HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Bill 7.B-Attch07 09/13/2004i 9 Community Development Department Planning „ Division 11 English- Street Petaluma, CA 94952 707/778 -4301 Initi'cal Study of En _wir®`nsh ® Introduction: This Initial Study has been prepared.parsuant to ; the California Environmental Quality Act (Public Resources Code, Section 21000 et'seq) and, the,CE.QA Guidelines:, Additional information incorporated by reference herein includes: the project application, environmental information questionnaire; : environmental review data sheet project referrals, staff report, General Plan, EIR and Techriical Appendices, and other applicable: planning documents (i:, e. , Petaluma River Access and Enhancement Plan, Petaluma^ River Watershed Master.,, Drainage Plan„ specific. plans, etc,) on file at the City of Petaluma Planning Division. Project Name: Rivas Minor Subdivision Site Address: 1081 Bantam Way Posting Date: March 24, 2004 Lead Agency Contact: City of Petaluma CommunityDevelopment Department 11 English Street Petaluma, CA 94952 Applicant: SWI -Co Construction Attn: Joe Sw-ice'good 791 Lombardi' Court, Suite f.1 F P.O. Box 7567 Santa Rosa, CA 95407 Property Owner:. Augustine and Kathy Jean.R_ivas' 1081 Bantam Way, Petaluma, CA, 94952 File No: PRZ01001 /TPM01001 APN 019- 070 -043 Comments Due: April 13, 2004 Phone: (707) 778 -4301 Phone: (707) 542 -5464 Project Description: The project• entails the subdivision of a tw,o -acre parcel into three,smaller'lots in west Petaluma on Bantam Way. Two of 'the proposed lots wouldbe 24,200 square feet in. area and the third lot currently developed with a single - family residence would be, 38,552- square' feet n;area The applicant is requesting Tentative Parcel. Map approval. The subject property is not within the; city limi ts but is within the Urban Growth Boundaries (UGB)`. The property will be required to be Prezoned and annexed 'into'the.Cityof Petaluma. The proposalrequests that 'the: roperty be Prezoned to R- 1 Environmental Setting: Th acie_ subject property is located at the end of'Bantam Way, north of'Bodega Avenue in western Petaluma. The lot is `bounded on ;the north by small residential, lots, they smallest of which, measures approximately 36,000 square feet in size. To the south lies a two -acre lot recently subdivided into three .smaller lots. The subject parcel occupies a southwest sloping hillside with a 16 % average natural .grade. 'Existing development of the site consists of one single -story home, a detached, garage. and assorted -outbuilding's near the northern end of the property. Currently, a grass lawn covers the site and there are.no,areas of cultural, scenic or historic - importance: Responsible /Trustee, Agencies: (Discuss other permits, financing or participation required) Page F -- ATTACHMENT 7 Project Name? Rivas Minor Subdivision Fiie No., .PRZO100'1 /TPMO1 :001 Page 2 Potentially Less'than Less'Than No Significant. 'Significant- Significant Impact Impact w /Mitigation Impact 14. Mineral Resources Measures 9., Hazards &' Hazardous Materials 15. The ;applicant is requesting to receive approval for Pre-zoning , the subject parcel, Tentative Parcel. Map approval as 'well as Annexation to °the City oPPetaluma. Environmental ;Factors Potentially Affected`. u The environmental factors checked below would be potentially affected by this project, involving, at. least. one impact that is a "Potentially Significant;Iinpact" as indicated by checklist. on the 'followingpages. 1. Land, Use;& Planning T. Noise 13. Utilities Infrastruc "ture 2. Population, Employment & Housing _ 8. Visual Quality &.Aesthetics 14. Mineral Resources 3. Geology & Soils 9., Hazards &' Hazardous Materials 15. • Cultural Resources, 4. Air 10: Transportation/Traffic _ f6. Agricultural Resources 5. Hydrology & Water Quality 1'1: Public Services 1;7. Mandatory Findings of Significance 6. Biological ".Resources 12. Recreation . •. 0 P.- -age 2 Project. Name; Rivas' Minor Subdivision File No., PRZ01000IffPMO] 00::1; Page 3 IM Determination I find that the proposed project COULD NOT have. ;a'sign effect on the environment and a NEGATIVE DECL-ARATION;should be prepared. I find that although the, proposed project could have a significant effect on „the: environment, there will not be a significant effect 'in 'this case because, revisions in. the project,'have been ;made by or agreed to by the project proponent. A MITIGATED; NEGATIVE DECLARATION will:'be prepared: l find , the proposed project MAY have a significant. effect on the �environmerit and an ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT is.required. I find, that the proposed project 'MAY have. a "potentially significant; impact'' or "potentially significant unless mitigated” `impact on the. environment, but at least, one ,effect l) has been. adequately analyzed in an earlier document puisuant to applicable legal standards, and 2).has been. addressed by mitigation measures based on the earlier analysis as, desciibed ori. attached. sheets, An,EN,VIRONMENTAC ,IMPACT REPORT is required, but it must analyze only °the effects that rema n,:to, be addressed. , I find that although the ",proposed project could'have a significant effect on the environment because all potentially signifcant effects; a) have been analyzed adequately iri an'earlier'EIR NEGATIVE DECLARATION pursuant to standards, and b) haye been, avoided'. or initi'gated pursuant to` that. earlier EIR or NEGATIVE DECLARATION including, revisions bf mitigation measures that are `imposed upon the proposed project nothing further is required. Notice +of Intent to'adopt a.Negati've.Declaraton; will ' lie prepared, distributed' =and posted for the public comment period of March 24, 2004 through.April 13, 2004. Prepared by: Irene T. Borba.. Name Senior Planner Title Sig re Date Page 3 Project Name,: Rivas' Minor Subdivision He NO.. PRZO.f000I /TPM01001 Page 4 ■ Evaluaf ion of Environmental Impacts 1) A brief explanation 'is required for all' answers except" "No impact" answers, that are adequafely supported by the ;or) source. p following each question ,A "No Impact" answer is adequately supportedaf the ed informati ces'show that.the impact l does not'a ` 1 to ",ro'ects like P PY' pPY P J 'the one involved (e.g., the project falls outside a fault rupture :zone) A no impact answer should be explained-where it ;is'based in project- specific factors as well as general. standards, i.e,, the project will not- expose sensitive °receptors to pollutants; based ona project - specific screening analysis; 2) All answers must take,account;,ofthe whole, action involved,'including - off:site as m well as on- site °cuulative; project - level indirect,, direct, construction, and operational impacts. 3) Once the'lead' agency has determined that a particular physical impact may occur,, then, the,checklist answers must indicate whether, the impactAs potentially significant less than significant with mitigation, or less than''significant: "Pot'entially,Significant Impact" is appropriaterif there: is evidence that an effect may be sigriifcant. If there are one oumore "Potentially,S,igdificant •Impact" entries when: the determination is made, an EIR isx- equi'red:. 4) "Negative Declaration:, Less Than ,Significant With Mitigation Incorporated" applies where the ;incorporation of mitigation measures has reduced an effect. from "Potentially,Signifcant ImpacC to a "Less•Than' Significant:, Impact." The, lead' agency, mustdescribe,,the mitigation measure's arid.briefly explain how they effect to a less than :significant TeveD_(mitigation measures from Section XVII,"`Earlier =Analyses" may be cross = referenced). 5) Ear.ier'analyses Jhiiy be ,used where, pursuant to- tiering, program EIR, or other CEOA process, an effect has been adequately analyzed in an',earlier EIR or. negative declaration pursuant to Section 15063(c)(3)(D). I'n this ease, a brief di'scussion;should identify the following: a) Earlier,Analysis Used. Identify and state where they are available for review:. b) Impacts. Adequately Addressed. Identify which effects from the above checklist, were within the scope. of and adequately .analyzed in an earlier document pursuant to, applicable legal standards, and state whether;'such effects were;addressed by mitigation'measures based op the earlier analysis. C) Mitigation Measures. For effects that are "Less than Significant with Mitigation Measures Incorporated," describe the mitigation measures which were incorporated or refined from the ;earlier document and the extent to which they address site-specific conditions for the project. 6) :Lead agencies are encouraged to incorporate: into the checklist references to information sources for. potential impacts appropriate, incude�a reference to the`p ge or pages`wherethe ;stat ent is substantiated. or outside document° should, where e'. eneral: lans� zoning ordinances Reference to a stanti'ated. 7) Supporting Information Sources* A source i ist should be attached, and other sources used or individuals contacted should be cited in the discussion. 8) The explanation of each issue should identify: a) the significance criteria or threshold, .if any, used to evaluate each question;' and b) the mitigation measure identified if any,, to reduce the' impact,to less than significant: • Page 4 Project Name: Riva's Minor Subdivision Fife No. PRZ01001 /TPM01001 Page 5 01 Environmental Analysis Land Use and Planning Would the. project: a. Physically divide an established:community? 1 Potential Less Than Less Than No Significant _ Significant Significant Impact Impact w /Mitigation Impact incorporated KI b. Conflict with�any applicable land.use plan, policy or regulation of an agency with iunsdtction the project (including, butnot limited'to theageneral plan, specific' plan, local program, orzorung ordinance) adopted for the purpose of avoiding or mitigating an environmental effect? C. Conflict with; any applicabl'e habitat conservation plan or natural community °conservation plan? X Discussion: The parcel is currentlyurider the ciion,of:Sonoma County. The County General Plan designates the property as suburban (0.6 to 2.0 du per acre). Zoning restricts the use to Agricultural "Residential B6,, which refers to the density set forth by the General Plan. While a subdivision'of the property would be feasible under county regulations, the owner wishes that his property join the City of Petaluma through the arinexatimi process to receive, uzban services gas envisioned in the General Plan. earby neighborhoods in the City of Petaluma are zoned.R4 10,000 -and R -1 „20,000. Lots on Bantam Way between the subject parcel and Bodega Avenue are zoned R1= 20,000[ The owner is requesting that, this parcel be designated R1- 20,000 when the property comes under the jurisdiction of'the °City: The Petaluma GeneraLPlan designates this land as Suburban, having a density range of 0.6 to.2.0 units peracre. The ,100= foot minimum lotwdth;requirements of the R1-20,000 zoning would limit the number of lots .into three, which the subject parcel can'be: split;, The subject parcels are;`in conformance with the R1 -20, 000 zoning designation. Mitigation Measures/MoniterinQ Not applicable. 2. Population, Employmenfand "Housing Would the project: a. Induce substantial, population, ,growth y in an area, either directly';(forexample, byproposing new homes and businesses) or,indirectly (for example, through extension of roads or other infrastructure)? b. DisplaceWsubstanfiO numbers of,existing housing, necessitating "the construction of "replacement housing elsewhere'? o. Displace substantial numbers of,people necessitatingthe constructionlof'replacement' housing elsewhere? M X X Discussion: The uses in this area are` residential'. The General. Plan and zo_n_ ng designations for this area is residential. The proposed _, p , project is for 3 Jots, including the construction. of 2 new homes and one existing home that would result in a small crease in the population of the area. Therefore, no significant environmental in pacts will occur as a result of this proposal. Mitigation`Measures/Momtoring Not applicable. Page 5 Project Name; Riva's Minor Subdivision File No. PRZ01001 /TPM0 :1:001 Page 6 Geology and Soils Would theproject: a. Expose people <or structures to potentialsubstamial adverse effects, `including the risk of,loss injury, or dead involving', i. Rupture, of a known earthquake ° fault, as delineated on the most;recent Alquisi -P6016 Earthquake Fault Zoning Map issued,by the State,'Geologist for the area or based'on other substantial evidence of a known fault? Refer to Division of Mines and Geology Speci "al Publication 42. ii. Strong seismic ground shaking? iii , Seismic- related..ground. failure, including liquefaction? b. Result,in substantial soil erosion or the�loss;of topsoil? C. Be located on a' geologic unit or soil thatis unstable;, or that would become unstable as a;result in on- or offsite landsfide lateral spreading, subsidence, liquefaction or, collapse? d. Be located expansive soil, as defined to Table 18- L -B of iheiUniform Building Code (19.94) creating substantialrisks to life or property? Unstable earth conditions or changes in geologic substructures? Disruptions, displacements, compaction or overcovenng of the soil? g: Change in topography or ground surface relief, features? h. The destruction, covering or modification of any unique geologic or physical features? i. Any - increase in wind or water erosion;of soils, either on' or, off site? j: Changes in.deposition or erosiomof beach sands, or changes in siltation, deposition or erosion which may modify the channel of a or'stream or the bed of the ocean or any bay, inletor lake? k. Exposure of people or property to geoIogic;hazards such as earthquakes, landslides, mudslid'es', ground failure qr similar hazards? Potential Less Than Less Than N Significant Significant Si'gni_ficant Impact w /Mitigation Impact. Incorporated' t X X X X ;X X. X X X X X X X. Discussion: The project site is not within a floodway or floodplain. The project would not result in alteration to the course of floodwaters; affect ground water,, surface waters, reduce the public Water supply, or expose people 'to water'related' hazards. 0 • 0 Page 6 Project Name' Riva' -s: Minor Subdivision File No. PRZOT001 /TPMO1001 Page 7 • Potential Less Than Less Than No Significant Significant— Significant Impact Impact w /Mitigation Impact Inco orated' The project, may change existing drainage patterns and result in additional runoff that would occur by creating new non - pervious .surfaces (new paving and new structures). To minimize these impacts the�following conditions of approval will be required: l . This developer shall pay the storm dra.'inage impact fee; and ,provide on' -site improvements to address the incremental impact that the -new , development will have on citywide 'drainage. The Community Development Department ishall, calculate the' `project's appropriate storm water drainage fee and shall insure that the fee is collected as provided for in the'Cit, . Resolution. 2. The applicant shall submit a detailed::grading and drainage plan as a part of the , improvement drawings for review and approval by City staff prior to',issuance of a building permit. The drainage plans shall include supporting calculations of storm drain: Surface runoff shall be, addressed and conveyed .to an appropriate storm drain system. All public, improvements shall be subject to inspections by City staff , for compliance with the approved Public Improvement plans, construction permits, project •mitigation measures and conditions of approval, prior to City acceptance. 3. All site drainage. ' improvements shall be designed 'and constructed in conformance with the minimum requirements of Sonoma County "Water Agency Design Ciiteria and shallbe'subject to review and approval of the Sonoma Count y Water Agency and the City Engineer prior ,to issuance of a building permit. All public improvements shall be subject to, inspections by City staff for, compliance with the approved Public Improvement plans, construction'permits andproject mitigation measures /conditions of approval, prior to City acceptance. 4. Pesticides and fertilizers: shall not'be applied to'public' landscape areas : during the rainy season (October 1 st- April, 15th). The applicant shall.utilize Best ,- Management. Practices:iegarding pesticide /herbicide use and fully commit to Integrated Pest Management techniques. The applicant shall be'required, -when pesticide/herbicide use occurs, to post appropriate signs warning pedestrians. 5. Required rmitiga_tions and conditions of approval shall be reflected on, plans 'submitted in conjunction with the project's improvement drawings,'landscaping, drainage, storm,, water pollution prevention, and erosion control plans, and shall be reviewed and a pproved'by the Community Development Department and the City Engineer, ' and as appropriate by , m the County Water Agency. The applicant -shall obtain appropriate approvals from all necessary regulatory and trustee agencies prior to the ;issuance: of a grading permit. Mitigation Measures/Monitoring Not applicable. 4. Air. Where available, the significance of criteria established by the applicable• air quality management or air pollution control district maybe relied upon tomake the.following determinations: Would pro a. Conflict with or obstruct implerrieniation.of the X applicable air:qua'lity plan? b. Violate.any air qualitystandard or contribute X substantially town existing or projected air quality violation? C. Result in cumulatively, considerable nevincrease of any X criteria, pollutant for which the project region is non- attainment under an ap p lie ablel federal or state ambient air quality standard, (including releasing emissions which exceed quantitafive''thresholds for ozone precursors) d. Expose sensitive receptors�to substantial pollutant X Page Project Name: Riva's Minor Subdivision File No PRZO100;1 /TPM01001 Page 8 Potential Less Than Less Than No Significant Significant Significant Impact Impact w/Mi igation 'Impact Inc, orated concentrations? e': Create objectionableaodors affecting a substantial number X of people? Discussion' Temporary short-term increases in exhaust emissions and dust result from the use; of construction equipment. This would, not be of a level that would result in a significant impact -to ambient air quality.. The. project would not result in objectionable odors ortalter air movement moisture, or change in clirn a The project does not threshold for review'by the BAAQMD for ainquality ;lMpacts. Therefore, no significant environmental impacts will occur as,a resulf of this proposal. Mitieation:Measures/M niforine Not applicable. 5. Hydrology .and Water Quality Would the:projeeti. a. Violate any water quality standard ssor,waste discharge requirements ?', b. Substantially deplete ',groundwater supplies or interfere substantially with groundwater recharge such4hat-there would be a net deficit in aquifer volume or a lowering of the local groundwater° able.level(e.g., theiproduction rate of pr`e- existing, nearby wells would drop to..a level wl i'&W,ould:'not,support existing land uses or planned uses for which.permits'have been granted)? C.. Sub_stantiallyalter`the existing drainage pattern,of the site or area, including through "the, alteration of the course of a streamor riverin manner which woutdxesult in substantial erosion or siltation on- or off -site? d Substantially alter'the;existing drainage,pattein of the site or area through the alteration of the course of a stream or river; or substantially increase.the'rate or arnountof surface runoff in a manner which would result in flooding on -or off - site? e: Create or contribute{runoff water which would exceed the, capacity°of existing or planned stormwater drainage systems or provide substantial additional sources of polluted runoff? f. Otherwise substantially'degrade water�quality? g. Place housing, within a, 1:00 -year flood hazard area as mapped on a.,federal.Flood-Hazard.Boundary or Flood. I"nsurance Rate Map or other flood,.hazard delineation map? h. Place, within a 1'00 -year 'flood hazard area structures which would,impede :w redirect flood flows'? i. Exposepeople,or structures to a� significant risleof loss injury or'deathJnvolving flooding including flo=oding as axesult of the failure of a levees or darn ?' I.1 /:1 0 I X' X X X X X X Page 8, . Ptojecl ' d Name:. Riva's,Mi nor :So' belivlsion '.File No. PRZ0- l00'1' /TF`M0100l j. Inundation by seiche ,tsunami• or Poge 9 Potential: Less Than Less Than No Significant Significant Significant Impact Impact' w /Mitigation ` dmpact Incorporated Discussion: The project site is znot within a'floodway or flood "lain. The: project would not result. in alteration to the course of floodwaters, affect ground water, surface waters; reduce: the public water supply ;; or'expose people to water related hazards. The project may change existing drainage patterns and .result in additional runoff that would occur by creating new non- pervious surfaces (new paving and new structures). To rrunirnize these impacts the following conditions, of approval will be required: 1. This developer shall pay the :storm drainage impact fee and provide on -site improvements to address the incremental impact that the new development will have on citywide drainage. The Community Development Department shall calculate'the project's appropriate storm water fee and shall , insure that the fee is, collected as provided for in the City's Resolution. 2. The applicant shall submit 4'detailed grading ,and'drainage plan as.a part of the J mprovement drawings for review and approval by City staff prior to issuance of a building permit. The drainage plans, shall .include supporting calculations of storm drain. Surface runoff, shall besaddressed and conveyed to an appropriate -storm drain system. All public improvements shall be subject to inspections by City staff for compliance with the approved Public Improvement plans, construction permits, project mitigatiommeasures and conditionsofapproval, prior to City acceptance. 3. All site' drainage improvements, shall be, designed and constructed in conformance with the minimum requirements of • Sonoma County Water, Agency .Design Criteria and shall be subject to review and .approval of the Sonoma County Water Agency and the City Eng 'rprior to issuance of a building perry i t All public improvements shall be subject to, inspections by City staff for compliance with the approved Public. Improvement plans, construction permits and projecurrutigation measures /conditions of approval, prior to City.'acceptance.. 4. Pesticides and fertilizers shall not Be;;applied to public landscape areas during the rainy season (October 1st -April l 5th). The applicant shall utilize Best'MAnagement Practices regarding pest cide/l erbi.cide use and fully commit to Integrated °Pest Management techniques. The applicant shall be required, when pesficide/herbicide use occurs, to post appropriate signs wamin&pedestrians. . 5. Required_ mitigations and condtions:of'approval shall be reflected on plans submrtted;,in conj unction ; with the project's improvement drawings', andscaping, drainage; storm water pollution prevention and ;erosion'control plans, and shall - be reviewed "and appro -ve by -the Community Development Department and the `City Engineer, and as appropriate by the Sonoma County Water:Agency. The applicant shall obtain- appropriate approvals Trorn`all necessary regulatory "and trustee agencies prior'to the`.•issuance of a grading permit. ., Mitigation'MeasuresiM NOta PP licable. 6. Biological Resources Would`the project: a. Have a substantial adverse effect,.either directly or through habitat modifications; on any species identified. as , a candidate, sensitive, or special status species in local or regional, plans,,policies or regulations, or by the California,D`epartment Fish,and Game or U.S. Fish. and W.,ildlife�Service ?'„ b. Have a substantial adverse effect on any riparian- habitat or other - sensitive: natural community identified in.local or regional plans, policies,, regulations orby the California. Department of Fish and Game ,or US Fish and Wildlife - Page 9 X M Project Name Riva's Minor Subdivision File No. ,PRZO.1,001 /TPMO1.001 Page ID Service ?` C- Havea substantial adverse effect on,federallyprotected, wetlands as defined by Section 404 ofthe.Clean Water Act (including but not limited to, marsh vernal pool, coastal, etc.) through direct removal, filling, hydrological interruption,, or other means? d . - Interfere substantially with the movement of any "native resident;or migratory fish or wildlife spe,cimor with established native resident ormigratory wildlife . corridors,.or'impede >the use of native °wildlife nursery sites? e. Conflict -with any local policies ordinances,, ;protecting biological - resources , , such as a tree preservatiowpolicy or ordinance. f Conflictwith,the provisions of an adopted Habitat ConservationTlan, Natural Comrnun ty Conservation Plan or other approved local, regional state`habi'tat . conservation plan? Potential' Less Than. LessIban No significant Significant Significant Impact Impact &/Mhiga66n ! Impact X lncorporated W Discussion. No significant impact to plant species,, agricultural crops, or animal species or I diyersity would result from development of the site. The project is an in ill site and;surrounded byother existing residential`typepuses. . Mitigation Measures/M6nitoring Not applicable. 7. Noise Would the project resultin: a. Exposure of persons to or generation of noise levels in excessaof standard's established; imthe local general plan, or-noiseyordtnance or=applicable. standards of other agencies? b. Exposure ofipersons ,to or generation of excessive groundbome Vibration. of. groundbome noise levels? C. A substantial permanent increase in=bient noise levels in the °project vicinity above., levels' existing withoutthe project? d. � A substantial temporary or per iodic, increase, imambient 'noise .levels in the;project vicinity , above levels °•existing. without',the,prc j ect ?" e. For a project, located: within an airport land u'se planor" where such.a plan ha's not been adopted, within two miles ofa public airport or ;public use auport would the, project expose ,pgople residing or working in the,project area to excessive noise f For xproject within "the °vicinity of a privaie airship . would`the projecrexpose people residing,or'working , in. the project area to excessive noise levels ?' Page 10 X X X X W Discussion. No significant impact to plant species,, agricultural crops, or animal species or I diyersity would result from development of the site. The project is an in ill site and;surrounded byother existing residential`typepuses. . Mitigation Measures/M6nitoring Not applicable. 7. Noise Would the project resultin: a. Exposure of persons to or generation of noise levels in excessaof standard's established; imthe local general plan, or-noiseyordtnance or=applicable. standards of other agencies? b. Exposure ofipersons ,to or generation of excessive groundbome Vibration. of. groundbome noise levels? C. A substantial permanent increase in=bient noise levels in the °project vicinity above., levels' existing withoutthe project? d. � A substantial temporary or per iodic, increase, imambient 'noise .levels in the;project vicinity , above levels °•existing. without',the,prc j ect ?" e. For a project, located: within an airport land u'se planor" where such.a plan ha's not been adopted, within two miles ofa public airport or ;public use auport would the, project expose ,pgople residing or working in the,project area to excessive noise f For xproject within "the °vicinity of a privaie airship . would`the projecrexpose people residing,or'working , in. the project area to excessive noise levels ?' Page 10 is X X X X. X is P�ole.ct Name: Rivo',s 'Minor Subdivision. File No., PR;ZO1001 /TPMO`l 00 1 Page 1 1 • Potential tess.Than Less Than . No Significant Significant Significant Impact Impact w /Mitigation. Impact Incorporated Discussion: Temporary increase to noise levels would occur daring construction due: to use of heavy construction equipment. However, this noise increase would , be -short-term an_ d temporary. An increase in noise will result from the construction of two new homes. This increase would be attributable to typical noises 'generated_ from activities with any residential area. No significant environmental impacts will occur as a resultof thisiproposal. Mitigation Measures/M "Not applicable. 8: Visual Quality and Aesthetics Would; the project: a. Have a substantial adverse effect on a scenic vista? b. Substantially damage scenic,resources including, but'not . limited to, trees;<rock outcroppings, and historic . buildings within-'a state scenic' highway? C. Substantially degrade'the existing visual character or quality of the =site andrits,suiroundings ?' d. Create,a new source of substantial lightor glare which would adversely affect"day 6nnightCime viewsuirrthe • area? Discussion: The site is currently vacant in a developed area of;residential uses. Them site:is not in an area designated as a scenic ,resource or requires scenic protection. Development of the site would provide new landscaping and site improvements. The project will result in new lighting „assoc ated with `the two new residences and .would: be conditioned to prevent glare and direct lighting away from other residential, areas. No impacts will occur as =a result of this proposal. Mitieation;Measures/Monitorine Not applicable. 9. Hazards & Hazardous Materials Would the project: a. Create a significant hazard to the public or,the environment, through the routine transport use, or disposalof hazardous °' ma'terials? b. Create asignifcant,hazard''to the,public:or theta environment through reasonably'.foreseeable upset and accident conditions rivolying the release of hazardous' materials into the environment? 1 C. Emit hazardous'emissions or- handle. hazardous or acutely hazardous materials, substances or waste within one - quarter nine ofan existing or proposed school? d. Be located on.a'site which is included on a list of hazardous materials, sites compiled pursuantto Government Code' Section 65962.5 and, as.a result, • would it create a'signifcant hazard to the public or the environment? e: For a.project located within an airport land use or, . where such a plan has 'not been adopted, within two nules Page .11 0 X Rm X X Project Name: Riva's Minor Subdivision File' No PRIG] 001 /TPMO1001 Page 12 of a public;airport or public use airport, would the project result in a'safety hazard forggople res dingor working °in the project area? For a project within the vicinity of-a private airstrip, would the project result in a hazard "fjupeople residing orworking- in the project area? g. Impair irnplementation.of or physicallylinterfere with an adopted emergency response plan,or emergency evacuation plan ?' h. Expose people orstructures to a significant risk of loss injury ordeath involving wildland In s, including where . wildlands,.are adjacent:to urbanized areas or where; residences are intermixed with wildlands? Potential Less Than Less Than No ,Significant Significant r Significant Impact Impact w /Mitigation Impact. ;Into orated X' . /1 R . The proposed.project will not create a risk of an,ezplosion or�the release of hazardous' substances - including but not Dmi pesticides, smoky chemicals or radiation in the ,event of an accident:. The project will not `interfere with emergency evacuation plans, create:potential' health hazards or result in an. increase in' hazards'due to"flamrnable'brush or trees. No storage of- cherriical or hazardous mater is anticipated with the warehouse use at this site. Except :during construction where. equipment .may be used requiring various types- of 'fuel, the; project. does not involve hazardous `substances' and should have no effect on emergency evacuation plan. Therefore,.' o significant impacts will occur =as . a,result of this proposal. Mitigation Measures Monitoring Not applicable. 10. Transportation/Traffic Would the a. Cause An increase in traffic which is substantial in relation to theMexisting traffic load and,capacity, of the stieet;system (i e.., result in a substantial increase in either the number of vehicle taps the to capacity ratio' bn roads, or congestion at intersections)? b., Exceed_, either individually or cumulatively alevel,:of service - standard established by the county congestion management agency for designated;roadsror highways? C. Result in a in,air traffic patterns,'.including either an,increase , -in traffic levels or a change `in that result's in substantial safety risks? d. Substantially increase hazards due to, a design feature (e.g., sharp curves =or dangerous intersections) or incompatible uses (e.g., farm equipment)? e. Result in.inadequate; emergency access? f. Result in inadequate >parking capacity? g: Conflict - with adopted policies, plans or ,programs - supporting ;alternative transportation, i.e:, bus turnouts, bicycle,rackW 11 /1 M, • • X X X X • Page 12' } 'Projecf.Name: Riva's Min'oF Subdivisiori' File',No. PRZOlo0'l /TPN'6'1Q01 Page 13 • No `Potential Less Than Less Than Significant Significant Significant Impact Impact w /Mitigation, Impact Incorporated Discussion: There may be some short =term impacts to automobile, bicycle and pedestrian traffic due to construction vehicles entering and exiting the project site., Construction yehicles will be contained to the site and'. will not impact the movement of local traffic. The project has been reviewed by the Fire Marshal, to ensure that the project provides adequate access for emergency vehicles. Therefore, no significant environmental impacts will occur Asa result of this proposal. The developer shall be responsible for a fair share contribution to the. City's Traffic Mitigation Fee as established through City Ordinance:and in the'`City's Special Development Fe&handout. Mitigation Measures/Monitoring Not applicable. H. Public:services a. Would the project result in:.substantial,adverse physical impacts associated with the`provision of new or, physically, altered governmental facilities need fornew or physically "alieredgovernmr n'tal. facilities, the construction of whtch:could cause significant environmental impacts,in order to maintain acceptable, service ratios, response times or other performance objectives for any of the public services: Fire protection? Police' protection? Schools? Parks? Other public - facilities? Discussion: Additional fire and police seiroice calls as W611 4§ roadomaintenance. may occur as a; result of this proposal. However, . the impact'upon schools; parks or other govemmental services will be minimal asaa result of this proposal. The applicants will be required to pay the applicable development fees :that are assigned to -all othei proposals twaddress the incremental impact that the proposal presents to all public services. 'Therefore;- o 2significant environmental impacts will',occur as a result of this proposal. Mitigation',Measures /Monitoring Not applicable.. 12. Recreation a. Would 'the project "increase the�use of existing neighborhood and regional parks , ior othe_rxecreational facilities such�.that.substaniial physical. deterioration of the facility would occuror be' accelerated? b. Does the projectinclude recreational facilities or require, the'constructionor expansion on recreational facilities which might have an adverse physical effect on the environment? X X Discussion: The use for , the site isltwo• additional residences: Use of the City parks is; expected to be a less than significant impact dueo the construction of two new=residenc,es,, Therefore, no recreation impacts will occur as a result of this proposal. Page 13 Project Name: Riva's Minor Subdivision File No., PRZ0100I /TPMO1001 Page: 14 'Potential Less Than Less Than No'. Significant Significant Significant Impact Impact w %Mitigation '< Impact Into orated , Mitieation,Measures/Monitoring Not applicable.. 13. Utilities Intrastrueture project: a. Exceed wastewater treatment? `requirements of the applicable Regional•Water Quality Control Board ?' b. ,Require orresult in the construction of a new water or wastewater treatment facilities or expansion of existing facilities, the construction of which could cause significant environmental effects? c. Require or result inthe construction of new storm water, drainage facilities or expansion of existing facilities the construction of which could cause significant environmental: effects? d. Have ` sufficient °water supplies available w.serve the projectfrom;existing entitlements needed? - e: Result in iAetermination by'the wastewatertreatment '.provider which serves,or may serve ;the project that it has adequate capacity to serve therproiect's;projeeted demand` in addition,to'tfie provider's existing comnntments? ;f, Be served by a,,landfll with sufficient capacity to�accommodate the project's, solid waste. disposal needs? g. Comply with federal, state, and local statutes and regulations related to solid waste' V14 Discussion: The proposal will `have. an incremental effect•upon,existi-ng utility services. New extensions of service lines will:be required to provide ;'electrtc water;. sewer, !natural gas, and storm drain utilities to the new structures: This extension is consistent with the expected service needs of the General Plan. The proposal will require , the extension:of °utilities and.services tolhe new buildings, Adequate,domestic, sprinkler water supply is available to this project in accordance with City, requirements. At the request oflthe.Petaluma Fire Department,. CSW /Stulier= Stroeh, Engineering submitted aV4 /03' air gap tank, supply calculation. to show that' new private .air, gap tanks fill lat 25 gprrt during peak system demand (3.5 times average, daily demand): The air gap systemTor each:lot will provide domwestic and emergency water pressure, and' water storage foreach lot. In a memorandum from CSw'Stuber- Stroeh Engineering - , dated August 1,9 2003, it states that the City conducted a flow test at the end of Bantam Wayon August 18' 2003, which - showed ,adequate fire water supply at the existing iydrantnear the Bantam Way. The flowtest showed that.1;55Q gpm at 20 psi available at this location, when Paula Lane; Tank, water elevation is at 18.75 feet (less than full! ;tank)'. For these reasons,, it is expected that no significant, impacts, to the utility 'infrastructure will occur as a result of this proposal. Mitigation Measums/Monitorine Notappl'icable. 14, Mineral. Resources Would the project: a., Resulvin.the loss or availability .of a known mineral }{ resource +that would be or value to the region and the • • Page 1.4 'Project Name:' Riva''s Minor Subdivision He No., P.RZO1001 /TP,MO 1001 Page 15 Potential Less Than Less Than No Significant Significant Significant Impact Impact w /Mitigation Impact Inco orated. residents or the "state ?' b. Result in the loss of availability„of a locally- important mineral resource recovery si delineated on a'local general plan, spec fic�plan or. other'land °use plan'? X Discussion: The project site has no; known minerals resources on the project site and - the proposed development will have no significant impacts related to mineral; resources. Mitigation Measures/Monitoring Not 15. Cultural Resources Would ^the project: a. Cause a substantial'adverse change in the siginificance.of de a historical resource as.fuied'in' §1`5064.5? b. Cause' a'substanttal adverse changp'in the significance of an archaeological resource parsuant to §15064.5? C.. Directly or indirectly; d"estroy A =ique;paleontological resource or site or unique feature? d. Disturb any human remains, including those interred. outside: of'formal, cemeteries? Discussion: The site is not knowrilo�contain aitysignificant'archaeological or liistoric;materials or resources. Mitigation Measures/Monitoring Not a 16. Agricultural. Resources In" deterri ning Whether impacts to agriculturaP resources •are significant environmental effects, lead agencies may refer to the'.:Califomia Agricultural .Land Evaluation and Site .Assessment Model (1997) prepared by the CaliforTIMDepartinent of Conservation' as an• optional 'model 'to use in assessing impacts on agriculture and farmland. Would the�projects a. Convert ` Prime.Farmland, Unique Farmland,'or Farmland' X of Statewide ''Importance`,(Farmland), as shown on tfie maps'prepared_pursuant to theTarmla'ndMapping and Monitoring P.rogram,of the:California Resources Agency,, z to non= agricultural use ?' b. C6nflict',with`existing4oning• for agricultural use or a X Williamson Act;contract? C. Involve other ch'anges,lnlhe existing environment which; X due t6their Iocation.or nature, could result in conversion of Farmland, to non-.agricultural use? iscussion: The project site.ts notdesi naffed as Prime Farmland Uni u ' p J g q `e; Farmland, or Farmland of Statewide Importance. The subject property is not can ently within .the, city limits but is within the cities Urban:Growth Boundaries: The current, General Plan designation i's`residential,'Suburban'0.6 to 2'.0 du/ac). The project: site is not under a Williamson Act contract. Construction of any Page. i'5 Project Name:, Riva`'.s Minor Subdivision File' No PRZ0 001 /TPM01001 Page 16 Potential Less Than Less•Than No Significant Significant Significant. Impact Impact w%Mitigation Impact Inco orated proposed, project would, not affect any agricultural> areas currently in crop production. The impact would 'be considered' less than significant. MitiQgtion, Measures /Monitoring Not applicable: 17. Mandatory Findings: of- Significance.. a. Does'the project,have the`p to degrade; the quality:of the environment, substantially.reduce the habitat of fish or wildlife species,, cause: °a fish or wildlife population'to drop below self - sustaining; levels; threaten to eliminate a plant or animal community,,reduce the ;number or restrict-the range +of a rare or endangered`pl_ant'or aniiialor eliminate important, examples of the major periods of Califonua history. or prehistory?' b. Does the-project: have impacts that :individuallylirmte,d „but cuniul_ativeR cons iderable?'( "Cumulatively, consid"eratile" means`that the incrementateffects,o'fa projectare considerable when viewed dn. connection with theeffects;of past projects, the' effects of other current:projects,'and the4effects ofprobW,e'future projects)? d. Does, the projecthaye envirormenta, Leffects which will cause substantial adverse effects_ on,huiriah�beings, either directly or indirectly? Yes: No X X X Discussion Thep conditioned, with mitigation measures; will not'have a significant effect op the envirortment;,aclieve. short4e to the disadvanta a of long-,tern rm g g rm, environmental goals, have cumulative adverse impacts or cause, substantial adverse impacts on humans Mitigatiori'Mil asures/Moniioring IMPLEMENTATION: I. The appl'icant.shall be:required`to obtain Al l required pemuts Trom.responsible agencies : and;proxideEproof 'of 'compliance to the.City,pnor to'issuance�of gradeng�pennits,or approvals of improvement plans. 2. The applicant,.shall incorporate all applicable code provisions and required mitigation measures and''conditions into the design.and improvement:.plans and specifications for theprcject , 3. The applicant : shall' notify all, employees, contractors, and agents involved in "the project,iirtplementa_tion . of mitigation measures- arid 'conditions applicable . to the project and shall ensure compliance with 'such measures and conditions. Applicant;shall all assigns and- transfers; of the same. r 4. The applicant shall provide .for the cost of monitoring of any ,condition or initigatio.n, measure, that involves* on -going operation s , site or.long -range improvements; such as archaeological resources, etc MONITORING: 1 The Building, `Planning and Engineering Services and the Fire Department shall review the improvement and cohstruction plans for conformance with the approved project description and all applicable codes,. conditions,. mitigation measures, and permit 'requirements prior to 'approval of a site •design- review improvement plans, grading plans, or, building permits.. Page 1'6 MHN n 2044 1''(; N3 h i U r ct:V44'jb FRX NU. P. @$.'0E 1= RCf 1 7 0 54219x2 MAR 31 2W4 15'`18:FR. Project Nome: Rivo s:M�nor SUbdivlson_ Fite Nd: PRZOIOQtlTPti1Q!OC Page 17 Polenosl Lis Ilian. wt Mien tJo Si tloast Sigpifie s . SiB Cau Irepect Ia�od w/trfitigao<on IaiDact ; locd rove taentsor�issusnce of':a of;OCZupancy, all imptovemeW ,. Ptlor tc accepteaccofimp shall be subject .to inspection' by City st ®ff`for compliance with , protect de9eiiption, perinit conditions, and approved d`evalopatopt or improveinoat'Plana. COPISTRIJmom l s , to im lement all mitigation esigoa;e' a Project manager with authority p t F d mees>Qes and of approval sAd'provra neme,.nd'd reas, and phone numbers to the City prior to issuance of any ' ,la ding , permits and.signed by cbe contractor respdusible fox construction. Z. Mitigation measures regaircd during, construction shaU be 114tcA as; conditions on the building or gradingpermitsandsigrwed,by'tbe conaactorrespousible for :construction. t. Cityibspectorsstialllnsw edinteottstti►ctlob a e thities a c cut witb the approved plans and conditions of appsoval.. 4. If deemed appropriate ;by the. t ity „the applicant shall strange a pre construction conference wits the eonstrnctiori, coatra,dtor, City iiaff and responsible agencies to review the rnitigat on measures and conditions of'approval prior'to.the issuanc`c of gra'ding an'd building,perrziits. and hereby a =ree to incosporate ►he , t h e project have reviewed aP:phcan ms da this I Study ®o F W r.Lr�Go mttiganoo m and monitoring pro grams identiSed herein into the project. 5i ati:re Ap :.ai ant Date S. 1p c•pla lining- c ommission \iii kriv =subdr.vision Pag 17 n ** TOTAL PAGE.02 **