HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Bill 5.C-Memo 07/19/20045 July 1 , • CITY OF PETALUMA, CALIFORNIA MEMORANDUM Office of, the City Clerk, 11 English .Street, Petaluma, California 94952 Telephone ,707.778 4360 Fax 707.77& • 4 . 554 E -mail: cityclerk&i petaluma.ca.us DATE: JULY 16, 2004 TO: MAYOR AND COUNCIL MEMBERS FROM: GAYLE PETERSEN, CITY CLERK SUBJECT: DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION TO ADD AN ADVISORY MEASURE'TO THE. NOVEMBER. 2, 2004 GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION — MAYOR GLASS PROPOSAL. The following materials were provided at the request of Mayor Glass and are provided for your review and direction. OR OF A, CERTAIN ADVII, CONNECTIONIH ' Y OPTIONS AT JNG S OF THE CITY ,OgS- %Y ALIGNMENT tk 2 "200 4 TO NIN M" TUESDAY, NOVEMB 'OUNT�)BbAIWOF'SUP RVISORS AND� RYQUE$TG E E�� N C T SAID , ELF I ON �_, I I— ­� CONSOLIDATE I,.- '",: ELECTION I WITMTHE NOVEMBER 2, 20 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION WHEREAS,'a G&heral'Aunibipal Election on Tuesday November, 2, 2004 has been called by ResoluboniNo. 2004 - 005'N C:S. adopted on kine 7, 2004; an li WIIER'EA ��:it isd6irable.'ihit"the Regular he consolidated with the M4nicipal o Statewide PresidentialEl6ction to be" -held on the same date and that within the City the precincts, p 9 lacesi election dt'li of 'the elections be the same n , that the Election Department ollin a d of theXciuritylbf Sonomx, I the of the : Re gular IMunici al,Election, and that the 'election be held.in all res pects as ff there, were only on&ie1ecfi*om NOW, 11H, EREF6REiBEIT RESOLVED, ORDEREP�,,,ANPIt DECLARED AS FOLLOWS: SECTI ON 1. Thabp�urs.uaht to the requirernentsi of the City of Petaluma's Charter, the following is added to the, already called General Munici . paf,"Eleiftibn to be held Tuesday, November 2, 2004, for the purpose of sbbmitting the following. advisory Measure ADVISORY VOTK ONLY.:. Do you support the construction of Rainier` as x crdss=Iown YES a. connector a, freewayinterchange to achieve'l a primary goal of traffic relief rather than a developer driven development solution? NO • A RESOLUTION , -OPTIFIFC"ITY - "COtJNCIL OF THE ,CITY " CALIFORNIA 1 , �, � - I W . - i . 4 "" . ­ IN,�,',��THE!S.U T,H kLECTO. 11 I In 4 6 SECTION 2. Thaf the text of : the advisory measure submitted to the votersis• attached as Exhibit A. SECTION 3., Pursuant to the Petaluma City Charter and :the' requirements; of Election, Code Section 10403, the Board of Supervisors; of. the County of Sono 'ma, is hereby ,requested to consent and agree - to -the consolidation of.,a ;Regular Municipal Election with the Statewide Presidentiaf Election on Tuesday, November 2, for the purpose of submitting the proposed ordinance to the electorate; of the City of Petaluma. SECTION, 4. The Sonoma 'County Election Department is authorized' to canvass :the returns of the Regular Municipal ,Election. The election shall be held 'in 'all respects as if there were only election; and only one forrn of ballot shall ,be used. SECTION 5. The Board of Supervisors is requested to issue instructions; to the Sonoma County Election Department, take any -and all steps necessary'for the .holding of the consolidated election SECTION`,6. The City,of Petaluma recognizes that additional costs may be 'incurred by the County'byreason of this consolidation an&agrees toxeimburse the. County for such.. costs. SECTION 7'. TheCity Clerk shall fil'' l a certified copy of this resolution with the Board` of'Su 'ervsors and with p i - the'Sonoma County Election:Deparhnent. .. SECTION t That in, alf ,particulars not iec - 'led :in this resolution the election shall be ` held and conducted' as provided by law for holding, municipal elections. SECTION 9. That` notice of the time'.and place of holding the election is given 'and the 'City Clerk is authorized irisfructed and. directed to give further or additional, notice of the election; in time, form and' nariner "gas required,by,law: • SECTION 1.0." That the; City Clerk' "shall 'certify 'to the passage and adoption of this Resolution and..enter it'into the. book of original Resolutions. Responsible'Ramief AdVisor M° a'sure' Whereas, the Rainier ..Cross -Town Connectordnd Interchange has been included in the General Plans of Petdluma'from 1961 through the present and has been used as traffic mitigation for development that'has; occurred on the eastsid.e of Highway 101; Wh ereas, th e congest as increase t s i g o n tSt and North McDowell intersection and the East Washington St e o p et ass a nd is expected to be , I . worse with further *„ o development at the Rainier Avenue and McDowell c !' Boulevard North in th„e,,Corona Reach; N Whereas, the Cit y of Petalum "ng with Caltrans to construct a northbound free right onram p and mo, ma is g, p dification t o the _ � soufhbound' on -ramp and northbound off -ramp at East Washington Street and Highwa rvi y 10'1 interchan eto ' i g improve local and regional ' serving traffic, level of sece; Whereas, 'a recent computerized traffic analysis concluded that 'the City of Petaluma at the end of the General Plan Buildou:t will be "in' a.state of complete gridlock whether or not a Cross -Town Connector at Rainier "or Corona'is constructed; Whereas, the construction cost to complete the Rainier Cross -Town Connector and Interchange is still to be confirmed including land acquisition; right of way easements, an at grade crossing' of the Sonoma Marin Area Rail Transit (SMART) rail line and a bridge over the Petdlurna'River; Whereas, there are proposals before the Petaluma City Council to construct approximately 650.1-000 square feet of new retail on parcels adjacent to the Rainier Cross -Town Connector at Rainier Avenue and McDowell Boulevard North and in the Corona Reach that will create approximately 27 more-daily car trips; Whereas, the Retail, Leakage Study commissioned by the City of Petaluma and the Petaluma Area Chamber of Commerce identified that 650,000 square feet of new retail at Rainier Avenue and McDowell Boulevard North and in the Corona Reach as the lowest priority retail sites; Whereas, the only way to reduce and minimize major congestion at the East Washington Street Cross- Town 'Connector and Interchange and the Rainier Cross -Town Conne.ctor Interchange is to the above referenced 27,000 additional daily car trips to our existing local' streets and roads by developing these parcels; NOW, THEREFORE, THE.,PEO THE CITY OF PETALUMA,do strongly urge and advise the Petaluma City Council fo pursu'e the design, environmental analysis, funding and construction of a cross -town connector and interchange connecting McDowell Boulevard North to. Petaluma Boulevard North. THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF'PETALUMA do further urge and advise the City Council to: j (2) (3) "(4) (5) 13 Make cippro,priat& d,esig na tion'of the Rainier C'ross-Tow.n. Con nec-tor and,.In.terchahge Project with the Sonoma, County Transportation • Authority., the Metropolitan Transpbrfdfibn Commission 'and , CalTrans so -i, that the.projed can bp'Coordih.ated with the widening of,Highw,,ay Expedifi.ously complete an IEOi ohm enfal IrnpaC r t Report for the Rainier Cross-Town Connector and Interchange. Project; Eliminate any additional" daily car trips to be. generated by new. development located .adjacent-to the: Rainier' Cross, Connector and 1h,terch.ahge,.Project , unless: it is for recreatibnal Prepare a financing plan for the Rainier Cross-Town C-onqectqr and Interthan*g Project-.that' maximizes the contributiOn s'fr,6m property owners and businesses directly behefifing from the prdj'e the use of Benefit Assessment Distritfs ah'd identify all mj f . igafi on,costS cincl. expense I n Irevenue sourcesJocomplete - _5 for all traffic in)pdcfs,ci d a.0 , the project prior to construction; Determine the precise footprint of 'land ne.eded.for the', RaihierCross- T6wr! and interchange Project and fakersteos'Io preserve t h e necessary right bfway; Design the Rainier Cross -Town Connector and 'Interchange' Project SG as to lully mitigate oil flooding impacts and to in Corp ordte, appropriate bicycle and pedestrian pathways. • 1! 4 RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL 'OF THE CITY OF PETALUMA, CALIFORNIA, PROVIDINGFOR THE FILING OF ARGUMENTS FOR CITY MEASURE SUBMITTED AT THE NOVEMBER 2,,`2004 GENERAL MUNICIPAL; ELECTION AND DIRECTING THE CITY ATTORNEY TO AN'; MPARTIAL ANALYSIS OF THE MEASURE WHEREAS § 9119 of the Elections Code of th e State of California authorizes the City Council, by rnajonty' vote; to „ adopt provisions to provide for the filing of arguments for city measures submitted. at municipal elections;: and, WHEREAS, the:'City Counel of the City of Petaluma has added to the General Advisory, Measure Re ardor e�a�4Ramer Cross'-Town 1 004, the consideration of a proposed h eld, , November 2, 2 g gu own Connector and Interchange Project (attached as Exhibit A),tg' be placed before the voters; and', WHEREAS, the e'^ ballot:question to be voted upon at the Election is as follows: • i ADVISORY VOTE ONLY: mterch ge ruction of Rainier. as a cross -town connector Do you su o .const eve a primer y pp rt the'' with afreeway to achieve goal of traffic relief rather -than" a developer°dfiven development solution? NOW,. THEREFORE, THE'' °CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PETALUMA;' CALIFORNIA, DOES RESOLVE, DECLARE, ,DETERMINE AND ORDER AS "`FOLLOW,S SECTION, 1. Thee' City Clerk is directed `to transmit a copy of the measure set forth iii`'the.recital the City,Attorney. SECTIONj2: T1ie City Attorney is directed to ; prepare an impartial analysis of the measure as provided in Section, 9280 of the Election Code of the State of California. The impartial�i; analysis shall be filed with the City ����lerk by July 30, 2004; the date fixed by the City Clerk as theideadline for submitting said' rnateri l''. „, SECTION 3 Than pursuant. to Section 921.9 of the Elections Code .of the; State of California arguments submitted' for or against'' the - above measure shall 'nof exceed 300 words in length, and shall be,printed upon the same sheet of paper and - imailed 'to each voter with the sample ballot for, the election. s SECTION 4. `On 'of ;the . following leadings,, as appropriate, shall precede the; argumenVs wording but !shall not; be counted in the 300 =word maximum: "Argument in Support of.:Advisory Measure ," or, "Argument AgainsuAdvisory Measure SECTION $ Printed arguments - submitted ,to voters 'in accordance withSection 9219 of the Elections Code shall be. filed, with. the; City'Clerk,. accompanied. by th'e printed naine(s) and. signatures) of the persons) submitfing, it, or _if submitted on- behalf of an organizati`on,. the name- of the organization, and the: printed name land signature' of at `least one of.'its principal' .officers: SECTION, 6. Said arguments- are:due'in the Office of the City clerk prior - to 5- p.m. ion Friday, August''13,:2004: ' S L. a 46 nn'ector and hange hasb'een i Whereas, the�RainerCross =Town Co nclu`ded in the g me'nt that ,1961 fhrou h the p resent and has been used as traffic General Plans of Petaluma fro g miti for develop has occurred on the eastside of Highway 101; Whereas, the congest io ba' s increased at the East Washington Street and North McDowell inf ersection and the' Ea g . M st'Washin ton Street overposs and' is expected to be Boulevard North and ": n Corona Reachnt at the rR ainier A. ue and McDowell ven . i Whereas, the City of Petaluma°is -working with Calfrans'to construct a.northbound free right'onramp and modification to the southbound' on -ramp and northbound off -ramp at East traffic Wash level o t et and Highway 101 interchange to improve local and regional re serving f' Whereas, a .recent com putenzed. traffic analysis concluded 'that the City of Petaluma at the not e Cross-Town f te Gneral,Plan Buildout l will be 'lin a state of complete gridlock whether or Connector lot RRainier r or is constructed Whereas, the construction lete the Rainier'Cross4Town Connector and n�cost':to co, m Interchange is still t0l be confirme d including land acquisition,.right of way easements, g g '(SMART) rail line and a an at grade crossing of the.Sonomd Mann Area Rail Transit bridge over the P`efdluma River;' Whereas, there are proposals bef re °the Petaluma City Council to .construct approximately 650,000. square feet of new retail ,on`p.arc'els adjacent to the Rainier_ Cross -Town Connector at Rainier Avenue and McDowell Boulevard North and in the Corona Reach that will create a pP roximafely 27;000 more daily car trips; • Rem onsiblelainier Advisory Measure r Whereas, the Retail Leakage Study :commissioned by the City of Petaluma and the Petaluma Area Chamber of Commerce identified that' 650,000 -square .feet of new retail at Rainier Avenue and McDo Boulevard North and in the Corona Reach as the lowest priority retail sites Whereas, the only way to reduc .,dnd minimize .major congestion at the East Washington Street Cross -Town Connector and Interchange and the Rainier Cross -Town Connector and Interchange is to not increase the above referenced 27,000 additional daily car trips to our existing local streets and roads by developing these parcels; NOW, THEREFORE „THE -- PEOPLE OFTHE.CITY -OF PETALUMA do;strongly urge and advise the Petaluma City Council to pursue the design, environmental analysis funding and construction of a cross -,town connector and interchange connecting McDowell Boulevard North to Petaluma Boulevard North. THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF PETALLIMA do further urge and advise the City Council to: (1'), Make appropriate, designation of the Rainier Cross =Town Connector and Interchange Pro with the Sonorna 'County Transportation • g J Au'thority the Metropolitan Transportation Commission; and [CalTrans =so that, the project can.;be coordinated with the widening of H.i'ghway 1:61: (2) Expeditiously c:omple.te an'Environmental Impact Report for t,heRanier Cross-Town Connector and Interchange Project; (3) Eli.mi,nate any additional daily car trips =to be generated by: new' development located adjacent` to 'th Rainier Cros "s -Town 'Connector and I.nferchan °ge'Proj'eet unl it is recreational uses; (4) Prepare a financing° plan,for they Rdinier -Town Connector and " lriterchange Project that maximizes :'the contributions from' property owners and businesses direcfWbenefiting from- the project via the use of :Benefit Assessment: Di"sfricts and identify all mitigation costs and expenses'for all traffic impacts -and all.revenue.sources to co_mple;fe. the project prior to construction' (5) Determinethe precise footprint of land; needed for the', - ier Cross- Town .Connector and Interchange Project and'take steps to preserve the right of way; (6) Design the Rainier.- CrossJown'Connector and Interchange Project so as to full,,y',mitiga -te, all,flooding, impacts and to incorporate appropriate bicycle and pedes-trian'pathways: • i" I 1 ° RESOL G' SU ARGUME l<JTI,ON.AVT'IIORIZINt BMISSION OF WRITTEN NTS REG ARDING .s ARDING AN ADVISOR ,� ' 2, 2004 GENERAL , ON TIDE NOVEMDER MUNICIPAL. ELE T MEASURE ON BALLOT FOR THE CITY OF PETALUMA WHEREAS, The City Council of the City of Petaluma ,has called a General Municipal Election to be held on November''2, 2004; WHEREAS',, at the General Municipal Election the City Council. wishes to submit to the voters the following AdvisoryMeasure Question which read as follows: ADVISORY VOTE ONLY: D with, a u supp; " r as across -town connector Y or - the, construction.o am�e freeway interctiange to a primary goal of traffic relief rather developer driven de'velopment,solution? NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, ORDERED, 'AND' DECLARED AS FOLLOWS: 1. The City Council auth onies the following named,; :i embers of the City Council to file written arguments regarding the city measure as specified in accordance with Section 9287 of the Election Code of the State of Councilmember (For -) Coumilmernber (For) Councilmember' (For) Councilmember (For) Councilmember (For) Councilmember (For) Councilmember (For) 2. The follown a ro ria ument's wording but shall the ar not be cou ntedlp h eading shall recede n , -thb , 300 -word maximum Ar um t, -in support• of Advisory Measure ,g ,are' due` in the Office of 'the City Clerk prior to 5:00 0.4n. on 3. Said ar uments Friday, August 13,,2004. i S: /Elections /2004 /Reno Re Advisory Measure -CC Arguments . Responsible Rainier Advisory Measure s Whereas, the Rainier, , Cross -Town C_onn`ect;or and. Interchange has been included in °the, General.Plans of Petaluma from 19'6'1 through'the present and'has.been' used as'troffic mifigatio'n for development that has occurred on -the; eastside of Highway 1 Whereas, the congestion has increased at,the East Washington Street ond.North. McDoweII intersection and the East Washington Street overpass and .is .expected to be worse with , further commercial development at the Rainier Avenue dnd McDowell Boulevard North and, the. Corona Reach; Whereas, the of Petaluma is working with Coltrahs to construe -f a northbound free- nght onrgrnp and modification:to. the. southbound on -ramp and northbound off ramp at East Washington Street and Highway 101 interchange'to improve local o d' regional serving traffic level of 'service; Whereas, ,a recenf computerized traffic analysis :concluded. that th:e City.of' Petaluma of the end' of the General Plan Buildout will be in a s # ate of complete „gridlock whether or not' d'Cross -Town Connector at Rainier or Corona is constructed; Whereas, the' construction costto complete the Rainier Cross -Town Connector and Interchange is.still to be confirmed including I'and, acquisition, right of wa.y�easeme:nts, an, a't,grade .crossing` of the Sonoma Marin Area Rail Transit (SMART) rail,Iline and a. bridge, over the Pe:falum0.River; Whereas there are proposals before, the Petaluma City Council to construcf 0pproximately650 square feet of new retail o_ n parcels adjacent to the Rainier Cr..bss -Town; Connector at Rainier Avenue and McDowell Boulevard North and in fh:e. Corona Reach that will create dpproximdtely27,000 more. daily car trips; Whereas, fhe Retail Leakage Study commissioned by th'e City of Petaluma and the Petaluma; Area Chamber of Commerce identified that 650,000 .'square feet of` new retail at Rainier Avenue and McDowell Boulevard. North and in the Corona' Reach as: t_he lowest priority retail sites; y y rnize major congestion at the fast Whereas; the onl wa to, reduce and min i 'Washington Street Cross T,.own C.onnectorchd Interchange and the Rainier Cross -Town Connector and Interchang& is to not increase the.,above referenced 271000 additional daily car fries to our;exis local streets and roads by developing these parcels;' NOW, THEREFORE, THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF'PETALUMA do strongly urge and advise :the Petaluma .City' Council to pursue the design, environmental analysis, ; funding and' construction. of a cross -town connector and interchange connecting"McDowell Boulevard North to Petaluma Boulevard North: THE PEO:PLEOF THE CITY OF PETALUMA db furtherurge.and advise the Cify Council to I: W] (1) Make appropriate design_ ation of the Rainier Cross -Town Connector and Interchange Project with the Sonoma County Transportation Authority,. the Metropolitan Transportation Commission and CalTrans so that the project can be coordinated with the widening - of Highway 101: (2) Expe.ditiouslycomplete an Environmental Impact Report for the Rainier Cross- ToWnConnector and In terchange Project; (3) Eliminate any addit i.onal daily car trips to be generated by new development located adjacent to' the Rainier Cross -Town Connector and Interchange Project unless it is for recreational uses; (4) Prepare .a g .p fihancin Ian, for the. Rainier'Cross -Town Connector and Interchange Projecf,,that maximizes the contributions from property owners and businesses' directly benefiting from the project via the use of Benefit` Assessment Districts and identify all mitigation costs and expenses' alt traffic impacts and all "revenue sources to complete the projeet prior to construction; O Determine': the precise footprint of land needed for the Rainier Cross - 5 Town Connector and Interchange Project and take steps to preserve the necessary, "right of way; (6) Desig � g II flooding im acts and t d Interchange Project so mite n "the Rainier Cross Town "Connector an as to fully "ate a g i p . o, incorporate appropriate bicycle and pedestrian pathways.