HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 96-243 08/05/1996>~
Resolution No. 96-243 NC.S.
of the City of Petaluma, California
5 PLACE II DEVELOPMENT AP No.'s 019-201-010, O] 1, 012, 017, and 018
7 WHEREAS, an Initial Study was prepared and the results oP the study indicated that the
8 proposed Pamela Place II Development, as mitigated, will not cause any significant
9 adverse environmental impacts; and,
11 WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Petaluma held a noticed public
t2 hearing on July 9, 1996 on the. subject application, heard testimony and concluded that
t3 the tlndings and conditions for the project were adequate and recommended to the City
t4 CounciLapproval of the proposed development; and
16 WHEREAS, all reports and communications to the Planning Commission were
t7 forwarded to the City Council; and
t9 WHEREAS, the City Counci] held a publichearing on this project on August 5, 1996 and
20 considered all written and verbal communications concerning potential environmental
21 impacts resulting from the project before rendering it decision;
z3 NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council approves the Mitigated
24 Negative Declaration subject to the following findings and mitigation measures:
26 Environmental Findines
28 1. An Initial Study has been prepared and properly noticed for Pamela Place II in
29 accordance with CEQA and local guidelines.
30 2. Based on the Initial Study and comments received, potential impacts could be avoided
3 t or reduced to a level of insignificance by the application of mitigation measures.
32 There is no substantial evidence that the Pamela Place II proposed development. as
33 mitigated, would have a significant impact on the environment.
34 3. A Mitigation Monitoring Program has been incorporated into the June 4, 1996 Initial
35 Study/Negative Declaration as an attachment and will ensure compliance with all
36 required Mitigatiar Measures.
37 4. Although not considered to be significant under the analysis of the Sunny Slope
38 Annexation FEIR, the project will have a cumulative impact to wildlife resources as
39 defined in the Fish and Game code, and therefore is subject to the required Fish and
4o Game filing fees.
4t 5. The project is not located on a site listed on any Hazardous Waste Site List compiled
42 by the State pursuant to Section 65962.5 of the Government Code.
43 6. The Planning Commission reviewed the .lone 4, 1996 Initial Study/Negative
44 Declaration and considered the comments before makinga decision onthe project.
RCS. yo 96-243 .._.. n.as. Page 1 of 2
1 7. T7te City Council finds that the potential grading and drainage impacts resulting from
2 the Pamela Place II subdivision will be adequately mitigated through modification of
3, the proposed grading plan to direct future drainage, to the extent feasible, towards the
a proposed public street. This requirement ensures that the storm drain system will be
5 maintained to City Standards and continue to provide drainage according to the design
6 plan. The installation of grading and drainage improvements desighed to City and
7 Sonoma County Water Agency standards will also reduce potential site disturbance
8 impacts to less than significant.
9 8. The City Council finds that the potential impacts to Plant Life (i.e. Tree Removal) will
to be adequately mitigated through: the implementation of tree protection .measures for
II those trees to be retained on the property; arid, the replacement. of any tree 6 inch in
I2 diameter or greater with two new 15 gallon trees of an appropriate species approved by
13 Planning Department staff.
I4 9. The Ciry Council finds that the potential aesthetic impacts resulting from the proposed
15 development will be adequately mitigated through the establishment of architectural
16 design standards for application to lot-specific development proposals and
~ 7 administrative SPARC review of design plans for Lots 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 aiid full SPARC
i 8 review of design plans for Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4.
20 Mitigation Measures:
22 1. All Mitigation and Monitoring Measures contained in the June 4, 1996 Mitigation
23 Monitoring Program for Paiitela Place II (attached as EXHIBIT A), shall be
2a incorporated into the PUD Development Plan and the Improvement Plans for the
25 Final Subdivision Map as applicable.
28 pamres/vsl
Under the powerand authority conferred upon this Council by the Chatter of said City
REFERENCE: I hereby certify the foregoing Resolution was introduced and adopted by the Approved as to
Council of the City of Petaluma at a (Regular) QA~atrtt[ar>-xQ[3f~aitm) meeting form
on the _5.L11 ................ day of ..........k).SA~'.l!&t.............................-'-.., 19.16.., by the
following. vote: _.....--'-'--\-J .....................
City Attorney
AYES: Maguire, Hamilton, Read, Vice Mayor Stomps, Mayor llilligoss
NOES: None
ABSENT: Barlas, She
ATTEST : ..................... ...... ...: ... .....
ity Clerk
' (buocil Fila.._.__._.. ..................
CA I0~85 - Res. NO....9.6''~4'........: N.QS.
Mitigation Measure Method of Monitoring Verifying Dept. Ttme of :- [nit.'
compliance Date':
I. Lined drainage ditches or alternative engineering techniques shall be City shall review and Engineering Building
incorporated mto~the grading~plan,in order to capture runoff and reduce approved grading plans permit
potenhaLfor`erosion'problems on~cut andfill slopes. prior [o issuance of any issuance
2. An erosiomcontrol plan shall,be submitted as a component of the City shall review and Engineering Building
subdivisionimprovementpIans and shall be approved by tlieCity prior to approve plansprior to .Permit
[he commencement of any construction. issuance of.~a Building Issuance
3. Alt lots shall be subject to administrative SPARC.approvatofgrading Plans shall be submitted and Planning Building
plans,:for review of compliance with the SPARC adopted PUD reviewed prior to issuance Permit
standards. Plans'stibmitted for approval shall includedetailed grading of 66ilding~permits Issuance-
plans in conformance with the SPARC approved plans and project
I. Motorized equipment operated during construction activities shall be Cityshall inspect Public Works
properly maintained and muffled to minimize smoke and other air construction activities (Engineering) Construction
emissions and:[he equipmen[!shall beshut down when not is use. The
project siteshaltbe watered'down as necessaryto prevent dustgeneration
during grading and construction activity. Tarps shall be utilized to
contain soil and debris materials stored nn [he site and in open [rucks
during transport to and from [he site.
2. Prior ro issuance of building permits, all homes designed with fireplace City shall review and Building Building
units shall beet City specifications for reduction of emissions, as approve plans Permit
specified under City Ordinance' 1881 N.C.S. issuance
3. All grading and or other major dust generating activities shall be City shall inspect Public Works Project
conducted during non-windy periods. construction activities (Engineering) construction
1. The improvement plans submitted for ¢;inal. Map approval shall include a) City shall review and Engineering a) Building
provisioh.for stotm.water runoff management, in conformance with City approve plan Permit
Ordinance provisions and Engineering,Departmenbspecifica[ions. No lot Issuance
to lot surface drainage shall be pennitfed. The drainage plans shall b) City shall inspect b) Project
includeprovisions for installation ofpennanenPSignsat drop inlets tothe
public storm drain system, which prohibit the deposit or hazardous construction construction
material into the. system.
2. Grading plans submitted for SPARC approval of the Tentative.Map and a) City shall review and Planning a) Building
PUD Development Plan shall reflect all proposed graded swales, in approve plan Permit
conformance with 'the construction recommendations of a geo[echnical Issuance
engineer, particularly where proposed slopes exceed 4:I
, b) City shall-inspect b) Project
construction construction
3. The project shall besubjec[ [o payment of Storm Drainage Impact Fees City shall collect fee Building Prior ro
as specified in City Resolution prior to occupancy of each new unit occupancy
constructed. of un it
1. All trees shown on the Tentative Map dated 5/20/96 to be retained shall a) Ciry shall review and Planning
a) Prior [o
be protected through .[lie cohstruction phase of the project. A tree approve plan issuance of
protection plan showing details regarding the installation of protective grading
fencing; .root protection and follow-up recovery methods such as
b) City stiall
inspec[ peiniit
mulching.. and watering schedule shall be submitted as part of the ,
improvement plans for [he Final Map. construction b) Project
2. Landscape plans for the subdivision right-of--way shall reflect use of a) City shall review and Planning and a) prior to
water conserving and native plan materials. Plans shall be included in approve plan and collect Parks and
the submittal for SPARC approval of the Tentative Map and PUD Plari, bond Recreation pemtit
and shall conform to City standards for street tree installation. All public
area landscaping shall be i~istalled prior [o acceptance of the public b) City shall inspect
improvements or bonded for 100% of the cost of materials and b) project
installation, with..implementation [o occur on a lot by lot basis. A 10% constmction constmction
maintenance bond shall be retained'by the City for a minimum of one
year following installation of the required' landscape improvements, as
maintenance security during the establishment period.
Mitigation Measure Method of Monifonng i Verifying Dept. r' Time of Init.:!
compliance Date.:
3. The written Development Standards' shall identify all proposed lots City shall review and Planning Prior to
containing existing ~trees~ to be preserved and shall reference '[he approve standards Building
mitigationmeasure number 1 above. Permit
1. All City-au[honzed;gradmg;and construction activity shall be limited ro City shall inspect project Planning,
Priorto and
the hours between 7:00 a m. and 7:00 p.m. Monday-through' Prida}S Engineering and
except [lilt indoor work may beconducted oh Saturdaysprdvidednoise Building construction
level"s generated are acceptable to nearby- residents. No construction
work shall be=.pennittedion City recognized holidays, and Sundays. The
developer shalldesignate:a construction managemenYperson~responsi6le
for responding. fo any complaints generated regarding excessive ,noise
during constn(ctiom. A telephone number for contacting'the designated
individual shall be conspicuously .posted a[ the construction' site. 'The
responsible authority shall determine the cause of noise complaints
received and inipl8men[ reasonablemeasures to resolve the issues. City
staff shall monitor complaints received and take reasonable steps to
resolve issues~in a timelymanneras they arise, including enforcement of
abatement procedures to bring violations into conformance with City
General Plan and Zoning Ordinance Performance standards.
I. Plans submitted fot' SPARC approval of tlig Tentative Map and PUD a) Ciry' shall review and Planning and
a) prior to
Development Plan shall incorporate lighting. plans, which. reflect the approve plan Engineering
location and design of all. proposed street lights, and~.any other exterior permit
subdivision IigFiting proposed.. Lighting shall be designed~to~prevenbthe b) Gity-shallinspect
intrusion of direct glare onto adjacenri residential properties. Standard ,
City street light fixtures shall be utilized unless otherwise approved by con
sttvction b) project
SPARC and City staff. consttuction
2. Plans submitted for administrative approval of individual Vot a) City shall review and Planning a) prior to
development shall include provisions [o avoid vehicular lighting impacts approve plan building
to bedroom areas and other light-sensitive living areas of proposed permit
homes. Development plans for lots proposed at street intersections or in b) City shall inspect b) project
other potentially light-sensitive locations shall incorporate architectural
or landscape design features to screen interior living space for headlight construction construction
L The proposed hammer-head [urnai•ound'for the new public street shall be a) City shall review and Engineering a) priorto
redesigned to, proyide.a typical public street cul-de-sac and planter strip approve plan building
and sidewalk areas on both sides of the proposed street.
b) City shall inspect permit
construction b) project
2. 7~he projgctsponsoE sfiall.be responsible for payment of all applicable City shall collect-fee Building-and. priorto
special development. fees, :including Traffic Mitigation Fees. Engineering issuance of
I. The project sponsor shall be responsible. for payment of all applicable City shall collect fee Building and
Prior to
special development fees, including Community Facilities Development Engineering
issuance of
fees, Park and Recreation Land ImprovemenfFees,..and School Facilities Building
Fees. Fees shall be calculated and paid as specified by City Resolution. permit
2. All safety recommendations of [he Police Department, including City shall review and Building, Police priorto
specifications for property addressing and incorporation of residential approve plans issuance of
secw~ity measures shall be~detailed in.the:.proposed written Development Building
Standards priorto SPARC approval of the PUD Development Plan, and Permit
reFlected on plans subtiiitted for approval of lot=specific development
1. The proposed project shall be subject to imposition of all applicable City shall collect fee Building and priorto
special development fees, including .Sewer and Water Connection fees, Engineering issuance of
and Storm Drainage Impact Fees. Fees shall be calculated and paid as Building
specified by City Resolution. Permit
1. Should archaeological deposits be encountered during the grading or City shall inspect Public Works, project
construction of the homes, work in the immediate vicinity of the find construction Building Construction
should halt, and a qualified archaeologist should be retained to evaluate
the finds. Mitigation Measures as prescribed by the archaeologist should
be undertaken prior [o resumption of construction activities.