 1 equipment/material -offered; maintainability Of the equipment/material offered, and the reputation*of the. equipment/material in general use will: also be considered with any other relevant factors. 6. ORDER ACKNOWLEDGMENT.: The successful Contractor, after receipt of a City of Petaluma Purchase Order, shall, be required, tofurnish the City Purchasing Officer, when made available, a copy of the 'factory order acknowledgment knowledgment or production date(s) for the equipmenVmaten'dl ordered. 7. NOTICES: Except as otherwise specifically provided in 'this Invitation to Bid and the resulting Purchase Contract or Purchase Order, any notice, submittal or communication required or permitted .to. be served on a party hereto, may be served by personal delivery to the person or the office .Of theContractor. Service may also be made by certified mail or recognized .overnight delivery :service, postage-prepa . i.d,Jo, the, person, -and address stated in the Invitation to Bid and/orthe resulting Contract or Purchase.Order. 8. OPTION TO INCREASE, QUANTITY OF ORDERED UNITS: The City reserves the right to increase the quantityunits shown on this Invitation to Bid by issuance on the ori of ordered unit I - thirty (30) days after original purchase order 'or an additional purchase order not later than thi award of bid. The successffil 'Contractor agrees to furnish ;to the City the additional ordered units at the unit,price offered in this bid. 9. MODIFICATION.- The City of Petaluma, at any time, prior to the -delivery date'specified on the resulting Purchas& Order. or -Purchase Contract, may issue a written change order .for any modifications. ;Such modificAtions shall bethe result of negotiation and agreement between both parties. Oral change orders are not permitted. No change in this Invitation to Bid or resulting Purchase shall' be made unless the City of Petaluma gives its prior written Order or Purchase Contract t ' shal approval from the Purchasing Office: The Contractor shall be liable for all costs resulting from any unauthorized changes. to the Invitation to Bid, PurchaseOrder or Purchase Contract. 10. BREACH OF CONTRACT: ShouldCon . tractor breach any of the provisions of this contract, the City reserves the night to cancel this contract upon Written notice to Contractor. Contractor. shall be 'liable for any and all damages incidental and consequential suffered by the City as I the result. of the Contractor's breach of contract. The City shall -have any and all remedies provide&und.eT the law, in the event 'of a breach of contract by Contractor. In the event of -repeated breach ' cbl of public and/or private contracts',' Contractor shall be subject to disqualification as'a.bidd& on City contracts 11. TERMINATION -OF CONTRACT TO PURCHASE.: If at any tima,,in the opinion of the City Manager,, - 1), Contractor falls to conform to the. requirements of this contract; 2) Contractorseeks relief under any law for the benefit of insolvents or i5adjudicated bankrupt; 3) any legal proceed*,irigs - enced against Contractor Which may interfere with the are comm -Y . performance of the contract; or 4) Contractor has failed to supply an adequate working force, or material of proper qu4"lity, or has , failed in any other respect to prosecute, the work with the diligence and force spe.cifed,and intended in any :by the terms of the contract, notice thereof in ,writing may be serve . d upon the contractor; and should be, neglect or refuse to provide means -ITB # 06-008 5 10/20/2005 for a satisfactory compliance with the contract as directed by the Purchasing Officer within i1thin the time specified in such notice,, the City Manager in any such case -shalthave the right and 7 power, at its, option and without prejudice to any,other-night it may have, to terminate the, contract. Any excess of the cost arising ing thereftom will be charged against the Contractor and contractor's sureties, who will be liable le thereof In the event of such termination; all -monies due the Contractor or retained under terms of the contract shall be forfeited to the City-. but such forfeiture will. not release the Contractor or Contractor's sureties from liability for failure' to fulfill. the contract. 12. TITLE: 'Title to, the equipment/material shall pass to the City ar ,the F.O.B.Destination point, designated -under. the delivery clause below, subject to the night of the Cit reject - City to r ect upon inspection. 13. WARRANTIES: ES: Unless otherwise stated, all equipment shall b6 new and. current. model and 'shall carry 'fall warranties. factory Contractor warrants all equipment and supplies delivered to be free. from defects in, -labor, rhateriat and manufacture and to be in compliance with bid specifications. All implied and expressed warranty provisions of the 'Uniform Commercial Code are incorporated in this, contract. All warranties shall run to the. City. 14. DELIVERY-' All deliveries shall be F.O.B. destination With all ifatisportation and handling charges prepaid by the Contractor. Responsibility and liability for"Ifoss'or damage shall- remain' with Contractor until final inspection and acceptance. by the City, -When responsibility - ity :shall pass to the City except as to latent defects, fraud:, and Contractor's warranty obligations. .15. INSPECTIONAND; TESTING: The City reserves the night and shall be at liberty to inspect and test all materials and wofkmahship,at times and places detennined by the City, and shall have. the right to reject all materials and, workmanship which do not conform, with the equipment/material specification provided,- however, the City is under no; duty to make such. inspection. Should it bedetermined, after inspection; that corrections ares need'ed.to bring ,the equipment/material up to the specifications of the bid award, the, Ci.ty for the. Purpose of earning the discount, may extend tthe-.date;�of complete acceptance beyond! thedate of delivery. If Contractor is unable or to !correct such goads within a gime deemed reasonable by the City,. the City may cancel the order in whole or in. part. Nothing is this paragraph shall adversely affect the City's right as buyer. 16. ACCEPTANCE- AND PAYMENT: Acceptance. shall be made at- the, time all eq . uipment/inaterial is operational and ,in proper working,order as deten-nined by and :to the satisfaction of the City of Petaluma. Acceptance of the equipment/rridten"al shall be determined' on the basis of' technical completeness; ptrforman,ce' and adherence to the operational requirements and functions of the specifications.: Payment, will be, scheduled within thirty (30) days .upon complete .del1Very and acceptance of all equipment/material and receipt of an original invoice'for-the equipment/material complying -i with y withholdif i the terms and conditions of the award. TheCit, reserves the right to. p to ten percent -,(10%0) of the purchase price in the event there is a conditional acceptance: e. In cofthectionwif4 any cash discount specified ;on the , bid form, time will"be computedfrom 'the, date of complete* acceptance of the equip ment/material, or from date correct -invoices are, received .in the Ci-ty'Fibahce Offibe, 11. English Street, P.O. BOX 6.1, Petaluma CA 94952, if to/2O/2005 A 10 Ll R the latter date is later, than the date. of 'complete acceptance. For the `purpose of earning the discount, pAyffient as deemed' to 'bemade, on the date of ndiling of thea City check or transfer of funds. 17. ASSIGNMENT AND SUBCONTRACTINQ 'The Contractor shall not assign or subcontract the work, or any part, thereof, withopt the previous written consent of the City, nor shall he/she assign, by power of attorney or otherwise, anyofthe money payable under this contract unless written consent of f the City has been 6btained, No right under this contract, nor claim for money due or to become -due hereunder shall be asserted against the City, or persons acting for the City, by, reason of,"any so-called assignment of this -contract or any part thereof, unless such assignment has been authorized by the written consent of the City. In case the Contractor is pennitted to, assign monies due -or to become due -under this contract, the instrument of assignment Aa 1 11 contain a clause subordinating the claim of the assignee to all prior liens for services -rendered or materials supplied for the performance of work. Should any subcontractor to,perform in a satisfactory manner'the work undertaken by the subcontractor, Contractor's, subcontract shall, be immediately terminated by the Contractor upon notice from theCity. The Contractor shall bo,:ftilly responsible: and accountable to the City for the, acts and ,orpissions of Contractor's subcontractors, and. of persons directly or indirectly employed, by them,, as th*e Contractor is for the acts:and omissions of persons directly employed by him.. Nothing, contained in this ;contract shall, create any- contractual relation between any subcontract and the City. 18. FEDERAL AND STATE TAX: The City is exempf-from- excise taxes and transportation tax, Tax exemption certificates will be signed for merchandise delivered to the City upon request. Kindly bidI without these taxes. 'Transportation tax requires no exemption certificates, but goods must be consigned to the City. California sales tax of 7.5% will be paid in accordance with ffie.cOntract payment schedule. 19. SEVERABILITY': If any-pprovision i i of this contractis- declared by a court to be illegal or , in conflict with. any law, the,• validity of the remaining terms and provisions shall not be affected; and the rights and ,obligations of thepdrties shall 'be construed and enforced as if the contract did not contain I he:particuldr provision held to be invalid. 20. COMPLIANCE WITH- APPLICABLE LAWS_ ,Contractor shall comply with all federa'I',. state: and local laws, codes, regulations and ordinances applicable to the provision of goods to be purchased undera this contract. Failure to comply with such requirements shall constitute a breach of contract and shall be grounds for contract cancellation: Damages or costs resultingfior noncompliance shall be the sole responsibility of Contractor., 21 -GOVERNING L AW, JURISDICTION. VENUE: This contract shall be governed and construed in. accordance with the laws of the State of California', without resort to any jurisdicti6n's confl,i-ct. of laws rules or doctrines. Any claim, action, ,suit, or proceeding (collectively `the claim") 'between the City (and/or other agency or department of the City) and the Contractor that Arises from or relates to this contract shall be brought and conducted solely and exclusively within, the Superior Court of Sonoma County for the State of California. Provided; however, if the claim must be brought in a federal, forum, then it shall be brought and conducted solely and exclusively within the United States District Court for ,the District of Northern California. Contractor hereby consents to thejurisdiction of said courts. ITB # 06-008 7 10/20/2005 22. WAIVER: Failure of the City to enforce any provision of this contract shall not constitute a waiver or relinquishment nquishment by the City of the night to such performance in the future nor of the night, to enforce any other provision of this contract. 40 23. CALIFORNIA OSHA RULES AND, REGULATIONS: All .machinery, materials, supplies and equipment furni§heCs.hall in full accordance With ally applicable Cal/OSHA rules and regulations,. Contractor or Contractor warrants that he and each of his subcontractors shall, in performance ofthis contract or. purchase order, ,00rnP ly, with each and __ every compliance order issued pursuant, to Cal/,O SH Al The Contractor or,,Contra ctor assumes full and. total responsibility for compliance with Cal/OSHA standards by, his subcontractors as well as himself. The cost of complying. with any compliance order ,and; payment of any penalty assessed pursuant to Cal/OSHA and the cost ,of plac1ng,non-conf6rrnihg, machinery, supplies,, materials and, equipmeri : t An compliance with Cal/OSHA :shall be home, by the Contractor or Contractor. Contra ctor or Contractor shall save, keep hold harmless the. City,aqd,all officers, employee&And agents thereof, from all, liability, cost or expenses in law or in equitywhi which, may at any time an se -0r, be set. up because of Cofitractoes ofContractor's y - - " I , 3 or his 'subcontractors', non-compliance or alleged non-compliance with Cal/OSHA requirements, Of fAllure to pr6Vfd.e 'machinery,, materials;. isupplies or equipment which conforms'to Cal/OSHA,-., Nothing contained herein shall he deemed to prevent. the Contractor or,- Contractor of his subcontractors from otherwise -allocating between themselves sfor responsibility - compliance with Cal,/OSHA requirements,* provided, however, that the Contractor or Contractor shall' not, thereby be, in any manner whatsoever; relieved of his responsibility to the City as hereinabove set forth. 24: SAFETY AND HEALTH REQUIREMENTS: Equipment and supplies Ai lied shall comply with all federal Occup ationa . I Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) requirements. 25. MATERIAL' SAFETY DATA, SHEETS-., Contractor shall provide the :City with a Material Safety .Data Sheet: for any equi . pment and/or supplies provided- under this contract, which may release; of -otherwise result in exposure to a� hazardouschemical under normal conditions -of use. In addition, Contractor must label, tag or mark such goods. 26. PATENTS AND ROYALTIES:, The: Coritractor, if his bid is accepted, shall, defend any and all suits and assume ,all liabilitv'for the use of any patent process, device or article , farming a part of the apparatus or -Any app liance, furnished under thecontract. All costs C involved in fees, royalties or claims for any patented -invention, article, processor method that maybe used upon Orin any manner ,connected with the supply of this material/equipment shall' be: paid by the Contractor. Should, the Contractor, his agent or employees or any of them be enjoined. from, furnishing or I using any invention, 'article, material or Plans supplied or required' to be supplied or ,used "Under the contract, .the Contractor'shall promptly substitute, oth6rarticles, -materialsor appliances in lieu thereof equal finish, efficiency, quality; suitability and market value, And satisfactory in all respects to the City. Of in the event that the City elects; in lieu of such substitution, to have supplied and' to retain and use any such, inventions, artidle"s, materials MAN or pians as may be required to be supplied,.the-Contractor shall pay such rby4lties and, secure such valid licenses as may be requisite for the, City, its: officers, agents, and employees, Of Any of them, to use such invention, article,, materials, or Appliances without being,distufbed' -or any way interfered With by any proceeding, in the law or equity on account thereof Should the Contractor -neglect or refuse to make 'the substitution promptly or to pay such, royalties and ITB # 06-0018 8 MZ20/21005 -XV secure such licenses as may be necessary, then in the event the. City shall have the right to make such substitution or the City I may pay such h royalties and secure such licenses and charge the Contractor even though final payment undeuthe contract may have been made. 27. INDEMNITY AND HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT: Contractor agrees to accept all responsibility for ,loss or damage to any person or enfity, and to defend, indemnify, hold harmless and release elease the City, its officers, agents and, employees, from and against Any and all actions, claims, damages,'disabilities, or costs of litigation that may be. asserted by any person or entity, arising out 'of or in connection with the performance by Contractor hereunder, whether or not there is concurrent, passive or active negligence on, the part of the City, but excluding liability due to negligence or willful misconduct of the City. This xcl the sole active n i inderrinification obligatiohis not limited in any way by any limitation on the amount or type of damages or compensation payable to or for Contractor or its agents under Workmen's Compensation acts; disability benefits acts or other employee's benefits acts. Contractor shall be liable to the. City for any loss or damage l to City property arising from or in connection with Contractor performance hereunder. 28. FORCE MAJEURE: * Neither party to this- contract shall be held responsible for delay or default caused by fire, riot, 'acts of God and /or war, which js*beyond that party's reasonable control. The City of Petaluma -may terminate 'this contract by written notice after determiningsuch delay or default wilt reasonably prevent successful performance of the contract. 29. BUSINESS TAX:; Contractors who are awarded a'City contract, must pay a City business tax pursuant to City Ordinance. 30. YEAR 2005/06 COMPLIANCE:. All products offered by the contractor as well as third party components of the - solution must be Year 2005/2006 Compliant. The software/hardware .design to ensure year 2005/2006 compliance liance sball include, but not be limited to, century recognition, of dates, calculations that correctly compute same century and multi century formulas and date values, and'interface values that reflect the century, None of these products should require any modification because of date issues arising between now and the next one -hundred years into the future. In any changes are required, the contractor will make the changes at no:cost and in a time frame that is acceptable to the City. SPECIAL TERMS, AND CONDITIONS 1'. ILLUSTRATIVE AND TECHNICAL DATA: Bidder shall submit with his, bid complete and current illustrative and technical data on the proposed- equipment/material. Failure to providelthis information may be sufficient to declare the bid -non-responsive. 2. DEALER PREPARATION: Bid prices must include all necessary dealer preparation applicable to new equipment-, and destination delivery charges from the factoryAd the dealer. 3. DELIVERY: Failure by the successful Contractor to notify the City ity of Petaluma immediately of any delivery beyond au for him to be held the stated date or terms is cause responsible for damages incurred, as a result of an extended delivery time. Prior to delivery the equipment /material shall be "completely assembled asnecessary to assure proper operation and function. ITB # 06-008 , 4 10120/2005 All equipment/material, spare parts and supplies shall be delivered F.O.B. destination, delivery .charges prepaid and added, to the following location: CITY OF PETALUMA FIRE DEPARTMENT I I ENGLISH STREET PtTALUMA, CA 94952 4,DELIVERYCHARGES: Delivery charges to the City of Petaluma shall be listed as a separate line, itemin Section D. • C7 JTB.# 06-008 10 10/2.0/2005 E E E SECTION C BID ITB 06-008 ONE' TYPE I PUMPER The City desires to purchase one, Type I Pumper in accordance with the specifications and terms and conditions contained in this ITB. 1. One Type I Pumper' $ ,.Make & Model 2. Sales Tax $ 3. Delivery $ 4. Total $ Delivery Information: calendar days after receipt of purchase order. The undersigned declares that bef6re preparing this, bid, he/she carefully 1readthe specifications and requireffients,for Bidders and that this bid is made with full knowledge of the kind, quality and, quantity of services and. equipment to be furnished., and this bid is as stated on documents submitted in response to the City's Invitation to Bid. The undersigned offers and agrees, if this ,bid is accepted, within -forty-five (4.5) calendar days,from -date of opening, to furnish any or 411 of items upon which prices' are offered at the price set opposite each item, delivered at the designated point(s).within-the time specified. Discounts will be allowed for prompt payment: percent, 10 calendar days; Percent, 20 calendar days; percent, 30 calendar days. 141430TW11_WA ADDRESS: CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE. - SIGNATURE OF PERSON AUTHORIZED TO SIGN: TYPED NAME OF SIGNER:. TITLE: TELEPHONE #: ITB # 06-008 FAX #: 13 DATE: 10/20/2005 SECTION, D SPECIFICATIONS ITB;06-0.08 ONE TYPE I PUMPER GENERAL The Petaluma Fire,D(partme.rit is accepting bids in response to the following specifications for a type I pumper. The general description is a medium body, 4 -door cab, mid -ship pump with rescue, style roll, up doors and a ladder rack. We-fequjre .seating, for six, while meeting all current industry standards: All equipment/options are to be: factory installed. If the equipment/options are not ,available as factory installed, dealer -installed equip ment/accessories may be acceptable. The bidder is, to specify those items, which will be'dealer installed. Speci'al.,items needed to bring the vehicle up to specifications shall be accepted only if they are the manufacturer's regular or approved factory options, The vehicle shall meet or exceed the construction and performance.specifications described in the foll owing. minimum specifications. Contractor shall indicate below,by',marking yes or' no, whether`the Vehicle it proposes to sell to the City complies with theIViiriimum Specifications listed below. Any, deviations -from -the minimum specifications, set, forth herein shall, be notedand explained in Section E, Exception's to the. Specifications. in order. to receive full consideration, bid 'must fql.lo.w these specifications and .the. Invitation for Bid's Terms and Conditions and instructions. MININJUNI.SPECIFICATIONS: To be completed by bidder and attached to Section C (Bid) 0 ITB # 06-008 12 10/29/2005 INTENT OF SPECIFICATIONS • It is the intent of these specifications to cover the furnishing and "delivery. to the purchaser a complete apparatus ,equipped as hereinafter specified-. Witha view of obtaining the best results and "the most acceptable apparatus for service in the fire department, these specifications cover only�the general requirements as to the type of construction and tests to which the apparatus must conform; -together with certain, details as to finish, equipment and appliances with which the successful bidder must, conform. Minor details of construction and materials where not otherwise specified are left to the discretion of the contractor, who shall be solely responsible for the design and construction of all features. The apparatus shall conform to the requirements of the current (at the time of bid) National Fire Protection Association Pamphlet #1901 for Motor Fire Apparatus unless otherwise specified in these specifications. • Bids shall only be, considered from companies which have. an established reputation in the field of fire apparatus construction and ' have been in .business for a minimum of ten (10) years. Each bid shall be, accompanied by a -set of "Contractor's Specifications" consisting of a detailed description of the apparatus and equipment proposed and to which the apparatus furnished under contract must conform. Computer run-off sheets are not acceptable as descriptive literature. The specifications shall indicate size, type, model and make of all. component parts and equipment. Meets Specifications Yes No OUALITYAND WORKMANSHIP The design of the apparatus must embody the latest approved automotive engineering practices. The workmanship must. be'the. highest" quality in its respective field. Special consideration shall be given to the, ,following points: Accessibility to various areas requiring periodic maintenance; ease of ;operation (including both pumping and driving) ,and symmetrical proportions, Construction must be rugged and ample safety factors must be. provided to carry loads as specified and to meet. both on and off road requirements and speed as set forth. under "Performance Test and _Requirernents." Meets Specifications Yes No ITB # 06-008 13 10/20/2005 PERFORMANCE TESTS AND REOUIREMENTS A, road test shall be documented with the apparatus fully loaded and a continuous run of ten (1:0) miles o more shall be made under all driving conditions, during which time the apparatus: shall show no loss of power of overheating. The transmission drive, shaft ,or,shafts, and rearaxles shall -run quietly and free from abnormal vibration or noise: throughout the operating range of the apparatus. The: apparatus, when loaded, shall be approximately 669/o on the,rear axle.. The, successful bidder shall furnish a weight certification showing weight on the front and rear axle, and the total weight of the completed apparatus at .the time of delivery. The apparatus must be capable of accelerating to 3.0 MPH from a standing start within 25 seconds �on a.level concrete highway without :exceeding the maximum governed engine RPM. b. The service brakes shall be capable of stopping the fully loaded vehicle within 35 feet from a speed of 25 MPH on a'level concrete highway. C. The apparatus, fully loaded; .shall, be, capable of obtaining a speed of .50 MPH on a level highway with the engine not exceeding 95% of.its.governed RPM (full load). The apparatus shall -be tested and approved by a qualified testing agency in accordance with their standard practices for pumping engines. e. .The contractor shall. furnish copies of the Pump Manufacturer's Certification of Hydrostatic Test (if applicable), the Engine Mamifacturer's current Certified Brake Horsepower Curve and. the Manufacturer's Record of Construction Details. Meets Specifications Yes No FAIL; LIRE TO MEET TESTS' In the event the apparatus fails to meet the test requ gements of these specifications on the first -trial, a,second trial may be made. at the option. of the bidder within thirty (30) days ofthe date of the first trials. Such trials :shall be final and conclusive and -failure to comply with, these requirements shall be cause for.Tejection.:Permission, to keep and/or store the apparatus in any building owned or occupied, by the purchaser shall not constitute: acceptance. of 'same. Meets Specifications Yes No ITB # 06-008 14 1.0/2012005 EXCEPTIONS TO SPECIFICATIONS The following specifications' shall' be: ,strictly adhered to. Exceptions shall be considered if they are deemed equal tto or .superior' to the specifications,' provided they are fully explained on separate page entitled "'EXCEPTIONS' TO SPECIFICATIONS. Exceptions shall be listed by page and paragraph. Failure to denote exce tions in the above manner shall, result in immediate rejection of the p j proposal. In addition a general statement-taki ' " ng, "TOTAL EXCEPTION" to the specifications shall result in immediate rejection of bid. Meets Specifications Yes No GENERAL CONSTRUCTION The apparatus shall be designed, and the equipment 'mounted with due consideration to distribution of load between the front and rear axles so -that all specified equipment, including filled water tank, a full ,complement, of personnel and fire hose shall be carried without injury to the apparatus. Weight balance and distribution shall be in accordance with the recommendations of the International -Association of Fire, Chiefs and National Fire Association (or American Insurance Association). Certified -Laboratories certificate shall be submitted by the manufacturer: Weight of apparatus shall: meet all federal axle load laws. Inspection trips at pfe"construction of 4 Petaluma Fire Department personnel to be provided by builder with an additional trip for 4 personnel at final inspection prior to delivery. p Meets Specifications Yes No DELIVERY REOUIREMENTS The apparatus shall be comptetely,6quipped as per these specifications upon arrival and on completion of therequiredtests shall be ready for immediate service in the fire department of the purchaser. Any and all -alterations required at the scene of delivery to comply with these specifications must he done gat the contractor's expense. Meets Specifications Yes No PURCHASER RIGHTS The Purchaser -reserves the right to accept or reject any bid. The purchaser also reserves the right to award in their best interest and reserves the right to waive any formalities. ITB # 06-008 15 10/20/2005 Meets Specifications Yes No ,U.S.A. MANUFACTURER The entire apparatus shall be assembled within the borders of the Continental United States to insure more readily available parts (without added posts and delays caused by tariffs and customs) and service, as well as protecting the purchaser should legal action ever be required. Meets. Specifications Yes No, MANUFACTURER'S EXPERIENCE Each manufacturer shall have been in business making similar apparatus for a minimum, of ten (10) years Meets Specifications Yes No ELIMINATION *OF DIVIDED RESPONSIBILITY It is requiredthat each bidder produce both the chassis a . nd complete apparatus. To, eliminate divided responsibility and service, -the. chassis and body must be manufactured by the same ,pons] i's must ) Company. Maritifacttirer shall state the number of years the Company has. been producing their -ownchas's'M and body. Manufacturer shall state compliance with the, paragraph. NO EXCEPT -IONS. Meets Specifications' Yes N6 FAMA COMPLIANCE Manufacturer must be a current member of the Fire Apparatus- Manufacturer`& As'soci,ation. Meets Specifications - Yes . No BID SEOUENCE The sequence of the bids submitted shall be in the same order as the F'etalum, a Fire Department specification to allow for, ease of comparison. "NO EXCEPTION". Meets Specification Yes No ITB # 06-008 16 10/20/2005 CHASSIS The chassis shall be manufactured in the factory of the bidder. The chassis shall be designed and manufactured, for heavy, duty service with adequate strength and capacity of all components for the intended load to be, sustained and the type of service required. There shall be no divided resoonsibilityin the -production of the apparatus. Meets Specifications Yes . No ALUMINUM CAB The cab shall be & full tilt 6 -person cab designed specifitally for the fire service and manufactured by the chassis builder. Cab shall be built entirely by the apparatus manufacturer within the same facilities (no exceptions). Meets Specifications Yes! No CAB DESIGN The cab shall be designed specifically for the -fire service and .manufactured by the chassis builder. The apparatus chassis shall be .of an engine forward, fully enclosed tilt cab design. There shall be four (4) side entry doors. The cab shall be of a.fullIy open design with no divider wall or window separating the front and rear cab sections. Construction of the cab shallconsist of high strength aluminum welded to extruded aluminum framing. The cab roof shall utilize extruded, radiused outer corner rails with integral drip channel and box tubing iype;cross brace supports. The cab sides shall be- constructed from extruded door pillars and, posts that provide a finished door.opening, extruded and formed wheel well openings supports, 'formed aluminum wheel well liners and box tubing type support braces. The cab floor andrear cab wall shall utilize box tubing type framing and support bracing. t The framework -shall be 'of a welded construction that fully unitizes the structural frame of the cab. The structural extrusion framework shall be overlaid with interlocked aluminum alloy sheet metal panels to form the exterior skin, of the cab. The structural extrusion framework shall: support and distribute the forces and stresses ITB # 06-008 17 10/20/2005 imposed by the chassis and cab loads and shall not rely on the sheet metal skin for any structural integrity. Meets Specifications Yes No CAB DIMENSIONS The cab shall be designed to satisfy the,following approximate width and length dimensions: Cab. Width (excluding mirrors) 94" Cab Length (f-om C/L of.front axle) To front of cab (excluding bumper) 681" To rear of cab 56" Total Cab- Length (excluding bumper) 1.24" Meets Specifications Yes I No CAB MOUNTING The cab mounting system shall_ use, a steel sub frame, isolated °.from_ the cab With eight (8) rubber mounfs, to minimize chassis vibration and torsional loads from ,being induced into the, cab structure. -The two tilt pivot points shall have brass bushing and grease fittings s for lubrication and smooth tilting of the, cab. The intent of this specification is to create a sub - frame -to support the cab and lift mechanism_. Meets Specifications Yes No GLOVE BOX A glove box shall beprovided with a, notebook holder located near,the floor at the right side seat position. Plastic or vacuum formed door panels not acceptable. Meets Speci`ficati'ons Yes No INTERIOR The cab interior shall. have Zolatone gray(black- rubberized, -mar resistant; "textured fn`ish. Meets Specifications Yes No FENDER. CROWNS. ITB # 06-008 18 10/20/2005 ,4 • • • Polished. front axle fenderettes with full depth radiused wheel well liners shall be provided. Meets Specifications Yes No GRILLE . A stainless grille shall be provided. Grille shall be box type, not flat, and allow for siren or warning light mounting. Plastic or ABS grilles will' notbe acceptable. Meets Specifications Yes No CAB INSULATION The cab shall be insulated in a manner to reduce noise levels, inside the cab. The cab interior sound levels shall not exceed 80 decibels at 45 mph in all cab seat positions. Meets Specifications Yes ROOF DESIGN No The cab shall be of a one' -half 10'raised raised roof design, ,with sufficient arch to repel water to the side drip rails and' shall .satisfy the following minimum height dimensions: Cab Dimensions Interior Front 59" Rear 65" Cab Dimensions Exterior Front 65" Rear 75" Meets Specifications Yes No DOORS The cab doorframes shall be constructed from aluminum extrusions fitted with an aluminum sheet metal skin and. shalt be, equipped with dual weather seals. The cab doors shall be equipped with heavy-duty, door- latching hardware, which complies with FMVSS 206. The mechanics of the, door operation shall' utilize rod linkage for positive .operation, and electric windows both front and, rear. A rubber coated nylon web doorstop shall be provided. A book holder shall be provided on the inside lower panel of each front cab door. ITB # 06-008 19 10/20/2005 The doors shall be flush mounted with a full-length stainless steel 3/8" :diameter hinge and shall be fully adjustable. The forward d full-length � cab door design shall incorporate an extruded and formed aluminum framework mework with a roll -down style door glass.. The door glass shall roll completely down. The rear full-length cab door design shall incorporate an extruded and formed aluminum window framework with a roll -down style door glass, and shall have Chicago. style handrails. - All openings ,in the cab shall be grommeted or equipped with rubber boots to seal the cab from extraneous noise and moisture. The cab doors, shall be designed to satisfy the following approximate opening arid step area dimensions: Door Opening: Front 36.5" x 73.00" Rear 36.5" x 82.25" The cab doors shall have interior brushed stainless steel scuff guards at the'bottorn of"each window loprovide' protection for the paintand interior. Ke . yed locks shall be, provided on all four (4) -cab doors. Meets Specifications Yes No EXTERIOR GLASS * 0 The cab windshield shall be of a two piece curved design utilizing tinted, laminated, automotive approved,safety glass and shall have- a minimum area of 2,700 square inches., The window shall be held in place by an extruded rubber molding, with a chrome 'Plated decorativelocking bead. The cab shall be: finished' painted prior to the wiridowinsiallation. Two side windows shall be provided between the forward cab area and the. crew cab ,area, one (j) each side and ;shall utilize tinted, tempered automotive approved, I safety glass. The widows shall be approximately 20.5" high X 16.50" wide to provide maximum visibility. The side Windows shall be held in place by an extruded rubber molding ,with �a chrome plated decorative locking bead In, the upper rear comers of the back wall. of the, cab, there shall, be two window holes approximately 6" wide x 9" high. to :allow fire fighters a 'rearward view before existing the apparatus. The cab door and ,canopy windows shall u,tilize,tinted,'automotive approved safety,glass, .Meets Specifications Yes No SUN VISORS The gun visors shall. be made of dark -smoke colored transparent polycarbonate. 'There shall ITB # 06-008- 20 10/20/2005 be a visor located at both the driver and officer positions,. Other styles may be acceptable if they prove functionality with the decision to be made at pre -build conference. Meets Specifications Yes . No STEP WELL COMPARTi TENTS Bath the right and left side {forward step wells shall have a compartment approximately 21 wide x 10" high x 4.5" deep: The rear step wells shall have to compartment approximately 24" wide x 12" high x 9.750" deep. Each compartment shall have a removable bright aluminum finish tread plate cover. Meets Specifications Yes , No A UXILIARY CAB ENTRANCE STEPS Underbody steps with a,grip strut surface shall be provided at each cab step area if needed. The steps shall be approximately 10" deep x 24" wide and shall be no more than 15" from the ground. Meets Specifications 0 CAB TILT SYSTEM ' E Yes No An electric over hydraulic cab tilt system shall beprovided in order to facilitate the lifting of the cab allowing full access to the engine and accessories mounted under thecab. The cab shall be mounted to. a*! steel box tube sub -frame through the use of high durometer rubber mount. The raising of the tilt cab shall be accomplished through a hydraulic lift system consisting of two (2) hydraulic. lift cylinders; an electrically driven hydraulic pump, two (2) hydraulically activated latches, and an electricalcontrol, switch. The hydraulic lift cylinders shall be coupled to the steel cab,sub-trame (not directly to the cab) with greaseable Kaiser bushing for the pivot point. The above-described sub -frame shall be used to minimize stress to the cab during lifting operations. Or equivalent. The hydraulic cylinders shall lift the cab to a tilt angle of 45 degrees, exposing the engine and accessories for service.. Manual rod locks with Morse type cable release shall be provided to ensure the cab will remain in, a safe tilted/raised fixed position. The lift system shall operate in. a smooth and safe manner and shall include cylinder interlocks to ensure that the cab will remain in a fixed position in the event of a failure in the system. Meets Specifications Yes No ITB # 06-008 21 10/20/2005 CAB STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY The cab: of the apppra,tu-s shall be designed and so attached to the vehicle as to eliminate,, to the greatest, possible' extent, the,,ris-k of injury.to the occupants in the event of an accident. The apparatus cab shall be tested to specific load and impact tests with regard to the protection of occupants of a commercial vehicle. A test shall be conducted to evaluate the frontal impact strength of the': apparatus, cab to con.forrn` to -the "United Nations, Regulation 29, Annex, 3, paragraph 4, (Test A). A -second test shall, be conducted to evaluate the, roof "strength of the apparatus cab toconform to the "United,Nati Ions Regqlation 29, Annex. 1. paragrpp", (Test B). The evaluab,on -shall -consist of the =requiremehts imposed by ECE Regulation' 29, Paragraph 5. There shall be,."NO EXCEPTION" to the aforementioned test. Meets Specification s Yes No MANUAL, CAB LIFT There shall be. a. manual I y,operated hydraulic,pump for tilting the cab in cage the main pump should fail. Meets Specifications Yes No POWER WINDOWS All four -cab entry door windows shallhave power windows. Each door Shall, b.ejndividually operated and the driver position shall have master control over all windows. Meets Specifcatio.ns Yes No BOOK HOLDERS IN LOWER: POTION OF FRONT DOORS There will be book holders installed in the lower portion of the doors. Yes, No AIR HORNS Two, (2),, chrome plated, air horns sha 11 be recess mounted, one (I.) each side behind the perforatedrille of the bumper: The air horns shall be controlled by a toggle switch wired gri through the born button. Meets Specifications ITB # 06-008 22 10/20/2005 Yes No ALTERNATOR A 320 ampere Pfestolite/Leece Neville alternator serpentine r I -pentine belt shall be provided The alternator shall generate 260 Amperes, at idle. Or eqijiv'ilant. A low voltage alarm, audible and visual, shall be provided'. Meets Specifications Yes No A MeritorM MPS -18-133A, hon -driving, front steer axle with a capacity 18,000 pounds shall be provided. The axle shall have a 3.74" dropped I-beam, 10 bolt, hub piloted, furnished with oil 'seals: Meets Specifications Yes No FRONT SHOCK ABSORBERS The front axle shall he equipped with heavy-duty telescopic Gabriel brand shock absorbers. Meets Specifications Yes No STEERING Ross heavy duty Model TAS -85 power steering -shall be provided. The steering gear shall be bolted to the frame at the cross -member for steeririg.jinkage, rigidity.. Four (4) turns from lock to, lock 'With, an 18" diameter slip resistant rubber covered steering wheel. Steering column. shall have six-positi6n tilt and 2" telescopic -adjustment. A 40 degree cramp -zing-lb shall be provided in each direction providing very .tight turning ability. Meets Specifications Yes I . No SUSPENSION (Front) The suspension springs shall be of the semi -elliptic type rated f6r full axle capacity. All spring and. suspension mounting shall be attached directly to frame with high strength bolts and' s, elf-1oqking collars. ITB # 06-008 23 10/20/2005 Kaiser spring bushings and pins shall be provided with :fluted "figure eight" grease groves. The pins shall be nickel plated for long life. Oil seals shall be provided. Meets Specifications Yes No REAR AXLE The rear axle shall be a Rockwell@ RS=23-186 with a capacity shall 'be 24,000 lbs., hub piloted, furnished with oil seals. Meets Specifications Yes . No TOP SPEED Rear axle speed approximately 72 MPH. Meets Specifications Yes No BA TTERIES• The battery system shall be a single system consisting of four negative ground; 12 volt AC Delco' Group 3:1 batteries, cranking performance of'950 CCA each with total of 3800 amps, l 85 ,minute reserve capacity with 25 ampere draw at 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Each battery shall have 114 plates. Warranty shall be accepted nationwide. The batteries shall be installed in a vented 304 stainless steel battery box with a removable aluminum cover to protect the bbafteries from road dirtt and moisture. The batteries. are to be placed 'on dri-deck and .secured with a fiberglass hold down. The batteries shall be wired directly to starter'motorand alternafor. The battery cables shall be 3/0 gauge. Battery cable terminals shall lie solder dipped; color coded and labeled on heat shrink tubing with a color coded rubber boot protecting, the terminals'from corrosion. There shall be a 350 amp. fuse protecting the pump primer, tilt pump. -and other options as required. Two additional. negative ground, 12-v6lt pelvo group. 31 batteries,. cranking performance of 950 CCA each with. total of 5600' amps shall be pr'ovi'ded. The batteries shall have 114 plates per battery. Warranty shall be accepted nationwide. The batteries shall beinstalled in a vented fabricated 'battery box with a removable cover to protect the batteries from* road dirt ITB # 06-008 24 1:0/20/2005, 0 • and moisture. The ,batteries ,are to be placed on dri-deck and secured With a fiberglass hold down. The batteries shall be wired directly to starter motor and alternator. Meets Specifications Yes No BATTERY JUMPER TERMINAL There shall be one set (two studs) of battery 'jumper terminal's located by the battery box under the cab. The terminals shall have plastic color -coded. covers. Each terminal shall be tagged to indicate positive/negative. Meets Specifications Yes No BA TIER Y CHARGING A Kussmaul Auto Charge .3 510.' -battery system, charger with battery saver shall be provided. The Auto Charge 3510 -is a fully . automatic battery charger with a very high output for vehicles with a single battery system. . A, single graph display 18 provided to indicate the state of charge ofthe .battery system. em. The rated output shall be, 35 amps for the vehicle battery system, and 1;0 amps. f6tthe battery saver system. A Kussmaul Model 001-55-20r120 super electric auto -eject with h weatherproof cover and power interrupt shall be provided. BRAKES Meets Specifications Yes * No R The -ftont and rear brakes$hall be,a self cleaning MeritorTm ADB -1560 .17" Disc type brake or equivalent with a minimum braking surface of 240 square inches 'and an automatic slack adjuster. The brake callpef,sball be a two -slide pin design and have a unique swing -away caliper with lift out lining and pad assembly. They shall be eq , uipped with an external xternal lining wear wer indicator for -easy'lii-spection. . Meets, Specifications Yes No BRAKE 'WARRANTY The brake will carry Meritor's five (5) year 75,000 mile warranty of wear -.items. ITB # 06-008 25 Meets Specifications 10/20/2005 Yes No AIR BRAKE SYSTEM' The vehicle shall, be equipped with air -operated brakes. The system shall .meet or :exceed the design and perforance requirements of current .FMVSS-1.21 and test requirements of cum rrent NFPA l`90T standards. Each wheel shall have. a. separate brake chamber. A dual treadle. valve shall be "split the braking power between the front and rear systems. All :main ball rake lines sh, be color -coded nylon type protected in high:temperature rated split plastic `loom. The brake hoses from_ frame to axle shall haye spring.gua-rds ion both ends to prevent wear and crimping as they move with suspension. All fittings- for brake system plumbim.,shall be brass,. There shall be no steel fittings. A Meritof"M NABCO System Saver 1200 air_ dryer with a spin -on cartridge, pressure relief valve, regeneration, valve and heated automatic moisture ejector shall be provided. The air system shall be provided with a rapid .build-up feature, designed to meet current NFPA 1901 requirements. The system, shall be designed to so -the vehicle. can .:be moved within 6.0 seconds .of startup. The quick buil,4. up, system shall provide .suffcient air pressure so that the apparatus has no brake 'drag and: is able to stop under the intended operating conditions following the; 60 -second buildup time The vehicle shall not berequired to have a separate on -.board electrical air compressor or shoreline hookup to meet this requirement. Three {3) supply tanks with a M_mimumb:air .tank capacity 4100. cubic inch capacity shall, be u provided. One air reservoir shall serve as a wet'tank and' a minimm of one tank shall be supplied for each the front and rear, axles., Mounted on wet tank 'behind -bumper under- the cab shalt be, a Schrader f11 valve. A .`spring actuated air release emergency/parking brake shall be provided on the rear axle. One (1) Bendix-Westing}iouse ,PP -1 parking brake control shall be provided and located' on the ;lower right cab dash within' easy reach'of the driver. A-Bendix-Westinghouse SR -1 valve,, along with a double .check valve. shall be supplied on the brake system to provide automatic spring application at 40 PSI'. The brake°pedal shall be E-7 type with all brake switches 'inside 'the cab, to eliminate exposure to the elements, or equivalent. 16.1 CFM air compressor Ilubricated from engine oil,,cooled by the engine cooling system and direct gear driven at rear of the engine. Accessories plumbed from air system. shall go through a PR3 valve and to a;manifold so that. if accessories fail they shall not interfere with air brake system. Meets Specifications „ . Yes No ITB 4 06-008 26 10/20/2005 PARKING BRAKE A. f6br-wheel parking brake''system shall be provided. The front brakes shall release when the ignition is turned. off. Meets Specifications Yes No AIR BRAKING A BS SYSTEM A Wabco ABS 4 channel system shall be provided to,im ove vehicle stability and control -PT by reducing wheel lock-up duning,'braking. Thisbrakingsystem shall be fitted to axles and all electrical connections shall'be environrnentallysealed, Water, weather and vibration resistant. The system shall constantly monitor wheel behavior during, braking. Sensors on each wheel transmit wheel speed data to an electronic processor, which shall sense approaching wheel lock and instantly modulate *brake pressure up to 5 times per second to prevent wheel lock- up. Each wheel shall be individually controlled. To,"improve field performance, the system shall be equipped with a dual circuit design. The system- 'circults shall be configured in a diagonal pattern. Should, a malfunction Occur, that circuit shall revert to non -nal braking action. A warning light at 'the driver's instrument panel shall malfunction to the operator. The system shall,consis.t of a sensor clip, sensor, elec ' tronic: control unit and solenoid control valve. The sensor clip, �shall hold the sensor in close, proximity to the tooth wheel. An inductive sensor consisting of a permanent magnet with a round pole pin and coil shall produce an alternating 'current 'with a frequency proportional to wheel speed. The unit shall be sealed, corrosion -resistant and protected from electro -magnetic interference. The electronic control unit shall monitor' the speed of each wheel sensor and a microcomputer shall evaluate in mifliseconds wheel slip. PC based (Diagnostic- Optimistic Connection) for W.Abco systems for PC and support soft wear to diagnose and support the braking system. Meets Specifications Yes No There shall. be an, 8'high double, rib polished stainless steel wrap-around bumper provided at the front of the. apparatus. Laser cut perforated grilles shall be incorporated into the bumper and located at the outboard section of the bumper for the air horns and center for the siren speaker. The bumper shall'be mounted to a reinforcement plate constructed' of 1/4" x 10" x. 70" carbon steel'. The frame rail extension shall be a reinforced four-sid'ed boxed frame rail for superior safety protection., A gravel shield shall be provided, constructed of .188" aluminum diamond plate. Other styles of bumpers may be acceptable if the goal is of protection and being a short design as not to impede or'reduceentry angle of the apparatus. Angle of approach and departure should be a minimum of '12 degrees.' ITB iq 06-008 27 10/20/2005 Meets Specifications Yes No. COOLING SYSTEM AND RELATED COMPONENTS The chassis shall be equippedwith a, high .capacity down flow 1250 square inch frontal area radiator; with 4-1/2" thick core with six rows 'Of tubes and 11 fins per inch. The,rad'iator core shall be Beta welded, not soldered. The system shall have a 5.8 quart cooling system capacity,: bolted tank. design, full deaeratibn system built into tank torp and. Posi-temp temperature control system with a charged air cooler to match engine requirements on front ofradiator. The radiator plumbing shall provide. a.draincock for coolant evacuation. The. engine cooling system shall be capable of maintaining engine manufacturer's recommended engine operating temperature during all load conditions.. The engine cooling system shall meet all test requirements .for performance required by the respective' engine manufacturer. The radiator core shall be compatible with all commercial anti 'freeze solutions. A 30 9 -blade high performance fan is provided on the engine.. The ,fan. drive .shall: be- rear aired. The cooling system shall have'a chemically charged water filter fouprotection ofthe radiator an'd engine. Meets Specifications Yes No COOLANT LINES Silicone hoses shall be provided for all engine coolant lines. All radiator hose clamps shall be spring loaded stainless steel constant torque hose clainps for all main hose connections to prevent leaks. Meets Specifications Yes No DRIVELINE The driveline shall consist of Spicer 1.710 series dual grease fitting universal joint with "Half - Round" end yokes. The drive shaft shall be built'with a heavy-duty steel tube 4.095" outside diameter x .180 wall thickness. The shafts shall be.d.,ynamically balanced prior to installation into -the chassis. A splincd slip joint shall be provided in each shaft assembly,,. Universal joints shall be extended life. There :sha'l'l be two (2) Zerk fitting in each universal joint assembly so'the joint can be greased without turning the shaft. Meets Specifications ITB # 06-008. 28 10/20%2005 at ;i,. I �J " , 1'. ENGINE ENCLOSURE Yes No An integral, formed aluminum engine enclosure shall be provided. The engine enclosure shall be ,of a contoured design to, blend in an aesthetically pleasing manner with the interior dash and flooring of the cab. The enclosure shall have a padded vinyl covering. The inside of the engine enclosure shall have a sound deadening insulation 'system. The cab interior shall have a sound -deadening package to,help minimize the noise (1313) levels and eliminate engine heat from the front and rear of the cab. The engine enclosure shall have access doors that shall permit daily fluid checks from within the cab interior, without requiring the cab to be tilted. Two (2) work lights shall be installed in the engine enclosure. Individual switches, located on each light's base, shall activate the work lights. Meets Specifications 'Yes No ENGINE Detroit Diesel Series 60 DDEC, 490 H.R. @ 1800 R.P.M., 1,650 ft. lb. torque @1200 R.P.M., 14.0 liter displacement, minimum.' The engine shall have a five year or 100,000 mile warranty and .approval by Detroit Diesel for installation in the chassis. The engine shall be. equipped with the following: Air cleaner - Fait Ecolite w/restriction gauge on dash Air compressor - 161.1 CFM Midland Exhaust- single With discharge right side, ahead of rear wheels Detroit Diesel primary and:secondary fuel filters Electronic fuel system with unit injectors Lube oil cooler Lubc oil filter - full flow Starting motor - 12 volt PC based program( DOC) for the DDEC, IV series for -diagnostic support including ITB # 06-008 29 10/20/2005 soft wear. 'Meets Specifications Yes No AIR INTAKE The engine air intake shall be equipped with a Farr stainless steel ember separator With. i a minimum surfdce' area of 120 square inches and: shall meet the: requirements ts tas Outlined in NFPA 19011. This -unit should also meet all engine manufacturers specification for proper operation. Meets Specifications Yes No ENGINE.BRAKE The engine shall'*j i be equipped wait a,.acobs 'compression engine brake. An, "On/Ofp" switch .and A control for"I'Low//High" shall be provided on the instrument panel within easy reach of the driver. The- engine brake. shall interface- with the Wabco ABS brake controller to preventengine* brake operations during -adverse braking conditions. A pump ;sh'i'ft inteflock..circulit shall be provided to prevent the engine brake from -activating during -pumping operations. The:brake light shall activate when tfie,enginebrake is engaged. Meets Specifications Yes No EXHAUST SYSTEM The engine exhaust systm,shall. be horizontal design constructed fiom heavy-duty truck components, All exhaust tubing shall be aluminized, A 30" piece of sfairiless steel flex tube shall be used to isolate the exhaust system from engine. The.outlet shall 1 be directed to, the, forward sideof the rear wheels- exiting the right side with a chrome straight tip. The muffler shall- be ;a doublet wrapped aluminized type,, mounted under the right sidia frame rail,. and meeting the engine manufacturer's specifications and current noise level. tests. An -fiberglass heat -absorbing sleeve shall be used on, the exhaust pipe in the engine coinpdftinent area to reduce the, heat, to protect the alternator, and also to protect hands when checking, or,adding Oil in the 'engine compartment. ITB 0 0'6-008 30 1W20/2005 Meets Specifications • Yes No FRAME 3/8" thick formed channel 10-1/8" x 3 1/2" flange, section modulus 32.65 in. cubed, resisting bending moment 1,632'00 in./lbs. Rear axle area of the frame ,shall have a double liner bolted to the frame to provide- additional' strength to this high ,stress area. There shall be six (6) crossmembers, 3/8" thick. Formed channels have formed gusseted ends at the frame rail attachment. 5/8" grade 8' flange bolt fasteners shall be used on all permanently attached brackets to the frame'to eliminate the need for bolt re=torquing. The frame shall be painted glossy red prior to installing wiring harness and other components. A lifetime warranty shall be provided. Meets Specifications Yes No FUEL TANK The chassis shall be equipped with 'a 65 -gallon rear mounted, behind the rear axle, rectangular fuel tank that ;shall be constructed' of steel alloy with stamped heads. It shall provide a minimum 65 -gallon (246 liter} "draw" capacity on an incline in any direction up to 8 degrees. The fuel, tank ,shall be certified to meet 'FMVSS .393:67 tests. The tank shall be • removable by means of six' (6.) bolted connections and dropped. One (1) tank baffle shall be used. Dual pick-up and return ports, with ,a single 3/4" tank drawtube shall be provided for diesel generators if required, Fuel gauge -sensor shall be accessible without removing tank. The fuel tank shall be equipped with a 2 1/4" filler neck assembly with a 3/4" vent located on the left hand sideof the tank. A fuel fill cap attached with a lanyard shall be provided. The bottom of the fuel tank .shall contain a 1/2" drain plug. The fuel lines shall be ny.lon,braid, reinforced fuel hosewith crimped brass fittings. The lines shall be carefully routed along the inside of the frame rails.. All fuel lines, are covered in high temperature rated ,split plastic loom. Single suction and return, fuel lines shall be provided. The fuel tank shall be: mounted in a saddlewith 1/4" rubber, contact cemented to the saddle. Meets Specifications Yes No CAB HANDRAILS Four (4) 24 long, 1=1/4" diameter polished aluminum rails with rubber grip strips shall be provided, one (1) at each cab entrance. One (1)i rubber coated grab handle shall be provided on the officer's side windshield post. ITB # 06-008 31 10/20/2005 Meets Specifications Yes No HANDRAIL UNDER GLOVE BOX There will be one (1) an additional handrail located tinder the glove box. Meets Spe6fii-cafions Yes No. HEATERIDEFROSTERIAIR CONDITIONER. There shall be minimum -2;1;900 cool BTU and 34,000 -heat BTU single unit, beater)a' conditioner mounted over the engine cover and, equipped with a three (3) -speed fan with air ir blowers fore and aft. Unit shall be mounted in center of the, cab on the engine hood/enclosure: Unit shall have 'a shutoff valve at the front of the cab. Lighted control panel. for the heater;. air conditioner and 'defroster shall be - provided. on the cab dash. The, C defroster/heater shall be a minimum of 3:3,000 BTU and shall be a separate unit mounted over the windshield_ Defroster lo ver/defuser shall be provided, one (I) each side of the front windshield.. There shall be ductwork to the floor of the cab, facing; forward to provide heat for the ft6nt of cab floor area. The condenser ishAll be roof mounted and -have two (2) heavy duty motors,ana a 44,000 BTU rating. (This roof -mounted condenser shall Work At full rated ca pacity at. an idle With no engine,,heat problems, while -radiator mounted condensers do not work well below 1500 RPM.), Meets Specifications Yes . No LOAD MANAGER Load -manager shall have the ability to sequence loads on, and off. It shall also be able to shed, 8. loads, when the vehicle 1-s stationary, starting, at 12.7 volts lowest priority .load to be shed, then respectively at 12.6, 1,14i 12.2; „1.2:0, 1 L-8', 11.4 and 11.0 volts DC. Any load that has been shed shall be off for a minimum of five, minutes, and then if "voltage has rebounded above shed voltage, the shed 'load shall autornatical _jy come on. 'There shall also be an indicator'panet along side the rqcker;swit6hes,- which indicate power is on, batter 4 y warning and 'fast idle. Battery warning indicator shall flash at a. rate proportional to the voltage, discharge rate. Meets Sppcifications Yes No AUTOMATIC HIGH IDLE ACTIVATION The load management system shall. be capable of activating the apparatus high idle system ITB ft 06-008 32 10/20[2005 when the system voltage drops below 12.3 volts DC. The, system shall raise engine speed for a minimum of five minutes until voltage exceeds 13.0 volt DC. The load management system shall activate -the high idle feature before any devices' are automatically shed OFF. The high idle function request from the load management device shall function only if the appropriate interlocks are present*- that is, control. of the high -idle system is monitored and shall be superseded by the state' of the interlock control module. The automatic high idle system shall be deactivated 'Whenever the brake pedal is pressed, and shall remain inactive for two minutes thereafter to will allow an operator to override the high idle function and return the engine to idle before or'PTO engagement. Meets Specifications Yes No INSTRUMENT PANEL The main dash shroud which ich covers the area directly in'front- of the driver from the door post to the engine hood shall be.,pustorn molded and covered with a non -glare black vinyl. The dash panels are deluxe, simulatedwood grain finish. The dash has one (1) hinged service panel that tilts outward for easy access to the internal- components. All gauges shall be Stewart Warner smart gauges ps with built in red warning light to. alert' driver of any problems. All gauges and controls: are backlighted for night vision andidentifiod for function. All main gauges and warning lights can be seen through the steering Wheel. soThe vehicle shall be equipped with a keyless ignition, witha two position rocker switch, "Ignition Off/On" and a, two (2) position rocker switch, "Off/Start". Instruments to include: Tachonneter/liourmeter Speedometer/odometer Ammeter Voltmeter Fuel gauge Engine oi - I pressure Transmission temperature Engine temperature Primary ary air,pressure Secondary air pressure indicator and warning lights visible to driver: Battery on Parking brake engaged Low air with buzzer Turn signals- Hi=bearn Engine temperature with buzzer Engine oil pressure with buzzer ; Transmission temperature with bu'zzer Do hot'shift transmission Check transmission ITB # 06-008 33 10/20/2005 Stop engine with buzzer Check engine Cab door open (flashing) Compartment door o _pen (flashing) Antilock brake warning, Fasten seat belt (deactivated with parking brake release) Otber'indicatof,and warning lights (if applicable): Retarder engaged Retarder-ternperature Other controls on main dash Master ppwer.disconnect with ignition switch Engine -start.switch, Headlight ght switch Windshield wiper/washer switch Differential lockswitch (if applicable) Dimmer switch for backlighting Parking brake control, Included .in steering column: 146m button Turn:sign4l switch Hi -beam low -beam switch 4=way - flasher switch Tflt-teiekopic steering wheel controls Controls, gauges and indicator lights to. driver's right side: Transmission shifter with fluid level indicator. Air filter,restric.tion light 'Pump shift control; with OK TO PUMP and PUMP ENGAGED lights Reater/deftoster controls Eighteen (18) illuminated rocker switches Driving compartment warrimp, labels shall include: "HEIGHT OF VEHICLE" "OCCUPANTS MUST BE SEATED AND BELTED WHEN APPARATUS: IS IN MOTION" "DO NOT USE AUXILIARY BRAKING SYSTEMS ON WET OR SLIPPERY ROADS"' An engine warning;system, shall be provided. This shall include a,STOP ENGINE G*INE (red)light and a CHECK ENGINE (amber) light with buzzer activation on STOP ENGINE Tight:. (Some engine configurations may ,also include a fluid warning light.) This system shall monitor engine conditions such as low oil pressure, high engine .temperature and, low coolant level., There shall be a master information light b ' ar with - .21 lights located across' the center of the dash panel that covers up to 21 functions. These are defined under j ndi cators and I Warning Lights above. Four ,(4) red 2" diameter lights are provided in the forward cab area -visible to both driver and officer along with An alarm buzzer. Opon releasing the Apparatus parking brake one ' - oi more of these lights shall automatically illuminate and buzzer sounds, if any cab door is open ITB # 06-008 34 10/20/2005 (flashing), compartment door is open (flashing), any ladder or 'equipment rack is not in stowed position; or any other device has not been properly stowed.,that. may cause damage if the apparatus is moved. All wiring shall have XL high temperature crosslink insulation and shall be 10 gauge, 12 gauge, 14 gauge and 18, gauge depending on load. All wiring shall be color coded, and the function and number stamped at- 3"' intervals on each wire. All wiring shall be covered with high temperature rated split loom for easy access to Wires when trouble shooting. All electrical connectors and main connectors throughout the chassis shall be treated to prevent corrosion. Meets Specifications Yes No MASTER ELECTRICAL PANEL The chassis main breaker panel ;shall be wired through the master disconnect solenoid and controlled'with a three -position ignition rocker switch. Circuit breakers and flashers shall be located at officer's right side lower �interior firewall with removable cover and schematic provided with notebook, holderonoutside cover. Deluxe breaker panel "with --up"to 22 ground switched relays with circuit breaker protection. The integrated electrical sub -panel interfaces to the body.and chassis through an engineered harness system. 12 - 20 amp relays standard with one (1) 10 amp. relay for cab lightbar and assemblies. 14 - Relays standard with Q213 option, heavy-duty solenoid for QZB. Additional four relay. boards., with, circuit breaker protection for additional loads. Maximum two boards (8 rel ' ays) per breaker panel. All relayboardsset up to trip with input from switch of positive-negativO or load, manager by moving connector on board (no tools needed to do this). All relay boardshave power-on'indicator light (red), switch, input indicator light (green, one per switch) and power -output indicator. light (red, one per,.relay),. Up to 23 additional automatic reset circuit'breakers for non -switched loads that are remotely switched (ie: heater fans, hood lights, etc.). All relays and circuit,breAers on. relay ay boards are pull-out/push-in replaceable. laceable. p I - All circuit breakers on relay boards are 20 amp. auto reset and can be doubled or tripled for 40 or 60 amp., capacity. System includes Deutch DRC weather resistant tant connector at the breaker panel, toe board and main dash connections or equivalent to meet ele6 trical needs. ITB # 06-008 35 10/20/2005 All internal wire end. terminals, including locking connectors, are mechanically affixed to the wire ends by matching terminal crimping presses to assure the highest quality terminations. All' internal- splices are ultrasonically welded connections and all internal wiring is high temperature GXL type wire that: is protected by wiring duct wherever possible. All switches are ground controlled; no power going through any rocker switch. As an -option; any switch controlling a, relay in the breaker panel can, be set to function only when he parking brake is set:. All, relays shall be tagged with the. function that the relay is controlling'. Meets Specifications Yes No A,UXILIARY POWER POINT Two (2) 12 -volt 15 -ampere auxiliary iary lighter socket type plug -ins, shall be provided in the cab rovi nearthe officer, Two (2). in rear near jump seats. Meets Specifications Yes No INTERIOR The cab interior shall be finished'in' include full front and rear headliners, gray vinyl'. 'It shall rear ar tirewall, the panel behind the seats, and door panels.. The bottom of the door interior panels shall be stuff resistant bright.staimess treadplate. Meets S.pecificatiorvs, Yes No LIGHTING CAB EXTERIOR, Exterior lighting,arid reflectors shall meet or exceed Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards and National Fire Protecfion Association requirements in effect at this time. There shall be -dual sealed beam halogen Tectangular headlights in custom housings on each side of the front of the cab. Meets Specifications Yes No; ALTERNATING HEAD LAMP Theheadlightsshall have an alternating flash feature for emergency response use:, ITB # 06-008 36 I0120/2.005, Meets Specifications Yes, No HAND HELD SPOTLIGHT One Optronics Blue Eye Model KB -4003, 400;000 -candle power hand-held spotlight shall be provided, installed at officer's side of cab. Meets Specifications Yes No LIGHTING CAB INTERIOR Interior lighting shall, be provided inside the, cab for passenger. safety. Two (2) ceiling mounted Graykon 4" square clear dome lights with integral switches shall be provided in the front cab over the driver's and officer's seats. The lights, shall also activate from the open door switch located in each -cab doorjamb or equivalent. Meets Specifications Yes No RED CEILING LIGHTS There shall be two (2) red, 47 square Grakon brand cab -interior -lights with integral switches, one located above the officers seat and one located above the driver's seat or equivalent. Meets Specifications -Yes No LIGHTING CREW CAB INTERIOR Two (2) ceiling mounted Graykon brand 4" square clear lights with -integral switches shall be provided in the crew cab. The lights. shall also activate from the open- door,switch located in each cab doorjamb or, pqivi]6nt. Meets Specifications Yes No RED CEILING LIGHTS There shall be: two(2) red--"Graykon brand 4" square crew cab interior lights with integral switches, equally spaced.in. the cab ceiling or equivilant. Meets Specifications ITB # 06-008 37 10/20/2005 Yes I I No MIRRORS Two. (2) Beach brand. mirrors or equivient, shall be provided and installed. Meets Specifications Yes No DRIVER'S SEAT The driver's, seat shall be a Bostrom Sierra FX air ride high back,'adjustable fore/aft., upholstered with gray tweed Durawear. A 3 -point goat -belt shall be provided. Meets Specifications Yes No, OFFICER'S SEAT The officer's, seat shall be a Bostrom Firefighter'T'" Tanker 450 SCBA air fide iseat, adjustable fore/aft. The seat shall be upholstered with .gray tweed Durawear. A 3 -point seat bolt shall be provided. Meets Specifications Yes No CREW SEATS The crewcab area shall, have four (4) Bostrom FirefighterTm seats. Theseating .arrangement shall be: two .(2) ecar facing Bostrom Tanker 450 ABTS SCBA seats and two (2) forward facing.Bostrorn flip -up; non- SCBA seats. The seats shall have the following f&atuiies: Integrated 3 -point seat belts "Alto -Pivot & Return" head rest Built in,lumbar support 100% Duraweafrm gray tweed s'eat.materi a] Meets Specifications Yes I No SUSPENSION (Rear.) A Reyco 102ecrlear suspension shall -be provided and installed on the apparatus. The rear semi -elliptic springs shall. be, 37-4/4"',x'3 x 8" leaf with trailing arms. The trailing 'arms allow free movement of'the,axle from bump loads and deflections while holding the, axle. in chassis' alignment. This: suspension shall control axle. wrap-up torque' caused by accelerating or braking. The'trailing arms shall be mounted in; maintenance free rubber bushings atboth ends. The left arm shall be adjustable in length for maximum accuracy of chassis: alignment. ITB # 06-008. 38 10/20/2005 • 11 0 FRONT HUB COVERS The front axle shall be, with ipped eq hub covers. equipped Meets Specifications Yes No Meets Specifications Yes No FRONT TIRES Front tires shall be Michelin 315/80R22.5, load range L, highway tread, single tubeless type with a GAWR of 18,000 pounds. Wheels shall be disc type, hub piloted, 22.5 x 9.00 10 stud 11.25 bolt circle. Chrome plated lug nut caps shall be provided. Meets Specifications Yes No REAR HUB COVERS Hub covers shall be provided for the rear axle. Meets Specifications Yes No REAR TIRES Rear tires shall be Michelin 12822.5, load range H, dual tubeless type with a GAWR of 24,000 pounds. Wheels shall I be disc type, hub piloted, 22.5 x 8.25 10 stud with 11.25" bolt circle. Chrome plated lug nut caps shall be provided. Meets Specifications Yes No MUD FLAPS Hard rubber mud flaps shall' be provided for front and rear tires. Meets Specifications ITB # 06-008 39 10/20/2005 Yes No WHEELS Aluminum wheels shall be provided for" the front and for - the inside and outside of the rear wheels. The aluminum wheels shall match the tire and axle capacities of the apparatus: Meets Specifications Yes No TOW HOOKS (Front) There shall be two chrome plated front tow hooks attached directly to .the chassis frame: Meets Specifications Yes No TOW EYES (Rear) There shall 'be two tow eyes attached -directly to the chassis frame -rail under the rear compartment. Meets Specifications Yes - No I TRANSMISSION The chassis shall be equipped with an Allison EVS4000 six (6) speed automatic, transmission. It shall be programmed five (5) speed, sixth gear locked out, for fire apparatus vocation, in concertwith the specified en An, electronic oil level indicator shall be provided as well as a diagnostic reader port connection. The transmission shall be geared to provide one-to-one ratio in - fourth gear, which shall �also be the fire pump drive. gear. A gear lockup shall be provided to . hold transmission in direct drive- 'for ,pump operation. The fifth gear shall be :an overdrive ratio, permitting the vehicle to reach its,top spe I ed at the engine's governed speed. Thb-dipstick is -dipped in a bright red rubber coating for ease in checking oil level when hot. The chassis, to transmission wiring harness shall utilize M'etri-Pack 2,80 connectors with triple lip -silicone seals and clip -type positive seal connections to protect electrical connections from contamination, without the use of coatings. Include,. the,, (Diagnostic Optimized Connection) Allison DOC program, for PC version 2.0 ITB # 06-008 40 10/20/2005 E soft wear to diagnose and repair the unit. Include the connection from system to laptop. Ratings: Max- Input (I -1P) 580 'Max Input (Torque) 1.675 (lb.ft) Max, Turbine (Torque) 2600 (lb ft) atios: J;st Mechanical Ratios: 3.51:1 2nd - 1.91:1 3rd 1.43:1 A 1.00:1 5th - 0.74:1 Reverse - -5.00:1- Meets Specifications Yes No TRANSMISSION SHIFTER An Allison "Touch Pad" shift selector shall be mounted to the fight of the driver on the engine cover accessible to the driver. The shift position indicator shall be indirectly lit for nighttime operation. Unit to include transmission fluid monitor. Meets Specifications Yes No CASTROL TRANSYND TRANSMISSION FLUID Castro] Transynd transmission. fluid will be provide and, instal -led in the apparatus prior to delivery. Meets Specifications Yes No FRONT TURN SIGNALS There shall. be two Wbelen 600 Series LED rectangular amber turn signal". lights mounted one each side in the front of the headlight housings and one mounted, on each side of the warning light housing. Meets' Specifications Yes No WHEELBASE The approximate wheelbase shall be 176". Not to exceed 19W. ITB #-06-008 41 10/20/2005 Meets Specifications Yes No WINDSHIELDWIPERS Two ,(2) blackanodized finish two speed synchronized electric windshield wiper .system. Dual motors -with 'posifive parking. System includes dual arm pantographic wipe with built in washer system. One (I) master control works .the wiper, washer and .intermittent wipe features. Washer bottle is a remote fill with a 4 quart capacity. Washer, fill' is located just inside of officer cab door. Or equivalent Meets Speci'ficati'ons Yes No MISCELLANE0US CHASSIS E.Q.UIPMENT Fluid capacity°plate affixed below driver's seat. Chassis filter -part number plate affixed below.driver's seat. Cab occupancy capacity label, affixednext to transmission shifter. NFPA compliant. seat belt and standing warning plates.provided. Meets Specifications Yes No .FIRE PUMP HALE OTWO-150 Fire pump shall be midship mounted: The fire pump shall have two impel lers and be of the series -:parallel, two-stage design. The pump shall be equipped with .an all bronze waterway transfer valve, capable .of switching from one,ppmp mode to the other,with two,,' and one-half turns ,of .the transfer valve control har.idwheel. � The transfer valve :shall be equpped with, a positive mechanical indicator to register the position of the transfer valve at all times. The transfer valve shall not be electrically operated. The pump shall be of ;f ne grain alloy .cast iron, with a minimum tensile strength of 30,000 PSI. The pump body shall 'be horizontally split, on a. single plane. with removable lower casing- for easy removal of the entire impeller assembly .including wear rings. and bearings ,from beneath the pump without disturbing piping orthe mounting of the pump in the chassis. All moving parts in contact with water shall be of high quality bronze or stainless steel. Easily rep]aceable'bronze labyrinth, wear rings: shall, :be� provided. Discharge passage;shall be designed to accomplish uniform ,pressure readings as the actual pump pressure.- The rated. ITB,# 06-008 42 10/20/2005 • capacity of the ,fire pump shall be of 1500 gallons per minute in 'accordance with NFPA #1901. The pump shaft shall be rigidly supported by three bearings for minimum deflection. One high lead bronze sleeve bearing shall be located immediately adjacent to the impeller (on side opposite the, drive unit). The sleeve bearing; shall be lubricated by a force fed, automatic lubrication system, pressure balanced to exclude foreign material. The remaining hearings shall be heavy-duty type, deep groove ball bearings and shall be splash lubricated. The. pump shaft shall have only one packing gland located on the inlet side of the pump. It shall be of split design for ease of repacking. The packing gland must be a full circle threaded design to exert uniform pressure on the packing to prevent "cocking" and uneven packing load when it is tightened. It shall be 'easily adjustable: by -hand with a rod or screw driver and requiring no special tools or wrenches. The. packing -rings shall be of a unique combination of braided graphite -filament and braided synthetic packing and have sacrificial zinc foil separators to protect the pump shaft from galvanic corrosion. Meets Specifications Yes No PRIMING PUMP The pump shall be capable �ofprimiiig the pump within .30 seconds using 20 ft. of suction 1 hose on a 10 ft. lift., The,pump shotbe. electric positive displacement type. Both pump and priming valve shall be actuated, by a single control on the,opprato?s panel. Meets Specifications Yes No PUMP TRANSFER CASE The drive unit shall be .,designed of ample capacity for lubricating reserve and to maintain the proper operating temperature.. Pump drive unit shall be, of sufficient size to withstand up to 16,000 lbs. ft. torque of the engine in both road and pump operating conditions. The pump drive shall not require water -.coaling coils or other supplemental coolingdevioes. The9 earbox drive shafts shall be heat-tredted chrome nickel steel. Input and output shafts shall be at least 2-3/4" in diameter: They shall withstand the full torque of the engine in both road and pump operating conditions. The engagement .of the -pump transmission shall 'be of such design so as to permit transfer of power from road, to. pump, Operation only after vehicle is completely stopped. The pump shift shall be air actuated from the: e ' cab and have both a green '"Pump Engaged" light, and a green "O.K.-To-Pump" light. A third green light shall be provided on the pump operator's panel for "Throttle Ready". The pump drive unit shall be cast and completely manufactured and tested at the pump 10/20/2005 ITB # 06-008 43 1 manufacturer's factory. Meets Specifications Yes No PUMPANODE Two (2) pump anodes part #529-0080=00-0 One (l) in the discharge side=of the pump. One (1) in the intake side of the pump. Yes ..No PUMP CERTIFICATION 'The pump,,whe.n dry, shall be capable of taking suction and discharging water in compliance with NFPA. #190.1 chapter 14. The pump shall be tested by National `Testing; and' shall del. ver"the percentages.of rated capacities at pressures indicated below: 100% -of rated capacity @J 50 PSI net.pump pressure. 70% of "rated capacity @ 200 'PSI net pump pressure. 50% of rated capacity @,250 PSI net pump pressure. Meets Specifications Yes No THREAD TERMINTAION National Standard Thread shall terminate the inlets and outlets of the apparatus. Meets Specifications Yes No PUMP PRESSURE GOVERNOR CONTROL 'An electronic pressure governor shall be provided . which .is capable, of automatically maintaining a desired preset dischargepressure. Logic for the -governor system ishall. be, incorporated into the Electronic Control Module on the engine. When operating in the "pressure control" mode,; the system shall automatically maintain the discharge pressure set by the operator regardless of flow, within the discharge capabilities of the pump .and water supply. Engine speed shall return to idle if the discharge pressure is lost"for more than S seconds, thus offering cavitation protection. While operating in the "throttle control" mode, ITB # 06-008 44 ' 1,0/20/2005 • E E the system shall automatically maintain the engine speed set by the operator. A.preset is also available which. allows a predetermined pressure or RPM to -be set. The preset pressure or RPM will be displayed on the message display of the information center. In addition to providing, normal throttle, functions the "throttle can-trol"?m6de shall also be used to back up the pressure mode. The pressure signal shat -I come from a pump mounted pressure transducer allowing direct reading ,of pressure without requiring water" flow through 'the transducer or any part' of the control system. An interlock shall be incorporated 'into the governor that shall allow the system to become operational only when, the parking brake is set and the. transmission is in drive with the midship pump engaged. The governor controls shall be located at the pump operator's panel and consist of a series of- indicator f-indicator lights denoting system mode selection. When the operator chooses either the pressure control" mode or the "throttle control" mode an amber light shall come on. indicating the system selected. .,A momentary switch shall, be used to provide an infinite setting for increasing 'or decreasing water pressure or engine speed. The operator's panel shall also incorporate a system shutdown push button, which will return the engine to idle. Built-in functions include engine 'tachometer readout, voltmeter readout, engine oil pressure A readout, engine tennperatute readout, check -engine light and stop -engine light and buzzer, low coolant level sensor, throttle ;control for tbe;engine and other key engine functions. Meets Specifications Yes, No THEKWAL RELIEF VALVE. There shall be a Hale T.RVI-20 Thermal Relief Valve (TRV) supplied. The valve shall automatically 'dump a;controlled amount of water to atmosphere when the pump water exceeds 120 degrees Fahrenheit. The'valve shall re=set automatically. Meets Specifications Yes No AUXILIARY COOLER - An auxiliary cooler :shall be furnished to provide additional cooling to the engine under extreme pumping conditions. Water from the pump is to be piped to the coils of the heat exchanger allowing the engine fluid w be cooled as required. ITB # 06-008 45 Meets Specifications Yes No 10/20/2005 VALVES All valves shall be Akron Heavy -Duty swing,out 880018600 series unless otherwise noted. The valve shall have an all east brass body with flow optimizing nickel -,chrome plated' brass ball, and dual polymer seats. The valve shall be capable of dual directional flow while incorporating a self-locking ball :feature using an automatic friction lock design ,and specially designed "flow optimizing brass ball. The valve shall-, not require the lubrication of seats, .or any other 'internal waterway parts, and be capable of swinging out of 'the "waterway for maintenance by the removal of six bolts. The valve shall be compatible with a slow close device. This valve shall be actuated, using manual handles, a Rack & Sector, manual gear, or electric actuator. " The manual handles shall be quickly adjustable to one:" of eight handle positions, and require only 90 degrees travel. Meets Specif"cations Yes ' No VALVE WARRANTY The valves shall carry a 5 -year warranty. Meets Specifications Yes No .PUMP CONNECTIONS . 0 Alt suction and discharge lines (except pump manifolds) I" and larger shall be heavy-duty" stainless steel pipe. Where vibration or chassis flexing may damage or loosen piping, or. .where a coupling is necessary for servicing, a flexible connection shall be fumi'shed. .All lines shall be drained by a master drain valve or a separate drain .provided at the connection. All individual drain lines for discharges shall be extended with a rubber.hose-iri order to"drain below the chassis frame. All water-carryirig gauge lines shall be nylon tubing.. Meets Specifications Yes No 6"PUMP INLETS Two. 6" diameter suction ports with 6" ST male threads shall be provided, one on each side of vehicle.. The inlets shall extend through the side pump panels and come complete with removable; strainer e fications Meets Spi c Yes No ITB #'06-008 46 10%20/2005 PISTON INTAKE RELIEF VAL VES Two Akron,Black Max, pistorr intake relief valves shalt be provided and installed. with male adapfers, caps and chain on both intake valves. Akron #798042 vlvpstn intake black max 4.5"nhl hsx 6" Meets Specifications Yes . No 2-112"RIGHT SIDE, INLET One 2-1/2' gated inlet valve -shall be provided on the right side,pump panel. The valve shall be supplied with chrome plate female swivel, plug, chain, and removable strainer. The valve shall attach directly--to-the suction side of the pump- located behind the pump panel. Meets Specifications Yes No 0 2-112" LEFT SIDE INLET One 2-1/2" gated inlet valve shall be provided on the left. side pump panel. The valve shall be supplied with chrome plaie,female swivel, plug,chinj and removable strainer. The valve shall attach directly to the suction side of the pump with the valve body behind the pump panel. Meets Specifications Yes . No TANK TO PUMP The booster ta-nk'shall be connected to the intake, side of the pump'with a 1/4 turn 3" full flow valve with check valve, with the remote control", located at the operator's panel. The 3"' tank to pumpline. shall run from a bottom sump into the 3" valve.,, To prevent damage due to chassis, flexing oryibration, a short 3" flexible rubber hose coupling shall be used to connect the tank to the intake valve. Meets Specifications Yes No ITB # 06-008 47 10/20/2005 OUTLETS The discharge valves shall be an inline, Tork-Lock constructed of brass and be of the quarter turn type of -fixed. pivot design to allow for ease of operation at all pressures. -The valves shall be controlled from the operator'spanel and shall be equipped with swing type locking handles. Each valve shall be supplied with 2-1/2" National *Standard Threads and, come with a'chrome plated female caps and chains. 2-1/2" or larger discharge outlet,-sball be"Supplied with a 34, p psb/pull drain valve ,located .at the outlet. All 24/2" and, larger discharges ,s 'hall be supplied with a 30 degree angle down elbow. Meets Specifications, Yes - No, 2-112 ",LEFT SIDE DISCHARGES Two (2) 24/2" gated discharges shall be, located on. the left side pump, panel'. The valves shall be -of the quarter turn tork-1 - A ball type of 'fixed pivot design, to allow for 'ease of operation at all pressures. The valve shall be connected to, the discharge side of the pump with the valve bodies behind the pump panel. A chrome swing type ',handle located.on, the pump operator's panel shall control the .side discharges. - The dischargesshalt' be equipped 'it' c' me plated 2-!/2" NST male a - W. 11 11170 30,degree integral discharge: elbows with 2-1/2" NST chromeplated caps with chains. Thedischarges shall be equipped with "push/pull" drain valves. A. weatherproof 2-1/2" compound vacuum pressure gauge with a.range of'36,0400 shall be installed on the pump operator's panel, for_ the outlet located directly adjacent to the valve. handle. The gaug&shall be filled with a liquid solution to assure accurate Nisual reading. Meets Specifications Yes No ADAPTER'S There shall be two 3" NST swivel female x 41.5" NST male chrome adapters with caps and chain on the right side 3" discharge with a 30 degree downturn.. Meets Specifications Yes No 3.110" RIGHT SIDE DISCHARGE Two (2) 3.00`,gated discharge ishall be located on the right side purnp.panel. The valves shall be of the quarter turn tork-jok ball type of fixed pivot design to,..allow for ease of operation, at, all pressures.. The valve shall be .connected to the discharge side of 'the pump, with ith the, valve .bod bodies behind the pump panel. A chrome swing type handle located on the pump operator's panel shall control the right side discharge. ITB # 06-068 48 10/20/2005 • 9 PLACE AS LOW AS POSSIBLE. Meets Specifications Yes No 1-112" OUTLET LEFT REAR There shall be a 1-1/2gated, outlet, piped to the left -front of the hose bed. The outlet shall be installed with proper clearance: for spanner wrenches or adapters. Plumbing shall be 2" piping and a full flow 2"' ball valve with the control at the pump operator's; panel. THIS OUTLET SHALL BE PLUMBED FOR FOAM Meets Specifications Yes . No 2-112" REAR OUTLET There shall b e - 2-1 "gatedoutlet piped LO the riglit'rearj adjacent to the,hose bed. The outlet shall be installed�with proper clearance for spanner Wrenches or adapters. Plumbing shall be . 2-1/2" piping and a full flow 2-1/2" ball valve with the control at the pump operator's panel. THIS OUTLET SHALL BE PLUMBED FOR FOAM Mele+L,S,Speci ;cations Yes, No DELUGE RISER - A 3" deluge riser shall be:installed above the pump with a 3" valve at,the base of the monitor, in such a manner that a monitor can be mounted and used effectively. Piping shall be rigidly braced. Meets Specifications Yes I No MONITOR There shall be an Akron Apollo- Model 3416 monitor mounted above the pump. This shall be connected to the deluge riser:an.d shall be, removable. Quad stacked tips, stream shaper and portable base With a 4-1/2" female adapter shall be provided. Meets Specifications ITB # 06-008 49 10/20/2005 Yes No .CROSSLA YS Three j(3) crosslay hose beds shall be supplied with thin stainless wrap, around the crosslays to protect the paint. The piping and valves shall be 2", the swivels shall be1-1/2":. The valves shall be. the ".drop-out" style, push/pull controlled from the pump panel. All three lines'shall be plumbed for foam. One,9.5"-wide compartment shall hold 150 ft. of 1.-3/4" synthetic rubber:lined:hose. . One 9.5" wide compartment shall hold 200 f . of 1-3/4" synthetic rubber,lined hose: One 4.5"wide compartment shall hold I00 ft. of 1-1/2" single jacket.'foresiry hose: Minimum openiril! dimensions. THESE OUTLETS SHALL BE PLUMBED FOR FOAM. Meets Specifications Yes No TANK FILL A 1-1/2 tank fill shall. be provided, using a.quafter turn full flow ball valve controlled. from the pump' operator's panel. Meets Specifications Yes No, A UXILLARY PUMP COOLING LINE An auxiliary pump cooling line shall. be provided and installed at the pump in order to circliiate water and help prevent the pump from overheating. The shall 'be- as 1/2" in diameter. Meets Specifications Yes No FOAM _TANK There shall' be a 20-g4llon foam tank. The tank shall be part of the -main booster tank. There shall be a.1-1/2" flanged outlet and drain valve at the lowest,point in the tank.. Meets Specifications Yes No FOAM FILL There shall be a square fill tower, approximately 7.5" x 15", provided for the built-in foam ITB # 06-008 50 I0/20/2005 tank. With a '/2" drain valve at the lowest point of the tank. • Meets Specifications Yes No FOAM SYSTEM The apparatus shall be .equipped with a FoamPro 2001 electric, frilly automatic, variable speed, discharge side foam proportioning system. The system shall be capable of handling class .A and most types of class B foam. The systern shall be equipped with a 12 -volt electric motor driven positive displacement foam concentrate pump, rated up to 2.6 gpm, with operating pressures up ,to: 400 psi. A digital computer control, display, shall be provided and display shall include the following functions: Push-button control of foam proportioning foam - Current flow -per -minute of wafer - Volume of water discharged - Flow rate simulation - Set-up and diagnostic functions - "Low Concentrate" warning light - "No Concentrate" W-511-ni'ng light • The foam shall be plumbed to all of the crosslays, and rear 1-1/2" aind 2-1/2. Meets Specifications Yes No PUMP AND GAUGE PANELS The panels shall be, constructed of black vinyl. covered aluminum for .maximum protection against abrasion caused during normal use. The pump and gauge panels shall be encased and recessed in a specially designed aluminum extruded frame, polished to a bright finish. Pump panels on ,both sides shall be. easily removable. The gauge and .control panels shall be two separate panels for ease of maintenance. The upper gauge panel .shall be hinged with a full-length stainless steel hinge held closed with a 04 -turn latch. There shall be one (1) hinged access door as ,large as possible located over the right side pump panel. This door shall have a full-length stainless steel hinge and a 1/4 turn latching mechanism. Meets Specifications Yes No VALVE CONTROLS ITB # 06-008 51 10/20/2005 The pump controls and gauges, shall be -located at the left side of -the apparatus and properly marked. The control ;pan6i shall be laid out m.a user-fi-imdly-manner with a minimum of x (6) horizontally operated swing type 'locking "handles for 2-1/2" and larger discharges. Horizontally operated swing handles shall be required to provide better, leverage as valvesi wear,and become more difficult to open and,close: The smaller valves shall.. be controlled by pull. type locking handles. " No Exceptions All valve controls, shall have the corresponding discharge gauge located immediately adjacent to control handle to allow operator to view the discharge pressure without searching the panel. Meets Specifications Yes No ESCUSTCHEON PLATES The pump panel shall be equipped with color -coded removable escutcheon plates around the suction and discharge valves. The, escutcheon plates shall be designed to allow easy- access for valve rep -air with out thepurnp panel. "No Exception" Meets Specirications Yes No COLOR CODTVG Each discharge valve control, outlet, and corresponding line gauge shall be color -coded. The color -'coding shall be: #.1 Discharge -Red #2 Discharge — Blue #3 Discharge.- Orange #4 Discliarpe.Green #5. Discharge - Purple 46 Di'kharge - Brown 47.Discharge = Yellow #8 Discharge - Gray #9 Discharge - Beige #10 Discharge charge - Burgundy #4 1 Di scbarge. - Rust* #12 Discharge --Mt. Green C, Meets SpeciffCations. ITB # 06-008 52 10/20/2005 Yes, No PUMP PANEL,LIGHTS The pump panel controls and gauges shall be illuminated. by a, minimum of three (3) incandescent lights installed under a stainless steel cover.. One (1) with illuminate when placed into pump. Meets Specifi.cations Yes No LIGHT ON OPPOSITFUD -PUMP PANEL Three (3) incandescent lights,shall be provided, for the Captains side pump panel. Meets -Specifications Yes No PUMP ENGAGED LIGHT A green LED light shall be provided on the pump operators panel that shall illuminate when pump is engaged. Meets Specifications Yes No PUMP PANEL GAUGESAND, CONTROLS The following gauges and controls shall be provided at.the,pump panel: Two (2) certi fi-ed -laboratory test gauge outlets. Pump primer control. Master drain -control and additional drains as needed. Tank fill and pump cooler -valve controls,. Tank to pump valve control. Pump capacity rating plate. Electronic pressure governor including the following: En giJneRPM display. - Engine- oil'pressure display and alarm. Engine temperature display and alarm. Check engine display and alarm. Stop engineAisplay and alarm. ITB # 06-008 53 10/20/2005 Low coolant ant level sensor. Throttle control. Pump bour*,meter. "OK TO PUMP" .light: System voltage ,display and alarm. All discharge, controls. Two (2) master pump gauges. Gauges on.all 1-1/2" and larger discharge lines. Meets Specifications Yes . No MICROPHONE -AND SPEAKER COMPARTMENT A, microphone in a compartment with an aluminum door shall be fu fished adjacent to the pump operator's panel. There shall. be a speaker and grille above, the, microphone compartment. Meets Specifteat-ions Yes No RADIO GRILLE A chrome grille,with speaker shall be provided on the nightside's Of Pump panels. 01 Meets Specifications Yes 'No AIR OUTLET Two (2) air chucks, with needle e valve control,, shall be providedon the pump operator's panel. The. system shall. tie into the wet tank- of the.brako system and include an 85 -psi pressure protection valveinthe outlet line to prevent the brake system _from losing all: air. An additional aiftank- of 1450 cu. in. capacity 8hall be- provided along with an eight (8): foot. coiled plastic hose. Note: Purchaser to specify type of hose fitting. MeetssSpecifici-ations Yes. NO, 4" MASTER GAUGES NoSbok liquid filled pump pressure and vacuum gauges shall be provided. The: gauges ;shall be 4".in diameter with white faces and black lettering. The gauges shall have a -pressure ITB #"06-008 54 1,0/20/2005 range of 30"-0-400 psi. Meets Specifications Yes No 2-112"PRESSURE GAUGES NoShok liquid filled individual line- pressure gauges shall be, provided. The gauges shall be 2-1/2" in diameter with white faces and black lettering. The gauges shall have a pressure range of 0-400 psi. Meets Specifications Yes, No WATER TANK GAUGE An Innovative Controls weather proof encapsulated (14) super bright LED light indicator shall monitor the water tank, level and shall be mounted on the pump operator's panel. The fourteen LED lights are arranged in a "V" pattern for easy identification dentification of liquid level. When the liquid level reaches 'less than a 1/4 full the' refill level begins to flash. The, tank - sensing probe shall, be cbeinibal resistant PVC with stainless .steel sensing wires. The cover plate shall be. aluminum. sub=Pldte, black- background and blue graphics, with an outdoor exposure rated composite overlay. Meets Specifications Yes No FOAM TANK GAUGE An Innovative Controls weaffier',proof encapst lated (14) super bright LED light indicator shall monitor the foam tank level and shall be mounted on the pump operator's panel. The fourteen LED lights _arei arranged, in a "V" pattern for easy identification of liquid level. When the liquid level' reaches less, than a 1/4,full the refill level, begins to flash. The tank - sensing probe shall be chemical resistant PVC with "stainless steel sensing wires. The cover plate shall be aluminum sub_plate, black background and. red graphics, with an outdoor exposure rated, composite overlay. Meets Specifications Yes No CHASSIS SUB -FRAME The chassis shall be fitted with a sub -frame system to give broad support to the pump and body modules as well As the running boards, and rear step. The sub -frame system shall consist of eight (8) .25" steel plate gusset legs extending down and out from the chassis rails each side to carry the running boards and side compartments and a heavy-duty rear platform ITB #106-008 55 10/20/2005 to support the rear compartments. 'This rear platform shall be constructed of 0.25" steer] formed into 5" main channels and .5" to 2" tapered side legs for -broad, support of t - be rear compartments and rear step. The; rear tow eyes shall be an integral part of 'the rear platform 'frame extension. Meets Specifications Yes No APPARATUS BODY The body shall be constructed of aluminum sheet, bright aluminum, diamond plate and structural aluminum extrusions. The entire body shall be of the modular alumin= design to allow for proper flexing of the, truck chassis. A ' special insulator materiatsliall, be used where aluminum and Steel, are in contact. The body shall be custom built and engineered for proper .load distribution an'the, chassis. The. body compartments shall be designed a&'separate units using 3003H 14 .125.", aluminum treadbn'to for the, walls and smooth ceilings and floors. Corripirtment panels shall be sealed by continuous 5356, fill welding. The. exterior: compartment corners shall be formed- by a frame of custom-designed aluminum alloy (6061-T6) extrusions. These `hollow sections shall incorporate I" X 1-3V4" recessed continuous door seals. The extrusions shall be designed to allow unobstructed, sweep -out floors in all compartments., The compartment extrusions shall be slotted full-length on the rear for uniform fitting: of all compartment modules. Thefront, top, arid'rear surfaces of tsaid compartments shall be covered with aluminum .125" tread,plate. The compartment tops shall extend downward over - the extrusions and fian-ri a drip molding. To eliminate "dead space" and to maximize cotnDartment interior space, there shall be no more than 1/4" between outer andinner walls. The ,Compartment assemblies are to he {fastened to the sub -frame with mechanical' Huck; type bolts.. Acceptable equivalent will be approved, by buyer. The. apparatus body and pump enclosure shall be: separate modules that are, not fastened P., together in. any manner. Tbi's,shall help prevent any cracking of body orpumplenclosure. At the gap of this "flex joint",, a 2" x 1/4" 6 . O,duromeler high gloss-rubber,strip shall be installed. Meets Specifications Yes. No BODY COMPAR TMENTS All compartments shall be designed toutilize available space. Compartments shall be designed as to prevent seams across inside ceilings. The top side compartments shall be covered with aluminum - - treadpl ate, flanged down at the edges to form a full length drip molding and up the'body side panels to form kick plates.. Each compartment is to be vented. ITB # 06-008 56 . I U/20/2005 10 Meets Specifications Yes No ROLL -UP COMPA R THENT DOORS The apparatus body shall be *equipped with R.O.M Robinson Shutter doors. The door slats shall be double wall box- frame, manufactured from brushed. aluminum. The doors shall have the following feature s: ® Manufactured wholly in the United States. © Concave individual slat design to pre'vent loose, equipment from hindering door operation. ® Co -Extruded stretch resistant inner sea] between slats to prevent metal -to -metal contact and inhibit moisture and dust penetration. 0 Interlocking swagged/dimpled end shoes shall be utilized -to provide a tight fitting assembly and allow for easy removal in; the event of damage. 0 Effective counter balancing-, for ease: of liffing and lowering the doors. 0 One-piece side rail and track to provide and wiobstructed -slide area and reduce the risk of binding. ® Non -abrasive -replaceable water and dust barrier compartment equipment clean and dry. 0 A magnetic type switch integral to the door shall be supplied for door ajar indication and compartment light activation. vation. The li hting. shall be LED "strip." style. . p 9 - 0 A full width tb positive latch bar shall be operable with one hand, even with heavy gloves. A door open indicator light shall be provided in the cab. Meets .Specifications Yes, No ADDITIONAL ROM LIGHT STRIPS A second LED light strip shall be provided for each compartment. e Meets Specifications Yes No STAINLESS'DOOR SILLS The bottom edge of the apparatus body door shall be caped with 304, 16 -gauge stainless steel to protect the bottom :ftoib, scratches when removing equipment. The stainless door sill shall be securely attached with a -double sided, 3M adhesive tape. Screws should not be used. This may be changed to meet specific designs that may be unique, to each manufacturer. ITB # 06-008 57 10/20/2005 Meets Specifications Yes No DOOR LOCKS There shall be nine (9) compartment doors equipped with locks, all keyed alike. Meets Specifications Yes Na. SCBA CYLINDER- COMPARTMENTS There shall be a minimum of three. (3) spare' -breathing air cylinder compartments recessed in the rear fender wells, two in the right fender and one in'th.e left fender. The compartments shall .have doors with latches. Meets Specifications Yes No COWPAR•TMENT - MA TTING Black turtle tile brand matting -shall be provided on the bottom of each compartment and all shelfs. Meets Specifications Yes No A ff COMPAR TMENTA TION The interior walls of the compartment will be constructed of .125" polished diamond Plate. Meets Specifications Yes No, REAR STEP COMPARTMENTA TION• There shall be a compartment provided at the rear step. The compartment shall. be approximately 40" wide X 47" high x 30.5"' deep,inside. The com -partment shall beprovided With a roll -up door. The opening will beapproximately '37.5" wide x 38" high. Meets Specifications. Yes No ITB ff 06-008 58 10/2.0/2005 • COMPARTMENTATION LEFT SIDE There shall be a,compartment, ahead of the. rear wheels approximately 30.5" wide x 66" high x 27.25" deep inside. There shall be a compartment behind the rear wheels approximately 56.5" wide x 66" high x 27.25" deep. There shall be a compartment above the rear wheels, approximately size 61.5" wide x 42.5" high x 27.25 deep inside. Meets Specifications Yes No COMPARTMENT AHEAD: OF THE PUMP There shall be ONE (1) compartment, on the left side approximately 19" wide x 34" high x 16"or deeper on the left. side. Meets Specifications Yes No COMPARTMENTATION RIGHT SIDE There shall be a compartment, .ahead of the rear, wheels approximately 30.5" wide x 66" high x 27.25" deep at lower half and 12" deep at upper half There shall be a compartment, behind the rear wheels approximately 56.5" wide x 66" high x 27.25" deep at lower.half 2and 12" at upper half. There shall be a compartment above rear wheel_. The approximate size 61.5" wide x 36.5" high x 12" deep. Meets Specifications Yes No COMPARTMENT AHEAD OF THE PUMP There shall be ONE .(1) compartment, on the right side approximately 19" wide x 34" high x 16"or deeper on the right side. Meets Specif cations Yes No ITB # 06-008 59 10/20/2005 ADJUSTABLE SHELVES There will be, nine (9) adjustable shelves provided and installed in compartments The shelves will be made of. 188" aluminum plate. Meets Specifications Yes No ADJUSABLE' VERTICAL SLIDE -OUT PANEL There, shall be Two (2) 24'deep x 54 high pull out adjustable with a lockingAevice installed'in. Driverside rear Compartment Meets Specifications Yes No FIXED ROLLO.UT.DRAWER There shall be two (2) 250 lb. capacity non-adjustable rollout drawer installed in the bottom front compartment behind the pump panel One (1) on the left side anal one ('.),on! the,rightside The drawer's shall be approximately 2" deep. Meets Specifications Yes No 600# SLIDE -MASTER TRAY There -shall be a. Slide -Master pullout drawer provided and installed in rear compartment_ The drawer shall have a distributed load capacity of 600 lbs. and be capable of extending 70% of its depth. The tray shall be fabricated of .188" aluminum plate and have'a formed lip_ , that measures 2". Meets Specifications Yes No UNISTRUT All compartments, except the rear, shall come equipped with 1.625" x .875" x .125" aluminum Unistrut channel. The. Unistrut shall be securely fastened to the. interior, walls of the compartment. The location of the channel shall be determined" at the pre -construction_ conference. OR equivalent. Meets Specifications Yes No ITB # 06-008 60 10/20/2005 HOSE BED • The hose bed shall hold 850' of five inch hose, 130.0' of 2.5 and be provided with aluminum slatted flooring radiused at the edges, to prevent hose damage from sharp edges. Each hose bed floor section shall be removable for easy access, to the water tank. Their will also be a compartment in the 2.5" side designed to hold'a back board. Meets Specifications Yes No HOSE BED .DIVIDER The hose bed shall be divided by -three 3/16 aluminum partitions that are fully adjustable by sliding in tracks located at the front and rear of the hose bed. The dividers shall be located as needed. Meets Specifications Yes No HOSE BED COVER An aluminum two-piece, hinged, hose bed rnyer shall be prov;de':1 for the ma.r. 11ose bed, with a red vinyl rear flap. • Meets Specifications Yes No • CROSSLA Y COVER The crosslays shall be fitted with an .125" aluminum cover. The cover shall have a stainless steel hinge. Meets, Specifications Yes No CROSSLA Y COVER PER, Red vinyl flaps with; weighted bottoms shall be, provided and installed on apparatus in order to protect hose=load from. elements. No straps or tie -downs will be needed. Meets Specifications Yes No ITB # 06.-008 61 10/20/2005 REAR HOSEBED AND CROSSLAY COVER FLAPS Red vinyl flaps with weighted bottoms shall; be provided and installed on .a apparatus, in' order . p to. protect hose=load from elements. No straps or tie -downs will be needed. Meets Specifications Yes No HANDRAILS AND STEPS Polished, aluminum 1-1/4" diameter, handrails. with slip resistant rubber inserts shall be provided as follows (these are .in addition to those _previously mentioned in the' -chassis section): There shall b -e two (2) full height vertical handrails at rear of apparatus and one (1)'horizontal handrail. below fhe'hosebed. There shall be two (2) horizontal handrails above the pump panel,. one (1) on each side as large as possible. There shall be up to three (3) fold -down steps on, each side of the front face. of side compartments as reap fired per N.1'.,P.A. There shall be up to three (3) cast steps at each.side of the rear area as required per N.F.P.A.. There shall be one'(.1) horizontal handrails under the glovebox, as large as possible. Meets Specifications Yes No RUB RAILS The body shall be equipped."with heavy stainless steel channel. style rub rails at the -sides. Rub rails shall be spaced away from the body by 112" polymer spacers.. The rub rails shall, be, polished to a bright finish. Meets Specifications Yes No ALUMINUM TREEADPLATE All load 'bearing aluminum treadplate :running_ boards shall be .155 thick bright -annealed finish. Running .boards and rear .step edges shall be. flanged down for added strength. Running boards shall also be flanged up to form kick plates. All non -load bearing aluminum shall be .125" thick bright annealed. finish. In areas where aluminum treadplate..shall function as a =Toad -bearing surface; there shall be a. heavy steel substructure. This structure shall ,consist :of 3" channel and 1-1 /2" :angle welded support. This shall assure that there:shall ITB #;06-.00$ 62 10/2012005- be no flexing or cracking of running boards. The aluminum shall be insulated, from the steel by closed cell foam body barrier material. I Treadplate locations: 1. Skirting :around front bumper. 2. The stop at the cab entrance. 3. The jump seat steps: 4. The body header. 5. The running boards. 6. The rear step. 7. The top of the compartments. 8. The rear of the apparatus. Meets Specifications Yes No RUNNING BOARD TROUGH Two (2) trough shall be provided on both side's of running board to hold a 15' -foot length of 5" hose, without interfering with preconnect to. Black Max inlet valve.The driver's side is to have a diamond plate cover. Meets Specifications Yes No BOOSTER TANK The "T" tank shall have a capa6ity of .500 U.S. gallons. . The UPF POLY -TANK BE shall be constructed of 1/2" thick PT2E polypropylene sheet stock. This material shall .be a non -corrosive stress relieved thertno-plastic, natural in color, and U.V. stabilized for maximum protection. The booster tank shall be of a specific configuration and is -so designed to be completely independent of the body and compartments.All joints and seams shall be nitrogen welded sand tested for maximum strength and integrity.,- The top of the booster tank is fitted with removable Jifting eyes designed with, a 3 to 1 safety factor ctor to facilitate -easy removability. The transverse swasb partitions shall be�manufktured'of 3/8" PT2E polypropylene (natura ' I in color) and extend from approximately 4" off the floor to just under the coven. The longitudinal §wash partitions shall be constructed of 3/8" PT2E polypropylene (natural in color)and extend from the floor of the tankthrough,the cover to allow for positive we'lding,,and maximum integrity. All partitions shall be equipped with vent, and air holes to permit movement of air and- water between compartments,. The partitions shall be designed to provide maximum water flow. All swash partitions interlock with one another and are welded to each other as well as to the walls of tank. The tank shall have a combination vent and manual fill. tower. The fill tower shall be constructed of 1/2" PT2E polypropylene and shall be a minimum dimension of 8" x 8" outer ITB # 06-008 63 10/20/2005 perimeter. The tower shall be located in the left front comer of the tank. The tower shall have 1/4" thick, removable polypropylene screen and a PT2E polypropylene :hinged -type cover. The -cover tank ,shall be constructed of 1/2" -thick PT2E polypropylene,oaural in color, And U.V. stabilized to incorporate, a multi three-piece locking ,design which allows for individual removal inspection if 'necessary. The sump shall be constructed, of 1/2" PT2E polypropylene and be- located in the left front quarter of the tank. The sump shall have a minimum of 3" nationalipe threaded ouilet on the bottom for A drain plug. TIii ' s -shall be. used as a combination clean-out .and drain. All tanks shall havea,anti-swirl plate located proxi ap 2" above the sump. All tank fill couplings shall be backed with flow- deflectors to breakup; the stream of water entering the tank. The UPF POLY -TANK IIE shall rest on the body cross members in conjunction with such l , additional cross. members, spaced at a distance, that would not allow for moreAhan 53.01'square inches. of unsupported area under the tank floor. The tank shall be completely removable without disturbing ordismantling .the apparatus structure. Meets Specifications Yes No ELECTRICSYSTEM All electrical wiring in the chassis will be XLP cross link -insulated type;. Wiring. is to be color -coded and include function codes every three (3) inches on both. sides'. Wiring, harnesses will be routed ih--protective. beat resistant loom, securely and neatlyinstalled. Two pow,erdistribution centers will be provided in,central, locations for greater accessibility. The, power :distribution centers contain automatic thermal self -resetting breakers; powe r. control relays; flashers, diode, modules., daytime,driving viffg light module, and engine and, transmission. data links. All breakers and. relays are utilized in circuits which amp loads are substantially lower, than 'the respective component ratingthus ensuring long -pomponerit life. Power distribution centers will be 'composed, of a system of interlocking plastic modules for ease in - custom construction.. The, power. distribution centers are function oriented.. The first is to control major -truck function. and .the second controls overhead switching. and interior operations. 'Each module is single function codedand labeledto' aid in troubleshooting. The centers alsohave accessory breakers andrelays of' future installations. All. harnesses and power distribution centers will be electrically tested prior to installation to ensure the ;highest system',reliabiljty. All external harness interfaces will: - be', of a triple seal type connection to ensure Ei proper connection. , The cab/chassis and, the chas'sislbody connection points: will be mounted in ,accessible locations. Complete chassis wiring schematics will be - supplied with the. Apparatus. The, wiring harness contained on the '.chassis 'shall be designed to utilii& Wires of stranded copper or copper alloy of gauge fated. to carry 125%0 .of maximum current; for which the circuit is protected without exceeding 1,0% voltage drop across the circuit. The wiring shall be:uniquely identified,by color�code or circuit function code, labeled'ai'a minimum of every ITB # 06-008 64 10/20/2005 • 0 E 0 three (3) inches. The identification of the -wiring shall be referenced on a wiring diagram. All wires conform to SAD1127 1127 (Battery Cable), SAEJl 128 (Low Tension Primary Cable), SAEJ 1560 (Low Tension Thin Wall Primary Cable). All harnesses shall be covered with moisture: resistant loom with minimum .rating of 300 Degrees Fahrenheit, and a flammability rating of VW- I as defined in'UL62. The covering of jacketed cable has'a minimum rating of *289 degree Fahrenheit. All harnesses are securely installed in areas protected against. heat; .liquid. contaminants and damage. The harness connections and terminations use, a method that provides a positive mechanical and electrical connection and are in accordance to the device manufacturers instructions. No connections within the harnes& utilize wire nut, insulation displacement, or insulation piercing. All circuits conform to 8AE1.292. All circuits are provided with low voltage over current protective devices.These devices are readily accessible and"protected against heat in excess of component rating, mechanical damage; and water spray. Star,"washers are not used for ground connections. ICC lights shall be provided to meet D.O.T. requirements. Meets Specifications Yes' ' No ELECTRICAL PROVISION' Wiring shall be provided in the cab and canopy -for the future installation of electrical chargers (hand-held -radios and lights), including wiring for handhOld radio chargers on the inside of the front .cab doors. The location shall be determined during the pre -construction conference. Meets, Specifications Yes, No ANTENNA MOUNTING The radio antenna shall be installed in the cab roof with the coax .cable run to the radio mounting area. Meets Specifications Yes No KENWOOD TK790 I Provide and install this radio with a remote handset at the pump panel. ITB # 06-008 65 10/20/2005 Meets` Specifications Yes No COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM A six (6) position (Driver, Officer., , and four crew members) Set c i OM (9QO) corninumcal"ons system shall be provided and installed behind, the.beadliner with four (4), heads6ts. And One(l)'Prac 9mz for a portable motorola 1000. Meets 5pecificaGons Yes No TA ILIS TOPITURN LIGHTS The tall lights are to be. Whelen 600 LED style. The brake/tail ligbts'to ;be'four (4) red ;and exceed ed, SAE .requirements. The turn signal will be populated in an. arrow pattern,. amberin color., The backup lights are to be halogen, A backup alarm, actuated by backup light circuit will be provide. Meets Specifications Yes No BACK UPALARM An. Ecco model automatic, self-adjusting electronic back-up alarm producing 87-112 A shall, be, installed at the rear between tbe.ffame- rails. It shall operate the transmi ssibri's: reversegear . selected. is Meets Specifications Yes No BACK UP LIGHTS WIRED TO SWITCH IN CAB The white reverse lights shall also be wired to, a loggle!swit'ch located, in ,the cab, Meets Specifications Yes No ICCIMARKER LIGHTS ICC/marker,fights'sball be provided to meet D.,O.T. requirements. ITB # 06-008 6.6 10/20/2005 0 Meets Specifications Yes No STEP LIGHTS Step lights shall be provided one each. side on the front compartment face at pump panels. Each step at the rear of the apparatus shall have a Weldon 2030 step light to illuminate each step and the tailboard. Meets Specifications Yes No GROUND LIGHTING The -apparatus shall ,:be equipped, with lighting capable of illumination to meet NFPA g requirements. Lighting shall 1 . be provided at areas under the driver and crew riding area exits 4. and shall be automatically ,actiVated when the exit doors are e opened. The ground lights shall be Truck -lite® model: #40003. Lighting required in, other areas.such 'as work areas, steps and walkways shall be activated when the parking ing brake is applied, provided the ]CC lights are on. "II 1-4-eets Specifications Yes No WORK LIGHTS There shall, be two (2), Unity brand AG 6" chrome plated sealed beam flood lights provided. The lights shall be securely mounted at the upper rear ofthe.apparatus body. Each light shall be supplied with individual, switches.' Meets. Specifications Yes No OPTICAL WARNING SYSPEM. The optical warning system shall be capable, of two separate signaling modes during emergency operations. One mode. shall signal, to,drivers and, pedestrians thattheapparatus is responding to an emergency and is calling for the right-of-way and;the, other mode shall p 9 y - : right-of-way. � Switching -shall be signal- that the .apparatus. is 'stopped and is. blocking the w �� S. I provided that senses'tbe position of the parking brake. rovi A master optical ical warning, device, switch shall be provided to energize all of the optical warning devices provided.I All lights shall operate at not less than the minimum. flash rate per minute as specified by NF -PA.' Meets Specifications ITB # 06-008 67 10/20/2005 Yes No UPPER LEVEL WARNING'DEVICES The upper level is divided into zones A, B, C and D and the approved, lighting package to be provided shall be as follows: ,Zone A (front) will have one (1) Whelen Freedom 72" Module's FN72QL' ED, NFP A 1901 compliant light bar; with eight . (8)"Led modules.The light bar wilihave six (6) red LED and two (2) clear LED heads and. will be mounted on .the cab roof. A. Opticom shall be installed inside bar behind a clear`lens. Zone B (rightaide) will be covered by the module from the light bar and the rear stanchion. Whelen.Model 400 series liner super LED Zone C(rear) will have four (4) Whelen Model 400 series super liner LED. Zone D (Leftside) will be covered by the module from the light bar -and -the left rear stanchion Whelen Model 400 series liner super LED. Meets Specifications Yes No, TRAFFIC AD VISOR A Whelen LED TA852L Traffic Advisor with a TACTRLI Control Head shall be provided. The low profile Traffic Advisor is approximately 1-1/2" high x 2-1/2" deep x 44" long. The eight (8) LED .lamp group is in a cap style extruded aluminum housing with :black powder painted finish and surface mounted to, eliminate large body ,panel. cutouts. The high ,intensity LED's .are: rated for over 100,000 hours of operation and have extremely low current consumption. 'The: Control Head has a'four function rotary switch for selection of: center to left;'center to right, center to left -and'right, or flash_patterns. The dip switch on the rear panel ,. . selects the choice -of eight (8) different programmable flash patterns. The Control Head, features:a visual LED status display. Meets Specifications Yes No 3-M OPTICOM J An Opticom traffic signal controt,unit shall be provided in the -light bar. Meets Specificatioris' Yes No:. LOWER LEVEL WARNING DEVICES ITB # 06-008 68 10/2012005 [A • n The lower level is divided into zones A, B, C and D and the approved lighting package to be provided shall be as,follows: Zone A (front) may have a stainless steel housing, each side above the head lights, with a total of four red lights.. The two outboard lights shall beWhelen Model 64 LED red lights. The two inboard pair of fights shall burn steady red and be Whel'en Model 64 LED. Zone B (right side) shall.' have three (2) Wbelen Model, 600 series liner LED red lights mounted one on the side of the headlight housing of front bumper, one at the middle of the apparatus and one (1) model .500 series liner LED on the side in the trim at the rear of apparatus. Zone C (rear) shall. have two ()) Wbelen Model 600 . series liner- LED red lights mounted one each side of the rear -of the apparatus. Zone D (left side) shall have three (2) Wbelen Model 600 series liner super LED red lights mounted one on the side of the headlight housing or front bumper, one at the middle of the apparatus and one (1) Model 500 series liner, LED on the. side in the trim at the rear of apparatus. Meets Specifications Yes No FEDERAL 02B SIREN There shall be a Federal Q213 -NN siren installed center, mounted in the frontgn 'Ile of the vehicle. The siren shall be securely .mounted and activated by means of a solenoid and shall include a brake. A siren foot switch shall be provided for both the, driver and officer, one on each side of the cab floor. Activation through the switch on the electric siren., Meets Specifications Yes No SIREN One (1).Public Safety Equipment (Code 3) Model 3672 V -Con electronic siren shall be installed at the, cab instrument panel complete with noise canceling microphone. Meets Specifications Yes No SIRENSPEAKER One cast productsSH40210 weatherproof siren speaker shall be provided, mounted behind the bumper. Meets Specifications ITB # 06-008 69 10/20/2005 Yes No GENERATOR One Honda # EM -3700, 3700 watt, portable air-cooled gasoline generaior Aall be, supplied aril :mounted with, starter. connected to vehicle battery. The generator shall be located in. the dunnage compartment as space permits and is removable. Meets Specifications Yes No REMOTE: TART A remote start/stop switch for -the generator shall be provided, at the pump panel',., Meets Specifications Yes No 120 -VOLT OUTLET Two (2) 120 -volt IS amp outlet with weatherproof covers shall be, provided: ided. AD] 20 volt, 15 amp twistIock wiring shall be installed in liquid tight conduit, mounted in front of the'rear tire Meets Speci.ficati'ons Yes 'No LIGHTSWITCHS Two (2) remote switches, one for each side, shall he provided in the -cab dash to activate the, Two (2) Fire Reasearch FCA570 12V;15,0 watt lights on the cab behind the light bat--. Meets Specifications Yes No BREAKER BOX A circuit breaker box with a minimum of four (4),GFI breakers shall be provided.. A].] wiring shall be: installed in liquid, tight conduit. Meets Specifications Yes No 110 VOLT FLOODLIGHTS Two (2) Fire,Reasearch. FCA530750 watt lights shall be provided and installed on the, rear of ITB # 06-008 70. 10/20/2005 • • • C, the cab, they shall be 120 volt bottom raise, side mounted telescopic floodlights with switch, at light head, and a switch on. the pump panel ,. they shall' be provided, with cups at bottom of telescoping pole Meets Specifications Yes No SUCTION HOSE AND STRAINER Two (2) 10 ft. lengths of lightweight 6" fire department hard suction hose with lightweight long handle couplings and rocker lug male couplings shall be provided. Two (2) adaptor's 4.5"f x 6"m and 6"f x 4.5"m Hose shall be mounted in V -'shaped troughs and held" in position by two heavy duty quick release locking straps. Aluminum'treadplate scuff plates shall be provided on the body side metal where the long handle couplings would otherwise hit: the body sides. A strainer especial-l'y designed for fire department service shall be provided. The strainer area equals four and one-half times the area of the hose. Meets Specifications Yes No LADDER EOVIPMENT' The apparatus shall be,equipped with the following, ladders: One (1) Duo -Safety 35 ft. two -section aluminum, extension ladder.- One adder:One (1) Duo -Safety. Series 900A. 24 ft. two -section aluminum extension ladder. One (1) Duo -Safety Series 775A 16 ft. aluminum roof ladder. One (1) Duo -Safety Series 585A 10,it. folding attic ladder with mounting. Meets. Specifications Yes No LADDER RACK The ground ladders shall 'be mounted on a hydraulic ladder.rack system so that they may be automatically lowered. to a convenient height for safe and .easy removal. The rack shall be made of high strength lightweight aluminum and be powered by two hydraulic cylinders and shall be self-locking in any position. The rack shall be capable of lowering the ladders from their stored position or equivalent unit that meets standards and can support a 35', 24'16' and 10'extension ladders 0 Meets Specifications :•!.11. 71 10/20/2005 Yes No PIKEPOLES A location on theengine forlwo pike poles will'be-provided in the rear. -.Meets Specifications Yes No PAINTING All exposed metal surfaces not chrome plated, polished stainless steel or bright aluininum, tread plate shall be thoroughly cleaned and. prepared -for painting. Al I irregularities :in. painted; ai nted surfaces, shall be rubbed down and all seams shall be caulked before the application of -the finish coat. All ,removableitems such as brackets,, compartment, doors, door binges, trim,. etc;. shall be aj separately to insure -finish paint behind all mounted items. Body removed and painted separ I assemblies, that cannot be finish, painted after assembly shall be finish painted before asserribly. Both aluminum and steel. surfaces to be painted shall be primed with a two ()- component primer which is compatible with the finish coat. The apparatus: shall be, finish painted with Dupont 1mron 6000 series Bas&Clear system. "No'Exceptidn" A barrier gasket/washer of "High Density Closed Cell Urethane Toain" shall be used behind . all lights, handrails, door hardware and any -miscellaneous items such as' stainless steel snaps; books, washers and acorn nuts. The gaskets./washers shall be coated with, pressure sensitive acrylic adhesive. All screws used to'Penetrate.-painted surfaces shall, bepre-wtreated/coated under the head with nylon and the treads shall have pre -coat #80. This procedure shall -be strictly adhered ,to for corrosion prevention And damage to the finish painted, surfaces. The following paint process shall. be utilized: Surface Preparation: I Wash surface thoroughly with mild detergent. 2. Clean and de -grease with Prep' -Sol 381.25. 3. Sand and featheredge using 400 grit or finer on a dual, action sander. 4. Remove sanding dust with enamel. cleaner 39395. Substrate -treatment: 1. Use Metal Conditioner followed With Conversion -Coating 57185.. Priming: 1. 'Use Van*pn'me 6.155 pretreatment. ITB # 06-008 72 2. Use Uro prime 373P20872 applied to achieve a 1.:5 mil dft minimum. 3. Use Prime N Seal 2600 series sealer. 0' Color Coat: 1. Apply Dupont Imron 6000 1-2 mil dft minimum. Clear coat: 1. Apply -clear coat 34805 2 mil dft. minimum. Meets Specifications Yes No PAINT -TWO TONE CAB The cab exterior surfaces shall be two (2) colors. The paint break line shall be at the bottom of the windshield. Meets, Specifications Yes No UNDER COA TING Ziebart, or equal, undercoating shall be applied to visible surfaces: on the underside of the truck body and chassis, to help reduce noise in the cab -causedby fires, stones, sand and water spray. This thick, -super-tough coating, being highly abrasion -resistant does not wear off. It also protects underbody' components from moistures mud and salt. Meets Specifications Yes No STRIPING AND LETTERING, Forty (40) *3" 22KT Gold laminate goldleaf letters, with left hand shading and right hand outline to equal 3-5/8" letter; will be provided. A three (3') foot decalpf �the City of Petaluma Fire on the Rear door. Meets Specifications Yes No STRIPING A 4" Scotchlite stripe shall be: provided across the front of the cab. and along each side of the apparatus. An additional I Scotchlite stripe shall be p'rovid'ed above and below the 4" stripe. ITB # 06-008 73 10/20/2005 A 1/2" 22KT gold'lamibate goldleaf stripe, shall be provided on each side, of the apparatus., Meets Spe�cifications Yes No, MISCELLANEOUS EO UIPMENT FURNISHED I PL touch-up' paint Loose equipment (see list at bottom of spec.) to be provided and, shipped .with the truck: Meets Specifications Yes No WHEEL CHOCKS Two (2),Z,i,am.atic #SAC -44 f6lding-Wheel chocks with SQCH-44H holders shall be provided. The wheel chocks shall be located 'in front offfie.re.ar axles easily accessible from the side of the apparatus. Meets Specifications. Yes No CONTINGINCY FUND ' A contingency fund 'of 4,000 dollars will' be applied to the truck bid With all unused portion to be deducted from the total cost of the unit at delivery. Meets Specifications Yes 'No OPERA TION AND -SER VICE MANUALS' Two (2)complete "Operation- and Service". mainuals, shall be supplied at time of delivery. Service manual instructions shall include service; maintenance and troubleshooting for major and minor, components of the truck. The apparatus manufacturer shall supply part numbers for major components (i.e: ,Detroit Diesel, Rockwell, Spicer, Allis -on, A table of contents, hydraulic, air brake and overall apparatus wiring schematics "as built" Shall be included. A video training, tape on the operation, ofthe..truck shall be supplied, at time of delivery. Computer based lnfoi-mation such as CD 'ROM or disk based support material's that will ITB # 06-008 74 10/20/.2005 augment written materials supplied by the manufacturer when available. Meets Specifications Yes No WARRANTIES The following minimum warranties shall be supplied: 1. The apparatus shall be warranted to be free from mechanical defects in workmanship for a period of two ,(2) years. or 30,000_ miles, whichever comes. first. The apparatus shall be covered for°parts and labor costs associated with repairs for a period two (2) years or 30,000 miles, whichever comes first. 2. Life -time warranty on the frame. 3. Seven (7) year, °warranty on paint. 4. Ten (10) body structural warranty 5. Ten (10) year cab structural. warranty 6. Ten (10) year warranty on Ziebart undercoating. 7. Manufacturers Warranties for all major components. Meets Specifications Yes No GENERAL INFORMATION DELIVERY The custom built fire apparatus shall be driven from the factory of the manufacturer to the community by a factory trained engineer who shall thoroughly train firefighters in complete apparatus operation and maintenance. Meets Specifications Yes No LOCATION The bidder, shall stage the location of the factory as well as the number of years doing business under the bidder's name. The bidder shall demonstrate the ability to maintain a complete stock of parts, and service around the clock. The bidder ,shall maintain parts and service for a minimum period of twenty (20) years on each apparatus which it manufactures. Meets Specifications Yes No Drawings ITB # 06-008 75 10/20/2005 The bidder shall accompany in the bid a set of drawings of the engine. With all the compartment location and sizes, hose -bod,crosslay's sizes and overall height and width and length of the Engine including the ladder rack.. Meets Specifications Yes No E ITB N 06-008 76 1'0/20/2005 ADDITIONAL EOUIPMENT TO BE PRICED AND INCLUDED ON BID EQUIPMENTUST TO BE SUPPLYED ON ENGINE. 1 1755 Akron 1 2,5"fx.2.5f�2.5m 1202 Akron 1 2�5"fx 2.5fx4.5[n 1267 Akron 1 4.5'fx2.5mx2.5m 1582 Akron 3 1.5^ 1724P Akron 2 25'x1^5'x1.5" 1581 Akron 1 2.5"fx2.5f' 2.5m 1282 Akron 1 2.5^fx2.Efx4.5m 1267 Akron 1 4.5^[x2.5mx2.5/ 1582 Akron 3 t5" 1724P Akrdn 1 3505 Akron 3 -1.5^, 1715 Akron 2 �O" 2390 Akron 2 2.5^ 2393 Akron 1 1417 Akron 1 2.5'' . Akron 1 2.5''fx1.5"m 3095 Akron 2 251, 350 Akron 8 2�.5" 373 Aknm8 1 intercom 5 headsets Performance Anyant8geCompany 12 PN1OU1 5 PN1002-11 G PN1003 20 PN1004 / 3 PN1007 4 PN 1009 2 PN1U1O 2 PN1O11 . 2 PN1U12 ` ITB # 06-008 77 w 1250 gpm2.5Tubmmaster Siamese /Clappemd Siamese /C|appered Gatedwya pistol grip nozzles Gated Wye Siamese /C�|opp nred ames� Siamese /C|appered Gobedwye pistol grip nozzles mount for Apollo Ground base nozzles P}oypipasfo0 P}aypipeashiQhttips straight tip 3/8^ bore oeUernozz\a pyndi0einline eduotmra mounhngpiat- EZ.|unnozz|m holder Intercom set ommQUO Intercom /2 -red 001 1@R 1@L Jack for radio C7 • SECTION E EXCEPTIONS TOTHE SPECIFICATIONS ITB 06-008 ' ONE TYPE I PUMPER Exceptions to, -the specifications of any items stated herein shall be fully described and explained in writing by�tbe contractor in_ the space provided below: ITB # 06-008 78 10/20/2005 • SECTION F ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ITB 06-0.08 ONE TYPE 1 PUMPER 1. Warranty: Please provide in the space below, or attach a copy of a complete description of the standard warranty terms and conditions. Also, as a part of,this-bi'd, you are required to provide warranty service contact'individual(s): 1n all purchases made by the City, availability and accessibility of warranty service and service after warranty may be considered in determining: the 1'owest responsible quote. 2. Replacement Parts:. 'The availability and location of replacement•.parts shall be stated in the space provided below: 3. Accessories: Include'below a detailed list of ,accessories providedwith the vehicle. ITB # 06-008 79 10/20/2005 e FAMILY OWNED SINCE 1890 ADDENDUM TO PROPOSAL *'his proposal pricing.,page;supersedes that which was supplied with original bid.* To The: . City of Petaluma 11 English St. Petaluma, CA 94952 FOR YOUR REVIEW: Date: November 17,"2005 We hereby,propose and agree to furnish the,following fire fighting apparatus upon;.your acceptance of this proposal: One (1) Sutphen Heavy Duty Model 2000 Rescue Pumper With Specified Equipment Complete and Delivered for the Sum of ............................ $393,162 Should you elect to remit 25% down,($9$$,290.50) within 30 days of issuing a<purchase order, you may deduct $3,3'81.22 from the -above .bid price. Which has.been manufactured :completely in accordance to the following proposal and delivered approximately 12-13 months after approval of contract, subject to delays from all causes beyond our control. Unless accepted within 30 days from this date, the right is reserved to withdraw this- proposal. Respectfully submitted by: Lee-Fishel 11 0 Sutphen' Corporation �. 7000 Columbus. -Marysville Road Amlin,, OH 43002 Toll Free.800-848=5860 Fat 614-889-0874 www.sutphemcom To The: City of Petaluma 11 English St. Petaluma, CA 94952 FOR YOUR REVIEW: Date: November 16, 2005 We hereby propose and agree to furnish the following fire fighting apparatus upon your acceptance of this proposal: One (1) Sutphen Heavy'Duty Model 2000 Rescue Pumper Complete and deliveredfor the surn of......................................................................... $384,045 *Should you elect- to remit 25% down, ($9;6011.25) within 30 days of issuing a purchase order, you may deduct $3,302.01 from the above bid price. Which has been manufactured completely in accordance to. the following proposal and delivered approximately 12-13 months after approval of contract, subject to delays from all -causes beyond our control. Unless accepted within 30 days from this date, the right is reserved to withdraw this proposal. Respectfully submifted'by: Clark A Green Sales Engineer 0